
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 50)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    From what I have observed starting around tax season is when the club attendance takes a dive. The girls know it as well.......the one I have dated (probably a poor choice of word)off and on for the past few years tends to reach out to me right around the end of April because the money dries up. She takes time off until October and then goes back to the clubs. And she moves around so this isn't a single club or even a single city. When she first started off she didn't realize just how seasonal the business can be but after a couple of years she has caught on. From a customer stand point ( your question) May/June in my estimation. Most bang for the buck so to speak.
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    7 years ago
    What do strippers spend their money on?
    shadowcat--I can say with a certainty this doesn't apply in my case (study) Most of the clubs do provide food --even if not for the customers they feed the girls in the back room when they take a break. About the most they spend on food is when a few of them get together at 4 AM after the clubs close to talk shop ( typically the clients or the club conditions) at a Denny's or an IHOP.
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    7 years ago
    What do strippers spend their money on?
    One thing for sure regardless of where they spend it for the most part it doesn't end up in a savings account or stay long in their possession. The two I am closest two are always claiming they make great money and both are very good looking girls but each finds themselves scrambling on the 29th of each month to make rent. I dated one of these two for about six months and she was constantly broke, always. Whenever I asked her what exactly she did with money she would get extremely defensive so I learned to shrug my shoulders and ignore her comments but it never made much sense to me.
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    7 years ago
    Offtopic, if you like reading about poor customer service and terrible reviews
    Century Link is a case of the little fish eating the big fish--not once but twice. ......some po dunk bunch of yahoo's from Monroe, LA took over Qwest ( one of the Bell operating companies at one time and Sprint/United Telephone who was one of the larger independent telecoms and also an international company......Sprint did divest themselves from the merger ( buyout) ......then took their show on the road and tried to tell their technical staff in the growth areas of the US that had good service how they were overpaid and over comp with benefits.......think about coming from Monroe, LA and going to LA or NJ right outside of NYC and telling people they should be making the same as someone in the bayou..................and that is why you now have shit service ladies and gents........brought to you by a one time stock holder of some of the companies purchased and when I say holder I don't mean in odd lots.
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    7 years ago
    Strippers and social media
    2 Hours Ago "I ONLY have strippers on my facebook, instagram, and snapchat; I'm not big on social media, otherwise. Among strippers:" and if you want to find out how they really feel about their lives go to their Twitter Account. Personally I've never understood the fascination with twitter but you get the real dirt there.....they talk to themselves and many of them for some reason either can't or won't understand what they put out there in social media can be seen by everyone. And not that I haven't said this a time or two before but Subraman is spot on with Instagram and Snapchat.
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    7 years ago
    Brewster NY
    Why strippers over escorts?
    LOL at Subraman's comment. It hasn't happened to me in a long time but the last time it did I booked with an agency not the girl directly and while I was a gentleman. Invited her in my room. Paid her the cab fare for the trip over I called the agency booker and in the most flat calm voice possible asked her if there was a mistake. "It appears the girl I booked couldn't make it and you sent her mom instead. "I'm giving her cab fare home but this is on you and not her. She should never have been put in the position you placed her in..............
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Brewster NY
    Why strippers over escorts?
    Part of the contradiction we are seeing is caused by thinking all escorts are alike. Independents that have their own website and stay off of places like Backpage are a different choice than say girls working in an agency or a massage parlour. There are also different price points along the way as well. The last time I went to NYC I can say with 110 % certainty I had a better time with an escort I spent a few hours with than I did in the club I visited, but again she was an Independent, not with an agency. British with the full accent, stayed way over the time she was booked for, knew what she was doing in bed and overall cost me less than what I spent to take a buddy of mine to lunch and a full SS hustle at one of the downtown Manhattan clubs.
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    7 years ago
    Brewster NY
    Why strippers over escorts?
    There are cities/regions I would never use an escort--simply nothing there interesting or hot enough worth it TO ME. There are cities I would not bother to go into a club because of either past experiences, overall cost and hustle factor, and there are escorts that go above and beyond in terms of level of service, looks and are what I would call true gfe. Then there are areas that are a toss up. Overall I still get my best results as well from SA.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Is the stock market starting to corecct it self ?
    Why would they hurt the candidate who is closer to their views and who has a real chance of winning? Doesn't that seem far-fetched to you? They would have to be totally incompetent With politics when in doubt what is the number 1 rule? Follow the money........ https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2016/02/26/report-the-media-arent-telling-you-about-ties-of-pro-hillary-clinton-pundits/?utm_term=.f05f8f02c2d5 http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/what-media-bias-journalists-overwhelmingly-donated-to-hillary-clinton/article/2604762 So what does the money trail say?
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Is the stock market starting to corecct it self ?
    I really try and stay out of politics..... I do...but sometimes because of what I come in contact with and work with every day and thus know first hand versus what people spout I simply can't help it.....it's like allowing someone to try and pee in a corner when they are stuck in a round room..........there is no doubt none. zip nada that the media was doing anything and everything they could to provide a false sense of what was really going on in this election--first with Bernie and then with Trump....the angles of video of the rallies was so edited and over the top. to show her rallies as huge ( when they were not) and again Bernie first and then Trump in the general election were shown to have less support by using the same trickery than there. I had people I have known for decades at rallies that told me the damn things were packed but go to NBC and they looked as if they were in small arenas, etc. The polls....questions asked were meant to skew the vote.....people vote for a front runner, especially the uninformed and sadly many of our populace is badly uninformed and will vote for a winner or at least a perceived one. Up until two weeks before the election I thought Trump had no chance as well and then I took a business trip through the Midwest--four states five days and saw a few things, and heard a few as well and I realized to what extent the manipulation was going on. Brazile was part of the problem.....she only came clean now.....because she got slammed and lost her job and her reputation. Hillary backers can claim all they want she won the popular vote.....which is the same as claiming I had the most hits in a baseball game ( not runs) SFW first and foremost. Secondly I don't necessarily believe it anymore I do that Gore really won in 2000......yeah I'm that old and recall the real story behind that BS as well.
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    7 years ago
    Sugar Baby Advice
    "I think I made 2 mistakes in my Seeking Arrangements profile: (1) I posted my real age and (2) I posted real pictures of myself." Never and I mean never do B......I use SA--actually I started with SA and found some of the better looking women and the ones most eager to meet for the least amount of trouble up front were strippers....and then I started going back to clubs after years of not visiting one. There is no doubt the flavor of SA has changed over the past five years---a lot more work, many more pros, and depending on what part of the country you are looking flakes and fakes.........DC seems to be the best hunting ground .....Northeast Ohio the worst. Philadelphia isn't bad.........NYC has the GPS. I'm guessing the other forum has a "fight club" rule Subraman --pertaining to LM's comment.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Going with a stripper to another strip club
    "strippers are BAD drunks, and in the SC-driven party atmosphere, she'll be very tempted to drink too much......" Depending on the severity and your sense of humor as a host it becomes interesting if one of the other dancers at the club you are visiting knows your date or if they know your date and try to piss her off by hitting on you.........yes, it's a real life story.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Buying dancers drinks
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    7 years ago
    Can't pull the trigger
    Sharing a true story........about a year ago when I first started going back to clubs I was in N.E. Ohio for work and finished up earlier than expected. I looked on my GPS and there were two clubs within five miles of my hotel--one west and one east.......took a look at both clubs on line and both seemed on par with each other......my gut took me east......something felt "off" about the other place although there was nothing I could find to verify the feeling.........next morning the club west of me that I avoided was on the local news.....shooting in the parking lot spilled over from a brawl inside the club.........Trust your gut.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Does anyone notice that the clubs are more busy lately?
    In the Northeast and MidAtlantic states the trend is for clubs to be busier after Labor Day and through football season and then start to die off....... Not sure about other parts of the country but from what I have heard places like Vegas tend to be higher traffic until around May with slower summers.
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    7 years ago
    Things you've learned in life because you go to strip clubs
    juicebox6911 Hours Ago Money management...............Price earnings ratio......:--)
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    7 years ago
    Dancer that aren't making any money
    I know one well, very well. She's tried being a stripper three times and each time ended up near broke. In three different cities. I can't figure it out because she knows how to charm people and she is good looking, well put together with long legs and a great smile. The funny thing is she's thinking about going back to make some extra money because she is hearing from her friends that are still dancing the clubs they work in seem to be picking up again.
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    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Track: How sex trafficking has taken hold of Bourbon Street
    Like gammanu95 I lived in New Orleans for a number of years--decades ago. Prostitution was out in the open back in those days to the point there were areas in the Quarter girls worked and for the most part the police looked the other way. In my estimation the city became overly touristy in the late 90's and started to drift away from what made it a great town to have fun in be it as a visitor or a local. Katrina of course was the event that has reshaped it to where it is now, a shell of itself. I remember Fat City as well as parts of Algiers and Kenner (Yatville as we would call it)but I never remember the clubs being known for extras.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is your success rate for OTC?
    Well.....I've had some "escorts" over the years that were anything and everything but a "cold f*ck".....there are some distinctions that need to be made there. I've yet to go into any club with the expectation of finding an OTC and I very rarely pursue the option.. If anything I take the entire experience as it comes with no expectations and no plans past that evening inside the club. When OTC happens for me is when I find out they are on SA looking and if there seems to be a level of comfort and compatibility that goes both ways. Overall under these criteria the times when there is an OTC it's been good and normally a repeated meeting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A favorite turning on you
    ITC and OTC to me are two different animals........ITC there are a lot of reasons why your favorite might turn away to another client or to simply avoiding you. For the most part let them come around....in time they will or at the very least you'll find out why not......it doesn't take long before another one of the dancers chats you up and they will tell you without you asking.......there are no secrets that stay that way in a club. Outside the club is a different story because there my expectations of how you interact with me are higher. You're asking me to commit my time (worth more than money as far as I am concerned)
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    7 years ago
    Explosion in my pants
    Manager told us to cut it out
    I haven' t had something along these lines happen but one time to me but I have heard from other guys who frequent clubs it does go on more than some realize. If it is out on the floor, than yes, you need to take it to a back room, doesn't need to be the VIP but some place with more privacy. However, what also goes on and I don't see much comment on here about the topic is bouncers, staff, etc that have a thing for one or more of the girls and it plays right into the same dynamic of why a BF shouldn't be hanging in the club either ( recent conversation) I quit clubbing a number of years ago because I saw a few incidents where guys (staff) had way too much ability to try and force themselves on the dancers by controlling their actions to make money. The one incident I had at CH I suspected that was the case. So did the dancer I later found out. Even with his barging in-- the next dance she went right on grinding although I let my hands drop to my sides at that point.
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    7 years ago
    Boyfriends at the club
    Pooly if that was directed at me I wait for no one, no matter how hot, and that goes for in a club or outside of one. :--)
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    7 years ago
    The NFL
    So was this guy--actually he won it........winning a Nobel Prize in the last 20 years is like the old gray mare......."it ain't what it use to be" https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1994/arafat-facts.html
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    7 years ago
    Boyfriends at the club
    He's the guy at the end of the bar with the Nintendo video game unit.