
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 49)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Trannys on SA
    Subraman I'm afraid to ask what it is you are researching.....:--). I see a few but most of them will tell you in their profile
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    SA is perfect for guys like me
    Not really--not until the reach a certain level--they make about 60K a year on average from what I can tell. RN's LP's make about 60% of that amount. Oddly enough places like the Cleveland Clinic which is known world wide for quality health care pays their nurses poorly. DC seems to have better pay than most areas but the cost of living is high as well. Student loans are also the killer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    SA is perfect for guys like me
    Just renewed my status after a hiatus of close to a year. My long term girl just packed it up and headed for the West Coast. For the most part I've found college students, teachers and, nurses ( or nursing students) with the occasional stripper thrown into the mix. As soon as I activated my account I had a few looks and favors/likes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    The truth is - most folks (about 95%) will overstate their income. I’ve rarely encountered anyone who understated it. Conversely I doubt I share with even 5% of the population what I earn and almost always understate it if I share any financial information about my income. Many dancers mentally tie the amount of money they make directly to their looks and sexuality. ( most sex workers do as well) Another reason why figures tend to be inflated.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Would you club in a blizzard?
    A glass of Scotch and a good book for me.................coming from the MidAtlantic Region.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Anyone short Tesla?
    I don't want to go too political with this conversation but until there is the infrastructure to support electric cars Tesla isn't going to be viable alternative. I looked at buying one a couple of years ago ( went to DC and test drove one). Love the idea of not playing roulette with gas prices as they rise and fall as a cost of life but once you get out into the burbs and with the limited distance of most models it isn't going to happen. I'm sure the master plan under the previous administration was to fund GE ( home of the then job czar) to build out as much as they could but the first Stimulus plan turned out to be a big pork sandwich with no real meat. With this administration it isn't going to happen and you can see with GE for a handful of reasons they aren't exactly riding the wave of profitability even with the market exploding.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    The other side to this is how much they walk out the door with as opposed to what they made. Tipping out depending on the club and the culture within can deliver a blow to the bottom line. Hey I did great---but then I need to tip the management, the bartender, the DJ, the "mom", possibly pay for dinner---misc fees, etc. Similar to Jordan--I've had conversations and heart to heart discussions with a few dancers over the years and watched their lifestyle not match their words." Denial isn't only a river in Egypt. "
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    It isn't what you make.....it's what you keep. And here in lies the problem ( or issue) There are numerous reasons as to why the income a dancer talks about what she makes doesn't seem to add up at the end of the day, week, month and year. Yes, there are exceptions---a lot less than what people even on this site think---just keep in mind SS as the term is used on here just doesn't happen between you and her--it happens between her and other girls at the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you have actuall run into a dancer who was a college student not jus
    Playing out the details..............girl wants money, girl finds out a degree or skill of some type is necessary to make money, girl investigates career and hears there is a shortage of nurses--girl goes to school and gets loans....after a year finds out being a nurse requires fun classes such as chemistry, biology, physics, and ends up struggling, full time is too much and loans start to run out, going part time means loans need to be payed...........quick money in dancing...............dancing begins to be the full time choice, not student...........add to it when you start as a nurse pay is not exactly what most people think..............SA is also stocked with nurses. At the risk of pissing off the millenials on here putting in your dues/time is not exactly a concept their generation has ever grasped as necessary.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you have actuall run into a dancer who was a college student not jus
    I have---mostly nursing students.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How common are 9s and 10s?
    I'm tough on grades but I have seen a few 9-10's with their bodies........and I am an admitted leg and ass man but a complete 10......not yet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Hate guys that make it rain
    I'll hold to my prior comments that making it rain is done for the purpose of impressing the crowd more than the dancer.............
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Awkward Moments: When the age difference becomes obvious
    Old fart with a baby face so most people have no idea my true age......until I start talking about the Beatles, Stones or the Who...........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    2017 NCAA Bowl Schedule (something to watch at the club while you wait on your D
    Unless you are a Browns fan.....:--) ( said from a Steelers fan) Until we hit 12/23 I'm not much of a bowl game watcher.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Block Baltimore: Worth the Trip?
    The Blocks heyday came and went some years ago-decades actually. To me and from experience the DC/Maryland area has consistently been a place for escorts over strip clubs and with the emergence of SA it probably takes the top place for finding good looking women.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Career progression and clubbing
    Move into PM.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And here's another one. I rate her a "7".
    that's no 7.........but one man's ceiling is after all another man's floor
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Strippers on-line presence
    Twitter......they are all friends with each other.....and with the female bartenders as well.........btw I am 100% with Subraman on the creepy factor.......if they are willing to put it on social media than its out there for anyone to see......and although most of these girls seem to think so. As a side note when Snapchat first came out a few of us in the tech industry came up with the marketing slogan of "Snapchat---social media for the truly sleezy"....it still fits a few years later.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Why didn't I try SA sooner
    I've had a much more positive experience........not sure why. If you look at a profile and the girl looks back or pings you take a chance. I've generally found younger women to be more forward. All I try to accomplish at first is to get them off the site and into communicating. The ones that start off with money as the topic I weed out--also if they want to message back and forth after a couple of days I move on. --and no expectations on the first meet---she shouldn't be expecting money and I have no expectations except to verify I am dealing with the girl in the pictures and she is sane. You can search your preferences and distance. I feel I am particular, very particular and I stick to what I know I want regardless of how long it takes to find a good match. I've been stood up once or twice along the way but in my case I am typically traveling out of town and need to get out of the hotel anyway.......and the girls come and go but as long as you keep a level head you should be find.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Why didn't I try SA sooner
    I've commented a couple of times on here about this but never, ever, ever post a picture. Keep a separate e-mail account just for SA that is not tied directly to your browser-preferably an overseas account....think hushmail, safe-mail, or even some of the less known. ( keep the hell off of gmail or yahoo, or aol, or even att.net Keep a separate and private bank account, preferably where you have nothing else and where any statements/info is sent paperless to the account not on your browser. I've met everything on SA from college students to teachers to nurses, to actresses......strippers as well. I've been lucky in some ways and not so lucky in others. For the most part the girl in the pictures has been the girl I first meet. Only once was I ever unpleasantly surprised and I'm not sure why women do this because in the end they set themselves up for failure. She knew five minutes in any chance was dead. The two best women I have met were not strippers when I met them but became strippers after we parted ways. Not sure what that means. Stripping changed both of them and not for the good. The one is drop dead gorgeous. Although SA isn't what it was five years ago in places such as DC the quality of women you find on there is still high but then if your think about it a lot of colleges, a high cost of living, and a lifestyle all around them that promotes money and power.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: So What Could Hillary Clinton Have Done Differently?
    "It is sort of hard to figure out what she stands for" Actually it isn't in the slightest and that is her problem. Hillary stands for Hillary and anyone who has taken off the blinders and listened to her for any period of time understand this. If you've ever met her or seen her in person it is even more apparent. There is a reason her staff keeps her contact minimal with the public on any level. Thankfully she lost. Many people will never realize no matter how bad Trump is he would have to hold an anvil on the ocean floor to go lower than Hillary. I wasn't wild about any of my choices this time around--freely admit my vote was one of more against Hillary than it was for "The Donald".
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    Subraman--I've never been to a club during the holidays but from what I have seen on line and heard some of them are lively. Not just in my region of the country but Vegas as well And as eyeofodin mentioned the concept of a tax refund is not something I have ever experienced.......I hear people talk about them and see way too many commercials on television --usually with people dancing as if they just hit the lotto but to me it is a foreign concept.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    Mark 94--I betting from what I have seen first hand she isn't headed to St Maarten or St Martin ( Dutch or French side) this year. Place is flattened.........and tourist are going to be very slim...... http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2017/09/17/st-maarten-damage-hurricane-irma-vanier-pkg.cnn
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Do they talk about us?
    If you really want to know what a stripper thinks about her clients, her job, the club she works in, even the other "ho's" that work there go to twitter...........just be prepared to have a thick skin.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do so many strippers have broken down cars?
    I seem to be the contrarian this morning but what I've observed is too much car in terms of their income.......they tend to buy on impulse and match the monthly payment up to what they are making when they have great weeks or a month or two and then can't make the payment when the income falls off to normal or slow time levels.