
Comments by DeclineToState (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The never ending thread.
    User's page now has list of user's "contributions" and when you click on it you have to scroll all way down to see user's comment. Restore it to the old way that: -separates user's discussions and comments from user's articles. -when you click on user's comments, it takes you directly to the comment instead of having to scroll down
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    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Did You Ever Have a Wife or Girlfriend Who Was a Stripper?
    Great story, well written. Could've been an article but then it would've taken a month to get published. @reverend, are you still writing mind numbing transaction documents or are you retired or transitioned to another line of work?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Iā€™m Not That Crazy About Blow Jobs
    Hard to compete with being inside uncovered, but a properly delivered BJ is spectacular. Problem is many girls fail at it either cuz they don't know how or don't enjoy it. The lamest ones tend to be when the girl just wants to get it over with and they suck and tug too hard
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Thursday night at Gold Club
    $140 to $160 for the upstairs chair dances that used to be 3/100? That's insane and will make this club and other SF clubs that follow suit a no fly zone for me other than to drink and watch hot girls dance topless. And $30 for single floor dance with $30 pre-dance tip pressure - fuck that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Smoke em if you got them
    Strippers And Money Management
    @jsully, services in exchange for services as you've identified = win win IMO. If you've got a tradeable commodity, use it. You say you "work in finance." If you are licensed related to your profession, consider checking the rules of conduct imposed by licensing agencies. Some licenses prohibit sex with clients.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    California Girl
    Lines that make you get a dance without a fail?
    -->@Subraman: "So, where it might be believable that "let's go to the back, I want to have more privacy to get naughty with you!" is a great deal-sealer for your average amateur strip club customer, not only does it not work with experienced PLs, but gets our radar up that you're the worst kind of hustler." @Naughtyhoney, I'll tell ya where the upsell line "let's go to the back, I want to have more privacy to get naughty with you!" doesn't work, is transitioning from lap dances to a room when the dances have been lame or low mileage, and especially if the upsell happens in the first 2 songs of a 3 song set.
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    5 years ago
    California Girl
    Lines that make you get a dance without a fail?
    2 things cause me to get dances from a dancer I don't already know. One is if she puts on a sensual stage show that makes me want to ask her for dances hoping they'll be sensual as well with decent mileage (but of course it doesn't always work out that way). Other is if I take her up on her offer to sit with me (if she's my type) and she's then fun to hang out with. Once I've said yes to her sitting down, it's pretty much always going to end up in dances unless she's a cold fish. Jumping in my lap uninvited is a deal killer, though no doubt it works on plenty other guys. The first sentence being "want a dance?" is also a deal killer.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Tipping Others
    Toilet troll: gets $1, more if he makes me laugh. Troll used to bug me cuz I'm not in need of assistance with soap or towels and I don't partake from the troll's candy dish likely coated with toilet spray particles. Doesn't bug me anymore - it must suck ass to work in a shitter all night, especially if crazyjoe's made an appearance, and it's partially a pity tip. Tipping bartender, cocktail waitress and to strippers while sitting at rail: yes. Tipping stripper for dances or room: yes, for outstanding service, and variable. License scan means I won't enter. Front door guy gets $5 for not scanning and every time except for once it was gladly accepted. Time it wasn't was after 2AM and I had a pretty good buzz going so perhaps he thought I was trouble. And they remember you for it - with a few door guys, it's resulted in getting waved in free on with no cover charge on subsequent visits . Bouncers and managers: Some will call stupid on this one, but whatever. I think management relations and its benefits are overlooked. I tip just the ones I find cool and am on a first name basis with, and that tends to be either the primary manager or floor manager and not bouncers. At 2 local clubs I frequent, I haven't paid the $20 night cover for a few years. That happens because I was cool to managers, tipped them mildly once or twice, and unsolicited they said hey next time you come in tell the front desk girl you get in free here and drop my name. Now, I end up spending that free cover I saved by tipping the front desk girl a $5 and sliding the manager most or all of the rest and it's not a net $ gain but WTF, they treat me well and half the time the manager will send a round of free drinks over. If there's a girl I want to see and I don't want to search for her, I slide the floor guy $10 and say when you have eyes on Cookie send her over.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A few website changes šŸŒ
    Thank you founder, lots of nice improvements, including: -Restoring the separate front room and VIP discussion boards. As someone else noted, merging the 2 into one board was the inadvertent death of the VIP that was far more active before the merger. Hopefully the un-merging restores VIP to its prior state -Putting the accept/reject buttons on unpublished reviews next to each other - will likely result in far fewer accepts where reject was the intention. -Being able to click on a comment of an ignored user to see it if desired without having to all the way to ignored user's page to temporarily unignore. Item I'd like to see return please: used to be that could go to a user's page and click on their discussion posts and user's post only on thread would appear. Now you have to click on the discussion and have to scroll all the way through discussion to see that user's post. Would be nice to return to the old format
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Driving to Hong Kong in TJ
    I've done a lot of driving in Baja MX but NEVER with TJ as the destination. Don't drive in TJ other than passing through to get somewhere else deeper south.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hands free driving.
    ^I've got a friend that's a motorcycle Cali Highway Patrol. He says in slow traffic he cruises between lanes glancing left and right for cell phone users. Says it's shooting fish in a barrel. I asked him from the time he starts looking until time he nails someone how many cars he passes - he said max ever was 10 and it's usually 4 to 5 cars
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Rhythm - Some girls just don't have it.
    -->@skibum: "Maybe she is dyslexic." Or hipslexic. Hipslexia: Female rhythmic disorder resulting in unsynchronized pelvic thrusting during intercourse and dissatisfaction of male partner
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Rhythm - Some girls just don't have it.
    @Warrior, Bon Scott sang the original version, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SxVOI5zfdQ
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Rhythm - Some girls just don't have it.
    Grab her hips with your hands and adjust her backseat rhythm. Song is probably AC/DC Girls Got Rhythm
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancers running out of stage names to use?
    -->@PaulDrake: "There is a club near me with a white girl named ebony." And at a club near me there's a black girl named Asia.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Quotes from texts from dancers (and what they really mean)
    -->@Papi: "How bout the old "my birthday is X date come see me" Dancer was sitting with me after her stage show, while she was on stage DJ said hey it's her birthday buy some dances. I asked if it was really her birthday, she said no my birthday was last week but I didn't work last week and I'm making up for it and all 3 days I'm working this week are going to be my birthday because I make more when I say it's my birthday. I speculate for some dancers it may be their birthday month every day they're working that month.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Quotes from texts from dancers (and what they really mean)
    "Was great to see you tonight" = Thanks for the cash, return very soon and give me more cash.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Hustle or real deal?
    -->@Trussell: " I think I could probably get some sexual benefits if I kept this up for awhile. But would probably involve dropping several thousand over a period of time and building up rapport. And may never happen. Not sure I want to be that guy . . . I do think strip clubs are best if you just go to have fun and not expect anything to happen outside of club. An interesting experience regardless, definitely learning shit about myself and women." Ya, don't be that guy unless what your spending is within your budget and you're having fun and don't regret the amount spent. Strip clubs are so much fun, easy to overspend, and it can be addictive. But I don't regret the $ I've spent despite my expenditure increasing over time above what I thought I'd ever spend when I commenced the hobby.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Stripping in the bathroom?
    ^Or the toilet troll. Then he would've really earned his $1
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    ON GUARD PISTOLA!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don't get the anti-nicespice thing
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Hustle or real deal?
    Ya, that's a superior hustle. OTC for dinner only, then back to the club for dances at club prices, then back OTC but for drinks only.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What was the longest hangover you ever had?
    Hangover lasted one day but I barfed for two days straight. That was in junior high. Haven't been able to drink whiskey since then
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York City
    Ever been offeredd a free dance?
    ^Nice tradable commodity you've got there
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Recently moved to Trenton, NJ
    When a fav gives you an overpriced menu
    We'll see if Subraman protects his monthly spending as a trade secret or whether he lowballs so he doesn't get hassled by the PLs that frequent lower priced locales (Detroit, TJ, etc.).