Another Tattoo Question

magicratNorth Carolina
There have been several topics about dancer tattoos here over the years.
My question today many of us TUSCLers have tattoos? I'm one of the old guys on here and do not have any. What about some of our other illustrious members? Do you have tattoos?
last commentNo. I don't like mutilation of my body.
None for me
I'm a "to each their own" kind of guy so I don't care to judge the choices of others. But personally, I don't have any tats because I can't think of any reason whatsoever why I would want to do that.
None on me, despite being in music. Like magicrat, I'm older. When I was in my 20's, only bikers and addicts got tats, not like today where even bank managers have them.
i don't have any. but i have strongly considered getting the vikings logo with color. only problem is it would be difficult to get the color to show because of my skin tone :-(
I usually go for girls with few or no tats, but my new CF has a complete sleeve. She's so much fun and erotic it's no big deal; I'm not looking to actually date her.
I don’t have any tattoos. I grew up in the 70’s and sailors and prisoners were the only folks with tattoos back then. It’s difficult to break out of old ways of thinking (when you are an old guy).
I've got several.
And when it comes to other dancers, the ones with tattoos usually grab my attention easier IF they're done well. I'm talking the professionally done pieces that you could tell they paid a pretty penny for and actually look great from a distance. Not the chicken scratch $30 tattoo their cousin did in his basement with the Stick N Poke kit he got from Walmart.
I have a couple of them.
Old guy here, too. No tats. When I was a kid I had an older friend who was a bodybuilder and had a tiger tattooed on his upper arm. I said how cool it was and he said "That was the biggest mistake I ever made." That kinda stuck with me.
None. I was thinking of getting one on my penis but it isn't long enough for the one that I would like.
Don't have any and don't see that ever changing.
I have none. I won't wear a watch, jewelry or my wedding ring so why would I mar myself.
I always wanted one but I could never think of something that means so much to me that I would want it permanently inked on my skin. I'll probably never get one. If I did, it would be hidden, like on a shoulder or upper arm. Do you guys remember the neck tattoo that George Clooney had in the movie From Dusk till Dawn? That looked really cool. But I do not have the balls to get something like that. And honestly, once you get something like that (that can't be covered up) you might as well just go out and rob a liquor store yourself, because you've just flushed your employment and business prospects down the drain.
Best sitcom joke I ever heard about tattoos:
Asian Man to Macho Guy: Looks like you got a new tattoo.
Macho Guy: Yeah, it's Chinese for "Sex Machine."
Asian Man: Actually, it's Chinese for "Of two men who lie down together, you are the woman."
I have tree mildly inconspicuous tattoos. Getting a 4th soon, probably an outline of the Ukrainian coat of arms trident.
Currently none...plans on a bunch but I've been making those plans since my twenties so it's possible always none
I'm an odd ball for my generation in regards to this subject
9 out of ten seam to have at least one from my generation...that is gen X
The younger generation than me are going crazy with sound athourtity to back up this clam but I've herd it's so bad that the military had to loosen it's policy
No. I've wanted one for a while. Professionalism dictates we need to make others comfortable. And society says we get better access to financial capital, social capital, and human capital if we conform. That's the main reason holding me back.
@BHF: nice taste in tattoos. I like that neck tattoo, too.
Gen x is a transitional generation for tats. I cannot remember anyone from my peer group in high school in 1986 getting one or expressing any interest in it. But this was a rural high school in N. C. When I lived on the west coast for a while, in the 1990s,was when I began seeing people in my age group getting them.
No, I don't have any...
@NinaBambina, Ukrainian? I thought you said you were Filipina. Of course we'll never know for sure because you never answered the questions that you asked us to post LOL
When I was in the military I said you couldnt get me drunk enough to get a tatoo. Nobody did...
BurlingtonHoFactory - I swear I'm going to answer, probably in two parts. But, no, I'm not Filipina. My step mom is (mail order bride). My little brother and sister are half Filipino. My dad is mostly Ukrainian.
*ooh I meant to say three. Not tree. Lol.
Reminds me of how my lil bro used to make fun of my step mom's accent (his biological mom who is actually from the Philippines). I'd always scold him for it. English was her second language. Tagalog is her native language.
I don't have any tattoos. However, strippers have influenced me to wonder about getting a tattoo. One day I stopped by a tattoo parlor to ask about the cost and procedures. A woman customer was lying on her stomach in a booth, getting a large eagle tattoo on her back. I asked the proprietor how much a small tattoo would cost, and he said $100. Then I asked, "Will it hurt?" The woman getting the eagle tattoo just laughed and laughed.
I don't have any despite the fact that I am a millennial. I prefer not to have them due mostly for professional reasons and the fact that I'm generally against having them on my body.
I don't have any tattoos. I thought about getting one during my college days because quite a few people I knew were getting them. In the end, I just couldn't decide on one that would fit my personality and look good on me.
Probably, for the most part, PLs who can afford clubs usually followed the rules and conventions of the business world. They are not types who are looking to make a statement to outsiders.
@Lurker_X, yes and no. The PLs who refer to this as their "hobby," and think about it throughout the day, and post on TUSCL, yes, those guys are more likely to have followed the rules of the middle class world. But I've seen all types of PLs hanging out at SCs. Suit-and-tie businessmen. Wannabe pimps. Working class blue collar union types. Lonely weirdos. And more than a few guys with tats. It takes all kinds. As long as their money is green, right?
Like my old timer friends here, sc and vm, none for me. I just have a number of scars. Most I enjoyed what I was doing right up till the time the scar started.