Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks

avatar for CC99
A good soundtrack can take a movie from great to legendary in my mind.

I've always loved the soundtracks for the Matrix, the Godzilla movies, and Lord of the Rings. I've seen every one of the Godzilla movies, I used to love them so much as a kid. This one from GMK is particularly good...…

And of course misty mountains from the Hobbit...…

I also like the theme songs of various horror films. The soundtrack for Death Note is just pure bliss.……


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
The movie Jackie Brown by Quentin Tarantino
avatar for ime
6 years ago
The TV series Fargo always has great songs playing.
avatar for GhostOfHell
6 years ago
I agree and agree with the lists. IMHO a great soundtrack can make a movie I wasn't into at first at least tolerable. The same if it has a horrible or not period correct soundtrack. That can make a movie totally unwatchable to me.

The Panic in Needle Park had a score written but it was never used. Absolutely no music in that movie.

Someone could make some great movies from some of Tom Waits songs. Small Change(Got Rained on with His Own .38) : Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis : Frank's Wild Years : What's He Building? : Pasties and a G-String(At the two O'clock Club) and those are just the easy ones
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I've heard the music from Top Gun in 2 other movies.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Soundtrack from Easy Rider and The Big Chill I have to be among the best in my mind, after them Grease and American Graffiti.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
I second Easy Rider. I recall being impressed with the movie when it was released, probably influenced by the soundtrack, some nudity and the performances of Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper. I recently saw Easy Riger again and was disappointed--- far too much footage of the scenery while riding a motorcycle. Oh well, other old movies hold up pretty well-- Chinatown and Fargo are still excellent movies, in spite of the passage of time.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
The TV show Aquarius
Some Kind of Wonderful
Pretty in Pink
avatar for magicrat
6 years ago
Ghost.....interesting thought about Tom Waits and movies based on his songs as I too am a big fan. His songs are movies unto themselves! Of course we do have Way Down in the Hole from The Wire.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
2001: A Space Odyssey. Who would have known that Strauss’s 100 year old Blue Danube was the perfect music for a space shuttle docking with a space station? Or another great Kubrick film, A Clockwork Orange, with Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony on an electronic synthesizer by Walter Carlos (later Wendy Carlos).
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Honorable mention to Tommy, with The Who’s music in the background, also scot Joplin’s Ragtime, and who could ever forget the music from Saturday Night Fever
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I'm trying to forget the music from Saturday Night Fever.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
A Clockwork Orange was a great film?

I tried to watch it 3 times and was never able to get more than about 30 minutes in before turning it off as rubbish.

Deepthroat has a classic soundtrack.

Pulp Fiction

Office Space
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Pulp Fiction was a pretty good soundtrack
avatar for lotsoffun201
6 years ago
How about the Eddie and The Cruisers films? Lousy films but great music on both.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Guardians of the Galaxy
avatar for loper
6 years ago
Anything by the Coen brothers.
avatar for GhostOfHell
6 years ago
Lock, Stock and Two Locking Barrels : Snatch : RocknRollla : The Wall
Eyes Wide Shut : Fear and Loathing : Super Fly
Deadwood : John From Cincinnati
When I workout if I'm not listening to Slayer/Biohazard/Token Entry/Suicidal Tendencies I'm listening to Fight Club soundtrack.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
If you’re a fan of old movies try Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby or Guys and Dolls with Frank Sinatra great music still the story might be a bit dated for the younger folks but it would be difficult to not enjoy the dancing and singing choreography.
avatar for Piggie
6 years ago
Suicide squad
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
So many good ones, to that I'd add:

1) Any Ennio Morricone sound track. "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" comes to mind. Ditto the other spaghetti westerns.
2) Goodfellas - Can't listen to several songs without thinking of a scene from this movie.
3) American Graffiti.
avatar for IHearVoices
6 years ago
Hmm...I can't think of a good movie with a great soundtrack. Most of my favorite movies have middling soundtracks, and my favorite soundtracks come from middling movies. My favorite combos are probably Scarface and New Jack City (loosely based on Scarface). The Scarface soundtrack really fit the movie in every way, though. That was South Florida in the early 80s.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
"A Clockwork Orange was a great film?

I tried to watch it 3 times and was never able to get more than about 30 minutes in before turning it off as rubbish."

Wow I thought I was the only one but I really didn't like clockwork orange either. It was boring on top of trying too hard to seem edgy but not making it funny or entertaining at all.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
This thread is showing the differences in the ages of posters. I agree with CC's choice of the Matrix. I especially love the music from the scene where Neo and Trinity take on all the employees in the building trying to rescue Morpheus. Also the music during Neo's fight with Agent Smith in the subway. Then from the Matrix 2, the <a href="… music is my favorite in the entire series.

I also like the Beverly Hills Cop music (Harold Faltermeyer is a genius).
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
That scene is probably the most classic scene from the Matrix. Navras from "Revolutions" was a really good song too.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Which scene, Neo and Trinity in the building? Or the Chateau scene?
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
The Graduate--Simon & Garfunkel…
avatar for CC99
6 years ago

Both were pretty good, but I liked the scene with Neo and Trinity rescuing Morpheus more.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Georges Delerue - Viva Maria - L'Irlandaise…

avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
The one that comes to mind is the soundtrack from <a href="… which is enjoyable to listen to on its own. I also like <a href="… 3000</a> for background music.
avatar for yahtzee74
6 years ago
Jaws and Psycho. Some Scenes in those movies just wouldn't be the same without the backing music.

How about Star Wars?

Bugs Bunny and looney tunes and merry melodies.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
New Jack City…

some 80s shows had really good theme songs

Perfect Strangers…

21 Jump Street…

Love And Curses…
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
A lot of my answers were already taken but Rocky IV has to be mentioned.

And terrible movie but Queen of the damned had a great original soundtrack.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
GoVikings has good taste in music. +1 for the Jackie Brown soundtrack.

If you like jazz / big band / Sintra type stuff, that show Marvelous Mrs. Maizel has good music on its playlist
avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago
The Umbrella Academy
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Do Disney movies count?
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
I kinda like the Game of Thrones soundtracks. Pretty epic, if you ask me.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Fuck yeah Disney movies count, I almost forgot! "The Ciiiiiircle of Liiiiifeee!". Lion King, LOVE that soundtrack.

For older cartoons, I loved the Thundercats theme song and Panthro's theme in particular on the show. Chip N Dale's rescue rangers and DuckTales had amazing intro songs. Whoever did Disney theme songs back and the day was a genius. Also, I know I might get shit for this but Muppet Babies theme was catchy also.

Also I forgot about some of those TV sitcoms with great themes. Agree with IceyLoco on Perfect Strangers theme, love that to this day. Also liked Growing Pains and Who's the Boss. LA Law back in the day, loved that damn theme song. The more recent law show, Law and Order, love that theme song. Shit I have a YouTube playlist full of this stuff.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Yeah Disney counts.

I like some of the songs from Game of Thrones. Light of the Seven is pretty good.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
This is a pretty good theme song from an old horror movie from 1977. I'm wondering if you guys have actually seen this movie because it wasn't a huge hit or anything. A friend of mine who's obsessed with old horror movies showed it to me...…
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Surprise, surprise.
@CC wants cartoon movies to count.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Oh and to the user who mentioned Star Wars I agree. Especially Duel of the Fates.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I also nominate the Legend of Chusen. It’s a Chinese drama and I love the opening song.…

Also the Kill Bill volume 1+2 soundtrack
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
"WAIFU" - The song for the BEST girl…
avatar for CC99
6 years ago

Pretty decent song, I saw this one movie made in Hong Kong called Seven Swords when I was like 13 or 14 that had this song, which is pretty good.…


We're getting off the subject but its a good song.

You are finding so many waifu videos and looking stuff up yourself I'm starting to think you want one too.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Its an interesting subject... I never knew about it. I like learning about different fetishes.

TBH though, I found some real girls doing anime cosplay.... that turns me on a lot more than I thought it would. But I hate censored Japanese porn………
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