
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Over the counter ED meds.
    Yohimbe was popular some time ago...never realized it was still around as a alternative. I never tried any of them and have no desire to do so. Sadly for me at least even the products that have been proven to work have no impact on my ability to enhance performance. I've tried Viagra a few times over the years......gives me a headache.....makes my nose run.........and nothing else.
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    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are strippers considered to be Pimped ?
    Nina we were posting at the same time so my comment was being typed prior to yours but in my mind when you start controlling the dancer and impacting her ability to work it is on some level being a pimp.....and the club I am talking about requires a position of a booking agent......wtf does any club need a booking agent to find dancers....why does he get a cut? Why if the dancer has a legit reason not to work does the agent need to be paid?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are strippers considered to be Pimped ?
    As Nina wrote-- "control the hoes"and in my mind this is the heart of the matter. I walked away from clubs years ago and stayed away for a handful of reasons. I'm no psychologist, but I've always found the dynamic of who is really in control in the strip club interaction interesting because of the various perspectives. The dancers will almost always claim to be but from my own point of view except for the very few that can consistently prove they make money for the club and the club would take a hit $$$ if they left the dancers are more often prey than predator.
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    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are strippers considered to be Pimped ?
    There is one club in Detroit--and there could be others but one I know about that you have to have a booking agent and pay him to work there......in my mind you are in this instance being pimped......additionally if you miss a day of work regardless of the reason you have to pay the club and the agent before you can go back to work. I've never set foot in any club in Detroit and I never would in this one.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much you spend in a strip club every time ?
    250-300 on average.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trolls belong under bridges or in Tolkien novels.....not on discussion boards or social sites of any kind.
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    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    I am asking because maybe I have the time line incorrect. Kaepernick lost his starting job to Blaine Gabbert in 2015 On or near the first week of August of 2016 he was shown via photos wearing sox with police as pigs on as part of his practice uniform. Overall he received a negative reaction for doing so. From here one can read the following: https://www.sbnation.com/2016/9/11/12869726/colin-kaepernick-national-anthem-protest-seahawks-brandon-marshall-nfl It was September of this year when Trump made his comments on the NFL ( unless someone can show me different) So I'm not sure how any of this starts with Trump. Now before anyone goes off about being a Trump supporter I'm not. In a room of 15 people who ran for election Trump would finish 14th in my selection process and I am critical as hell about him tweeting. I didn't care for Obama using social media either but at least in part because of the age difference he understood how to use social media, Trump just rants. If every time The Donald reached for his IPhone Melania would give him a BJ instead we all would feel better.......I think one of the tasks of the CoS should be to convince her of what she should be responsible for as First Lady. As for what this is really about......and I'm not necessarily a fan of Ted Cruz either but he has it about right : "I am not a fan of rich, spoiled athletes disrespecting the flag," Cruz said. And Trump realizes many people in the US hold the same sentiment. There is a time and a place for everything. I simply do not feel based on the content of my earlier comment a game attended by many people, some who the last thing they want to hear, see or even smell is politics should be subjected to the opinion of a entertainer ---be it football, basketball, music concerts, or even a Broadway Play. ( recall the Hamilton incident on Broadway as well) How about the NFL if anyone is upset can demand a full refund....putting their money where their mouths are so to speak. After all I went to see "A" not hear and see "B"..... How did Billy Joel put it --you can speak your mind but not on my time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    NFL and connection with strip club crowds.
    I've noticed more of a correlation with the NBA than the NFL but in the long run I doubt there is any impact regardless of what spike we might see in the attention this receives.
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    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    Cashman actually your views are very similar to mine. To me this situation isn't about who is doing what so much as when it is being done. People have short memories and in the age of the sound bite and twitter account we tend to get the news we want. Look at the Dixie Chicks just a few years ago. I could care less what your political views are or theirs and you have a right to express them but do it when I didn't pay 100 dollars or more of my money to be entertained by your music or your physical talents. The person who is getting left out in the nonsense is the fan, and in particular not the fan like most of us on this board who can afford a ticket without too much thought but the guy that scrapes together money for a month or longer to take his kid to a game with him and then has to sit through not only the moment of protest but the shit storm that surrounds it. Now picture you were a vet that got wounded or lost a leg/arm over in the Middle East....or that your dad was a POW and his remains were never found in Vietnam.......suddenly it isn't about the rights of the guy on the field or what Trump wants....it's real life and it hits home.
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    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    You also had a lot of people getting caught up in the let's condemn rock and roll, burn Beatle albums, boycott radio stations that play their music....only to once it faded from the media coverage went back and bought the same album again a year later. In the end the Beatles went on to be a success and make money......the same thing will happen to the NFL and the players involved as long as they can play the game.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    History as a way of repeating itself........different genre...same concept https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/More_popular_than_Jesus
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    D-Wade To Cleveland - CLE Now Strong Enough To At Least Challenge Golden State?
    Nope...I'm a Cavs fan.......only Cleveland team I root for although I go to Indians games when in town. The issue or at least the biggest one last year was transition defense......Wade does nothing to solve the problem. It's an interesting story line...his coming to Cleveland to reunite with LeBron but it doesn't push them to an NBA title barring a massive meltdown or injury riddled season by GS and or SA/OkC. On a side note the stripper population in Clev seems fired up about him coming to town....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    DWTS the pro dancers are hot!
    I've always thought the show was misnamed........Dancing with the Has-beens seems more on point. No, do not watch.............and just about all the talent shows on TV regardless if it's singing, dancing, Ninja climbing all could do with FF on the judges and commentators.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    For those of us who travel.
    I don't travel as much as I once did but Dallas was always at the top of my list when I did. Most of the places I go for work now are not at the top of anyone's list on this site.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Is this industry getting more ratchety?
    Bj99 all my first meetings are in a public place of the ladies choice. I don't expect anyone to knock on my door and I do not expect to pick them up at their house..... A drink or coffee if it is during the day. I'm in no rush when I meet someone. I have as much to lose as they do .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the average readers age on this forum?
    JAprufrock--your safe....I have five years on you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Do certain cities have better looking strippers than others?
    Vegas, LA, Dallas, Miami in that order for best looking from my own experience.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Cleveland Sports
    2009-Pittsburgh ( look it up) As I mentioned above Cleveland is on the rise but a few things which have made me pause ....I paid $ 20 bucks to see the Indians play a Division leading team just a few weeks ago and I sat four rows behind first base......like what the hell. A team in the WS playing a division leading team and I can cop seats for $20 each four rows back of the infield.....not exactly what I would call support from the fans. In a couple of the WS games in Cleveland last year there were as many if not more Cub fans in attendance.....again hello.....support. Get a hockey team............no....... the monsters do not count. Let OSU play the Browns and the winner gets to claim Cleveland........Cleveland has always been a football town.......and whatever you want to call what the Browns have been doing the past few years it isn't playing competitive football.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Is this industry getting more ratchety?
    SA----where I can find two or three SD's for 3K a month and cut down on dealing with sore shins from high heels, knee burns, being pawed at by the likes of us :--) as well as if I find a decent guy get in a bit of traveling and see some of the better places an area has to offer. Hell if he is really cool I can go into the club I once worked in and tip the dancers....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Cleveland Sports
    No, not by a long shot......and this is from someone who regularly attends Cavs and Indians games. I've been commenting for the better part of five years Cleveland is on the rise as a city in many ways but the epic center? Hardly. On a different note I've had pretty good times in the Cleveland clubs. Never been to places like Detroit which from the comments on here seems to be the end all to what clubs should be about.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Ordering food in a club
    I've eaten at a couple of clubs. For the most part the food is decent if not good but then I stick to the basics. Eating and sitting at the bar seems to work for me. I've shared dinner with a couple of dancers. Admittedly the place has to have a certain look and feel to it or I would pass.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Is making it rain ever a good idea?
    I've always wondered if the guys making it rain are trying to impress themselves, other guys in the club, or the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas clubs a unsuspecting tourist trap?
    Pension King's one phrase says it all....no concern for repeat customers which is exactly what I meant when I stated in my initial comment about the clubs operate under a different model. I know girls that work there. Knew them before they moved to Vegas, knew a couple of them before they danced. I was there a year ago for a convention so I was lucky and had some great options but as Cashman stated you might be Nicolas Cage but the odds of finding Elisabeth Shue are very small.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Washington State
    Dealing with uninteresting dancers
    I ran into a very persistent dancer my last trip to a club in NYC....to the point of absurd. I hadn't experienced anything like her on any level ever. Afternoon at a club and for whatever the reason she locked in on my like a Shark on Quint's legs in the movie Jaws. The only reason I let it go as long as I did was I had ordered lunch and was with a long time friend that wanted to go to the club. Even the bartender was embarrassed ( we were sitting at the bar trying to eat and take in the scenery) BTW I tried BJ99's advice--didn't work. Tried Ishmael version one and two.....nada....... Of course the odds of me ever setting foot in that establishment again is slim and none.