
Comments by DeclineToState (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Judge grants motion to suppress video evidence in Robert Kraft spa case
    @flag: "Can anyone explain how that was violated in this case?" The judge apparently issued a 10-page ruling. I couldn't find full text online but this article publishes excerpts: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2019/05/14/five-things-about-fla-judge-ruling-tossing-video-evidence-robert-kraft-case/ubfY4z65fV3Ef2DSuHgh2K/story.html
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    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Judge grants motion to suppress video evidence in Robert Kraft spa case
    Good for Kraft. In such a sting, Jupiter PD would have access to Palm Beach County DA and its team of attorneys to ensure proper compliance with 4th Amendment, proper execution of the video surveillance under the warrants issued, and the subsequent traffic stops. Dumbass cops doing it wrong, it's their own fault.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    GoVikings has good taste in music. +1 for the Jackie Brown soundtrack. If you like jazz / big band / Sintra type stuff, that show Marvelous Mrs. Maizel has good music on its playlist
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is it more personal?
    ^wouldnt that be LK or DK?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discuss this email I received
    scrubster's batting average on legit club ad review accusations appears to me to be in the .700 to .800 range. He's usually spot on when the user has only 1 review and no other posts. He is quick to accuse on what reads like a club ad despite the reviewing user having previously posted multiple non-ad reviews. Not worthy of a ban, though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Fuck You Too Jackie
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    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    Why would mileage be better on dayshift?
    -->@623: "one of the strongest reasons why clubbing in the daytime is popular among the hard core PLs is that there is seldom any ... ROB dancers." Good point. All the ROBs I've encountered have been at night.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Earliest and Latest Time You have Clubbed?
    Earliest was noon and that was only once but I like mid to late dayshift when the girl to PL ratio is favorable. Latest is 4 AM, lots of times staying through club closure (clubs in my area close 2 AM weekdays and 4 AM Fri & Sat)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    real names
    It's been rare the stripper gives me her real name, and the longer I've been a PL the less I've cared to the point now I simply don't care and haven't for some time. Don't think I've ever asked for real name. When on occasion dancer volunteered it, initially I thought it was cool, but that was of course more about me (oh hey, she really likes me) but as time's progressed I've determined I don't care because: --strip club isn't a girlfriend supermarket (which TUSCer coined that phrase - was it Papi? - that one still cracks me up); --she doesn't like me like me, and even if she did who cares, it ain't real life; and --knowing real name has had little to no impact on what's going on between me and her ITC or OTC. For OTC it's more likely I'll know real name but it doesn't matter to me. I have fun with the pretend name thing - like giving a fake name at Starubucks for the barista to write on the cup and call out when done. Girl new to me: "Hi my name's Vixen, what's yours?" Me: "Hi Vixen, that's a nice pretend name, tonight my pretend name is...." I've used dozens of pretend names and multiple in same night. It gets hard to keep track of, especially if I'm drunk, but again who cares.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Good Lawyer
    -->"No Lawyers were harmed in the posting of this joke." That's unfortunate.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    A Little Fun and Positivity in Your Morning
    Most all of em if they were stippers we'd be rating them 9-10
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    5 years ago
    top 5 stripper songs
    Powerglide Down on Me
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Halima Aden Becomes Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue's First Hijab-Wearing
    c) An unashamed effort to sell more magazines.
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    5 years ago
    Best two city trip
    Concur with skibum on Fenway - what a great ballpark
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    5 years ago
    Best two city trip
    SoCal. Catch a Dodgers game and hit COI. Catch a Padres game and hit TJ. Or multiple Padres games and multiple TJ runs - you won't regret it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    NFL Draft
    ^A hell of a deal that is. As was the Bears getting Khalil Mack in exchange for their first rounder
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    5 years ago
    NFL Draft
    Whatever the Steelers do it'll likely be a good pick. No one drafts consistently better than them and the Patriots.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    VIP Badge?
    -->@SJG: "This forum will be greatly improved if threads can be allowed to stay open." Says he frustrated by inability to incessantly bump his own posts
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    5 years ago
    NFL Draft
    -->@Warrior: "Will a 5-10 QB really get drafted #1 ?" Russell Wilson is 5'11" and if the 2012 draft were redrafted today he'd probably go #2 overall behind Andrew Luck or maybe even #1, so it ain't out of the question
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Nina graduated from High School when she was 17
    Graduating HS at 17 is generally nothing more than the kid having a late in the year birthday and whether parents elected to start the kid in kindergarten at age 4 instead of 5
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    New Rules in Reno
    This development does suck. I've been to the Reno clubs several times this winter, mostly Fantasy Girls, and while the chair and couch dances suck due to bouncer surveillance based on local regs or LE crackdowns or whatever the reason was, the private rooms have been outstanding with no management surveillance or intrusion and anything goes in there depending on the girl
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What happened to all the young strippers?
    -->@TFP: "I'm still wondering why ... Declinetostate even bother trying to reason with this Icey person any longer." Ya, shame on me for feeding the obvious troll. Back to ignore for that ignorant troll.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    VIP Badge?
    I'm Treasure of the Sierra Madre on this one
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Octavia May... Tattoo Model
    Some of her photos are great, some meh. But yes I'm in
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What happened to all the young strippers?
    -->@Subraman: "The effect of the employee status has been uniformly disastrous, tons of girls leaving the clubs (or at least the CA clubs) although I would have thought that if any SF club was immune to it, it would be GC. I actually haven't been there in months so haven't seen it first hand" ------>@IceyLoco: "Subraman, That's bs. You're greatly exaggerating coz of your own political inclinations." Subraman states fact and I corroborate it. I frequent GC and SF's other TL clubs, not the FN clubs so much and can't comment on those. And politics has nothing to do with my observations or probably his. It's true there was an exodus of good and experienced dancers from the SF TL clubs when the change from independent contractor to employee status occurred which started in Oct 2018. I saw it with my own eyes and my faves who stayed despite the employee classification change confirmed to me it was happening before I saw it for myself. Penthouse SF has still not recovered from the exodus. GC has mostly survived due to partly to influx of new dancers, partly to dancers switching clubs within SF over to GC because GC is the busiest club and the transferees are making best of a bad situation, and partly because the girls who stayed had few alternatives they were willing to pursue (retail jobs, housecleaning, whatever)for reduced income that would've been even worse than the income reduction that accompanied the classification change to employee. Lots of girls that left were ones doing it to supplement income and not as main job and I know because that included a few faves. And Nevada girls who dance in Reno clubs confirm the influx of former California dancers on the weekends where those Cali girls get compensated as ICs by the Reno clubs.