
My stance on conversation has changed

I used to be not a fan of conversations with strippers. I didn't mind a girl coming up to me and the first thing that comes out of her mouth is "wanna dance"? After all why even waste their time? They are there to make money, and we are either gonna do dances or we're not. I didn't see the point of conversating before she asks you if you want a dance. Plus a lot of strippers I had come across can't hold a conversation, so talking to them became kind of painful.

I have come around now though. I absolutely love conversation. It's fun especially talking to these girls you have a "connection" with, you can talk about anything and everything with her. Sometimes on a slow boring night in the strip club a girl will sit by you and unexpectedly you will have conversation. You weren't planning on doing dances on this night, but you're having such as a good time with her, so you end up doing dances, and the dances are great, and it leads to more fun things.

How do you all feel about conversation with the strippers? Do you like it or do you wish there was less of it and getting to the point quicker?


  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I will be nice on this response...

    Yes, I do enjoy talking to a stripper as long as we have something to talk about. That's why I love MILFs as they are closer to my age we usually share common interests. Talking to a 21 year old stripper is usually like talking to a wall for me.

    You are absolutely right, strippers are there to make money, so if a stripper sits with me (and I want her to sit with me) I will buy her a drink(s) and sometimes tip her accordingly for her time if I don't end up buying dances from her.

    Good question Fishsticks.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I enjoy conversations with strippers, but just like shailynn, they need to have some area of common ground with me to allow for real conversation. Thus most of my favorite girls are in their 30's or late 20's. This is especially true if you are seeing them OTC. If I am out to dinner and drinks with her, then she needs to be able to converse on a reasonable level.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I agree with shailynn and Doces300 (and cflock). I want a dancer to sit with me and drink and talk before she takes to to VIP and fucks the hell out of me. I'm old fashioned.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Good looks alone will not hold my attention.

    If you want a couple of $ 1's when you dance or even me to walk up and place a 5 or 10 in your clothing you need looks and some semblance of being able to dance but having a drink with me and being able to converse is how I end up shelling out $$$
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    One of the perks of an adult establishment is the ability to openly converse about things that are taboo in the outside polite world. Ever notice how crass and to-the-point strippers are with each other? You can do it too.

    Usually strippers will start discussing their personal lives after you have discussed aspects of the club and who-you-are-what-do-you-do-for-a-living. It's almost universally filled with absurd situations that no sensible person would have gotten themselves into. Even if you have a sane stripper, she will have stories to relate from her friends. It can give you a sense of relief about your own life, that you are not handling all that drama (and cut down on the fantasy of dating a stripper.)
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    As long as convo is minimal during dances I'm good. At the tables and bar I like chit chat small talk about whatever. Even better is when they sit on my lap and/or spoon with me.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I have always loved conversing (or, as strippers and the OP say, "conversating") with dancers as long as they have something to say. If the conversation becomes painful because they don't know how to converse and make me do all the work, I find a way to move them along. Usually a stripper has to be at least 25 to be interesting to talk with, but I have a new favorite at one club who isn't quite 21 and is *fascinating* to hang out with. Of course it helps that she has natural D's and a great grind :)
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    A fine young woman talking to me about anything and everything is a bonus not to be missed. I'm used to the awkward "Wanna dance" thing.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    I do like conversing with them, but I won't do so with every one that come sit. She has to be hot to me otherwise it's a waste of her time and I'd rather not do that. I know she's there to make money, and she will not get any from me.

    What I mean is that I don't pay to talk or for time, so if she's a girl I will not get dances (or more) from there's no point in talking.

    Having said that, if she's hot to me and got a personality I enjoy, I'll talk as long as she's willing.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I talk to them about going bareback, if she's ever slipped it In without telling her pl she was going to do it based on spontaneity. It gets their mind thinking about it and laying of the seeds. When it happens I tell everybody on tuscl and ask the board if I should get tested for stds.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    The best is when she lets me know who are all the "dirty" girls in the club lol.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Club Desire, where I spend most of my SC time, virtually requires conversation since its business model is closer to an 8th grade dance than a wanna dance club. I enjoy the fact I can converse with women under 30 and in a weird way it helps me at work since about 45% of my clients are under 30.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    If I'm interested - I'll chat with a dancer. If she's not my type (for buying dances), I will let her know, so I don't waste her time (and limit her from chatting up other customers).

    With a few local clubs, there are several Brazilian dancers, who barely speak English, and chatting can be difficult.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Yeah Cashman I've been trying to do that with girls I'm not interested in, I let them know upfront so that I don't waste their time.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    That's smart larryfisherman. Since you are upfront with them - they don't need to try and sell dances - and they might be more relaxed.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I've mentioned this in other posts, but I think it was in bits and pieces in multiple threads.

    I enjoy my stripper interactions much more when I can really get into the fantasy. I choose strippers who pass a physical appearance threshhold, but that isn't enough for a memorable dance. My favorite experiences cum when we make a connection and I genuinely like her. That requires conversation.

    I don't find a lap dance with a 10 that I don't know anything about much more enjoyable than masterbating, but it is more expensive and takes less effort. I do like masterbating but it doesn't compare, the same way as paying for sex doesn't compare to having sex with a SO.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Oh, and one more thing...

    A thing that makes me go "Arghhh" is use of the word conversate.
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    I'd be interested to hear if lowpaw has an opinion on this, sorry 'take'.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I love talking to the girls, and find it's not particularly difficult to have a great fun conversation even with a 20-year-old stripper. And I'm not even a particularly good conversationalist, but after several decades of SCing, I have some fun never-fail topics that tend to get even the shy or awkward girls laughing and being active in the conversation. Not always, of course, there's girls who stymie even me, but I can have a great conversation with most of the girls
  • DisRuptive1
    7 years ago
    I kind of like when a dancer sits with (and on) you. As long as you're not paying for it, it gives you time to feel them up for free. If they're willing to let you grope them for free, they'll do more when you start paying them.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Yeah, it depends on the dancer. I try to not waste the time when it's a dancer that I don't want to spend money on. That said, there have been a select few borderline dancers (in terms of looks) who have won me over with their charm.

    On the flip side of that coin, I've encountered some smoking hot dancers that were agonizing to talk to. I try to move them into a room as quickly as possible.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Not into convos, I don't go to SCs for intellectual stimulation, I go for physical/visual stimulation and covos with dancers don't stimulate me physically (usually make my pipi go to sleep) - I much prefer for her to spend the non-dance time groping me and me groping her or some physical GFE - - don't mind dirty talk but only when it comes across as not super-fake (they gotta be good at it even if it's SS).

    I hit $5 and $10 per dance dives thus I can indulge in contact dances vs talking - in the mixed clubs in my area with $25 dances then I may engage in more convo as to not burn thru a lot of $$$.

    And as lurker posted, often times the dancers get comfortable when I speak with them and either the crazy or life-drama starts coming out from her and I'm not into listening to stripper-drama (it's a boner-killer for me - I don't handle bad-news/drama well).

    I actually enjoy conversations but more so with men than women as IME I can often be on the same wavelength with other dudes vs women.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    hmmm...if it's for free, sure, i don't mind shooting the ish with a hot stripper or picking the brains of a not so hot stripper to find out the workings of a club. But i'm not paying for it, nor have i ever paid for that, at least not anymore than a small tip, $5 or less, usually less if at all, especially if it's only talking. If we were doing of lot of cuddling or touching instead of just talking, then yes, i would tip, but still not a lot (less than $10, more often much less, regardless of how much time or touching) and only if we didn't get dances afterwards.

    If i have no interest in getting dances with her, i might just let her sit as long as she wants, rarely touching her if at all, only somewhat engaging her in conversation (like answering her questions and not much more or occasionally asking her a generic question or maybe get club intel if it stays silent too long) so that other girls i see at the club that i've danced with before on a previous visit but i have no interest in dancing with again won't bother me while she's with me ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I also like variety and getting with as many dancers as I find desirable and can afford - a dancer yapping away feels like I'm being cock-bloccked from getting with other dancers since it's good contact dances I go to SCs for vs conversation
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Sometimes in my experience good conversation leads to better dances than expected.
  • DisRuptive1
    7 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo "I don't go to SCs for intellectual stimulation"

    I go for aural stimulation.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    I use conversation three ways with a stripper, assuming she looks interesting. First, it's a way to pass some time and learn a bit about the club/business if I'm not wanting a dance at the moment and she can hold a conversation.

    Second, sometimes it's a shield against another dancer I want to avoid.

    Third, it's a screening mechanism to try to figure out how she would be for dances.

  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    My new CF doesn't speak English, and I don't speak Spanish. But we've both enjoying giving each other lessons! I usually enjoy thoughtful conversation too, but this new girl is so much fun I don't miss it.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    @ Huntsman
    Yes, those are exactly the reasons (or at least most of them) i would converse with a stripper, but i'm certainly not one of "those" customers that needs it from them.
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