Joe Bidden is a Racist and Black lives Matter

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
“White liberal elitists have continuously dictated which Black Americans are allowed to come to the table and have a voice. It is clear now more than ever, following these racist and dehumanizing remarks, that Joe Biden believes Black men and women are incapable of being independent or free thinking. He truly believes that he, a 77-year-old white man, should dictate how Black people should behave. Biden has a history of racial condescension and today he once again proved what a growing number of Black Americans and I have always known: Joe Biden does not deserve our votes.”

- Katrina Pierson, Trump 2020 senior advisor

Vote Trump /Pension this 2020 and let's rebuild America


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avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
Pure, unadulterated crap from one of DT's Koolaid drinkers. If he is such a racist, how was he willing to run with a black man for eight years?
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
“Poor kids are just as bright as white kids” Joe Biden is a racist? Shocked pikachu face
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
He is racist and does not even know. Hell he even thinks he is NOT racist. That’s the racism America is struggling with right now.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Lmao @ ATAC - so if a white guy dates a black woman he is automatically not racist? Biden didn't say that people were only voting for Obama because he was "clean and spoke english well"? That logic is beyond ignorant, but typically progressive.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Democrats: We should consider everyone’s racial background in determining who gets into school, jobs, and government benefits. Minorities are incapable of succeeding without help from white politicians like Biden and Pelosi.

Republicans: All people are equal.

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Some New polling results today from NYT/Siena College:

** Bident leading Trump overall 50% to 36%
**Among college-educated whites, Biden is ahead by 28 points (not a typo)
**Among whites with no college, Trump is ahead by 19 points.
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
black or white running mate. whatever. if sleepy joe wants my vote then son hunter has to step up and let me hang with him for a weekend at some ritzy strip joint and pay for my blowjobs in the VIP room.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Is that one of the polling companies that predicted an easy victory for Hillary ?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
A turd in the bowl; 3 week old warm milk; a poll from the NYT. What I find hysterically funny is the idea progressives have that Trump losing somehow makes my life shitty like his winning made their lives shittier. I have been in the same profession in a very, very liberal area for 38 years and when I go to mysocialsecurity and check my earnings record against who is in the White House, there is one inescapable conclusion: it makes no difference at all. To be fair, I do seem to have less reported gross income when democrats are in charge, but that is simply to even off how much they steal from me. In 1973 I made the decision to not have a family, married a woman who couldn't have more kids (cancer) and the decision was based on my teenage view of the future, which I then believed would be so awful in this land I could not justify bringing kids into it. Sadly, i was right, but without kids I seriously do not give a fuck about the future any longer. Vote Biden; pretend that the success of America can be replicated by different people, despite the fact that it never has; and above all, create the all powerful Government that orwell predicted and enjoy your lives as the standard of living for all except government employees nose dives.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
" If he is such a racist, how was he willing to run with a black man for eight years?"

Wow dude you're letting your hate for Trump block any rational thought. If he wins biden won't be in office for 8 years even if he's still alive 8 years from now. Biden has thirsted for the office since at least 1987, he just wants to finally win, "his bucket list", and if he does It's a given that he will step down or be forced out by the ultra leftists who will have his replacement ready in the VP, most likely some yet to be named black woman, not man.

Back to OP, I'm not a fan of Trump, I didn't vote for him and most likely won't this time either but just as he was a better option last time he's still a better option now especially with what the leftists have in mind up their collective sleeves.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
^ amen
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Is Biden imperfect? Yes
Is Trump the worst President in US history? Probably not but he's bottom five for sure.

Failure! Loser! Vote the bum out!
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
I just realized you were talking about him being a VP to nobama as opposed to his future running mate but my previous comment still applies. He's wanted to be Prez for ages.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Hey Biden is a great candidate: Where else could you find someone so pathetic that they had to run for the nomination 3 times before they even won one primary. The silver lining is that the progressive terrorists in the street, like all terrorists will be unable to govern (Hamas/Hezbollah) and when the real economic fall out happens over the next 5 years and the market tanks, they will get blamed. Someone remind me: how many gun are owned here?
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Around 200 hundred million?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
According to the National Interest and Wapo (I believe neither) 400 million. We own 46% of all privately owned guns on earth. The AR-15 is the most commonly owned gun at 8 million. These numbers appear to be gun legally owned, so my guestimate is around 750 million.
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
"If he is such a racist, how was he willing to run with a black man for eight years?"

atacdawg, while that quote might be from a conservative, don't you understand what is happening now? To many blacks ALL white people are racist. Even the liberals and democrats who are supposedly trying to help them. It's a pov that you can easily find in black dominated forums. Like for example. Easy to find black Biden haters there.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The white, Progressive, Democrats read a book called Helter Skelter and are following the theory of Helter Skelter as propounded by the man who created the theory: Charles Manson.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
There is now written evidence that Obama and Biden ordered the framing of General Flynn. I’ll save Random and 25 some time. This not from a left wing certified source, so you shouldn’t click on the link.…

5 years ago
Given that he's running against Trump this is a really stupid point
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Bidden is a dead man walking and I agree a fagget

Trump will bring us back to a powerful economic powerhouse

Member unemployment was at 4% before this covid 19 shit

Vote trump and let's rebuild our great nation
avatar for mikeym
5 years ago
Before your man became president, everything including strip clubs were running fine. Maybe not the best but good. Now look where we stand: 15% unemployment, a stock market that you predict is gonna crash because debt should have been paid off instead of corporate welfare tax cuts, China unleashed Corona on the world because Trump wouldn't act like a statesman so China's economy growing this quarter while US in a recession, Corona sread over because didn't stop plane travel from Europe, and looting and rioting in cities across America.

Trump should have just sat at the White House and done nothing like Calvin Coolidge and everything would be great. He failed and will be a one termer like Jim Carter. "dead man walking" and "fagget" are tough words, big boy. He's gonna have to get things back on track or else this will be Chinese's century and US in decline.
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
Lol. The collective unwillingness of some of you guys to see the truth of DT's totally amoral, woeful financial acumen, his willingness to step all over the little folks, not to mention those who were his friends "yesterday" would be laughable if the stakes weren't so high.

Let me be clear. Joe Biden is not the candidate I would pick in an ideal world --- but he is head and shoulders a better choice than DT.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“ China unleashed Corona on the world because Trump wouldn't act like a statesman so China's economy growing this quarter while US in a recession, “

Talk about fake news. I’d like to see your source for China unleashing CoVid because Trump wasn’t a statesman. You’ve got a real scoop there.

As far as the economy, the US is clearly recovering while China is in deep shit. Hong Kong. India. Taiwan. South China Sea. Tariffs. Decoupling. New virus outbreak. In spite of the lies Xi tells about GDP, they are facing existential crises.
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Donal Trump 2020
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Ivanka 2024
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
Lol fuck yeah
avatar for JuiceBox69
5 years ago
I bet she has a small tight very tight and wonderful pussy
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ I respect your political views
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

"Pure, unadulterated crap from one of DT's Koolaid drinkers. If he is such a racist, how was he willing to run with a black man for eight years?"

TOKEN white guy comes to mind!
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