
The regular route

Thursday, October 12, 2017 2:57 PM
It has been said many times that if you want to date a stripper, fuck a stripper for free, or hang out with her OTC without paying for her time, then you shouldn't spend a lot of money on her ITC or become a regular of hers. It has been said that once you start spending money on them consistently, then they just look at you as a ATM, and anything in the future they do with you they'll expect to be paid. The last three girls I've hung out with OTC as friends (one of them being a fuckbuddy) I was a regular of theirs ITC. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't think spending money of them limits you in anyway.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "It has been said many times that if you want to date a stripper, fuck a stripper for free, or hang out with her OTC without paying for her time, then you shouldn't spend a lot of money on her ITC or become a regular of hers." Agreed! I think it just depends on what you want. If you are not paying her, then she is going to be wanting something else. As I see it, the experts learn how to give them the best of both, money + more, and that way they really will give you whatever you want, and when you want it. SJG Chaos Witch [view link]
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"It has been said many times that if you want to date a stripper, fuck a stripper for free, or hang out with her OTC without paying for her time, then you shouldn't spend a lot of money on her ITC or become a regular of hers." Larry, I mostly see that repeated by PUA charlatans, who are selling a product, and their socially-awkward customers are basically the choir to which they preach. This approach works great to sell PUA books, evidently. I don't know any actual PLs who agree with it ... if anything, I think many of us recognize that favored regulars get benefits that are either not available to others, or available to others but at higher $.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    "favored regulars get benefits that are either not available to others, or available to others but at higher $" +100
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I think the PUA's are selling a mixture of nonsense and anti-feminist stupidity. But just learning to be more assertive with women, in my experience, it does work. SJG
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I am an ITC no extras PL and in my experience based on this context it is absolutely more cost effective to be a regular. My ATF DS doesn't care if I short the dance count by one every so often and also I can be $10-20 short on 30 min VIPs. Plus I don't tip much. Most of the time I don't at all but if I do it is typically $10. Plus we are ITC friends so we smoke weed and hangout and she spoons with me and dick teases me at the bar regularly for 15-30 min every visit. All that time is free too. If I wanted, I could have a good time for hours with her that starts with civie spooning and dick teasing and ends in an LDK for $50. In over a year of being her regular I have not once seen her spend any time ITC like this with anyone else and she flat out tells me that her other customers are jealous of me. She's even shared more personal info about herself with me than I have with her. I know her real name and social media accounts and have looked at family pictures with her as I rub my hard dick between her ass cheeks at the bar. The more I see her regularly, the more benefits I get without spending anything more. If I were to try to get the same with a different dancer every time, I would be spending upwards of an additional $50-$100 every time. Plus, she is totally fine and helps me LDK whenever I want. We basically have a really good business friendship. And with it I get extra mileage, guaranteed LDKs, dance and VIP discounts, her trust, and as much free civie spooning and dick teasing time that I want. Also I have had other ATFs that have given some benefits like this too, mainly in the form of dance/VIP discounts. But none of them have been at this level. Still, it's always been cost effective to be a regular in my PL life.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    as an old fart... fucking a girl for no additional tip is a bit rare... butt it still does happen. chemistry is the main ingredient.
  • JDisRight
    7 years ago
    Man up and pickup a civilian! You are pathetic.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @JD- if I was picking up civilians left and right, I wouldn't be on this site. I'm a PL just like everyone else here.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    IDK IDK. Your argument belies your premise. Which was "If you want to date a stripper, fuck a stripper for free". Seems you are arguing based on ITC/OTC extras, and not on actually carrying on a relationship of some kind separate from the club. Ive "been" with 2 dancers, the first I didn't meet at the club. Her I had no problem being around her working, the second I stayed away from the club she worked at. Neither of them I spent $$$ to get with. But I will have to be the contrarian and say I agree that if you want a regular good thing OTC IME, 2-3 times is the most I have paid OTC before transitioning to another type of arrangement. It would seem preferable to P2P with NSA, but that grows old really quick and leads IME to the ATM viewpoint as mentioned earlier. My 2 cents..
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Nothing is universal, but it seems most custies often have trouble getting with dancers OTC *even* when they are paying them, so one "could extrapolate" that getting w/ them OTC *for free* would have even a higher failure rate. I assume some custies may have "the power of persuasion" and can work a dancer, perhaps over multiple visits, and get the "free" OTC - but with many of these women it often isn't "free" even if you are not paying (one is often either paying with drama or a not so-stable dancer wanting to attach herself to "a healthy host")
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @lick that- I am arguing the regular factor based on everything (ITC extras, hanging out with her OTC, lapdance deals...etc). Good points Papi nothing is ever 100% free.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    *IMO* dancers getting with custies, whether 'free" or w/e, has to do with the fact they are strippers, i.e. they r looking to get something out of it, it's not about the custy (with rare exceptions, IMO)
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    @Larry. Okay, well you started out with "Date, fuck and hang out", so therefore the need for clarification. As to the regular argument, of course ITC it makes a diff extras or not. But OTC no, I wouldn't continue a P2P for too long. Leads to dependency and all the negatives Papi refers to.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    @Papi. I currently have one of those "seeking to attach themselves" types now. Debating whether to maintain it or release back. She's ever so sincere but the instability and dingbat drama is lurking in the background, trying not to surface.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo it is *always* about business. A regular is just a consistent and reliable source of income for a stripper. He gets the equivalent of frequent flyer miles with her. By giving him 'perks' he will likely keep up the relationship. And if she starts taking advantage of this and requires more and more money or does less for the same, then she runs the risk of losing the business. I had an ex fave that I saw regularly because she was a great LDK dancer, but over time she did less and less so I stopped seeing her.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Another thing about being a regular is that other strippers will know this. While not always advantageous, sometimes this makes them want to offer you more than your ATF does. I would never "cheat" on my ATF DS at the same club, but LOL I have at least three other strippers there that repeatedly flirt and keep trying to get me to get dances with them whenever my ATF DS isn't working.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG giving advice on how to fuck/date strippers for free. @SJG: what are your qualifications here? How many you dated and fucked for free?
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    @Ray "Wouldn't it break the bank before it becomes a relationship?" Don't break the bank. Being a regular is about consistent payouts, not the amount you pay.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Being a regular is about consistent and discounted payouts. You pay less per visit so you can have more frequent visits. Based on dances and civie dick tease time only, with my ATF DS I minimum pay $50 for two LDs and maximum pay $160 for 30 min VIP including $10 tip. For $50 with a new dancer I get zero civie dick tease time and two lower mileage dances where I would be lucky to LDK. And for $160 with a new dancer I would maybe get 5 min of civie time and again a lower mileage 30 min VIP. Plus she likely won't be a 9 like my ATF DS. LOL as a regular I just break the bank later than when I'm not.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I think there are many benefits to being a regular with the right dancer. In my opinion - the dancers attitude makes a huge difference in this equation. Some dancers are simply looking to milk an ATM - and not give any benefits (like many SW types). It's the girls who relax when you build a relationship - and who enjoy hanging with you (and your money) - who make being a regular worthwhile and beneficial.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    As far as dating or being a fuckbuddy with a dancer, this is a pretty slim chance because 90% of the dancers I've gotten to really well have boyfriends, and most dancers won't entertain dating anyone they met at the club. But being a regular certainly doesn't decrease your slim chances of dating or fuckbuddy relationship if you want to go that route. In almost two years of strip clubbing, I've "been" with a grand total of two dancers. As far as being friends outside the club, and getting better mileage, and getting better deals than your average customer would get, that's where the regular route has it's benefits. There is a girl I fucked P4P OTC, call me delusional, but I'm 95% sure I'm the only customer she's taken outside the club. Like Liwet said it isn't about breaking the bank, it's about being consistent. Do what you can afford.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I don't want to date a stripper, because that's a first class ticket on the drama train probably 98% of the time. And no, I don't have the time to hunt for rainbow unicorns. I don't want to fuck a stripper for "free", because you always pay to fuck a stripper. I'd rather settle that obligation immediately with cash. All of that being said, being a club regular allows you to become a known quantity with the dancers and staff. That has many short and long term benefits.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"So the key is to be a regular? Interesting. How many times a week do you visit your ATF and whats the maximum you spending? Wouldn't it break the bank before it becomes a relationship?" It's a relationship from the beginning: a stripper/customer relationship at first, and then eventually ATF/regular relationship, it's important not to lose sight of that fact that it's a business relationship at its heart. Beyond that, I don't think you're thinking about this right when you say "the key is to be a regular" ... it's as if you're thinking that it's a sane thing to go to the strip club with the sole goal of trying to become fuckbuddies with a stripper, that's a huge waste of time and money. In all the years I've been doing this, I've ended up in FWB with a stripper a tiny handful of times. If your goal is to fuck lots of strippers for free, often, then you should have a completely different strategy: you should start learning the skills and developing the personality to be a strip club DJ. What I AM saying is, in many years, the only times I got to fuck a stripper for free, I was her regular first. But it would be insane to spend all the time and $$$$$ to be a stripper's regular just in pursuit of that -- you become a regular because you like her and enjoy the benefits that being a regular bestows and you're fine sticking with just one girl, and that in itself is the end goal.
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    You never pay to have sex with a stripper or escort. You pay to have them go away promptly when you are finished. In my experience, there is no such thing as "free" sex. The payment is just a matter of timing. GFs or wives are WAAAAAAYYY more expensive than the most expensive stripper, in the long run.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Paying for sex upfront is the better method. It seems that it gets much more expensive if you wait - as the payout can be huge!
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    @ Sub. Larry. Cash: All make valid points. My point is, I don't want to be in a P2P relationship with ANYONE, stripper or civil, long term. Why would you want that? I understand that as men we Always end up paying in some fashion for sex, financially or otherwise, (bleeding ears come to mind). But I think, and this may be controversial, that them in my life is more valuable to them than vice-versa. I know its cocky but look at them and look at us? I'll pay you to get to know you 2/3 times but beyond that, I'm doing you a favor. Like Papi said, some are looking to attach onto a normal functioning "healthy host". Know your worth in all things, and you'll be viewed as more than an ATM/crisis solver, and also avoid a lot of the SS bc she'll want to keep U and value you. Church over. Amen!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    If there's anything one can learn on TUSCL is that not everyone marches to the beat of the same drum in terms of what they like. Some guys can't handle dating a dancer and what comes w/ that - some guys can manage - and some actually like the drama and what comes w/ it - a matter of preference and personality type I suppose
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Lots and lots of strippers, over many decades, have wanted to fuck / date me for free. And starting that night. Its just that at that time I was married. The reason they like me, is that I don't smoke or drink, I am more interesting to talk to than most of the people they deal with, and most of all because I don't treat them like prostitutes. I never offer them money or suggest that they can be bought. SJG Picasso [view link]
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    pensionking said 'GFs or wives are WAAAAAAYYY more expensive than the most expensive stripper, in the long run.' so right. man. i wish i had full knowledge of this (and other wisdom) back in my twenties. would have saved me huge amounts of deniro. and sanity.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Subraman is one of the wisest guys on TUSCL hands down.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Maybe a few of you have read between the lines and comments although I don't feel I am trying to hide anything but I've dated a few strippers and by dated I mean not showing up at the club or texting them (her) for a hook-up. Regardless of how I have met them or if they continue to strip or not when we are dating rule number 1 is I quit going to the club they work regardless of how I met them. In the beginning ( if you want to call it a relationship) when we start seeing each other the burden of me showing up in the clubs impacts her more than it does me. I've seen it enough to know and I have heard about it enough to know it is true but as time goes on, weeks into months, it starts to have an impact on me as well. And I will also say you never have sex for free.....it cost one way or the other....and sometimes more than just money. If you are going to spin this particular roulette wheel understand your odds and even what it means when you win. The guys who do know what I mean.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG: the question is not how many do *you* think like you or wanted to fuck you. Of course, a psycho as out of tune with reality and as narcissistic as you is going to get that one wrong. The question is how many have you actually dated or had sex with without paying?
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @Dougster LMAO. Believing in what a stripper tells you ITC is an epic... ... ...wait for it... ... ...CHUMP'S GAME!!! (or a narcissist's)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dougster and SirLapDance are the ones who don't seem able to engage with young women. SJG
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    So not gonna answer that last question I posed, huh, @SJG? Can't say I'm surprised... LOL!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Hey, @SJG, you seem to be really into music. There's a jingle from the 50's that kind of reminds me of you. It's called "Duck and cover! Duck and cover!" Lol!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Warrenboy75 you just gave away some real knowledge it fits perfectly with my experience I’ve dated a few strippers (not paid) over the years and the one that I became closest to, actually quit stripping because she sensed it was conflicting with my feelings for her. I’m not willing to discuss any particulars due to the open nature of this forum but you are right on target with your advice about not going in to her workplace.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Thats the main problem with SJG, besides his obviously delusional mindset. It's that you can't have a normal conversation with him because he ignores your questions. SJG if you seriously want to shake the stigma of being known as the resident dumbfuck of TUSCL then step one is to know how to have a conversation. You ask a question, we answer. When we ask a question, you answer. Your process seems to be to ask questions, and ignore every question posed to you.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ Well said, TFP. Unfortunately you just said it to a blathering idiotic narcissist, so if he gives any response it will be condescending and insulting back to you. He's not interested in having discussions and considering alternate views than his own. LMAO even if every TUSCL user had him on ignore, he would still post just to revel in the "genius" of his own posts. It's not about anything else than his own ignorant and opinionated views.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    TFP, SirLapDance, and Dougster, stupid buffoons who would be better suited to conversations in bars. SJG
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    "...if he gives any response it will be condescending and insulting back to you. He's not interested in having discussions and considering alternate views than his own."
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Still no answer, @SJG?
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Oh please, Dougster. He won't answer any question unless the answer puts him in a positive light. It's that narcissism that prevents him from this. Any question that makes him look bad he ignores. He can't help it. So let me answer your question for him. Per your post, the question is: "@SJG: the question is not how many do *you* think like you or wanted to fuck you. Of course, a psycho as out of tune with reality and as narcissistic as you is going to get that one wrong. The question is how many have you actually dated or had sex with without paying?" And for context, you asked this as per the blathering idiot's earlier post: "Lots and lots of strippers, over many decades, have wanted to fuck / date me for free. And starting that night. Its just that at that time I was married." Wow, you would think that by this self aggrandizing statement that the blathering idiot would get a lot of action now that he is, I presume, not married. He should have a lot of stories to share by now, given all that stripper action that he so nobly turned away when he was married. One would think he's getting stripper pussy left and right nowadays. But yet, there's not one story about all this stripper action that he's actually getting now. And it's really a simple question too. Nothing but crickets and pivots coming from him. I say the blathering idiot has answered the question by not answering it. He's too narcissistic to admit it, but, just like all the other PLs that he condescends and insults, he's no better because he also pays for his *supposed* sex with strippers (or hookers). He pays them and they feed his head with PL fantasy. And now he is to the point that he actually believes the SS that he pays for. They give him a fantasy that he is such the lady charmer and he's the stupid buffoon that actually believes it. There's your answer. Bank on it.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Larry, I'm guessing you're a young guy? Let me try to rephrase things to clear up the confusion. The basic principle is, you can't buy a dancer. You can rent her 3 minutes at a time ITC, but you can't buy her interest or affection. If a dancer isn't interested in you, no amount of money will change her mind. She'll happily accept your money ITC, and possibly OTC, but it will never be anything other than a commercial transaction, which is what 99.99% of the guys on this board want anyway. If a dancer does have interest or affection for you, then any money you give her won't be an obstacle, but it also won't be necessary. You can spend little or no money on her, and still walk out with either her phone number or with her. I've done both many times, but it happened much more often when I was younger. Of course once you start hanging out with a dancer OTC, there's really no need for you to see her ITC. AS for the rest of you, Subraman for example, this isn't PUA bullshit. This has been my reality and experience throughout my life, and I'm pretty sure I've posted this before several times. What I'm discussing aren't "benefits" because it isn't necessary to be her regular. In this entire thread, Warrenboy75 seems to be the only one who understands this subject. To give a couple of examples: Long ago when I was just 18 I used to visit the Yellow Rose about once a month and never spent much money as I was a student then. I tended to get dances from one certain girl, and guys who were regulars started telling me that she liked me. I was clueless and didn't believe them until I asked a new dancer to breakfast and it turned into a double date with my regular dancer. I've told this story before. Halfway through breakfast we basically swapped dates. lol Fast forward about 10 years, and I'm walking into Cheetah's LV on the spur of the moment. It was standing room only. So I'm at the bar, and I see this blonde bombshell talking to someone about 3 yards from me. Just your basic Playboy playmate centerfold type. so I stare at her for several seconds, then force my eyes away. I look back, and she's vanished. I start kicking myself for not approaching her. Then I realize she's literally standing right next to me, with her back to me. I tap her on the shoulder, and discover her best friend is my favorite dancer at Cheetah's, who I've been seeing regularly for the past year. Turns out she's a dancer too and I can't understand how I've never seen her before, as more than once I'd walked into VIP around midnight and didn't leave until about 8 am. After 5 minutes we feel like we've known each other forever. We go into VIP for about 30 min, and she's putting my hands on her breasts, her ass, her pussy. We decide to leave and about 60 minutes later we're at the Bellagio on our first date. I don't know how much money I had spent in VIP, but it was minimal, I'm guessing maybe $100 at most. Anyway, long story short, dating a dancer is advanced dating. I don't recommend it.
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