Is it more personal?

avatar for Ezk69
Would kissing with tongue, DFK, LFK, FIV, making out, and DATY be considered more intimate and personal than just straight sex?


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Depends on the dancer.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I believe so. That's pretty much been the norm I've always encountered.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
In my world, of course.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I don't know about more personal per se, but there's something about it that feels a lot better to me than straight sex does.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i’m game.
avatar for Evasparkling
6 years ago
I really don’t understand the current obsession with Deep French Kissing & Light French Kissing Strippers...

If you need someone to kiss on a daily basis, please go get a girlfriend or a friend with benefits...
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Eva stfu
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
It's the bizarro world of strip clubs...
avatar for Evasparkling
6 years ago

There is nothing that feels better about kissing a stripper that has probably sucked at least three (3) cocks before you came in...

The same thing applies to guys who DATY Strippers
You’re just eating the sperm/condom residue of other guys she saw before you came in...

Damn, some guys need help...

Go get a girlfriend, Friend with Benefits OR Sugar Baby...

Personally I have no interest being either the third, Fourth OR Fifth Person she has already kissed for the night...

There’s a reason why kissing/front room make out session isn’t popular in my club...

I haven’t seen it yet & I don’t intend to partake in such endeavors...
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
It's kinda strange.

I see them kissing on network TV shows all the time, but it's extremely rare to see them having any kind of sex (oral, anal, vaginal)

I guess that's the bizzaro world of Hollywood.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
That’s why I go into the clubs in the early afternoon just after they open so I can get the first kiss of the day.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
That’s why I go into the clubs in the early afternoon just after they open so I can get the first kiss of the day.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I've never witnessed a front room make out session at a club... Clubs I've been to have been pretty strict about no kissing. That said I've never known dancers open to making out with customers and hoes look down on it because it is so intimate.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Normally these things are all part of the straight sex repitoir.

Remember, strippers are always DFKing and DATYing female customers. That should tell us something.

You want the girl to open up, to just let it happen, not to be using dissociation to perform a service upon you.

avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Yeah that is important. If a stripper DFKs other strippers or female customers but won't DFK me then I'm not going to choose her as a favorite. I will admit that I would get very jealous. I like seeing it in porn but in person it feels like yet another message that women are worthy of it but I as a male am not worthy and I go to strip clubs mainly to get away from that crap.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
If a dancer performs one of the more personal acts I know it's just part of the sales pitch to make a sale, get a bigger tip, or looking for repeat business.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ Whatever, but that's how sex is. If she lets go, it happens, and it is mind blowing for both parties.

Select the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with, then go for it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Best experience in an SF club started when I was going to ask a super cute black girl to lunch, but then she ducked into New Century. Peeled down to just high heels and makeup, she concluded her set with showy open tongue kissing with another girl. Then she came to my lap.

F2f especially, girls open tongue kissing is a huge turn on. It shows that then control the erotic. I was not planning this, but I told her so.

Things happened.

To this day, I am blown away that she could be that open, that intimate, with a total stranger.


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avatar for rl27
6 years ago
As Ishmael said, it depends on the dancer.

It also depends on the context. One favorite of mine years ago would get into a real make out session with me whenever we did a "champagne room" dance. Those champagne room dances always were a lot more fun, and she always got me a lot more turned on during them. So much so that I got a lot more half hour and hour dances from her than any other dancer.

Another dancer would like to DFK a lot during our dances, and would often want some FIV action. In her case doing so was so normal for our dances that it didn't feel any more intimate.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
We see here the reportage which comes back from Tijuana. And some of the clubs "have even more tongue" than the HK bar.

In our underground circuit, we had one club where front room FS became standard. And with the group of girls which did that, front room DFKing was pretty much universal. It's just the way they are. They don't need any special inducement.

Even in our own strict no touching clubs, DFKing does sometimes occur. It will be the girl who is driving it. She seems to want immediate OTC. I think it is more the boredom, rather than just the money, which drives this. Sometimes the girl just wants action, and she is not being too particular either.

And then as one club was slated for closure, some were doing real good DFKing from the stage, and with anyone who gave her $1. This was a different county, and it seemed to be about the back room mileage which had recently maxed out. She wanted results. She wanted to do mind blowing GFE-FS. DFking from stage side was her way of making her intentions clear.

FS without kissing is something invented for the bottom end of the P4P market. In a civvie situation, a girl will not do that. Kissing will always be necessary before FS.

I learned long ago in AMPs that the best way is to talk and get to know a girl, and to come on to her, but do not initiate talk about what is to happen in the massage room. Rather treat her in a completely civilian manner and just make it happen. The most critical juncture there is to get her DFKing. For some this is common, for others it is not, and these latter will be blown away by that kind of an approach.

But no matter, once you have got her DFKing, then what ensues will be mind blowing for both parties.

Now in this county, our LE would say that strip club DFKing is criminal.

In San Francisco, no one is going to try and say that. Though it would create the impression that the club is a brothel. But proving that is another matter.

And we have a guy in Australia who talks about a club where the girls lead with DFKing, and it sounds like they do this when a guy is standing. In my view, starting when standing is even better than starting with lap sitting.

For all the girls who don't want to do this, there are just as many who do what to do it. Mostly what sex workers say they want is the freedom to select who they do and who they don't want, and to not have to justify it.

Well, DFKing does that, it lets the girl select, and it cuts the competition right out. Most young women, given the freedom to just do it, they will.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
People scoff at this idea of Front Room Strip Club DFKing.

Outside of a P4P context and outside of a Car Keys and Wallet date, haven't you ever just walked up to a girl, said very little, and then kissed her?

Some environments are more conducive to this than others. But it can work. I can personally attest to that. A lot of it just depends upon how you do it.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
For hoes, its about boundaries and separating hoeing from real life. Just like using condoms... sex workers hate using them in their personal lives.
avatar for Darkblue999
6 years ago
Any dancer who does LFK or DFK without using tongue gets repeat business from me
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
^wouldnt that be LK or DK?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
"For hoes, its about boundaries and separating hoeing from real life. Just like using condoms... sex workers hate using them in their personal lives."

And so my point has always been, you want to get your girl off script from the very start, and you don't want to every try to use money to persuade her to do anything she would not otherwise be perfectly happy to do.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Always start civilianizing her from the very start, just by being open with her.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think the simplest approach is if she's the type you'd get out of the club. Go for ones who are your type and like you normally.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ Agreed!

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^ But there's going to be some you would like better than others.
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