What are the signs that a strip club customer is a newbie?
Here's one that I just saw. He only brings enough money for a few stage tips and has to go to the ATM to get a lap dance from the first dancer that rubs his dick at the table.
When he's walking into the main-room he's bumping into stuff b/c he can't keep his eyes off the stage since he's never seen that many naked-women live at once.
Huge eyes looking at the girls/taking in the scene. Huge grins on face. Animated conversation with stipper, as if they are talking with someone (i.e. stripper) who gives $.02 about them or what they are saying. Trip to ATM.
^^^^^ maho, you are describing someone who lets girls sell him dances. This kind of a guy is not necessarily a newbie, but he is a chump, and he is the most common type of strip club PL.
For me to go along with spending lots of money on women, I first had to be disabused of naïve notions about what civilian girls are like, especially those whom I encountered in high school and college, who were being supported by their parents. I needed to know young women who supported themselves and had to pay their own bills, and who placed great importance on a guy's ability to support them financially. I had to see that they often worked in service sector jobs where the pay was low.
After I understood this, I was far more able to appreciate how strippers and sex workers expect to be raking in money, and to not feel like I was being unfairly taken advantage of in giving it to them.
Totally different from the ones who got financial support from their parents, and for whom life was a kind of never ending party, and who liked guys who fit into this. Though they did not charge money for sex, they still maintained very high standards of social conformity. It was just of a different nature than it is with those who want money.
^^^^^ Yes, that is a different take. And flagooner has done scientific research with control groups, on ways of making it rain, and the likely results.
Many question the wisdom of making it rain. I am not yet decided on how I feel about it.
The guy that stands with the single folded dollar bill at the tip rail, having the dancer dance the entire song before he "rewards" her with the single, folded dollar bill.
Um, I wore jeans last night, with a belt. The jeans look like regular denim but are really soft and thin, and provide excellent friction. They are my favorite pants for clubbing now!
In VIP, the first thing I do is take off the belt. Or rather my CF takes off my belt! LOL
Absolutely the guys at the ATM are newbies or losers.
I only tip my regulars, and it's always $5. Oh, if there's a regular on stage but my CF is working, I'll tip her $20 and apologize that I'm unavailable. They seem to appreciate that. It's almost what they would have made anyway.
I wear jeans all the time and I not a newbie. I don't do "lap dances" the wallet comes out and the jeans come off. The newbies I see always sit at the closest table to the door and usually hunch over their beer like it might get stolen. They also usually stay for just one drink and leave abruptly. I try to get my CF to cruise them and offer them everything to see what they'll offer. It is funny what some guys think is a lot of money..
LMAO I did the EXACT same thing on my very first trip. I also took the first dancer that approached me (I got lucky because she was EXACTLY MY TYPE). I also only had $60 to play with (after entry drink). I also went to a Manhattan club. Oh and I wore jeans and a cool sweater like i was super dope. Ah firsts!
Some PLs see tipping every dancer as good SC karma per se - kinda like getting in the graces of the girls and seen as being generous and willing to spend, not the way I go about-it personally though
You know, maybe ldk82 has a point on not knowing who's a newbie or not just by looking at them. Maybe. If I end up talking with another customer I can usually tell. But I'd say it's not that hard to tell when someone's obviously "doing it wrong" at a particular club. Kind of like those times you hear "wrong hole".
@Estafador - I guess it's one of those things where you'd just have to be there. There's others who post here I'm sure who'd be fine to overshare about when you might hear it.
last commentDancer: -"wanna dance"
newbie - "sorry - IDK how to dance"
Dancer: Wanna have some fun with me in VIP?
Newbie: Sorry, I have to be home by a certain time.
This kid took a seat at the tip rail, and when the first girl went on stage, he did a double-take similar to the wolf in those old cartoons.
It was a very funny sight to see when the DJ called this kid up to the stage because he was celbrating his 21st birthday.
Spending lots of dough is something I had to learn to feel comfortable with myself.
After I understood this, I was far more able to appreciate how strippers and sex workers expect to be raking in money, and to not feel like I was being unfairly taken advantage of in giving it to them.
Totally different from the ones who got financial support from their parents, and for whom life was a kind of never ending party, and who liked guys who fit into this. Though they did not charge money for sex, they still maintained very high standards of social conformity. It was just of a different nature than it is with those who want money.
Many question the wisdom of making it rain. I am not yet decided on how I feel about it.
When funds run out or low, he tells strippers that he's out of money, then wonders why they don't go around him anymore
He thinks "honey", "sexy", and "handsome" really describe what the dancers and waitresses think about him
In VIP, the first thing I do is take off the belt. Or rather my CF takes off my belt! LOL
Absolutely the guys at the ATM are newbies or losers.
Newb: "oh - ok - I wanna touch"
newbie - "sorry - IDK how to dance"
LMAO I did the EXACT same thing on my very first trip. I also took the first dancer that approached me (I got lucky because she was EXACTLY MY TYPE). I also only had $60 to play with (after entry drink). I also went to a Manhattan club. Oh and I wore jeans and a cool sweater like i was super dope. Ah firsts!
I used to do that before getting educated on TUSCL
[Talk Gnosis] Martinism & Gnosticism
This is a fun humor thread. Some of what others have posted resembles me but I'm not going to admit to which ones! Ha!
This thread is great.