After 10 years of LDKing in my pants I finally visited FC and had my first CFS ITC experience not once, but twice in one night with some model grade dancers for $200 each. I had the best SCing experience that night!
I've spent more in a night at a non extras club on less attractive dancers. This happened several months back and I never posted a review, because my world view had been altered. I went to a strip club last night for the first time since FC and I was mostly bored and had a hard time justifying spending much money on dances. I left with cash still in my wallet which usually doesn't happen at the club that I went to. So yeah... Flight Club in Michigan ruined strip clubs for me... Thanks...
Probably the best I've been to as well. I make my yearly pilgrimage once a year. I know I overpaid last time but she got an unexpected facial and I was satisfied. She was easily a 9.
Good for chukko. If you're going to try out the hobby, it's good to have a shot to try out an elite club so you know what the range is.
Just to say it, there's different kinds of elite. There's GC elite where you spend a crap ton of money because of all the shiny in front of you, and maybe you get the experience you wanted. Or there's elite where what you're looking for, from who you're looking for, is a pretty good match with what you'd rather spend. It also helps if you don't feel like you're going to catch a rash from the furniture.
Flight Club is awesome - now you (and others) can understand why I pass on strip clubs in other towns I am in for work, and wait out for a Flight Club night.
I disagree with the model-type girls comment though. There are lookers there but nothing near (overall quality) that I have seen in Dallas, Vegas, Phoenix, Toronto, etc. etc. etc. In my opinion I have never seen anything above an 8 at Flight Club, and nothing better than a 9 in metro Detroit.
Flight Club and Penthouse are easily the top two in the Detroit Metro area. And also the most expensive. But if you want quality and are willing to spend, those two clubs should always be on your list.
Agreed, although my last visit to FC left something to be desired... IMHO the DET area clubs are the very best in the world. I consider myself ruined right with you.
@shailynn I've never been to any of those places yet. So my model grade comment may be based on my limited subjective experience. FC definitely exceeded my standards in terms of attractiveness and mileage.
I'm not sure if I should be happy, or bummed out that the only cities I've clubbed in (Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas) are the ones Shailynn says have the best looking dancers. So it only goes downhill from here?
Let me echo the sentiment about FC and PH. I personally have had far better luck at Penthouse, but my best experience of three at FC was in my Top 5 all-time.
Those two clubs are pretty amazing, no doubt. Have never been to the other places, but relative to the rest of the Midwest, Detroit is where it's at. The girls in Chicago's glam clubs are maybe as pretty, but you spend the similar money and get 1/10 the mileage. And nowhere else comes close.
last commentAfter visiting the Flight Club a couple hundred times, I think I have been ruined.
Just to say it, there's different kinds of elite. There's GC elite where you spend a crap ton of money because of all the shiny in front of you, and maybe you get the experience you wanted. Or there's elite where what you're looking for, from who you're looking for, is a pretty good match with what you'd rather spend. It also helps if you don't feel like you're going to catch a rash from the furniture.
I disagree with the model-type girls comment though. There are lookers there but nothing near (overall quality) that I have seen in Dallas, Vegas, Phoenix, Toronto, etc. etc. etc. In my opinion I have never seen anything above an 8 at Flight Club, and nothing better than a 9 in metro Detroit.
IMHO the DET area clubs are the very best in the world. I consider myself ruined right with you.
Those two clubs are pretty amazing, no doubt. Have never been to the other places, but relative to the rest of the Midwest, Detroit is where it's at. The girls in Chicago's glam clubs are maybe as pretty, but you spend the similar money and get 1/10 the mileage. And nowhere else comes close.