
Comments by timothyjames55 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Fav Club
    Palomino in Las Vegas.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Things were getting a little lackluster with my CF. I sort of called her out on it and she had the balls to basically say she would put on the heat in the early days to try and get me, lock me in, whatever you want to call it, but that now she knew she didn't have to do that now because I was all in and she knew I liked her and would come back. I admit, she sort of said it in jest, and we had been joking about how even these kinds of relationships can get stale like an old marriage, but it did upset me, I let her know that, and now I'm freezing her out. She knows I see one other person as a regular, so I can only assume she assumes that's where I'm spending my time, although I haven't said that. If/when I visit CF again, I am betting it will be like the old days again... and if not, I'll know it's time for a new CF.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What are the signs that a strip club customer is a newbie?
    Honestly, I don't think I'm a rookie, but I always wear a nice pair of dark jeans. I just hate slacks. It's probably to my detriment, but oh well.
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    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Tapped Out: Need real intimacy
    I feel you dude. I've been growing weary lately of OTC, and I never even dabbled in anything ITC... I wouldn't be able to perform. My buddy asked me the other day: "With $1,000 would you rather go OTC with your favorite stripper, or spend it all in the club doing your normal club routine, of course with no release." - I told him that these days, I'd prefer the club. It's more exciting, I enjoy the ambiance, the attention and the variety.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strip Club Tour - What's Your Desired Destination - North America
    Specifically for the purpose of checking out the clubs I've been to: Phoenix Dallas I went to a club in Los Angeles, but didn't go for that reason. I used to go to Vegas strictly to gamble, but now I gamble much less and go specifically for the clubs... until late last year when as luck would have it I began to need to go to Vegas for business. At least now I can write the trips off. Planning to visit a buddy in Detroit soon as he's being put up there for work for April and May. Would like to go see what's up in Miami, as well as go to Follies.
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    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    First Time in Vegas
    I've been to Vegas about 15 times in the last year, and I think the advice here is spot on. If you are out at night, say after 10:00 PM, I'd recommend Palomino. It's my favorite club, but I'm probably biased because most of my favorites are there. Alcohol, fully nude, but a bit cheaper than Rhino/Saphire. If it's any earlier than 10 PM, I'd go to Rhino. OTC is pricey, but I wasn't gathering you were looking for that anyway. $1,000 is pretty normal, but I've been quoted $1,500 by a solid 7 on a number of occasions. I second The Wicked Spoon, and definitely Mon Ami Gabi. I love Tacos El Gordo, if you like Mexican street tacos, or Hussongs for a more sit down type Mexican restaurant.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer: "Are you a tits or ass man?
    I actually do tell them I'm a pussy man, which is why I go to Palomino instead of Saphire or Spearmint Rhino (Vegas). They get it, no one ever looks shocked by the answer.
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    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    What's Worthwhile in Kansas City, MO?
    I-70 east for 270 miles? Is St. Louis where the action is? Unfortunately I can't make it out there.
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    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    What's Worthwhile in Kansas City, MO?
    We were thinking about a Royals game that week... but these days I don't usually travel unless there is a reasonable club situation as well.
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    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Stripper Perspective on the Value of Extras
    I started an entire thread about this subject last week, but I agree with Nina and Subraman on pricing. I've definitely never experienced OTC for less (or more) than $1,000. That's my threshold, but this is mostly in Vegas so I know it has its own price scale. Quite frankly I just think these strippers are good at judging opportunity costs. They take everything into account, i.e. The club they work at, their own attractiveness, time investment, bills, etc.
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    7 years ago
    Dallas Nudes
    I used a private VIP booth in PT's and Baby Dolls. I'm usually all for private booths, big didn't find them to be worth it in Dallas.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Baby Dolls
    I went last month. It was heavily Latin, Cuban. There were some white girls, but I was actually surprised at how many chubby girls there were. It was a Sunday night though. Two months previous I went on a Friday night, and it was bumpin', and there seemed to be more blondes. I gave PT's a chance on both occasions. Just doesn't do it for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    To Papi's other question, I probably know Vegas clubs as well as 99%+ at this point. I bet I entered one or another some 20-30 times last year, and I don't even live there. That does include multiple visits in each trip though; I'm not flying in THAT much. Not even in Vegas is everyone making $1,000+ every night. I know my favorite there does most nights, but she really is top tier. And thanks Papi for the "tough love" response. I've recently been giving some thought to the idea that I might have given too much of the control, or power, or whatever, to the dancer, especially the non-Vegas one, and have basically decided to pull back a bit to see what happens. I'm on my longest streak of not seeing her since we met last summer (which isn't all that long, I admit), but I can already see a bit of groveling in text messages. Even if pricing doesn't change, I think the dynamic changes and it will help put me back in the driver's seat a bit more; a place where I definitively was at the start, but have sort of given up as the months have gone by.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    Papi said- "+ I know you didn't mention it b/c some on here will give you flack for it - but I read that you are not getting sex w/ these "dates" and you are more interested in the companionship aspect of it which personally I think it's fine if that is what you genuinely seek - thus the fact that she does not have to "put out" and just be arm-candy I think $1k just for that is to f'ing much especially for just an hour or two" Well, that was true in the very, very beginning, and it was my choice, and that is the case with just the one I met first. I don't like getting into specifics... but suffice it to say I'm getting exactly what I look for at this point. Yes, that would make the $1,000 even less of a worthwhile proposition.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    Thanks again to the last few commenters. To Ch3ll's point, I have read that 2016 Pathetic Loser post and it rings home too true! No, I'm not that bad, but readily admit to being a PL. In 2016 (my first year in this game) I spent $XX,XXX doing this (think mid range of that number) but my goal for 2017 is NOT to cut it out, it's way too fun. I'm overall having a blast. I intend to cut the spend roughly in half, while increasing the value I get for every dollar. Call it my New Year's resolution ;). That number represents ITC and OTC. The thing about this number between $200-$600 that still surprises me is that in my favorite Las Vegas club, 30 minutes in the VIP is going to cost in the $400+ range. I know these girls mostly do 15 minute sessions at around $150, but still, they add up. I had a conversation with a stripper a couple months ago in my favorite Vegas club. She in fact is probably my favorite stripper in my favorite club. I've never OTC'd with a girl from this club, sort of a "don't shit where you eat" rule that I established, although I'm laxing on the idea, and wouldn't oppose it in the future. We will call her Unicorn. Unicorn is a so-called feature dancer and tells me she's never done OTC. I believe her. Having no intentions of ever proposing it with her, her and I shoot the shit a lot when I visit. She's the closest thing I could consider a "friend" in one of these places, although yes I use the term very loosely. I told Unicorn that I have OTC'd but never with one of her colleagues. She's liberal, doesn't care, thinks it's interesting, and get's propositioned every night anyway, so she knows it happens. But her question to me was the same I pose above. "Why would I go OTC when I can rack up 30 minute sessions at $450 each, and not take on the risk, or do things that I simply don't need to do, plus travel time, all for what, the cost of two 30 minute VIP's?" Legitimate question. My only response was that although she can rack up 30 minute VIP's, not all of her colleagues do so readily, and heck, even Unicorn has some rough patches. But if we're talking $1,000, any guy out there would rather spend that on OTC rather than two separate 30 minute VIP's (not an extras club at all) for almost the same price. So a girl that will OTC can build a bit of a clientele that will OTC, or at least has a whole new pool of guys that will spend money on OTC, but don't necessarily love dropping $450 for a measly 30 minutes of VIP, with no real action. Those are my assumptions at least.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    @Subraman - I like your tactic quite a bit. I think I'm pretty reserved in mine, but I was a rookie and mostly it seems I made the mistake of just accepting first offer. Quite frankly, I didn't know going rates, but it sounds like with one of them being in Vegas, it might not be that unreasonable. As for the other, I can't be certain that if I could only keep just one, it wouldn't be the '8'. She's pretty fun. Slightly off topic, I know some of you guys do these get-togethers around the country from time to time... I might just have to join one sometime. Probably a fun group and I could stand to learn a thing or two. I traveled in 2016 to four different states, for the sole purpose of simply checking out some of the more popular clubs I'd heard of, ie. I traveled to Phoenix to check out HiLiter and to Dallas to check out Baby Dolls, as well as a couple other places. I think this year I'm going to head to Detroit, Atlanta, maybe Miami... and who knows where else. I figure while I'm single there's no one to explain to, so it might as well be now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    Yes @Subraman, that's exactly how it went. It's funny because I've always considered myself a good negotiator when it comes to my businesses, but I think when it comes to this I've had a different attitude. I've kind of felt like if you negotiate with a dancer, you might not get her best performance. $1,000 is a lot, no doubt, I really wouldn't mind finding a few on the roster that don't command such an amount. But I guess I probably worried that if someone asked for $1,000 and I talked it down to $700, I'd get a 70% performance so to speak, and I want her to bring her A-Game. Maybe the key will be to find some who's A-Game simply happens to be just a bit cheaper. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    I'm overwhelmed by the responses, gents. Thanks. I'll try to touch a few of the points: @Shyailynn - you are very astute and were correct in all your assumptions. The 9.5 is the Vegas girl. I'm flabbergasted that you (and others) are able to pay $200-$450 (@MrDeuce) for an evening or apparently even overnight of GFE. I'm often into one of these girls or others $450 just for 30 minutes of VIP room, before even leaving the club. I still do some time with them in the club (not everytime) because, well, I actually love the club ambiance and it's fun to be there with the hottest stripper(s) in the club hanging around you... but when they hang with you for a couple hours I feel obligated to at least go do some time in VIP. The general sentiment seems to be "if it's worth it to you and you enjoy, no problem". I do agree, overall. Free market, and all that. I can pay it, technically, but it doesn't mean I don't consider it to be a lot of money. I have been offered on two different occasions to hang out twice for $1,500 ($750 each) by the non-Vegas girl. For whatever reason that felt just right. It's as if my barometer is set so that $450 would just be stupid cheap, can't even fathom it, $1,000 is doable, but just barely into the uncomfortable zone, and $750 is just right. Feels fair to me, for both parties. @Bavarian (fellow BMW fan) brings up a good point. Why not ditch the 8 if the 9.5 is the same price. A couple reasons I guess. One is location. 9.5 is in Vegas, and the 8 is where she is. But even beyond location, although 9.5 is awesome, great personality (or I wouldn't do it, that's a dealbreaker, it's not all about looks) the 8 is just so, so much fun. I truly have a great time with her. It probably borders on a level it shouldn't sometimes, because I can have so much fun that there are moments I tend to forget what's going on. Feels like I'm with an actual girlfriend. I've told myself many times I'd like to find her... but in the real world. We're close enough in age. I have to work hard to keep my head on straight with this one. @JohnSmith69 and @Subraman - Thanks to both of you. I agree, I don't think renegotiating is possible. I have and will continue to see if I can slowly squeeze a bit more out of my visits and thus make it a little more worth it each time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Proposed schedule of appropriate SC usage by young single men (e.g. fishstix, my
    I am young, and single. A part of me wishes I would have never stumbled on to this "hobby". It happened almost by accident about a year ago. Since then I've spent a lot of money both in and out of the club. Papi hits on a good point. I'll be the first to admit, I haven't had much success in the dating world over the past few years. I think I've used the club to sort of fill the void. It's a sad lonely life. I routinely tell my married friends that I think the strip club was invented for them (married guys), not for me. I have a tendency to subconsciously look for the wrong things in the club (affection, emotional connection). I'm A LOT better now than I was 6-8 months ago, which came from more experience, a couple bad experiences that sort of jaded me, and just consciously reminding myself what the club is all about, and what it's not about. Now I do a better job (but not a perfect one) at having fun in the club (and OTC), and then forgetting it when I walk out the door.
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    7 years ago
    Phoenix - esp. Christie's Cabaret in Tempe
    I was just there this past weekend. Touching on the floor seemed fine, and definitely in VIP, except I did go with one that didn't allow it. Personal rule.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The 28 Best Nude Strip Clubs in America
    Glad to see Palomino on the list.
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    7 years ago
    Flight Club ruined strip clubs for me.
    I'm not sure if I should be happy, or bummed out that the only cities I've clubbed in (Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas) are the ones Shailynn says have the best looking dancers. So it only goes downhill from here?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    what's the most you've ever spent on one dancer in one night in the club??
    $2,000. An absolute mistake in my early days (early last year). I got caught up. It's also the only time I ever felt like I fell in "stripper love". I still like to spend $1,000+ when I go, but I spread it around a smidge more, and I won't go in 2017 as much as I did last year. The novelty has worn off a bit, but I do still enjoy it quite a bit.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mr. Nice Guy in the strip clubs
    I'm actually that exact guy in my club, and I'm kind of tired of it. Only thing is it's not with drinks, it's with dances. I don't say yes to every girl in the club, but I have a good 5-6 that always hit me up and I always say yes to, when I'd rather say yes to 2 or 3. Problem is all 5-6 are pretty fun.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    I hate to find enjoyment in someone's pain, and I truly DON'T, but it does make me feel a little better. I spent about $50k in 2016, as I write this from a hotel room, out of state where I've gone simply to try some new clubs. This was my first year ever clubbing, and I definitely went overboard. Single, bored, make decent money, so this is what I came up with to spend on instead of a wife and kids, I suppose. 2017 goal: learn from my mistakes, be more efficient and have twice the fun on half the money ($25k). Trust me, if you saw some of my blunders, you'd know it's possible.