Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
Comments by JAprufrock (page 18)
discussion comment
5 years ago
New Jersey
^^You tell 'em, Brother Bum. Don't let them disparage our almighty Fuhrer. Heil Hitler, bitches!
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Awesome, Rev!
Agree, 100 percent. Eating pussy is my favorite thing to do, even more so than getting my dick sucked. It wasn't always that way. During my younger days, I was too selfish and more interested in getting off than getting her off.
But you mature over the years and now it's such a huge ego stroke to please ladies with your tongue and get them off. It's certainly worth being squirted in the face.
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5 years ago
There's talent and options available at all hours, I believe. During my most recent visit, I was checking out of Cascades Hotel around 11 a.m. and some old guy was bringing a hot, young spinner up the stairs.
Damn, I didn't feel like leaving.
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5 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
What a depraved sexual deviant. In other words, someone who could be a TUSCL regular.
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5 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
@skibum, what in the name of David Duke is going on here? You're referring to our great president -- the Chosen One -- as stupid and a douche bag? WTF? The good ol' boys at your weekly Klan meeting aren't gonna be happy about this.
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5 years ago
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Four nights in each of my past two visits, will reduce to three nights next time. Probably spend the same amount of money and just cram more debauchery into a shorter period of time.
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5 years ago
You guys are high rollers. I'm still a novice. LOL!
I budgeted about $200 a day (just at the club, not counting hotel, travel, meals) on my most recent four-night trip, that covered one arriba a day, a couple fichas, my beers and stage tips, mostly at the wonderful shaving cream shows.
I'm going to increase it to $300 a day my next trip, in February. Still only seeking one arriba per night (that satisfies me), but I really enjoy the interactive shaving cream/dildo shows and plan on doing more groping there.
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5 years ago
I entered the dragon and was never the same
One TJ trip in each of the past three years for me, with trip No. 4 scheduled for mid-February.
Hoping to increase it to twice a year in the near future and possibly three times a year when I'm into my 60s, which is still a few years away.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Scanning the room from the back
review comment
5 years ago
Some excellent feedback here. My first time, in May of 2017, not surprisingly, I was like a kid in an candy store. I became smitten with the first hot gal I tipped in the shaving cream show and asked for arriba without any trial run (ficha) or clear understanding of what I was seeking, and it was a disaster. I wanted a sensual GFE, she wanted wham bam and get the fuck out of there. It was my first time with a woman following the breakup of my marriage and my head was spinning because things were happening so fast, and I couldn't perform.
I've since learned to slow it down, take it easy, take your time, the women are plentiful and vetting and communication prior to finalizing the deal are vital. This still is amazing compared to anything I've ever experienced anywhere in the U.S.
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5 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Haven't really encountered a ROB in my three trips there, but I'm sure they exist, like everywhere else.
The closest was a street gal with whom I thought we had an understanding she'd get naked and allow me to caress and fondle her entire beautiful body, but she didn't take a stitch of clothing off and gave me a mechanical HJ (I was seeking only manual release). I was a little upset at first, but I'm certain there was a language barrier there. And also, I quickly realized it's not so bad to get your cock stroked by a hot, young gal for $25 ($20 for her, $5 for the room), or the cost of a typical lap dance in the U.S.
I think keeping things in perspective helps. Even if you get ripped off somehow, it's a relatively small amount compared to what you'd be paying in the U.S. It's still a tremendous value and the women are just as hot as you'll find in the States, IMO.
review comment
5 years ago
@pussylicker (yeah, like that’s not wishful thinking), why the fuck does someone in Florida give a fuck about some off the beaten path strip club in SE Michigan?
Anyway, OP, you nailed it. I first starting coming here in the early 80s, took an extended break and have been back a couple times in the past few years. Nice-looking gals in a laid back atmosphere. Dances out in the open suck but what can you do?
review comment
5 years ago
Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
Also, Mr. Eddy G, feel free to go fuck yourself. I don’t need your damn approval so shove it up your ass.
review comment
5 years ago
Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
@623, for 40 minutes, you’re mutually caressing a beautiful young lady while you’re both naked. Breasts, pussy, cock, balls, wherever (generally no FIV). In a relaxed and private atmosphere with no fear of being interrupted by some asshole bouncer or LE. For the equivalent of about $135-$150 USD. Like you said, I’ll take that this any day over 40 minutes of lap dances where you’re clothed and she probably is not down below, not to mention some restrictions on touching. What’s 40 minutes of dances cost? Surely north of $200.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Scanning the room from the back
This one is hard, much like my cock after seeing photos of both babes.
review comment
5 years ago
Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
She relieved me. That's standard practice at Allure and all the GTA erotic massage parlors.
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5 years ago
In the wind
@SanJoseGuy, are you concerned that the guy you helped put in San Quentin will be paroled one day, infiltrate your organization and seek revenge on you?
discussion comment
5 years ago
If I don't make out. It won't work out
If you stay at Hotel Cascades, which I recommend, buy a $50 VIP card and you'll get, among other benefits, 80 percent off room rate Monday-Tuesday and 20 percent off I think the other days (check the HK site for details). It's a good deal if you're there multiple days. Gets you one free beer per night, free shuttle to and from border, half-off lap dance per night and some other stuff, but the room discount is the big one. Stay at Cascades and it'll save you the room fee for each arriba, which I think is $19.
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5 years ago
@SkiBum, thank you for exposing these leftist libtards. You are a true American patriot! I'd like to hire you for the organization I am building. We need more adult-diaper wearing half-breeds.
discussion comment
5 years ago
@Random, I think you made my boy, SkiBum, crap his Depends (clean-up in aisle 5, Pedro!). Racists like SkiBum are shitting bricks that those red states, one of them Moscow Mitch's, turned blue in their gubernatorial races despite multiple appearances in each state by President Dotard prior to the elections. Couple that with key swing states Michigan and Wisconsin flipping blue in the mid-terms and you can see why the shitheads are nervous. Hillary was the only candidate Dotard could have beaten and he didn't even the fucking popular vote.
discussion comment
5 years ago
If I don't make out. It won't work out
@tahoe, great advice as always.
For anyone who has not been to TJ and is planning and seeking advice, I highly recommend hitting up Tahoe with your questions.
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5 years ago
Older than dirt
^^I get the feeling it's like the Hotel California: You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.
They have a limited window in this career -- until their looks deteriorate -- and I get the feeling most take full advantage of it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
God Bless Dancers
^^SkiBunghole, be a pal and die soon.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
You have been referred to a fucking hillbilly monkey.
Is that because your mom/cousin sucks redneck dick?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
^^SkiBum, let me know when you're dead so I can shit on your grave you despicable piece of excrement.