
Vacation Getaway with A Stripper

Any of you ever been on a getaway from you and your stripper home city or state? How did things develop leading up to asking and planning the getaway together? Was she flaky with you at times or always 100% when it came to communication?

I ask because I plan to go out to Vegas in June for a poker tournament and to go alone would be nothing, but I figured take my fav out there a couple of days before the tournament begins and have some fun with her.


  • K
    7 years ago
    I have taken several on trips. I recomend an over night followed by a local trip first. You dont want to find out you cant stand each other on day two of a seven day trip.
    Be very clear about what you are paying for or you might find spa visits and fur coats charged to the room
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I took a stripper to Vegas once it actually went pretty well. If you don't her for a while and have good chemistry you should be okay I wouldn't just take any stripper there
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Obviously, you have to be the kind of PL who likes this kind of thing (some of the guys here don't like socializing with the talent), and find the right stripper (not a bad idea to follow K's advice and at least get a taste of her behavior OTC or overnight, if that is possible)... but if you check both of those boxes, it can be really awesome. I find that pretty much anywhere can be fun with the right stripper, and Vegas is a place that's particularly easy to have fun. I'd go one step further than K -- I always spend all my time with my vacation stripper, but if I were off working or at a tournament during the day, I'd absolutely expect to be sliding her some entertainment money for the day. You're offering to take her on a vacation, for me personally, I don't think it's reasonable to tell her that I'll be gone for 6 hours every day and she's got to spend her own money the whole time... particularly if she's not charging you for the trip . Especially when it comes to Vegas, my few experiences have been that strippers get excited about it enough that they often don't even charge for it, but do expect to be treated like princesses the whole time (great restaurants, great bars, a bit of gambling money here and there, fancy massages, strip club trips, sightseeing, good seats at popular shows, etc), which I'm fine with
  • Warrior15
    7 years ago
    I've done that a couple of times. But I was really good friends with them by this time. You have to click with the person and not just sexually. I took one overnight out of town, then I took another to Disneyworld. But that kind of does take it a little beyond the ordinary OTC date. On the Disney trip, we spent 3 days together. At the end, we started to argue almost as a couple. I didn't want to see her again for a while.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think you should take Juice instead - he's probably lower-maintenance
  • K
    7 years ago
    I wrote he should be clear about what he is paying for. I did not write he should not pay her expenses. A man would have to be a special kind of PL to trust a dancer to stay under budget without setting limits.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Plus he does anal
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Juice doesn’t fly, so he’ll have to take the bus. He’ll leave 1st if March to make that June tournament date.

    If you pay his poker buy in hell give you GFE.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Not an OTC expert by any means - I'd say if u currently rarely bump heads then she may be a good candidate - if u tend to bump heads from time to time, or often, she may not be a good candidate.

    For me if I feel I can't trust, or depend on, her behavior, I would not take her - if I have doubts that she'll behave accordingly, then I wouldn't take her.
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    The stripper I'm considering we've been OTC several times and I've stayed overnight at her place twice. When we're together we get along fine. I know that sounds crazy given there's money exchange, but most of our times together have been random, no certain or agreed upon amount or anything.

    My biggest concern is her reliability. She's never stood me up, but just simply responding to messages when I've gotten straight to the point on the first message I sent.

    To clarify on the trip though, if I did take her it'd be a couple of days before the tournament. So we'd hangout uninterrupted for two days and then she'd be headed back home before the tournament begins.
  • MackTruck
    7 years ago
    Im gonna try this. I take her for a ride on the shit truck
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I think that's the best scenario, be with her the whole time, strippers can get themselves into trouble without adult supervision :)

    You've done OTC and overnight and enjoyed it the whole time, I'd say big thumbs up. Let us know how it goes, if she actually makes it to the airport :)
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago

    Lol. I was talking to my homie about how I'd do an analysis to see if it'd be cheaper to drive, 8 hours for me from AZ, as opposed to flying. On the off chance she would go I was 99% going with the rental car driving, because I'd be out of nothing if she flaked. Refundable airline tickets are a little pricey.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I’m guessing JohnSmith has done this.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Ch3ll ... ah, 8 hours stuck in a car with anyone, even a stripper -- especially a stripper -- is too much for me! I think if tensions are going to flare, it'll be the monotony of the car ride that causes it. For me, if I were investing in this whole thing, I'd just fly; what do flights cost, maybe $130 round trip? Not a horrible outlay, compared to the risk of a bad drive. That's just me, I suppose, I especially dislike driving
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    Flights aren't what they used to be flying out of Tucson to Vegas. I know it's a while, but about 6 years ago one could fly round trip from Tucson to Vegas for a little over $100 and that was just planning ahead. I just looked and round trip would be over $500. It costs me that to fly back home to Mississippi.

    Well, despite my hopes I probably won't be taking this stripper. Because we mostly communicate on Facebook messenger I can see she's read the message but no response. I'm sure next time I see her it'll be, "oh you never message me, I told you to message me when you want to hangout."
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Rather go with my wife.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Larry referred to John Smith yes the resident out of town OTC expert
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    What could possibly go wrong? Jus askin
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Yeah. I’ve done it.

    Be prepared to pay for EVERYYHING.

    I wouldn’t recommend it. Unless you find that unicorn stripper who doesn’t expect you to pay for every little thing on the trip. I mean like stupid little things like cigarettes and such. But they look at it as a all expense paid vacation. And then on top of it, you have to pay them for their time.

    No thanks.

  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    I've done it a few times ( Once to Vegas) .......bring cash and or a gold card.

    I've always flown in and out --in the case of Vegas she was already there so no transportation cost but she did move in with me for the entire five days.....when I worked she sunned herself at the pool and met a couple of her friends that danced at CH3 for lunch a day or two.....truthfully she was easy on me when we were not together with spending but we did a lot of things when together that were high end.
  • lotsoffun201
    7 years ago
    I’ve done it a few times. Here’s my advice:
    1. Know her pretty well but keep your guard up
    2. NEVER leave an open charge on the room. Give her $$ before you leave for the day for food, spa treatment etc. That way you don’t have any huge charges for gift shop etc.
    3. Try to pay cash for meals. Don’t let her see the Platinum card etc.
    4. Have fun but don’t be stupid. Keep valuables in the room safe and wear your watch to sleep particularly if it’s expensive
    5. Most important..... don’t fart in bed and take your morning dump in the lobby bathroom!!!!
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Took my ATF with me on a working trip to Key West. Zero issues. She even danced in a local club one evening. Just two sets. Being as she is Asian, she was quite a hit! Although, Key West is one of the few places I've clubbed where Asians are more "common". I believe this is due to the number of military there with a foreign wife.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    5. Most important..... don’t fart in bed and take your morning dump in the lobby bathroom!!!!

    That is funny as the first overnight with a civie friend, I did take my morning dump in the lobby bathroom!
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Well, it may all be moot now that his stripper hasn't messaged him back. But I think it boils down to:

    1. Hey, we're dealing with strippers, which means things can go terrible wrong, ala warhawks, so just be prepared to abort if you have to.

    2. Hey, we're dealing with strippers, so even if things don't go terribly wrong, have your common-sense PL guard up. Do be prepared to pay for everything, don't give her your credit card and tell her to just have fun for the day, etc.

    3. If all the above is ok, and you're the type of PL who likes spending lots of time with his fave stripper, and you've done a smart job picking your stripper out -- this can be a next-level experience (it was for me) that I think you're crazy not to try at least once, if you have the means.

    I pretty much see my ATATF like this exclusively, 2-5 days at a time every 8 weeks or so, out of necessity (she's moved away, so one or both of us has to get on a plane to see each other).

  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Sorry, I think lotsoffun's rule #5 bears repeating about 12 more times :)
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    I've taken the same stripper three different times to Vegas, each trip about 4 days. It was absolutely the best times I've ever had in my life. First trip was a little awkward(time difference related primarily Detroit and she's a night shift girl getting home about the time I get up to go to work) but nothing insurmountable. I loved every minute of the trips. Definately recommend it at least once if you can $wing it
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Two times with a stripper and one time with a SB. All good times in Vegas. Just make sure you know your girl well enough to be confortable.
  • WillMunny
    7 years ago
    +1 on the lobby dump. It's just common courtesy when she's still sleeping.

    @Ch3ll : an additional point of consideration deciding between flying vs. driving: do you think it's more likely you could pull off a trip to the Mile High Club, or road head?
  • McNaffles
    7 years ago
    Flakiness can be a problem. If she's a proper stripper then there will be some family drama every 72 hours and some other self-inflicted mess up between times. Which means the road trip gets pushed back a day or two just as hotel cancellation times pass.
    Then again when it comes off it really is just brilliant. In fact, one of better ones was a girl from Vegas down to Arizona for a couple of nights. I do the packing and the driving, she does the Radio and chooses the cocktail for the day.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I would be reluctant to do that with a stripper, go on any trip. Too many ways it could blow up.

  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago

    I always rent a car when I go to Vegas if I fly. So probably..... I think we could pull off a visit to a strip club. Now the road head, yeah if I rented a truck.
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