Ok, let me start this by saying that nobody should die from a police restraint. What happened to him was absurd and inexcusable. Also, as a libertarian by nature, I think that a roll back of police powers is long overdue as they have become way too militarized and "us vs. them" over the past 20 years.
But let's not nominate this scumbag for any sort of sainthood. His rap sheet includes drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her stomach while looking for drugs and money. Even during the incident he was being arrested for trying to pass off a counterfeit $20 and he was out of his mind on fentanyl and meth.
This was a nasty and dangerous dude. When the police rolled up on him, they were dealing with a man who was acting deranged and quickly found out what he was. Now again, that does not excuse what those cops did whatsoever, but just provides a little more context.
I also have to imagine that, given the drug cocktail in his system and the initial autopsy results of cardiac arrest, how prosecutors are going to be able to make a clean case for cause of death.
So while I am all in favor of dramatic police reform, let's not pretend that he was anything but a piece of shit who caused a lot of harm in his life, I'm guessing including plenty of crimes that he got away with.
I get a chuckle from YouTube videos of young white women sobbing over the death of this guy. In reality, they would not want to be in the same room with this thug.
It’s funny but you guys are doing exactly what the protesters want you keep denigrating a dead man and the protesters are emboldened, and fuel is added to the fire, the longer the protests go on the less likely Trump gets re-elected BTW Biden is up almost 15 percentage points in the poll of polls. Way to go
Interesting 25. And here I thought that the media has been doing everything possible to re-write his history to support this goofy saintly innocent man narrative.
25, CNN isn't exactly considered a reputable source of polling data. There were the same people who had Clinton up by 12 points just 3 weeks before the election. 😉
RB, read my post again slowly if you need to. There was no excuse for what the police did in this instance, with three guys sitting on him. But I find all this memorial nonsense for a career violent criminal to be a bit over the top.
In the pictures shown by media, he looks like someone I'd let babysit my kids. Have yet to see a single mugshot, even though there's plenty of them to choose from.
I don’t think his history matters, a picture is worth a thousand words and an almost 9 minute long, live snuff video of his murder, is what is the counter balance to the image of Trump holding a bible in front of a boarded up church, it’s kind of a shitty contrast really It’s sort of reminds me of that song strange fruit.
@25 - the stats don't support the perception of systemic police brutality. If the population wants to ignore facts and burn down cities even after the cops are arrested so be it.
I do believe this country has way too many laws and drugs should be decriminalized.
But, hey, what do I know? I'm an upper income middle aged white guy (AKA the devil) that presumably has lived a privileged life even though it felt like I had to bust my ass for everything I have.
Rickberge - No one, not one single person on this board, or anyone I know personally, or any TV reporter from ANY station, has tried to "rationalize" the death of George Floyd. I've never seen such one-sided agreement that what happened to him was horrific, and he didn't deserve it. The thing is that the news, rather than just report facts, goes way over the top to make him into some kind of hero, which he wasn't. Did you know the family has already collected almost $14 million on Gofundme? Nothing wrong with that - people donate of their own free will. I just wonder if the number would be that large if he was portrayed honestly by the media.
As I've posted b/f, what happened to Floyd is unacceptable - from what's been shown his death did not need to happen.
But there's a singular narrative that's now being shoved down America's throat with no room for any other opinions and even more important no room for certain facts less you're automatically singled out as insensitive or a good-ole racist and IMO there seems to be growing anger at resentment at what has subsequently transpired which can lead to a backlash
The truth is obvious - George Floyd was no model citizen - George Floyd didn’t deserve to die for the crime he was allegedly committing.
It’s timing - and the prevalence of video - that have elevated his status. He’s the current favorite of the left. The cop who murdered him - is the current national villain.
I hope meaningful change comes from this horrific video death. It’s possible. I only say that because I’ve seen several completely white marches - in affluent NJ communities. Without the old, wealthy, white folks, it’s difficult to make those changes.
The way this has mostly been handled I think has served to further the divide vs bridge it, analogous to how Kaepernick's protest served to pit groups against each other vs helping bring folks to pay attention to a cause.
From what I can tell the "it's our way or the highway" approach to protests in the past going back to the 60s hasn't had much lasting results - when one tries to win an argument by force they're not really winning the argument they're just intimidating folks into compliance for the time being.
Kaepernick could have made more of an impact for his cause if he did things differently. For example, maybe gathering enough of his NFL friends together they could have petitioned the owner's association to provide funds to sponsor a TV commercial during every half of every NFL game, including the Super Bowl, that would provide positive messaging and awareness to the general public, educating people about the challenges faced by minorities due to racism. Instead all he did was piss people off, alienate many fans, and destroy his own career. What has he accomplished toward reducing racism? I'd say he probably made things worse.
@Lone_Wolf, I never claimed that there was systemic anything, if anything it's really bureaucratic nonsense that keeps these troublesome cops on the force. The bureaucracy is so large and cumbersome it's easy for the bad actors to hide.
> rickberge: Anytime a black person dies by the hands of the police, people always try to rationalize the death by bringing up the person's past...smh.
>mrorange: Rickberge - No one, not one single person on this board, or anyone I know personally, or any TV reporter from ANY station, has tried to "rationalize" the death of George Floyd.
I'm pretty sure I am the only person who has questioned how much sympathy I should have for Floyd and it was because of his PRESENT action of driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs endangering people. But Chauvin was still wrong and deserves to be prosecuted.
No police, no right to bear arms or defend yourself. Yeah this sounds like loads of fun. Of course they will need citizens brigades to seek out and punish the idiological dissenters. Somebody will have to take care of the bad people who don't kneel when instructed by B L M or question the revolution.
Just for the record, Chauvin was married to an Asian American by the way. There remains no evidence the incident had anything to do with race. As for the larger narrative, I believe there were a grand total of 9 unarmed blacks killed by police in 2019, something like 18 whites were. This is in a country of 330 million people. The narrative is simply fake statistically.
It really is absurd, and ignorant. So after all the thousands of black lives taken by black hoods, the mayor of Washington D.C. decides now that black lives matter. People like that need to stay in their own communities, and not infest better communities with their poison.
@mrorange I get what your are saying. But why even bring up his pass? Nobody is making him out to be a saint. The media brought his character into question. Black people deserve the right to be treated the same when they are arrested.
This incident was just the tipping point in where we seen a man's life pass way right in front of our eyes. The protest are not just about George Floyd but about police brutality among blacks. The media always try to change the narrative, and one way to do that is to bring up the person's character which shouldn't even be an issue.
I agree. He wasnt a saint or a hero or any of that shit. The theatrics and virtue signaling is disgusting at this point. But pointing this out does absolutely nothing and gets us no closer to a change or solution. Besides, this is so far past this being anything to do with floyd or even chauvin at this point. The whole thing is political propaganda.
This is just nothing more than weirdos on the left using blacks to further their own agenda. No police departments will be unfunded; nothing will change, simply because those demanding change are simply not the type of people society will cater to. If George Floyd is a martyr then fuck it, leave things the way they are. He's a piece of shit and while he didn't deserve to die he deserves being a martyr far less.
Though this tragedy should never have happened and the police involved should be severaly punished, let's not pretend that the world isn't a little safer place now that George Floyd is gone.
No, the world is not a safer place because George Floyd was killed. You call riots and looting and more Covid-19 infections a safer place? Yeah, the pandemic didn't just go away. Or even more police brutality against all people, including a bunch of white hipsters and senior citizens, with rubber bullets aimed at eyes? The only thing this pandemic and all the fallout from it has shown is how ugly the world really is. More domestic violence, shootings over masks, xenophobic violence, race baiting, class warfare especially with the .1% versus the rest with the Feds dumping trillions into artificially propping up the markets while 40+ million are unemployed and now uninsured. George Floyd was just the tipping point. All this stuff always existed beneath the surface, but now everyone seems to be displaying it and recording it more. George Floyd is being eulogized as some great man, while a genuine good dude like Drew Brees is vilified. Social media is probably the most fascist invention ever created where people regardless of who they are, lose their jobs, businesses, property and reputation for having had an opinion once upon a time, let alone a "private" one. Heck, people are being vilified for not having an opinion...
I lifted the following words from a comment section on line so they aren’t mine but they say so, so much. IMHO they should be in the mind of EVERYONE in the context of some much needed national and individual self-reflection:
“David Dorn spent his life trying to make his community better. He did youth outreach on top of being a respected police Captain. He tried to defend his friends livelihood and was murdered for it. As he lay on the street dying no one helped him. Instead, they streamed his dying moments on Facebook Live. There’s no $13 million GoFundMe for his family nor can they file a civil lawsuit against the city and state to add to their burgeoning coffers. No golden casket and nationally televised memorial service for him. No murals splattered across the country for him, cannonizing him into sainthood. Floyd Mayweather didn’t pay for his service. Joe Biden didn’t meet with his family. Celebrities didn’t come to shed crocodile tears for a man they didn’t know. No one is protesting over his death. Instead, his 5 children are without a father, his 10 grandchildren the same but also without a role model that can offer them invaluable wisdom and guidance. His colleagues and community members that knew him will mourn but a nations tears won’t shed for this man. I guess not all Black Lives Matter.”
The whole thing is bullshit. Black people gonna keep on making rap songs using the N word, want change knock that shit off, youre just denegrating your own desire to move forward socially.
rickberge: Black people deserve the right to be treated the same when they are arrested.
Then don't resist arrest and comply to orders and you'll get that treatment. Almost all these cases involve resisting arrest or not complying to orders.
last commentBTW Biden is up almost 15 percentage points in the poll of polls. Way to go
The issue is not about the person's past but about EVERYONE having equal rights and protection from police brutality.
It’s sort of reminds me of that song strange fruit.
I do believe this country has way too many laws and drugs should be decriminalized.
But, hey, what do I know? I'm an upper income middle aged white guy (AKA the devil) that presumably has lived a privileged life even though it felt like I had to bust my ass for everything I have.
But there's a singular narrative that's now being shoved down America's throat with no room for any other opinions and even more important no room for certain facts less you're automatically singled out as insensitive or a good-ole racist and IMO there seems to be growing anger at resentment at what has subsequently transpired which can lead to a backlash
It’s timing - and the prevalence of video - that have elevated his status. He’s the current favorite of the left. The cop who murdered him - is the current national villain.
I hope meaningful change comes from this horrific video death. It’s possible. I only say that because I’ve seen several completely white marches - in affluent NJ communities. Without the old, wealthy, white folks, it’s difficult to make those changes.
From what I can tell the "it's our way or the highway" approach to protests in the past going back to the 60s hasn't had much lasting results - when one tries to win an argument by force they're not really winning the argument they're just intimidating folks into compliance for the time being.
>mrorange: Rickberge - No one, not one single person on this board, or anyone I know personally, or any TV reporter from ANY station, has tried to "rationalize" the death of George Floyd.
I'm pretty sure I am the only person who has questioned how much sympathy I should have for Floyd and it was because of his PRESENT action of driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs endangering people. But Chauvin was still wrong and deserves to be prosecuted.
Some of your comments made me remember this quote:
“My brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word “but” really counts” ~ Benjen Stark
Just saying...
This incident was just the tipping point in where we seen a man's life pass way right in front of our eyes. The protest are not just about George Floyd but about police brutality among blacks. The media always try to change the narrative, and one way to do that is to bring up the person's character which shouldn't even be an issue.
“David Dorn spent his life trying to make his community better. He did youth outreach on top of being a respected police Captain. He tried to defend his friends livelihood and was murdered for it. As he lay on the street dying no one helped him. Instead, they streamed his dying moments on Facebook Live. There’s no $13 million GoFundMe for his family nor can they file a civil lawsuit against the city and state to add to their burgeoning coffers. No golden casket and nationally televised memorial service for him. No murals splattered across the country for him, cannonizing him into sainthood. Floyd Mayweather didn’t pay for his service. Joe Biden didn’t meet with his family. Celebrities didn’t come to shed crocodile tears for a man they didn’t know. No one is protesting over his death. Instead, his 5 children are without a father, his 10 grandchildren the same but also without a role model that can offer them invaluable wisdom and guidance. His colleagues and community members that knew him will mourn but a nations tears won’t shed for this man. I guess not all Black Lives Matter.”
Then don't resist arrest and comply to orders and you'll get that treatment. Almost all these cases involve resisting arrest or not complying to orders.