Shots Fired at Protest - One Dead
Shots were fired at an Arizona protest. One protester dead after they rushed a guy who may have been there to defend a statue. It's not clear. VIdeo linked. It's not for the sensitive but I suspect you gents can handle it.…
All these stupid fucks calling for a civil war. We really don't want to go there. If you look at Bosnia or Lebanon, they're
just miserable, with random meaningless violence becoming a part of daily life for years.…
Separately today, Albuquerque will allow 911 operators to send an unarmed dispute resolution group to the scene of problems rather than police.
Sounds like political leaders are handling this perfectly. Not.
Exactly. Do we really want to be like those stupid fucks in the Balkans and Middle East who are still holding grudges and fighting about shit that happened centuries ago? This is mostly the politicians fault for condoning arson and vandalism while denigrating the police.
And liberals painting the losers of those centuries old encounters as innocent victims. The truth is their ancestors would have done the same to Europeans if they could have because it was a brutal world at that time. Africans sold their own in to slavery, Indians used trade with Europeans to conquer other tribes before being conquered themselves, the Muslims almost conquered Europe twice and took European children as slaves for tribute. The Aztecs required human sacrifice as tribute. It's crazy and ridiculous to be fighting about this shit today.
>Sounds like political leaders are handling this perfectly. Not.
It got it's by the stupid Minn. mayor by immediately calling Floyd's death racism. There has to be more to signal racism besides just a confrontation between a white man and a black man. And in Floyd's case it wasn't even just white vs black because the police involved were multi-racial.
I’d like to know who ordered the police to allow the fight to break out, and why.