Starters, Fluffers and Closers
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Ever go to a club so much you have a lineup of butches and they all play a key roll in your fun.
Some girls suck at closing but are amazing starters and vise a versa
Some girls suck at closing but are amazing starters and vise a versa
Very different from the above ground clubs, where the girls have to make more money, so that they will keep it within the rules.
All kidding aside. There have been times when I would go for a certain order of dancers.
At one of my favorite clubs that has since declined to negligible, my visits usually went something like this.
I would get a two song warm up from either Onyx or Lexi, who both gave a very sensual dance and was good at getting my ready, but not for finishing. If neither were there then I would occasionally try a new dancer who caught my eye. Otherwise I would continue on.
After Onyx if whether Skylar's number one fan wasn't there, I would then get three songs from Skylar who would really get the juices flowing. If Skyler was too busy then I would go for Ivy and if she wasn't there, Nevaeh depending. If neither was there, then again I would see if there was a new dancer who caught my eye. If not on to my final choice.
If Heather was there then I would stop after three with Ivy or Nevaeh and finish off with Heather who was wild and a guaranteed good time. If Heather wasn't there then I would finish up with Ivy or Nevaeh.