
Comments by timothyjames55 (page 4)

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    8 years ago
    What % of strippers do OTC?
    I'm pretty much 100% Las Vegas, but I feel like it's around 1 in 8... which I felt better saying rather than 12.5% :) However, I don't push hard, am not interested in going after quantity, and prefer to stick to tried and tested... and also have never been the aggressor. So someone else might find that number to higher. Lastly, can I say this without being labeled a racist by the more sensitive types? I think black girls have a higher percentage, followed by Latinas (but in particular Cubans). I think my ideal dancers are the exact types that are the least likely to do OTC, in my experience: very young, white with emphasis on blonde, often new(er) to dancing, girl next door types. Seemingly "sweet" girls as well, if such a term can be used in a strip club. I like to feel like 15 years ago I could have been in high school with this girl that's giving me a lap dance. I feel like I'm not alone in this, and that this type of girl is a hotter commodity, and that in large part, which girls do OTC is simply a product of supply and demand.
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    8 years ago
    Stripper shopping trips
    I have done it one single time... and admittedly did walk away feeling a little pathetic. It was just over $200 at Victoria's Secret. At least the pictures and videos of it all flooded in over the next couple weeks, not to mention seeing it in person. I don't see myself doing it again though. I'm trying to pull back on all that kind of stuff, including club spending in general, which could have instead been a down payment on a house or a nice car this past year. Rookie phase, I'm already snapping out of it.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Is it possible to be addicted to a stripper?
    Papi's words above ring so true for me. I only really started this game in February, and OTC for the first time in probably August or so, would be my best guess. I started out so trusting, and naive. I treated them like I do civvie girls in my single dating life (where there isn't much going on right now, hence my new obsession with the club). I would assume they meant what they said, would be where they said they would be, etc. After things went sour with my first favorite, I got a little jaded on the whole thing, and probably wised up. We made up, sort of, but I won't see her OTC anymore, we're just cordial in the club and I'll do a few occasional lappers with her. Hurt her pocket book a bit I'm sure, but there are just too many out there to worry about any one dancer. The reason I know I'm wiser now (at least as far as not falling so head over heels), is that now with my second and current favorite, I am keeping my head on straighter, not thinking about her and obsessing so much, even though I've already spent more time and money on #2, she is an absolute 10 in my book compared to being a solid 7-8 like the first chick, she is way better conversation, way more fun, and punctual. It would have made more sense to get hung up on #2, but you learn from past mistakes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Is it possible to be addicted to a stripper?
    Absolutely possible. Been there. Made it out mostly unscathed, and trying now not to get as wrapped up with a new CF. It's fun, but I'm trying to keep it, and her, in perspective.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    For those of you who OTC
    It's funny how different minds work. The crazy boyfriend scenario is probably third on my list of concerns. Probably because we meet at the casino level of a Vegas hotel, then go up from there. I'm probably a little paranoid, but I worry first about being caught up in a sting type vice operation (I know, to use a stripper I meet and take to VIP would be quite an elaborate scheme), and secondly I worry about if she might have an STD, even though I'm super, super careful, the details of which I won't get into.
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    8 years ago
    I just looked at my Delta app, I've flown in to Vegas for 14 of the last 32 weeks (plus two trips to Phoenix and one to L.A.) You might call it addiction, I call it a phase that came at the right time in my life. I won't even mention how much I've spent; I've seen the ridicule Larryfisherman faces, and he doesn't hold a candle. My favorite club is Palomino. I know many by name, and they know me. I don't pay cover or for a table anymore, and I don't pay for drinks if I go to the upstairs bar either, but I tip well. I have only one that visits my hotel from Palomino, but offers have been there from a few more. Rhino is my second favorite club, but honestly has probably hotter girls. I OTC with two from there. My thing is I like super young, girl next door types, and I find that more at Palomino. I've been to Rhino probably a third as much as Palomino, but probably had twice the OTC offers. Still though, they have come more often after some rapport, after a second visit, unlike my two trips to Phoenix where OTC offers were more obvious and quick. Also, my experience at Palomino has been that the dancers have to be extremely careful about even giving phone numbers and many say it's a fireable offense. At the Rhino they do it more freely and in the open. Last time in town I took one of my Rhino OTC'ers back to the Rhino in her civie clothes, and we did 30 minutes VIP with her best stripper friend. Man, that was hot. I also gave Saphire another shot this past weekend, it was the first club I ever visited, and I still don't really like it. I'd go to Rhino if I were you, and Palomino if you want something different. It's like a $15 über from the strip.
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    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    Olympic Gardens/OG closes.
    Just when I get back to Vegas and decide to broaden my horizons from Palomino and the Rhino. OG's would have been a good change. Saphire was my first ever club visit, but I just can't get myself to go back. Maybe that dumpy Talk of the Town I've read about? We'all see.
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    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    Vegas Vs. TJ Analogies
    I can speak to your Vegas analogy, because in a small way it rings true to my CF Vegas girl. I treat amazingly well, but I know the return would be much higher pretty much anywhere else.
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    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    Morning sessions
    Ironically, I am trying to wax poetic from the lobby bar of the Ecore at Wynn as we speak. If anyone is here, meet me at the craps table in 5 ;) I'll be the one making the table cold.
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    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    Morning sessions
    Yes I like mornings in Vegas. I visit club A, but a dancer I like to see works at club B... so I do my thing til the wee hours (Vegas doesn't even start til like midnight) and so does she... We both end up typically leaving our respective clubs anywhere from 3-5 am, go home/hotel and sleep and then meet up at either a strip restaurant, Mon Ami Gabi is a favorite, or do room service, then hang out all morning, then maybe gamble some so I can throw even more good money after bad, then inevitably turn to her and say something like, "that was stupid, should have just spent a few more hours with you." She drives me to the airport, I go home to my empty house and the monotony of my life... for usually somewhere between 2-6 weeks. Ahhhh, Las Vegas. How I love you and loathe you.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your SC standard by which you judge other SCs
    Palomino in Las Vegas: 1. Second club I ever visited 2. Club I visited the most, by far 3. Fully nude + alcohol (rare in some places) 4. Young girls, many under 21 5. No overt extras, but there from a few if you build rapport. Not important for me as I don't do ITC. 6. Some aggression, but less than other Vegas clubs 7. Some, but fewer, will meet OTC, after some rapport 8. Staff has always been great
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Rule changes at the Phoenix HiLiter
    I am just leaving the HiLiter. Flew into town, hoping to have a better time than I just did. I talked to multiple dancers about, eves dropped on a bouncer conversation, and then just asked a few bouncers about it. So lame. The entire vibe was different. Going to switch gears to a different club tomorrow.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    On the subject of STI/STD/VD
    Gawker, you are bold man. My hypochondria and anxieties know no bounds. I'm nervous to kiss a new girl I start dating, that I might get HPV or something... I think I read 1 in 4 people have it or so. To the others, thanks for the comments. I'm going to see this girl again, very soon. This will be our second rendezvous and I'm seriously considering wrapping up for BJ's (FS isn't on the table, both her rules and mine). She'll probably think it odd, and that we are regressing, seeing as I didn't the first time around, but the weeks after seeing her, before getting myself tested, were absolute torture. Not sure if I'm just ultra safe, or have a very overactive imagination. Any thoughts are welcome, as always.
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    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    On the subject of STI/STD/VD
    I was gonna post something similar... don't want to hijack the thread, but what about BBBJ? Many seem to talk all cavalier like there's no risk. I ventured down that route for the first time... and was so freaked out for weeks I eventually went and got checked (clean bill of health). But now I find myself wondering if its worth freaking out about every time... or if using a cover is better (which of course really diminishes the enjoyment of a BJ). I'm referring to with the same girl, not new ones.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Maiden in Distress vs Spoiled Princess
    I tried a preemptive strike on this behavior, and so far it has worked. I basically told a girl that I'm spending time with that any version of needing cash for some emergency, and that doesn't involve us hanging out at normal accustomed rates, might as well just be telling me, "adios, forever". She didn't seem to blink an eye at that statement, and agreed that she has seen others do that and doesn't roll that way. But either way, now she knows.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Highest OTC Offer
    I've been quoted (and paid) $1,000 a number of times, but I club in Vegas so I guess it is to be expected... but it's probably also because I quickly set my expectations that I don't look for a quickie but instead like a visit of at least 3, but more often than not 4+ hours, which will include more sensuality, romanticism, usually a movie and room service back at the hotel and 30 minutes to an hour of arm candy while gambling there at my second home of late, The Wynn. I'm kind of a softy (pussy), sue me! I just like to hang with a girl who I actually get along with and want to spend time with.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How to proceed when a Stripper gives you her number (and it's real) ?
    Start by reminding yourself that it's all about the money.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are any of you guys getting tired of the clubbing atmospherics ?
    I started in February, and find myself slowing down already. I hit my frequency peak in May when I went to a strip club three weekends in a row... which might not sound like much until I mention that for me to attend I have to hop on an airplane and get a hotel room for the weekend in Las Vegas (closest clubs to me).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm single and still go through my own guilt. It stems from a religious upbringing and it being engrained that intimacy is to be reserved for married couples... it's surprisingly difficult to erase all the indoctrination of your younger years.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Raiders To Las Vegas: One Step Closer
    So true that no one is from there. I go to Las Vegas once at least, and sometimes twice per month. That's where I do all my horrendously expensive clubbing. Every stripper, cab/Uber driver, waitress, etc. that I meet, is always from all over the U.S. - But never actually a Las Vegas local.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lacking a voice of reason to tell me NO
    I feel ya, I'm going through the same inner turmoil. I've spent a ton of money on this new hobby I've developed this year, but it's hard to say I regret it. I've learned where to cut back and how to get more value. Everyone's advice in this thread is great, and pretty much exactly how I've been trying to view things.
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    8 years ago
    ATF Blowout - how to deal with the fallout
    PRBoy, I could have literally written your post, and just signed my name on it. Almost went through the exact same thing, so I can at least tell you how I dealt with it. Had an ATF (first ever as I consider February to be the beginning of my SC world). Service started to drop, more money was requested, but the problem was I had REAL bad "oneitus", as I've heard it called in the PUA community. Like, this stripper was the one for me, I'd never find another like her, blah blah blah. Turns out, the advice of more seasoned friends was spot on. "Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else", was basically what they told me. I went to the club, was polite to her (no need to be an ass), at the end of the night she basically said, "you spent time with all your other girls, but not with me". I said something like, "yeah, sorry it didn't work out this time. We'll catch up I'm sure." Non-chalant, like I didn't really care (by this point I didn't really care), because meanwhile I had found another I was really getting into. However, if I go down the CF route again, I vow two things: 1. I won't get hung up on one stripper, and will constantly remind myself that she's just a stripper, there are plenty of them. 2. In order to help with #1, I will continually cultivate a few so-called faves, instead of just one. I have two I like now, couldn't really decide which I like more, and would love a third. Easier this way to not get hung up on one.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A new record for Papi_Chulo.
    Nice work Papi. Here's to one of my favorite members! Thanks for all the solid advice, tips and encouraging PM's since I joined.
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    8 years ago
    Drive by shooting in TJ
    Seriously, how safe is TJ for the gringo types? I get sketched out at the idea of going.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Feeling ignored by the Strippers?
    Subraman, you are a truly funny dude. I always enjoy your posts.