
Comments by yahtzee74 (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How would reparations work?
    Something like this? https://youtu.be/YdH1YQTMYis https://youtu.be/WSi5FKARtn8 https://youtu.be/fpCN_fRDxFE https://youtu.be/ZPv6kB6mcJM
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Da or nyet
    Russian porn is so bad. Girls are hot but they don't seem interested at all.
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    4 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Joe Bidden is a Racist and Black lives Matter
    atacdawg "If he is such a racist, how was he willing to run with a black man for eight years?" atacdawg, while that quote might be from a conservative, don't you understand what is happening now? To many blacks ALL white people are racist. Even the liberals and democrats who are supposedly trying to help them. It's a pov that you can easily find in black dominated forums. Like lipstickalley.com for example. Easy to find black Biden haters there.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Washington state needs to change it's name.
    What about black people with the last name Washington? What are they going to do?
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Washington state needs to change it's name.
    "bad" guys that is.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Washington state needs to change it's name.
    I think you missed the big one Founder. Washington, District of Columbia. Two bad guys in one city name.
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    4 years ago
    New York
    >I haven't kept track of it but probably Jennifer Aniston just because she takes roles in the kind of movies I like...comedies. shadowcat, what did you think of her stripping in We're the Millers?
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    4 years ago
    New York
    Probably Goldie Hawn. some that I can remember off the top of my head: Cactus Flower Butterflies are Free Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox Wildcats Overboard Private Benjamin Foul Play Seems Like old Times Bird on a Wire Housesitter
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Shots Fired at Protest - One Dead
    papi, the weren't protesters, they were vandals. Democratic leaders have decided to allow certain protesters to break the law with impunity.
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    4 years ago
    Shots Fired at Protest - One Dead
    >All these stupid fucks calling for a civil war. We really don't want to go there. If you look at Bosnia or Lebanon, Exactly. Do we really want to be like those stupid fucks in the Balkans and Middle East who are still holding grudges and fighting about shit that happened centuries ago? This is mostly the politicians fault for condoning arson and vandalism while denigrating the police. And liberals painting the losers of those centuries old encounters as innocent victims. The truth is their ancestors would have done the same to Europeans if they could have because it was a brutal world at that time. Africans sold their own in to slavery, Indians used trade with Europeans to conquer other tribes before being conquered themselves, the Muslims almost conquered Europe twice and took European children as slaves for tribute. The Aztecs required human sacrifice as tribute. It's crazy and ridiculous to be fighting about this shit today. >Sounds like political leaders are handling this perfectly. Not. It got it's by the stupid Minn. mayor by immediately calling Floyd's death racism. There has to be more to signal racism besides just a confrontation between a white man and a black man. And in Floyd's case it wasn't even just white vs black because the police involved were multi-racial.
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    4 years ago
    Most memorable strip club stage dance
    Also like it when they talk to me while on stage.
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    4 years ago
    Most memorable strip club stage dance
    The one where the girl plucked out a pubic hair and dropped it in the glass of a guy who was sitting at the stage passed out. A few minutes later he woke up, guzzled it down and then went back to sleep. Actually I don't like it when they dance. I like it when they pose and show off for me with eye contact. I only like to watch the one I'm going to get dances with and really like to see them on stage before I get dances. They should be completely nude for the last dance of their set.
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    4 years ago
    Guys I've just been stabbed
    >You should be happy you weren't sentenced to a re-education camp. Funny you should mention re-education camps. There's a lot protesters who probably feel good about themselves for knocking over statues about something that happened hundreds of years ago while there are actual atrocities happening right now that they don't give a fuck about - like the million people in China's re-education camps.
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    4 years ago
    Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
    How long until Wendy's issues a press release stating how it was ok for their restaurant to be torched? lol
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    4 years ago
    Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
    mark, where did you get your information about unarmed killings?
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    4 years ago
    Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
    Oscar, >@Yahtzee >Do you even hear yourself? You keep spouting these stats that occur because of atrocity that happened 400 years ago in this country. I have quoted one stat. How does something that happened 400 years ago, 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago keep someone from graduating high school in the 21st century? >Classic not looking at real cause and taking refuge statistical bullshit! And yes the "colonial" mindset is real. Until you deal with the reality, you'll be forever traveling in an echo chamber. Echo chamber? I was seeing a black woman for 2 1/2 years and while I heard a few rants about how racist the world is (and that black people don't like police) I never experienced anything while we were together and she never told me any personal stories or a stories from someone she knew. Just stuff she saw about other people on youtube or the internet. If the world is that tragically racist then in 30 months I should have seen a little bit of it too. Also, the forum of one of my hobbies is filled with liberals so I hear it all the time. They are also run by liberal moderators so anyone who dares to voice a differing opinion has their message deleted or is banned. >Fortunately there are others who aren't afraid to look at what's real instead just clinging to a hollow knee-jerk reaction. And fortunately there are also black academics who can see the real problems too. So there is hope.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Nara Ford
    >Some of you guys seem way too picky. I'd pass too. She's attractive but there's a lot to choose from out there so might as well go with something you really want. I can immediately think of 4 dancers I've had in the past that I like way better than her. But there's also a few times I've been to a club where she would be the best pick.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    One of the Most Important Political Questions of the Hour. About Begona Villacis
    Hot but looks slightly masculine to me. Markle is super hot. Mark, have you seen the porntress Zeina Heart? Supposedly born in Canada to Tunisian parent. https://www.babepedia.com/babe/Zeina_Heart She has some great scenes.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Bars in MD can open at 5p Friday June 12
    I thought you may have already spoken to someone at the club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Bars in MD can open at 5p Friday June 12
    Are dancer's considered staff?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Now Drew Brees is getting shit for standing up for our country
    papi, it's not even about BLM and police brutality anymore. It's all about claiming systemic racism, white supremacy and the evil of white men for the past 500 years. It's fucking crazy the amount of signs I've seen about ending white supremacy.
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    4 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Defund, disband and eliminate police departments?
    https://www.wmar2news.com/news/local-news/baltimore-officer-removed-after-video-shows-him-striking-woman Now police can't even protect themselves from assault without losing their job. I guess they think the officer should have punched her in the leg.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
    >Stats are just numbers. The real deal is the cause. A stat cannot explain that. What we are seeing are the devastating side-effects from a 400 year-old atrocity. No, what you are seeing is the devastating effect of about half of black males not getting an education and basically dropping out of society. You can't blame systemic racism because so many black males drop out of the system before they even become adults. In 2010 only 52% of black males graduated high school. So 48% had already dropped out. They don't even give the system and society a chance. >To understand where I'm coming from, you must dare to step outside of "COLONIAL" mindset. I'm not hearing any of this colonial bullshit.
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    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Absurd martyrdom of George Floyd
    rickberge: Black people deserve the right to be treated the same when they are arrested. Then don't resist arrest and comply to orders and you'll get that treatment. Almost all these cases involve resisting arrest or not complying to orders.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
    oscar says: " I was going very much under the speed limit... Had I not been a man of color driving a sporty car late at night would I have been pulled over? Had I not been trained in how to deal with this kind of typical humiliation tactic and not had a significant legal person with some juice behind me, what could have happened?" Special training and a lawyer? Hardly needed to not act belligerent and let someone look at your license. Again, why conclude racism? You were probably pulled over because you were going too slow. That's pretty unusual and something that's a sign of drunk driving. Anyway, again, it's something that stuff happens to white people too. Once my 70 year old mom picked me up one late night to give me a ride home and a cop pulled us over for not using a turn signal. Then after checking my moms license explained that he really pulled us over because we had taken an unusual route through the neighborhood because I had belatedly decided to go for some food instead of going straight home.