
Comments by goosman (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big asses
    You know where I stand on this.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Identifying MILFs
    C section scar.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I'm a transexual And want to be a dancer
    Club Xtra in Hollywood, FL labels itself as a TS strip club. They advertise in a strip club magazine - before anyone gives me shit as to how I know this.
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    7 years ago
    Shadowcat update
    Godspeed Shadowcat
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Them Damn Cubans
    Staying away from the political business of this and sticking to my fortay the hoeish business: Cubans are interesting. While there are some very beautiful Cubans, if you were to average all the ladies out the face is one of the weak points of the Cubans (I. E. Venezuelans, Brazilians & Colombians blow them away in the facial looks). But Cubans have something that draw you in a way that a mediocre looking Colombian would not. The are many cutthroat ones out there, but like anyone if you find their buttons anyone can change their stripes. Once you learn how to deal with them, it's one of the joys of life. If you don't want them, send them all to me. Even though i might brush them off for a better looking colombiana.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    East Indian Strippers in NY/NJ?
    There would have to be a Trini or a Guyanese dancer (or at least half) in there somewhere. But still would be rare.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How important is kitty play to you?
    Just doesn't interest me. Even when offered I pass. Certainly don't seek it out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    How do yoy Cover up the Stripper Smell?
    I would suggest "accidentally" spilling coffee on one's self. Less dangerous than gas & also more plausible.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you prefer Gentlemen's Clubs or less classy clubs?
    I'm a mid-tier guy. I like a little skank factor, but there are some depths to which I will not dive.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you use your real name when you club?
    @chess Well, if some stripper comes up and refers to you as "Dick Hammer" then perhaps you can get by, on she must be high or something-you have a chance of escape. But if this strange woman calls you out by your government name in front of your spouse - you're 100% fucked. Dick Hammer here is going to continue to play the better odds.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is a BML handshake
    Is there a blue moon lounge?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Paying for her time (well kind of)
    @chessmaster Happened last week. Dancer I've spent good money on previously. I tipped her on stage to let her know I was here. She gets off stage & goes to a dude stage tipping before me. I wait for a minute but she stays hanging out. So fuck her, I find a substitute for a couple of dances. And head towards the door. Before I go, I see her finally get up-guy got no dances. And I know she is FINALLY making a Beeline for me. I put my beer down at the bar, and as I turn towards the door, out of the corner of my eye I see a "hey baby" smile on her face, as I exit the club. She lost out on at least 300 from me, because of eating shit with that dude. I want to stay on a hardcore F her mode, but she is by far my favorite total dancer and she is gone for a few months in a week, so I'll probably drag my PL ass back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you use your real name when you club?
    Fake. Unless you have a whole built up backstory, you tend to give up a lot of information in small talk. Fake first name Shields you a bit. Also dancers have stage names to protect themselves from from some of the at best weirdos or worst dangerous customers, and rightfully so. But on our side, while most dancers are magic sprinkled down from heaven, some dancers are thieves & scam artists. Best not to share traceable information with them either to protect yourself. On another sub point, I've had some dancers tell me their "real name". 1. I could give a shit less, and 2. I presume their "real name" is also fake, but just level 2 of their club identity. My attitude is, I'm not giving you my real name, why should I care about yours. Other random point maybe next time, I'll give them an obviously fake male stripper name. Pleased to meet you "Dynasty" my name is Dick Hammer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    A new invasion?
    There has never been a large PR population in South Florida. Orlando has been the hub for PRs here, and I presume that a lot of the new population would move here. Also as Americans, PRs would have a lot more opportunities (along with likely closer/more family ties) than a lot of other immigrants. So I wouldn't anticipate any great influx of PR dancers, and not noticeably so here in South Florida. Sure there may be a short time spike with some girls looking for quick money, but that will probably end up more in the PR hubs of the northeast, Chicago or Orlando. As far as rivalries, Everybody hates everybody. Caribbean/Central Americans hate south americans. South Americans look down on Caribbean/central americans. Every non-Cuban in Miami hates Cubans. Cubans hate central americans. South Americans hate in particular Argentines. Nicaraguans & Costa Ricans hate each other. Nobody hates Mexicans though. Everyone loves Mexicans. Except when you call a Central American and Mexican, then the blood boils.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Away from TUSCL for a bit
    Get Jackson or Baptist Bro. Hope things get better.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you go commando?
    I've never gone commando, thin boxers. But I have these slacks made out of jersey knit material that dancers LOVE. Super soft for them, more than once I've gotten verbal appreciation for them, and likely better dances too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Away from TUSCL for a bit
    God speed PC. Get better
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How does a ppv event affect stripper availability?
    I was told that the police closed off the parking lot at Tootsies & the line was out the door. E11even was charging $100 at the door
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Prejudice Strippers
    @mark94, I've noticed that too. A dance that I wasn't even paying attention to, nor did I think she was paying attention to me. Come to find out she was tracking my moves the entire time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For better dances don't commit to an up sell.
    Yeah, unless they are pestering far too much, or I am not interested in a dance w/them, I never close out the possibility of getting a room/vip. I'm not going, but I wan't to keep them thinking it is something that they may earn through hard work & effort.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Last time you saw a stripper in real life.
    Never seen a CONFIRMED one in real life (i.e. one that I knew as a stripper), though definitely seen some likely candidates. I have seen a porn star out & about though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    @Subra. Eating ass seems to be having a moment in the collective zeitgeist (songs mentioning it, etc). I was wondering if it was catching on in the clubs. So yes, it seems to be the fidget spinner of the sex world at the moment.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What area of your SC game do you feel needs improvement ?
    @25 & PC, tip walk heavy spots are some of my key clubs (and the worst one of all just may be my favorite club), so I'm forced to deal with it. I just put in my clubbing equation that I may have to blow through 100 in singles and it is what it is. I have blown off ones that I really had no interest in who came by way too frequently, but mostly I just send the ones I'm not interested in w/a quick single & try to work a good tip grind with the ones I like. A girl Or two who from looks I wouldn't have been interested in got on my radar w/exceptional tip grind.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The PL-180 ?
    I've done a 180, where I've gotten up, put my beer down started walking towards the door, then PL hope said just stay a little longer, looped back & picked up my beer. Didn't even see anything, just the hope of a little something more & literally walked a loop in the club