what's the most you've ever spent on one dancer in one night in the club??

I don't go to strip clubs as a customer very often, but when I do I like to make it rain. I've only gotten VIP dances once. So including making it rain and buying drinks, the most I've spent on one dancer alone is probably a couple hundred bucks.
I'm not sure what the most one guy has spent on me is. The most I've made off one guy in a night is $2400, but it was a champagne room club where they take a cut. He spent over 3K on me that night.
I'm not sure what the most one guy has spent on me is. The most I've made off one guy in a night is $2400, but it was a champagne room club where they take a cut. He spent over 3K on me that night.
The most I've spent was around $800, and that was just mainly making it rain.
The key is to spend wisely.
The time I spent at one time I and only got a handy but was in private VIP for an hour with all drinks included.
OTC $20,000
Probably $550-$600 and that was in the late 90's. Girl was a 9+. Included a 90 minute VIP game with multiple "innings". (In a baseball frame of mind today).
If you really want know, send me a PM. I'll tell you the club and the name of the dancer. I'm not sure if you know her, but you may know "of her".
You're probably the only one here that would believe me since you know how much some ultimate PL's like me are willing to spend.
I'd routinely spend $500 on my ATF ($100 to $200 for drinks too, so somewhere in the $650 to $700 range). And I'd spend 4 or 5 hours with her, or the majority of her shift.
I was a pathetic loser. But, damn, she was fine. lol.
I did spend $150 on my first lap dance in 1995 when I was 18 yo. The woman put me in a trace. She asked me how much money I had in my wallet. It was completely out of character for me to not only answer her question, but answer her truthfully. She led me in back, I handed her the money, and she went to work. Was a tip included? I dunno. Was half of it the tip? I dunno. Still to this day I have no idea how many minutes I bought or how many songs I bought. Didn't care. I still don't. She was THAT girl.
Honestly I had more fun with that $150 dance from so many years ago, whatever that is in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation. I've tried to re-create it, with little success. Now I know why. It's because I refuse to give the dancer that much control.
It was a good investment because I received free sex from her for the following two years.
$1000 on an escort, PSE MSOG that had me begging for mercy. I'll never forget that either
Normally my ITC limit is $300.
Remember this is asking ITC, not OTC. Otc can last overnights, afternoons, weekends, etc... So the money spent is not comparable. The time my guy spent 3k was his second night in a row seeing me, so if we're talking about an entire weekend he probably spent 5K or so. Oh how I miss that man.
So I'm kind of surprised and let down guys.
He only spent the several thousand per occasion for a month or two... Then his wife found out and we started seeing each other at a different club where there were no champagne rooms and he could pay me whatever. He always gave me at least $700, but usually more. I miss him.
I just don't feel like we're getting the whole story
She must be a 10 then. Fuck, unfortunately I moved away from Detroit a few months ago. None of you other Detroit TUSCLers have ever checked Nina out? Jackslash? Motorhead? Warhawks? Vincemichaels? Other?
But I guess naked therapist cost way because they're more effective ; )
I had to suffer through marriage counseling with a shrew - who hated me. I think she hated my wife too -
Sadly my therapist is now a man - and he's a nice guy - but I'm sure he doesn't look like Nina. His services are much cheaper. I guess you pay more for a beautiful woman - and it may very well be worth it.
I think I speak for most of us in that you should lose the bra in the pic – that way we can a more-accurate assessment
I've met Nina.
A few years ago at Hustler club. She's also been at a few other clubs that I've seen her at.
I believe her. She's very attractive. But I've never had a VIP with her. A few of my friends have. And the reports they gave me were that she was "dance" only. So I'd say she's being honest about the no extras claim.
ATACdawg - thank you for the compliment :) I probably shouldn't talk about my plans for DD's... Lol. I love my boobs as they are, I really do, but I also like big ones.
Outside of that night the most I spent one night on a single trip was $600.
If she doesn't, then offering her more money does not correct the core problem.
"I have found through experience that you do not always get more when you spend more. The key is to spend wisely." thanks tiredtraveler.
I still like to spend $1,000+ when I go, but I spread it around a smidge more, and I won't go in 2017 as much as I did last year. The novelty has worn off a bit, but I do still enjoy it quite a bit.