

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 5:49 PM
Never been to TJ (don't travel all that much and never been west of TX) - being into black-women primarily TJ has not been at the top of my PL-to-do-list although the plan is to visit at some point just to see it w/ my own PL-eyes. I tend to be pretty anal about not getting ripped-off in clubs and why I never pay upfront and if the girl doesn't deliver I'll stand my PL-ground w.r.t. not paying and deal w/ whomever I have to deal with (vs many PLs that kinda wing-it w.r.t. VIP and if things don't go as they expected they still pay up to avoid a situation). Per the TJ-reviews I've read it seems the norm is for TJ-girls to deliver services even if some may not be as good about it as one would hope - but I wonder what would happen if one ran into a real nasty bitch and one decided to not go thru w/ the arriba proceedings and called it off w/o having sex. Arguments over payments can get nasty in any SC depending on what kinda bitch one is dealing with - in the US for the most part the worst that will happen is being asked to leave the club which these days I rather do than pay a ROB - but it being corrupt-ass Mexico, I'd be much more wary of getting into an argument over payment in MX and it potentially being worse than just being asked to leave the club. Has anyone had, or heard, of a PL, not paying a TJ girl and if anything came of it or how it was handled? Don't recall reading a review where the reviewer had serious issues w/ the girl and decided to not fuck her and not pay her after he took her arriba.


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I also assume working in the TJ clubs particularly HK, is coveted by the chicas and they would not wanna get a reputation for ROBing/fucking-over custies and potentially being barred from that lucrative enterprise.
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    a motel manager tried to charge me 100 peso for 20 minutes, but i showed him the sign showing 30 minutes for 70 peso, tj is corrupt and greedy, he told me if i stay longer than 20 minutes he will charge me more for extra time , and if i dont pay it, he said he calls the police. so i think the police work with the motels and clubs there.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    The nice thing about a session with a girl in TJ. You're not talking about that much money. Arriba sessions are $60-$100. I'm not going to a Mexican prison for that much. But I've never had a problem with a girl there. Most times the girl asks for the money upfront, but I think they mostly want to know that you have it. If she asks, I do the same time each time. I pull out the money, count it, then set it on the counter next to the bed. That has never been an issue. But one thing I think I do that takes away some of the ROB risk is how I pick my girl. I will always buy the girl a ficha drink before we go upstairs. Does that add $10 to the cost of my arriba, yes it does. But I found out how friendly she is before we go upstairs.
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    The nasty bitches are the ones you are seeing in Florida , This is Mexico the only problem you will have is which hot whore you will have !
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^ I like nemesisk7's perspective. And Warrior15's advice sounds very good. SJG
  • 623
    5 years ago
    The bar girls are also not interested in creating a scene since they can get kicked out also (and I’ve seen that happen although I don’t know over what issue exactly). An argument over $$ is unlikely to escalate that far, being drunk, disorderly and an asshole can get you sent to Mexican jail overnight. Ask my New Zealand wingman of 6 or 7 years ago. He lived through it, made a hell of a story and it softened some of his rougher edges, so all well .....
  • PutaTester
    5 years ago
    A few tips regarding BGs: 1. Vet the girl with at least a ficha ($10) if not a brief private lap dance ($21 or $11/w VIP). If there is even a yellow flag, much less a red flag, cut her loose, as there are so many more to choose from. It is cheap insurance. 2. Negotiate everything in the club, payment and expectations. If she tries to up sell in the room, make sure that there is agreement. In a few cases, I wrote everything down on a note pad, showed it to the girl in the club, and made sure that she understood and agreed. 3. Write a few Spanish phrases about what you want in advance. Maybe even memorize some. 4. If you get into the room and you get a bad vibe, walk out before either of you get naked. Once you do or she does, you are committed no matter what happens. If you do it before any activities commence, usually you will not get any grief. Indeed, if you have a short-term room, often you can get the room fee refunded or the fee will be waived if you bring another girl up soon after. 5. Be patient. You are going to get laid. Again, any yellow flags and turn her loose. 6. Much of this also applies to the meseros. There are good ones and a few bad ones. They are ALL aggressive in part because they pay to work there, so the club lets as many in as possible because they are profit motivated. Most are honest about bringing back the correct change and trying to see that you have a good time. Most speak decent English and will translate. If a mesero is treating your well, give him some tips. Maybe buy him a shot. Occasionally you will get a girl that does not live up to expectations. OTOH, it is highly unlikely that you will have a girl provide zero service and still demands money or more money than agreed. It is OK to complain to management, but don't push it if they side with the girl. Unlikely that anyone will call the police, but it isn't worth the grief that management can bring down. Of note, I have occasionally had poor service. (Made the mistake of choosing a trophy fuck who performed like she was changing the oil in my car. And a few times I ignored my own advice and was disappointed.) Street Girl comments: Only had one street girl in all my mongering. It was a poor experience, but from what I read in this and other forums, typical. Cheap, but totally mechanical and additional money for anything beyond 20 minutes of straight sex. Street girls are more likely to threaten to call the police. It rarely happens that they follow through, but any grief from the girl, management, or the police, can make it a bummer experience. Street girls make sense for young guys who can recover and pound three to five girls a day. Being in my 60s, I would rather take my time with a BG that leaves me with memories of a GFE. I know it isn't real, but I like to think that the BG enjoyed my weak ass attempts at mutual pleasure. All of this is probably stuff you know or will find out quickly. Having read many of your well-written reviews and swapped a few private messages, I have the impression that you will handle yourself just fine.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    There's a few things I've done to avoid the issues you're wary of. Buying drinks for the girls, like others have said, is a good value. It's perfectly acceptable to buy a girl a drink, feel her up, and then send her on her way. You can sample a massive amount of girls in this manner. Some people value the speed that a girl finishes her drink but for me it's not too big of a deal, I just expect more mileage on the floor if I'm buying a girl multiple drinks. I personally want to grope their genitals, their breasts, and be able to kiss them before I take them upstairs, but you probably have your own criteria. Some girls want to be paid up front and will deny you service if you don't do it. It sucks but otherwise all is fine; all she'll do is leave and you can go back downstairs to find another girl. The girls that I've mentioned in reviews all got paid at the end. I personally think if you offer them money for sex and you have sex with them, you should pay them. I wouldn't punish them by not paying if they give you bad sex.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Thanks for the comments. My post was more out of curiosity in terms if anyone had experienced some trouble w/ a TJ chica and how it turned-out - reports/reviews of PLs getting ripped-off in U.S. clubs is not uncommon to read and happens more than it should; I was just curious how it would play out in a different setting such as TJ - but as I mentioned in my OP, per the TJ reviews I've read I have not seen any reports of a girl refusing to provide services and still want payment, so in the end one can probably say that U.S. clubs and TJ are not necessarily apples-to-apples and one can't superimpose U.S. clubs M.O. onto TJ clubs. In the unlikely case that a disagreement over payment did occur in TJ, this is one where eating the loss would be the prudent way to go given the environment/location, but doesn't seem this is really a big issue in TJ else it wouldn't have the positive rep it has w/ mongers.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Tahoecruz, we value your experience, With a BG, do you agree that coming on to her and FROMS, and developing rapport, will go a long way to making things go well arriba? And then with an SG, if you want to treat her like a BG, then maybe taking her to eat, then to LC or BT, sufficient money always, and then that FROMS and developing rapport, just like with a BG, should go along way to making things go well arriba? We read negative reviews on Yelp, and what people write here, bad strip club experience, usually it comes from the girl talking the guy into "dances" when there has been no intimate rapport established. Seems like it would be the same way in TJ, with BG's and SG's. Best to spend the time and money to soften them up quite a bit, before talking about arriba. SJG The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces Sometimes [view link] [view link] [view link] THE UNDISPUTED TRUTH-walk on by [view link] The Undisputed Truth ‎– You Make Your Own Heaven And Hell Right Here On Earth ℗ 1971 [view link] Little Child Runnin' Wild -- Curtis Mayfield [view link] Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) Marvin Gaye [view link] Ben Fong-Torres [view link]
  • 623
    5 years ago
    In the US if you order any legal service and they don’t deliver there is a standard mechanism for remedy. I just assumed the same options, albeit more rudimentary, avail there. I have been much more surprised that BGs will go with nearly anyone and once they get in the guys room there is very little protection for them from the guy who is too aggressive, etc. I assume the guy who has no money at the end is simply the girls tough luck, explaining why so many, especially on weekends, want paid up front. Just curious what happens if a guy slaps a girl around?
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i hope he pays for it. one way or another.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    as to robs.. dealing with hk valet for parking is risky. i absolutely don’t trust them. sad because otherwise my hk experiences are excellent.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I would think often times the cops are just used as the muscle - a lot of these raids seems are often politician-driven having various agendas
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ wrong thread
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    @623 I've read on other TJ forums that guys have not paid and the chicas got hotel security and sometimes the police involved. The police have sided with the chica almost 100% of the time and the guy wound up paying. Same thing with roughing up a girl. More than likely the chica will yell for the hotel attendant in the hallway and security will show up at the room quickly. The bars value customers and the money they spend, but they also value the chicas because of their ability to make money for the bar. An anecdote related to this: a chica I know once went arriba with a guy who was visiting from Japan and didn't speak any English or Spanish. The guy started pulling her hair and slapped her just as they were about to have sex. Big mistake. Don't fuck with a Latina. This chica slapped him across the face even harder, took $100 from him that was sitting by the bed, cursed at him in Spanish, and left the room. Nothing happened to her. I'm not even sure if the guy complained, but she kept the $100 without getting into trouble. So, yes, these chicas do have to put up with some assholes, but a lot of them can hold their own.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    To answer Papi's original question though: Sometimes a guy and chica will go arriba and when they first arrive in the room there will be a disagreement. Sometimes the girl will demand payment up front and the guy will refuse. If neither will compromise, it's not uncommon for the guy to say no thanks and ask her to leave. In a situation like this, as a guy you should be fine. The girl will just go back to the club. If she made a stink about it, management will usually back the guy, assuming no time passed and no physical contact took place. In cases like this, if you didn't have your own room, and just rented a 30 minute room, they will let you go find another girl and return to use the room for the 30 minutes that you paid for. A chica I know has agreed to arriba before and when she arrived to the room, the guy changed the terms. He insisted on BB, but didn't mention that downstairs. He refused to settle for condom sex and she refused to let him go BB, so she just left without taking any money. Sometimes sneaky guys will try to manipulate the girl by getting her up to the room before insisting on special services. They think that once she's up there, she's more likely to cave in to their demands, rather than return to the club empty handed. It may work sometimes for the guys, but I think it's a sleazy way to go about things. In general Papi, I don't think you have to worry about ROBS too much in TJ if you are sticking to the bars. The chicas value the job and have to answer to the bar managers, so they don't want complaints which could lead to them being fired. If a chica ever pulled a ROBbery, you could just head down to the club and if you had a legitimate beef, the managers may try to work something out. Very rarely do you hear about ROBS in the bars in TJ. Mostly just bad service from time to time from some of the stuck up hot girls. Usually pretty good to great service is the norm though.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    Remember, you're not going arriba to get a lap dance or even watch a girl strip, you're going arriba to put your dick inside her. Even if she tries to short you on time or demand a tip, you still get to fuck her.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    Haven't really encountered a ROB in my three trips there, but I'm sure they exist, like everywhere else. The closest was a street gal with whom I thought we had an understanding she'd get naked and allow me to caress and fondle her entire beautiful body, but she didn't take a stitch of clothing off and gave me a mechanical HJ (I was seeking only manual release). I was a little upset at first, but I'm certain there was a language barrier there. And also, I quickly realized it's not so bad to get your cock stroked by a hot, young gal for $25 ($20 for her, $5 for the room), or the cost of a typical lap dance in the U.S. I think keeping things in perspective helps. Even if you get ripped off somehow, it's a relatively small amount compared to what you'd be paying in the U.S. It's still a tremendous value and the women are just as hot as you'll find in the States, IMO.
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