Where do you guys OTC?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
For you OTCers out there, where is your preferred location of the date? If you guys go somewhere that's not "free" like a hotel, motel, Holiday Inn, do you factor the cost into the negotiated price or is it an extra expense that you just eat for the convenience/comfort. The price of even a discount place can cost close to how much some VIPs charges for their half hour or hourly rates, making it less economical from a financial or time-consuming point of view.


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avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Home. Almost all my OTC occurs in the Detroit area where I live. I only use a hotel when I strip club out of town.
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
In my limited experience in OTC, I have always used a hotel. It has always been just the cost of doing business in my mind. In fact most of my OTC experiences lately have included dinner and drinks as well as a hotel. The clubs I visit, usually have extras available up to and including FS in vip, so girls that I do OTC with are usually exceptional in my mind. They are ones that interest me above and beyond just their body. Given that fact I enjoy their company a great deal the extra expense is generally compensated by the experience.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
As with most things on here, the answer is "it depends".

I approach all OTC (and SB) situations from an initial proposition of going out and then going back to her place for the sexy fun. This has worked out about 75% of the time. The last two girls I've dated off SA though (neither has made it to true SB status), have had really unkempt apts so while the location is free it is sometimes a little scary.

With SA girls I've had pretty good luck convincing them that a fancy overnight date in a hotel (dinner, clubbing, etc) should count as part, or even all, of their compensation for the evening. No such luck with OTC strippers.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Always a hotel. Never a fleabag place, but not high luxury either. I do this primarily for security and privacy reasons. Others meet at their own homes or the stripper's place. That is a level of risk I don't want.

Generally, I absorb the room fee as a cost of business. But, if a dancer gets greedy, I'll remind her that I'm paying for the room. I've used the line "You don't get to charge pro escort rates, because escorts pay for their own rooms."

Everyone has their own way when it comes to this topic. You'll need to figure out what works best for you.
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
My truck
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
My ex-ATF was usually her apartment, but we also went out for lunch and dinner. My van came in handy for those dates!
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
My house or her house. I don't do OTC unless I know her a little bit.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
With my ATF, her apartment since she was single and childless. With my other 3 OTC girls, fairly cheap chain motels (Days Inn, Super 8) for $50-60, a cost that I just absorb for the pleasure of their company.
avatar for bubba267
7 years ago
3-4 star hotels acquired on Hotels Tonight or Hotels.com. I wait until I have confirmation that we are meeting then book the room. Like several of the other guys I consider it, dinner, drinks part of the cost of having a quality, full GFE.
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I bring them back to my place. A couple times while traveling back to my hotel, but thats very uncommon. Never her place.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
A reasonable or low end hotel. It simply feels right - taking a dirty dancer to a filthy hotel room.

I'm not what you'd call classy.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
I travel for work so the OTC is easy--I already have a hotel room for the most part.
avatar for CouldBe
7 years ago
Hotels. I don't think I'd be comfortable going to her place until a high level of trust has been established. I, too, travel extensively for work, so hotels are already a given. My ATF and I enjoy a nice dinner more often than not before retiring for the evening and she considers that part of her compensation. In the rare instances I've OTC'd too close to home to justify a hotel on my expense report, I've used points accumulated from the hotel rewards program for free nights. I'm loyal to one brand and travel quite a bit. The points add up quick.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
My home is easily #1. That said, I can count on one hand the number of strippers who have been to my home -- and still have fingers left over. I need to seriously know and trust her before I bring her to where my family lives (obviously, my kids are off with their mom during my OTC time). But some of the most amazing times can be had with a home as home base ... including the fact that, 100% of the time, the stripper ends up staying the night.

Hotel is next. The problem with hotels in this area is that most add $200/night, and that's to mucking fuch, especially if we'll only be using it for an hour. Luckily, the Recharge app operates in SF now, so I can rent a high-end hotel for an hour for $50.

Hot tubs are a distant third. By far the most convenient, but even the really nice clean ones I use have a bit of a psychological ick factor, a layout that doesn't allow for a lot of flexibility as far as fun sexual adventure, etc
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Thanks for the responses, guys. It seems hotel or similar is by far the top choice. The girls' place is probably avoided due to the possibility of drama (crazy boyfriend/husband, kids possibly, parent(s) even for the youngest girls; i wonder if anyone here's ever done a stripper at her freaking parent's home of all places ). Your place might have similar drama, well not the parents unless your not a chump. Too bad i don't travel much, certainly not enough to get OTC on a single first time strip club visit, although some TUSCLers have mentioned being able to pull that off.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
" i wonder if anyone here's ever done a stripper at her freaking parent's home of all places"

I did.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Jackslash I didn't expect that place. I think you win! Lol!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I take her to Juice's trailer
avatar for TippingDollars
7 years ago
Parking Lot.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Burger King bathroom
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i've done it at my place, her place, my hotel, her motel, the back seat, park, party.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
I can just imagine corpulent ol' @MrDouche taking one of his post-menopausal, rotten-toothed, meth-whores out to the local Super-8 -- "a cost he can just absorb for the pleasure of her company."

LOL! What a lucky girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
When I OTC, I like to do it outside of the club.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Almost always hotels. The comfort and security, along with the potential for a longer, more relaxed session are well worth the price and minor loss of convenience from the club. Most of the decent hotels in town are normally in the $70-90 per night (outside Derby Festival and big conventions), and even the 4.5 and 5 star places are usually sub 100 if you use one of the many discount apps. And of course, there's the local per hour places, one of which is $50 for 3 hours, and pretty clean.

I've gone to a few stripper homes, but many of them are sad. Either because they're dumps, or because they're a testament to physical poverty.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
Sometimes a stripper is still living with an "ex" and he puts up with her as someone to help with utilities. I agree the real lives of these women can be very sad, they blew their money on so many foolish things, then become stuck/trapped in a crummy living arrangement.
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