I'm not complaining but...
I'm starting to see discussions involving non-strip-club related topics. I guess there's really nothing wrong with going off-topic being that they've been some really good subject. BUT I come here to talk about tits and ass and everything within the 4 walls of the strip club. If I need a support group for other areas of my life, I'll go look elsewhere.
Only so much can honestly be said about paying hookers for sex
You're welcome
As one of the old farts here and for many years. Things are cyclic. There are always T&A postings and often non T&A. Once you figure out the turds that populate TUSCL and put them on ignore, it pretty much stays a T&A site, but with other topics not related to personal battles (politics, financial, and football to name a few). You may still see the one side from the good member but get to miss the trolls.
I concentrate on the comments about the clubs but keep in mind money, politics, belief systems, SA to name a few all have some bearing on going to clubs.
As Juicebox stated after you are here bit you need variety.