Paying for her time (well kind of)

avatar for larryfisherman
I'm not talking about when a stripper comes to you and asks if she can sit with you.

I'm talking about when you see a stripper that you really like. You're thinking of doing dances with her, but first you want to talk to her for a little bit. So you tell her to come over. You end up talking and drinking with her for a hour. Now it's time to get dances with her.

Is there a minimum amount that you have in your head that you're planning on giving her regardless of how good the dances?

Because she stayed with you for a hour when she could have been walking the floor and making money. You don't know want to be stopping them from making money. After all they are there to make money.

I ask this because a friend I was clubbing with had a dancer sit with him for close to a hour. He ended up doing one $20 dance with her and then she left to talk to other customers. I thought that was incredibly cheap. She worked the night shift, so she was there from 9-2, so five hours. She stayed a hour with you and all she gets is $20. He didn't see anything wrong with it.

For me I'm going to at least give her $100 for the dances regardless if the dances are good or not.

I know probably some of you have different opinions on this subject, but this is where I stand.

What are your thoughts?


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avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I would get dances from her - and I'd tip her more at the end of the dances. When I tip her - I would say "Thanks for chatting with me. I enjoyed it." Most girls will know that the tip is for both the dances and the time spent.
avatar for DisRuptive1
7 years ago
If a girl sat with me for an hour and I wanted her to sit with me that long, I'd give her $100 plus the cost of any dances I got from her, even if it was only a single $20 dance. $100 for an hour of a girl's time is more than enough even in clubs with no nudity or lap dances (Utah).
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
Spending time flirting with a customer is an investment that dancers sometimes have to make to get the guy to buy dances. So I never pay for spending time wth me. However, if I'm not into the dancer, I will politely tell her after a few minutes that I'm not going to buy a dance from her. I don't want a dancer to hang out with me if I'm not interested in her sexually.

If I'm into her and we do dances together, and if the dances are good, then I will get a lot of dances, perhaps even a VIP, so she is well compensated. If her dances suck and we quit early, then I'm only going to pay her for the dances that we did. Why would I pay for xtra for poor aervice?
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
I read reviews and have seen it first hand strippers waste a ton of time(could be anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours) talking to some guy and not get any dances. I doubt they are all slipping her money under the table. Its way too commonplace but i know they arent being held hostage. If they dont care why should i? Or why would the guy wasting her time care?
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
To clarify I meant i have read reviews where the reviewer wasted a strippers time and didnt give her anything.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
I do this on a pretty regular basis -- we're easily sitting an hour before we do our first dance. I do a $100 VIP at a time.
avatar for goosman
7 years ago
@chessmaster Happened last week. Dancer I've spent good money on previously. I tipped her on stage to let her know I was here. She gets off stage & goes to a dude stage tipping before me. I wait for a minute but she stays hanging out. So fuck her, I find a substitute for a couple of dances. And head towards the door. Before I go, I see her finally get up-guy got no dances. And I know she is FINALLY making a Beeline for me. I put my beer down at the bar, and as I turn towards the door, out of the corner of my eye I see a "hey baby" smile on her face, as I exit the club. She lost out on at least 300 from me, because of eating shit with that dude.

I want to stay on a hardcore F her mode, but she is by far my favorite total dancer and she is gone for a few months in a week, so I'll probably drag my PL ass back.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
^^ if she was someone I knew, I would have called her on it - ask why she wasted so much time. The club is a place where you can "be real" with women.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I like being treated fairly thus I try reciprocate w.r.t. the hos.

Whether it's talking or anything else, I'm cognizant of her investment (time, mileage, etc) and try to make her investment worth her time (not like a whale but along a fair compensation).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I'd compensate her via a good # of dances and a decent tip - i would not tip her just for her time; if I talked to her for a while it's b/c I like her and if I like her then I'll want to get dances from her.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I too have seen chicks sit w/ guys for extended periods of time and get up w/o nothing and then go try to hustle someone else.

w.r.t. goosman's situation; some chicks try to be slick and will put a custy they know likes them "on ice" while they go hustle the rest of the club thinking/expecting the custy that likes them will be sitting there like a puppy waiting for them all night b/c "the custy is so into them"
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I agree with you. It’s ultimatly on her, but it’s also why so many girls won’t just sit there for more than a few mins. I’ve had that happen, and I feel mad at myself for wasting my time when it does.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Many dancers know that there are custies that won't spend unless they sti and talk w/ them for a while - so it's kinda a roll-of-the-dice for some dancers particularly newbie/semi-newbie dancers whose hustle is not sharp yet
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
If a dancer is sitting with me and I enjoy it, I'll offer drinks and food, especially if I'm drinking and eating. I'll be sure to get some dances if I like her.

Figure there are 15-20 songs in an hour. Say a dancer gets half of those, 7-10 (probably less in lap dance clubs where you have to move back and forth to lap dance area) on a good night. If I'm an interesting, pleasant customer for her, and I'm buying drinks or food, I figure if I get 5-7 dances per hour, I shouldn't have any trouble keeping her around ($10/dance clubs). Actually, if a dancer can make $50/hour, that's $400 on an 8hour shift, which isn't bad.

I always like finding the girl who scored $400 in VIP near the beginning of her shift and then is ready to party and take it easy the rest of the night.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
In my experiences, a dancer does not sit and chat with me for more than a couple of minutes when I am at a non-extras club. Most will approach and ask for a dance right away. A few may chat for 2 minutes, but if you don't want to buy a dance they will quickly move on.

At an extras club, it is more common for a dancer to sit and chat with me anywhere from 15-30 minutes, and I will usually buy her a drink to buy as much time as possible for conversation. I think this is more common in extras clubs because the girls bank a ton of money on doing extras, and therefore can afford to spend more time engaging in conversation.

I recall two visits to a non-extras club, about a month apart. During both visits, there was this one dancer that spent 2+ hours just sitting and chatting with a dude, and both times it was the same dude. The dude was dressed like a bum, had greasy hair and his arms were covered in tattoos. The dancer had a ton of body ink herself. I highly doubt this guy actually paid her for the time she spent just hanging out with him at a table. But, because both of them had a ton of tattoos, I made the assumption this guy was actually her boyfriend. If so, I just don't think boyfriends should be allowed in the club, if anything for the fact they would be a distraction keeping the dancer from actually making any money.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Man, i used to be sympathetic to strippers. I would give the occasional "charity" dance to a dancer that was very friendly or spent a good amount of time with me, although it had never occurred to me to tip for sitting with a customer, especially since i'm not anywhere near as touchy feely with dancers on the floor as many customers and non chumps are, especially dancers i'm not interested in as in i'm not going to get dances with them later. I'll still tip even the less attractive girls on stage (nude stages mind you, as they still have to earn their money and i don't consider simply getting topless, or twerking a thonged butt earning money) when i'm sitting through the rotation.

Now, i'm not (as) sympathetic. I don't need dancers i'm not interested thinking i'm now their regular easy mark. Even though i generally consider myself a nice guy and definitely nicer than your average SCer (where i more than occasionally see a lot of openly obnoxious, rude, disrespectful behaviour), i don't need to worry about what dancers really think of me if i don't help them out or whatever; it's probably worse than what i think of them anyway, if SW has any truth to it. And i leave the stage when a less attractive girl gets on instead of spending a dollar on her, unless it's one of those very busy nude stages, where if you leave, you might not get another open seat for awhile. Not that you have to be seated at the stage to tip, but i prefer to be seated when i'm at the stage, then stand awkwardly, waiting to tip and possibly re-tip a girl.

I firmly believe that compensation must be earned, and i don't consider sitting with a customer, or just me actually, earning money, even if they're on my lap. I prefer that dancers i'm not attracted not sit on my lap anyway, and if they try to i tell them to use a chair. That should be a clear indication that i'm not going to get a dance with them. If i don't want them on my lap later, i don't need them on my lap now. I don't believe stupidity should be rewarded either. I don't lead dancers on, but if dancers believe what they want to believe and waste their time, it's on them.

Sometimes, "baby" strippers that i'm quite attracted to and would have done a dance with them, will spend 10-20 minutes or more with me and then just walk away, smh. I guess they're too afraid of rejection to just ask a customer if they want a dance and were hoping i would ask them. Another reason why baby strippers don't do very well. But not just baby strippers, i've seen other dancers including ones that i've danced with in the past sit with me for even longer times, just waiting until i bring it up. Wtf? You know, dancers aren't the only ones that value their time, but if they're going to waste my time as well, time that could be spent dancing with someone i preferred, i'm not tipping them for that. However, a dancer might actually be doing me a favor by shielding me from another dancer that i MIGHT spend decent money on, but would rather not spend that money on, say my fourth or fifth choice or lower in that club. I'm still not tipping for THAT service.

But back to the OP. If you really like the girl and are going to get at least a dance with her and you spend a whole hour with her doing whatever it is you two do for an hour and decide that her time spent with you is worth $100 (how you came up with that is anyone's guess; i don't consider a dancer's opportunity cost your expense and responsibility), as you said just get the $100 worth of dances with her, or as i said, make her earn her money and tip on top of that if they were good dances. But if they really suck, like ROBish dances, i would just cut it at one, and say tough titties bitch, hope you quit (or learn to get a lot better at what you do quickly, but i'm not rewarding you for your bad service and ineptitude). Okay, i won't really say that, but that's what i definitely would be thinking.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"At an extras club, it is more common for a dancer to sit and chat with me anywhere from 15-30 minutes, and I will usually buy her a drink to buy as much time as possible for conversation. I think this is more common in extras clubs because the girls bank a ton of money on doing extras, and therefore can afford to spend more time engaging in conversation."

Funny, at the clubs here the experience is exactly the opposite. Extras clubs are hit it or quit it, non-extras clubs the girls stick around. And I have my own confirmation bias explanation: In extras clubs, the centerpiece of the experience is sex, so spend a few minutes getting his juices flowing, then wham bam thank you PL. In a no-extras club, the experience is about lust, sensuality, and the perception of a connection, so socialization is expected and what keeps the dollars flowing.

Of course, that's all a dayshift perspective. Late nightshift is always a wannadance sausagefest and there's no much socialization in any type of club. If you want to spend more than 3 minutes talking to a girl, it's no-extras clubs only
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago

Didn't read your whole post - but it seems you're talking about spending on girls that sit w/ you that you are *not* interested in; whereas the OP I believe is talking about compensating dancers for their time that one *is* interested in
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
^ that's what the last paragraph on my overly wrong response is for.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
^ long although it could be wrong...
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
^ maybe i should put a table of contents on my responses ;)
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
7 years ago
Cannot imagine ever spending money just to chat with a dancer, whether or not I end up doing dances with her. Dancers are salespeople who work on commission; I sincerely doubt anyone here has ever tipped a car salesman just for chatting, or some home improvement guy for writing up a quote. If a dancer wants to talk, it's her time.

For me, with a dancer I want to lap, I'd rather her stop chatting after 2-3 songs max and ask me for a dance. A dancer with whom I have no interest I'll just politely tell her I'm not interested. Tips are for going above and beyond in a lap dance only. It's never impacted my ability to get and keep multiple regulars. And as for my own confirmation bias, I like to think they prefer it because they don't have to listen to another sob story about how terrible their customer's boss is, or how the wife doesn't appreciate him, etc., etc.

avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
I won't tip her for her time per se, but I will give a good tip on top of the dances I get from her. I feel obligated to get more than one cheap dance if she stays with me for a hour.

Now if it's a girl I didn't call over and I'm not interested in her, then I'll let her know right away that I'm not doing dances with her. I don't want to waste her time.
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
7 years ago
As always, it's your choice, but only you can make you feel guilty. Believe me when I tell you no tipping for time/no drinks has no impact on my ability to get quality service from quality dancers both inside and outside the club. You're simply throwing money away.

avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
With all due respect to Subraman the Wise, my experience with day shifts at extras vs. non-extras clubs in the Midwest is that extras girls will spend an hour or more (sometimes much more) with me in hopes of doing a $150 VIP, whereas non-extras girls will sit for a few minutes and then suggest going back for lap dances. I once spent most of an afternoon with a dancer (who became my ATF) merely by promising that I would do a VIP with her the *next* day (which I did), because I had already promised a VIP to another girl that day.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Oh yeah, definitely if you like a girl and want to get a dance with her, and for me it doesn't take a long time at all to figure out i want a dance from her, but however long it takes you, it should take anywhere near an hour, ask the girl if she'll do a dance, if you really care about maximizing her income. I bet the dancers are loving considerate you...

I've certainly let a popular girl go shortly after dancing with her even after spending vast amounts on her (probably by far the most of any other customers she had that night) instead of just milking her time afterwards for free, although some might argue that it's included in the considerable amount i already spent. I imagine she might appreciate it, unless she would rather spend that additional time with me just for my company, yeah right...
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
^^ Wow, i don't know what those girls are thinking, just sitting with a customer for two hours or more in the hope of getting a $150 VIP which will also take a good half hour or so, of which they might keep $100 of it. I also don't know what the average fees and tip-out a day shift dancer in the midwest pays, but it's not nothing and stage tips can be non-existent or almost non-existent during dayshift. If she doesn't get any more customers, she might have spent over 3 hours to get 50 or 60 bucks besides whatever you tipped on top for the extras.

What do you guys do or talk about for the two hours (non-compensated of course) or so before the VIP? I'm almost shocked she (or you) wouldn't cut to the chase long before that, but i guess nothing shocks me anymore in the world of SCing, especially on TUSCL.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
@dirkdiggler- if a dancer can hold a conversation, it's pretty easy to talk to a dancer for a hour. Now usually I'm not talking to a dancer for more than 10 min before I ask for a dance, but on occasion I've had long conversations with dancers.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I would never spend an hour talking to a dancer and then get 1 lapdance. If I'm spending that much time with her, then it's going to be a VIP in the end.

If I'm not very interested in her, then I'll say something like "You're spending a lot of time here. If you want to move on and make some money, I won't be hurt. I may not be buying a lot of dances tonight."

If I'm more interested than not, then I'll suggest we do a few dances sooner rather than later. If she's a keeper, then we can talk more after the dance.
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