
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 51)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The regular route
    Maybe a few of you have read between the lines and comments although I don't feel I am trying to hide anything but I've dated a few strippers and by dated I mean not showing up at the club or texting them (her) for a hook-up. Regardless of how I have met them or if they continue to strip or not when we are dating rule number 1 is I quit going to the club they work regardless of how I met them. In the beginning ( if you want to call it a relationship) when we start seeing each other the burden of me showing up in the clubs impacts her more than it does me. I've seen it enough to know and I have heard about it enough to know it is true but as time goes on, weeks into months, it starts to have an impact on me as well. And I will also say you never have sex for free.....it cost one way or the other....and sometimes more than just money. If you are going to spin this particular roulette wheel understand your odds and even what it means when you win. The guys who do know what I mean.
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    7 years ago
    Off topic. How to run for president and not turn off large blocks of voters
    I bet it wouldn't. Human nature doesn't change just because you aren't rich No but it does appear living inside the 495 Beltway around DC causes one to be short sighted and not to be able to understand what the rest of the country needs and wants to live productive lives. I could go a step further and say they go stupid but at the very least they surround themselves with so much BS they forget why they were elected. Personally I've thought for the last 13 years we are headed for another civil/internal war but this time it will be the coast versus the middle of the country. It took a few years before people started to realize what they were hearing on the news wasn't really news anymore as much as an agenda ridden commentary but once they did, and once people realized you saw what happened. Both Trump like him or not and Sanders represent the same thing in one regard --a disgusted voter with politics as they have been the past 50 years.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    Just to be a contrarian.........and to look in the mirror of the original questions: No disrespect intended, but if you're a real Trump (hater), is there anything he could say or do that would make you start to give him a chance/believe in his leadership? It should be interesting to see what type of answers this provides ( or if the keyboards on a dozen devices suddenly quit working)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Whhat is your net worth?
    More than I ever thought it could be.......less than I want. No pension.........a couple of 401K's and a small business that will allow me to work as long as I care to do so.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anybody find their hookers identity out through facebook?
    Twitter..........SA....then FB but FB is the most careless/predatory about how it tracks someone and your PI
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    How do yoy Cover up the Stripper Smell?
    It's not the smell but the make-up that will get you in the end..........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    Like it or not public health care is here to stay,..........says who? And more to the point who finances it and who has a say in the questions that need to be answered...Who, what, where, when and the big one.......how much? I was raised a Democrat---my parents had a picture of JFK in our house. My grandparents FDR but somewhere down the line the party kept moving to the left until I found myself on the outside looking in and not caring that I was......now I'm not a republican either........in the century I'm about 50-50 in how I vote......but what cracks me up is when someone accuses someone else of making the claim of disinformation and then spouts the same.....and I will say this without a second of hesitation it may happen on the right but the copyright of pulling the misinfo two step and then claiming it as fact belongs to the left and in particular the last ten years. If I had one wish in life it was every time someone (especially a liberal) uses the word fair share that the fair share fairy would hit them over the head with the fair share bat and make them explain who decides what is fair-----
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    OT: A Sincere Question for Trump Supporters
    I made this comment earlier and someone didn't like it but I'll repeat in a room full of 15 candidates Trump ranked # 14 in my mind. He wasn't my first, second, third or fourth choice......... I can't prove it on here but about a two weeks before the election I knew all the blather in the media was way off. I could see, especially when I was travelling in the Midwest, the tide was turning. He had a shot, a good one. If you live in or around the beltway of DC you realize there has been a century of bullshit in how people think about the rest of the United States and it doesn't matter what party you are in --you're not their priority and for the most part it has been going on so long they don't realize one of the problems is "them" Both parties of them--throw the media in that has worked the system to be important and you understand the dynamic---you either understand this or you don't. In my mind if you don't you aren't paying attention. Now you throw in a reality TV star and a New Yorker ( brash) and what do you expect? I'm not a Trump fan. There's more I dislike about him than I like. Having said that the other choice was in my mind far worse.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    I'll just throw this out there as something to think about....no president and I mean none of them should be judged until they are out of office for at least 20 years. It takes that long to see the full impact of how much good or how much bad they did during their term and to see the ripple effect of their tenure. With that in mind I'll offer two examples --most people thought Truman was a disaster when he was in office ---you'll find a hard time finding many who feel the same way now. The opposite at least to me is Carter---many feel he was bad, some felt he was good......in my estimation he was a walking disaster and much like VD he is the gift that keeps on giving --none of the names in this discussion mentioned can come close to the negative impact Carter had and continues to have on this nation.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Favorite Restaurant
    I travel a fair amount still and years ago way too much for my own good so it depends on the city or at least the region you are asking. One of my favorites is http://www.keens.com/ or http://www.theredhendc.com/
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Any of you 60+ guys believe youd live this long ?
    Buy a step counter Juice and start taking walks 20 min, 30 min a day. If possible walk outdoors and if you live in an area with some hills better yet. Health is an overall status of your body and mind and I found the outdoor walks clear my head and relieve stress. Quit drinking soda---all soda including diet and pay attention to what the first five ingredients are on the label of any food you eat. I played sports of all kinds at different levels of competition most of my younger years but when I hit 40 the lbs started to go on and not in good places. I found with me, even with my travel schedule I can keep a decent level of health with just a few changes ( the ones I mentioned) not starve, still eat well and have a drink now and then. Clean bill of health and I still have a lot of energy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips on starting conversations with strippers interested in
    The easiest thing to do is ask her questions and let her talk. ( relating to what you say to her for 30 min) Examples Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world? What is one place in the world you wish you lived? What’s the coolest thing in this city no one knows about? Most women I know, dancers or not, will talk 30 minutes about any one of those topics alone .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Go Pens.........when I can go to the games I do. Been a Pens fan since the late 1980's.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Where do you guys OTC?
    I travel for work so the OTC is easy--I already have a hotel room for the most part.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just working off instinct
    I've had lightening strike the first time on visits a couple of times this year, oddly both of them in Northeast Ohio which from the feedback on this board is not the best place for SCs. Overall however I've found the second or third visit to be the best in terms of quality or mileage with a dancer and with better service from the bar and staff in general. It seems after the third visit there is either a leveling off of service or in some cases a slight decline due to people get complacent.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    Cashman the breaking glass is another one for me as well.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another mass killing in the USA
    There are a few questions bouncing around in my head that are not adding up but hopefully time will reveal the truth. ( key word being hopefully) I've never stayed at this property but I have stayed recently at the Encore and Wynn.....if I had tried to lug 42 suitcases in by myself regardless if it was at a time or in a group someone would have noticed....you can't burp in Vegas without a video camera picking it up. Secondly and this is the one that is really sticking in my mind.....this guy had an incredible accuracy to hit that many people from a distance. Regardless if we are talking automatic rifle into a crowd or not the hit rate is high for someone not known to be a expert with weapons. Third in an open venue like this one there are typically a lot of exits....seems this one there wasn't. Oddly. And there are a few others as well . No, I'm not a conspiracy nut but sometimes the math on events is just a little bit off from what we hear from our media and authorities.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips on starting conversations with strippers interested in
    A smile and a look works pretty well........ Also if you are talking to the bartender ( sitting at the bar) ask him/her for an introduction if approaching a dancer makes you uneasy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My stance on conversation has changed
    Good looks alone will not hold my attention. If you want a couple of $ 1's when you dance or even me to walk up and place a 5 or 10 in your clothing you need looks and some semblance of being able to dance but having a drink with me and being able to converse is how I end up shelling out $$$
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Things that make you go "Arrgh"!
    Relating to the topics of this board...... 1) Dancers who go deaf at the words-no thank-you. 2) Dancers who tell you one thing and do another 3) Bouncers who feel a dancer is their girl, even when she doesn't feel the same 4) ATM fees.....never used one in a club but WTF.....paying money to get my money is wrong on so many levels. 5) Dancers who text using cuz instead of because ( applies to the civi population as well)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This is going to be an expensive strip club visit.
    The club......lol.....never been in lock-up yet........... I was thinking the same thing tiredtraveler. The staff had to have let him get that wasted once inside.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Interesting question - How much do you think you must have spent in strip clubs
    This is a road I'd rather not go down....not so much the clubs but women overall....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This is going to be an expensive strip club visit.
    I've been there..........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    My own style 1) Lunch where places have food or if someone I have known for years wants to go to eat, talk,and take in the view......NYC comes to mind but any large city where I travel for work this could happen. Last time was not so good if you recall my comments 2) Right after work--Happy hour with someone I know and trust or a club is near the hotel I am staying when out of town. From my own limited experience this is the worst time you want to go if you are looking for the most variety of dancers. However if you do find a dancer you know and she is working extra hours to pick up money it works out well 3) After 9 PM--till Midnight weekdays and Fridays---- for the occasion when I am traveling or need to stay over for the weekend. Where I drop the most money, where the best selection of dancers can be found the majority of the time, and where the hustle is at it's peak. I don't worry about how many guys are in the club or how packed it is. If I want to get a girls attention there are a handful of ways to do it and if she is not interested then chances are it wasn't meant to be ...... Exceptions from my limited POV are Vegas and Dallas where going out before 11 PM doesn't make sense---the clubs are just waking up in those two cities at 11.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: OJ paroled
    OJ in his search for the real killers obviously lives in a place with no mirrors........