Time in paradise

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How much time do you mongers stay in tj when you go? I spend anywhere from 3 to 7 days


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5 years ago
3 days. I have to travel about a half day each way when I go so I want to spend enough time there to make the voyage worth it. But after 3 days in Zona Norte, I'm ready to go home. I wish there was more things to do in the area. Or I wish I was more comfortable venturing out into the rest of TJ.
5 years ago
I live in TJ, but I only spend about two or three hours in Zona Norte per week. Some weeks I don't even go to Zona Norte if I'm meeting an escort or a BG OTC. The bars can be fun, but Zona Norte is one of the ugliest, smelliest, and most dangerous parts of TJ. Even the cops will try to rob you in Zona Norte, whereas they will leave you alone mostly elsewhere in TJ.

I spend about 99% of my time in the nicer parts of TJ (Zona Rio, Agua Caliente, Chapultepec, Hipodromo) and near the San Ysidro premium outlet area.

It's nice being nearby Zona Norte though, because it's just a short walk away when I have the urge, which is usually about twice a week.
5 years ago
I meant to add Centro to my list above of places I spend time.
5 years ago
I live in SoCal, so when I visited TJ it was usually for only one night.

My longest stay was 2 nights.

While TJ was so much fun, I could not stay more than 2 nights.
5 years ago
Four nights in each of my past two visits, will reduce to three nights next time. Probably spend the same amount of money and just cram more debauchery into a shorter period of time.
5 years ago
1 or max 2 nights.
5 years ago
2 nights is usually my max.
5 years ago
I go to San Diego every two to four weeks and usually stay for three or four nights each visit. Each time I book a hotel in San Diego for daytime activities and a room in Tijuana for the night. This allows me to spend three or four nights in La Zona while returning to San Diego each morning to work.
5 years ago
halloween week i stayed four nights and five days.
i usually stay two and three nights
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