
Any of you 60+ guys believe youd live this long ?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Serious question...I know in my life theirs people that don't desire to...or live a lifestyle with drugs or overweight that they understand it's shorting their life

I'm very aware of this being 36 this November and this year alone I've learned of four large guy's either muscle or fat that have passed at 45....I almost feel like all I've got is ten years left

I'm doing all I can to get my health in order so maybe as a smaller man I will make it older like 60+

I do have good genetic on both sides of the family..most make it late eighties to middle nineties...had a great uncle live to see 100...1900-2000

It was cool getting to know him his last three years of life.

Any of you older men shocked your this old and alive ?


  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Or is this what a middle life crisis feels like in the begging

    If so when and where do I buy the red corvette
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I was headed in that direction when I was your age. Then, I made a major change in both my life and my lifestyle. Now, I think I could make it to 100.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I was 430 ish but now I'm a hundred pounds less and headed to be under three very soon
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I'm a big mix of muscle and fat...former college football lineman and competitive powerlifter
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    60 is young these days, juice.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    66 here, juice. I'm in my best health for years right now. My Dad lived to be 89, my Mom died of cancer at 75 after successfully fighting it for 32 tears. Her mom and Dad lived to 101 and 95 respectively. My genes on the other side are not nearly as promising. My paternal grandfather was only 63 when he died of a heart attack, my grandmother died in her 20s and my Dad's two full brothers went at 40 and 48, both if stress related heart attacks. My Dad made a sea change in his life at that point, losing his type A personality almost overnight and probably saving his life.

    My best advice for you?

    Lay off the junk food
    Lay off alcohol
    Lay off anything that smokes or Vapes

    and most important of all

    Lay off being stimulated by naked women!!!!!!!

  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I'm closer to juices age rather than shadowcats age but at one time, I didn't think I was going to live past 30. I thought doomsday would come. I'm older and wiser now. If Clinton, Hillary and Bush and Obama haven't killed us, we might live longer.

    My health has been decent. I have lost over 20 pounds in the last 3 years. Gained a few recently. I blame Wendy's for this mornings gain. I told the girl the bacanator. Not the double bacanator. They never seem to get my order right. On the bright side it tasted pretty good.

    I will make sure to drink more pomegranate juice to help remove plaque from my arteries. I read years ago an Israeli study on senior citizens with clogged arteries that drinking 1.5 ounces a day of the juice before morning meals removed a lot of the buildup in their arteries over 3 months, more after 6 months and that more juice may be better. Lol talking about juice.

    If you don't believe me. One link.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    The doctor told me that my life of wine, women and song was too much for me and I took her advice to heart. I quit the church choir..........
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    LMFAO...thanks guys
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    My best suggestion to you Juice is simple. Don’t worry about shit you can’t control , just live your best life and enjoy it as long as you have it.
    I’m 64 sand I can’t imagine at 35 worrying about dying, the only thing I wish for myself, is to be able to live, as long as I am alive. And be glad for everything I have.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I wouldn’t worry about a mid life crisis until your late 40’s early 50’s.

    However, if you go out and buy a red corvette convertible in the next couple years all bets are off.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Dude, I know in Asheville it will be difficult to find a Tibetan monk or an Indian (dot) to give you some guided meditation, but it would definitely help with your compulsive and obsessive thought processes.

    Don't worry how long you'll live and live one day at a time and you'll definitely live longer. Our own thoughts are most destructive to our health, and this guy from India has helped me mellow out and control all my negative thoughts; guilt, anger, revenge, and "what ifs" can drive me crazy if I don't learn to stop obsessing and worrying so much. Guided meditation is the best form of mental health without using substances.

    Or in simpler terms, chill out and shut off exposure to all electronic media devices; phone, computer, and TV. Go for a walk or head up to the mountains and rent a cabin for a few days and enjoy what peace you have while you have it. No one gets out alive, so stop worrying about it and be happy breathing. (I'm high right now)
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Juice - keep working out and losing weight so you feel better. Most importantly enjoy family and friends. Nothing in life is guaranteed. You can be healthy and happy and get shot by a lunatic like what happened in Vegas.

    I just had a guy I used to work with who was in great shape die tragically in a swimming accident when he was on vacation. So live each day to the fullest.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    juice. the good die young so they may not be corrupted and the wicked live on so they may have a chance to repent. you could be on track to go tomorrow which is as unlikely as ninabambina ever becoming a lawyer or you could live to be 200. the ball is in your court
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Surprisingly ....that's all some extra good advice

    Thanks guy's...the information and the love means a shit load
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    I am 49 and started going to clubs regularly a few months ago. Where did my 30s go? Where did my 40s go? Too much time at work, time spent paying off debts, time wasted on personal ads and introduction services... Random women I met in life on the train the bus or at work.

    I wanna touch flesh, I can afford this, and don't wanna be asking where did my 50s go? There is only so much waiting you can do in life.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    I fully expect to live a long healthy life due to all my good clean living!

    Or it could be good genes and no smoking.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Around 47-48 I went into a "fuck it, I'm gonna die soon anyway" funk cause most of my predecessors had died young, and I had medical issues that were being a real bitch to manage.

    Then I found a new passion that I get exercise from, and encourages further exercise to be good at the activity. Then, I also started chasing extracurricular women again (took a long break to make sure kids education money would be set). Turns out that the attention of younger women is also a good incentive to get in better shape. A new med made my medical issues easier to manage. So, I'm actually looking forward to the possibility of making it to 60.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I'm 72. I had my first heart attack at age 54. I've always kept my weight steady ( few ups & downs) and in retrospect realize that the heart problem was a combo of stress & sleep apnea. I had surgery on my throats and removed tonsils, adenoids, & trochee from my sinuses. VERY painful surgery ( went through a hundred percent 30's in 2 weeks.
    After 4 operations for 8 cardiac stents I then had quadruple by-pass surgery (CABG) and faithfully went to cardiac rehab, but since then have reverted to bad wasting habits & gone back to smoking. From age 69 to 72 I was primary caregiver to my wife with Alzheimer's and that's very stressful. I'm deep in debt from dropping a few hundred thousand on my ATF and other strippers and have paid off/negotiated about $35000 in credit card debt and have 4 more cards of about $30,000 that I'm working on.
    My mother lived to be 88. My Dad died after 50+ years of a chronic health problem at age 62. My grandparents lived to be 78, 84, 79, and 98.
    By all rights I should be dead. All my adult life I've fooled around with street drugs and done too much stuff to excess. One of these days Gawker's posts will be gone. But it's been a great ride and a lot of fun.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    In spite of throwing money on strippers I do make sure to fund my 401k and make extra payments on my rental mortgages. I want a secure retirement that also allows for travel and debauchery.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Juice - we don't know when our number will be up. What you are doing is smart. You are getting rid of lots of excess weight. There is less stress on your heart and joints - and that will help as you age. My belief is to try to live as healthy as one can - avoid becoming over stressed - find an exercise that gets you outdoors - and find a way to cleanse your brain/emotions too.

    Reading the Bible is very helpful in keeping one in a good spiritual place.

    I'm 53 - and I've been a distance runner for close to 40 years. It helps to stay fit - but it also helps to clean out my brain a few times a week. Finding that type of outlet can be very important.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Longevity is correlated with leg strength in numerous academic studies. I.e. men with strong legs tend to live longer.

    We all gotta do our squats and deadlifts. And run.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    These replies have been extremely helpful. Thanks to all.

    If anything I see it as a blessing...it keeps be aware and ever present...working hard to take nothing for granted...loving more, forgiving all, living fuller, taking more risk and juicing every last drop out of life

    It also drives me closer to what we humans call God and or Nature. Accepting life as is and being always present.

    Of course I save for a future just in Case but I do what I can to balance that with pleasure for today.

    According to my traditions of my people I follow Jesus Christ but I also use lots of Buddhist teachings in my life...I actually question hard if the Christ was in some form a Buddhist himself.

    May the Lord of us all the Eternal Computer bless you all my friends
  • screamineagle10
    7 years ago
    I'm 68,in good shape,watch my weight,active, just short of hyper, drink moderately, wear out my younger Harley riding friend's ,only relax at strip clubs. Triple bypass 5 years ago [hereditary] caught it before a heart attack. Long divorced,have a live in girlfriend, OTC relationships with 2 mid 40s strippers that adore me ,( so they say lol ). Even tho I should live well into my 80s my attitude is this is my last hurrah I'm gonna enjoy it to the max.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    This thread has been very inspirational to me
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    never thought about getting old or retiring until about a dozen years ago. my parents in their 80s started making me acknowledge my own mortality. i saw my grand parents and my in laws pass on. and how sad and frustrated they seemed to be. my folks were married 62 years and were not happy. when my wife of 32 years accused me of seeing another woman... (which i wasn't) i said no more. i couldn't take anymore of her bitchiness. life has been good since.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i'm 67... with a bad heart in an occupation that statistically is dead at 62 on average .....
    loving and enjoy these pretty ladies... gifts from God... :)
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Yeah life is to short to be miserable

    It's also to short to stay angry

    I do all I can to live light and with love
  • screamineagle10
    7 years ago
    Yes,an upbeat generally happy attitude can add years to our lives.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Buy a step counter Juice and start taking walks 20 min, 30 min a day. If possible walk outdoors and if you live in an area with some hills better yet.

    Health is an overall status of your body and mind and I found the outdoor walks clear my head and relieve stress.

    Quit drinking soda---all soda including diet and pay attention to what the first five ingredients are on the label of any food you eat.

    I played sports of all kinds at different levels of competition most of my younger years but when I hit 40 the lbs started to go on and not in good places.

    I found with me, even with my travel schedule I can keep a decent level of health with just a few changes ( the ones I mentioned) not starve, still eat well and have a drink now and then.

    Clean bill of health and I still have a lot of energy.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    start taking walks 20 min, 30 min a day. If possible walk outdoors and if you live in an area with some hills better yet.

    I've actually been doing just that and it's been making a big impact on my weight and cardiovascular health.

    Find it funny how I ran through my teens and twenties without a care in the world in regards to my wealth or health

    Get middle into my thirties and I start waking up and getting serious about wealth and my health lol...guess it's just growing up and learning to take responsibility.

  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    No, in my 20's I had no doubt I would not live to 30. I'm glad to be wrong on this one. :) I'm 64, looking forward to 65.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I'm looking forward to being wrong myself lol...although being honest I don't fully understand being religious and believing in a after life greater than this and still clinging to this life....I struggle with this...I suspect it's actually doubt and fear of the unknown...I'm just thankful faith can be as small as a mustard seed LMFAO...

    I'm excited about scientific advances and I'm also terrified of it.

    In scripture the great lie of the devil was to tell us we could become God's.....we are on the edge of this in science...singularity is exciting and scary as fuck
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Witch brings be to a crazy but possible idea...what if all this Shit in holy scripture was primitive men describing ancient aliens and not god's...I mean to them it would be a god

    What if what we call the soul was actually ancient technology that did live forever in some kind of super computer the size of a planet

    What if it was in charge of simulating not just this reality but multiple

    Fucking mind blowing
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Mind orgasm is what that is
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    WTF Juice? This some kind of Matrix post now?

    By the way, Keanu Reeves wants you to pick up the phone. It’s Agent Smith for you...
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Funny you mention that, dickbreath, txtittydumbass. I was with a group of my veteran buddies today. We laughed and laughed when I told them about you, txtittydumbass/Douchester. LMAO
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Did you fall asleep watching ancient aliens Juice?

    I remember another thread that stated looking at tits prolonged life.
    If that's true, there should be a bunch of old geezers in the strip clubs.
    By the time we're that old, hopefully they have perfected vr tech so that we can program our own strip clubs with the best girls and have it interactive so it feels real too.
    Juice's nurse in the nursing home might be giving him a blow job as therapy while he's watching the vr strip cub and Juice is saying Damn this feels so real!
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
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