
Just working off instinct

How many times would you say on your first trip to a new SC you had your best experience with a girl, girls or the club in general? Or maybe you were treated differently the first time--better--than your follow-up visits. As I look back (and plan my weekend SC strategy) this is my impression at almost every club I have visited in Dallas. The only exception being my second visit to The Lodge when I met a new girl--but still the first time seeing her.

How many times would you say things really get better with repeat visits versus trying out a new place and new girls? I feel like most of these hustlers get bored with the same faces and are more challenged by conquering new PLs and emptying their wallets. Thoughts?


  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Sometimes the second visit was a continuation of scouting out a club... Different day, or time. So if it was not as good as the first visit, I mark off that part of the calendar rather than write off the club itself.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Good point, I do tend to be a vampire showing up late every time.

    I did go to the Rhino with a friend just after open on a Sunday to catch a football game and lick some boobs. There were three cars in the lot and the place was a joke. We had one beer then headed to Baby Dolls. The parking lot was as crowded as Wal Mart over there and we had an awesome time.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I figured all the Follies reviews were BS exaggeration but I decided to go there anyway.

    On my very first visit, got lots of VHM table dances from a variety of girls I really liked, met a skinny blonde white girl with yummy Ccups who talked me into VIP that included BBBJ and CFS, had her own wet wipes to clean things up with, and gave me her number and an offer for OTC. The full Follies experience.

    For a while, I thought it had just been a fluke, as it took several more visits until I was able to repeat or improve on that very first day. Took some time to learn that it all depends on who shows up to work each day.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Thx, you've inspired me.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    With one club I visited over the summer, I know a return visit will not be as good as the first time. That would be simply because the curtains were removed from the VIP.

    It was my first experience getting extras in a strip club and the whole process went better than expected. I found a girl that was willing, but she did not have a price in our initial discussion. Even though going to VIP without settling on a price for services should be a red flag, I knew I had enough to pay whatever price she had. So we went to the VIP and I got BBBJ and CFS. After we left the VIP, she did not ask for any money. Basically what she did was she gave me a freebie. Still, it didn't seem right to walk away without paying, so I asked her how much I owed her. Her exact words were, "I don't know. I don't do this very often. What do you think is fair?" So I gave her enough to cover how many "dances" we were back there for plus a tip. I may have shortchanged her a little bit, but I don't feel as bad knowing there will be times I might overpay.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    It really depends on so many variables - the club and the dancers on any given day can be very unpredictable so that if it's your 1st visit or your 50th visit you never know what will happen.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    ^^^ thx, I don't have a statistically valid sample but I am learning the game which helps.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Agreed with those who say each visit is its own entity and it all depends on the dancer you find that night.

    I made my first visit to two different clubs recently. Both visits resulted in BJ in VIP, but the first club was waay better then the other one, because the girl was way more into it and did more beyond the BJ. The second club wasn't as much fun because the girl just did the deed and didn't add anything else to the experience.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    ^^^ you paid for extras in VIP, or no? I hate it when an otherwise hot bitch is lame in private.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    The only thing predictable in strippers and strip clubs is the unpredictable.

    @TXbananas when you find a hot stripper and/or a hot club with hot strippers, you just run with that shit for all your money's worth. In this game you just gotta "git while the gittin's good" because it ain't gonna last. Bank on that.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @Sir Amen to that. Both of my CFs from last winter (both of which I was close to OTC with) were long gone by March.

    Two girls I've had great times with at Follies are no longer there (although one is available OTC).

    I'm always jealous of the guys who talk about multi-year ATFs. Around here (Atlanta), the ones I like don't seem to stay around for long.
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    If I could relive the moments of first being at a particular strip club I'd say yes, the treatment was better than subsequent visits. However, in my opinion all of my follow up visits have been better because by then the stripper and I are more comfortable with each other and I know her limits.

    In regards to management, subsequent visits have been better than the first. I haven't had any club disturbance issues or dancer issues so usually it's treatment of being allowed in without my VIP card or finding me a seat, but that's about it so far.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @joc13 out here in Portland it is the same. I have been clubbing hard for the last five years and most of the time I couldn't keep an ATF longer than 6 months before something changed it up. And only over the last year have I been lucky enough to find my ATF DS that also is loyal to her club which is on my way home from work. And she is totally cool with giving me a full GFE and high mileage LDK dances every time I see her. In all my years of clubbing I have never had it so good and I just know it's going to suck when something changes. But until then, I'm going to have a great time!
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    It seems if your first trip was good you remember it as great; but if it was not good, you think of the club as terrible. A lot of it has to do with the novelty of a new place and new people.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    These are "lightening in a bottle" moments, when you walk into an unfamiliar club at the right time, in the right mood, and find the right girl.

    I love it when it happens, but it happens so rarely. By instinct, I'm more of a regular and a researcher. I have my fun, but I wonder if I shouldn't take more risks on new clubs and dancers.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Ishmael just summed up my thoughts, as did others. Lopaw bottled it well also.

    I have over thought things at times and have found the luck of the draw has more to do with any given experience than anything. I think it pays to do homework but then realize that it's not a technical game. At the end of the day, I'm there to enjoy myself so I've sort of learned to adjust my expectations on the fly and I might define a "good" experience differently from one time to the next.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    In my view - those good first times are the times we tend to remember.

    It's like those times when playing golf and you hit a great shot. I prefer to remember those shots more than the box of balls I hit into the lake.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I think it is a crap shoot.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    I've had lightening strike the first time on visits a couple of times this year, oddly both of them in Northeast Ohio which from the feedback on this board is not the best place for SCs.

    Overall however I've found the second or third visit to be the best in terms of quality or mileage with a dancer and with better service from the bar and staff in general.

    It seems after the third visit there is either a leveling off of service or in some cases a slight decline due to people get complacent.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    When I was clubbing hard (3 days or more a week) I got to know just about everyone in the 2 or 3 clubs I would frequent.

    When I would go to a new or different club, it was definitely more exciting. You just get complacent with the same thing over and over again in a club you are at a lot. Same sights, same sounds, same attitudes, etc. So when you go to a new Club or one you haven’t gone to in a long time, it’s a different feeling/vibe.
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