I don't go to strip clubs as a customer very often, but when I do I like to make it rain. I've only gotten VIP dances once. So including making it rain and buying drinks, the most I've spent on one dancer alone is probably a couple hundred bucks.
I'm not sure what the most one guy has spent on me is. The most I've made off one guy in a night is $2400, but it was a champagne room club where they take a cut. He spent over 3K on me that night.
The most I have ever spent on one dancer in a single visit ITC is around $1,300. But I spent considerably more than that on her after the club fun was over -- when she stayed the night with me after her shift as well as the next morning and afternoon.
The most i've ever spent ITC on one girl was probably about $500. It was her birthday and we did a vip. I usually don't do a lot of vip's. I prefer to spent the big money OTC.
If I lived over there my spending pattern would probably change from when I visit. When I visit I like to sample as many girls as possible, so based purely on money spent in the club on standard dances it's less than $100. I've not done a VIP, Champagne Room or ITC - YET .
I have found through experience that you do not always get more when you spend more. The key is to spend wisely. The time I spent at one time I and only got a handy but was in private VIP for an hour with all drinks included.
In one visit - just under $1000 - it was close to Christmas - and I spent time in VIP - and had a very good time. That was way too much money to blow in a single trip - but I can't take the money with me when I go....
Probably $550-$600 and that was in the late 90's. Girl was a 9+. Included a 90 minute VIP game with multiple "innings". (In a baseball frame of mind today).
I have too much love to give for just one-dancer – i.e. I like variety and getting dances from as many dancers as I can and find attractive so that means not spend too much w/ any one dancer – but I have on rare occasion spent about $500 on just one-dancer (boom-boom-VIP + LDs).
I'd routinely spend $500 on my ATF ($100 to $200 for drinks too, so somewhere in the $650 to $700 range). And I'd spend 4 or 5 hours with her, or the majority of her shift.
I was a pathetic loser. But, damn, she was fine. lol.
I did spend $150 on my first lap dance in 1995 when I was 18 yo. The woman put me in a trace. She asked me how much money I had in my wallet. It was completely out of character for me to not only answer her question, but answer her truthfully. She led me in back, I handed her the money, and she went to work. Was a tip included? I dunno. Was half of it the tip? I dunno. Still to this day I have no idea how many minutes I bought or how many songs I bought. Didn't care. I still don't. She was THAT girl.
Honestly I had more fun with that $150 dance from so many years ago, whatever that is in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation. I've tried to re-create it, with little success. Now I know why. It's because I refuse to give the dancer that much control.
Since you restricted it to one dancer and one night (and I also presume you mean ITC and not OTC), about $600. It was worth it for me, and she said it was enough so she didn't really have to pay attention to anyone else that night.
The most I remember spending on any one dancer inside the club is around 100 to $120. I always cut the dancers off and moved onto someone else typically before I ever got anywhere close to that. I remember a few years back, I had 8 favorites show up on the same night. I had a lot of favorites and it was like they were competing for my time. Those were fun times.
I've spent $250 a few times, including a half hour in the champagne room and probably drinks and stage tips. Oh, and I once spent $298.76 for a wild weekend with Dur_Flush's twin 18-year-old daughters. They're always hurting for money because he's blowing their bank accounts on strippers.
Not much!!! LOL Even my ATF never cleared $200 from me which is why I know she must have liked me. 6 years and maybe $150 for 3ish hours.... and often less than that. Not that anyone should think this is normal, because I have 20 other dancers I liked but didn't drop big bucks on who NEVER gave me the 'attention' that my ATF did. Not to mention the free OTC, pseudo-dates...she was a PITA flake as she broke lots of dates and had the loser B/F but I have to brag I didn't have to pay a lot of money for her, and there WERE some really good times too.
The most I personally have ever spent on one dancer in one night was about $900. but I was out with a buddy and a few other guys, a number of years ago after he closed a multimillion dollar real estate deal for a quarter million less than he expected to, and the 5 of us spent close to 11K on 7 different dancers on his dime.
Remember this is asking ITC, not OTC. Otc can last overnights, afternoons, weekends, etc... So the money spent is not comparable. The time my guy spent 3k was his second night in a row seeing me, so if we're talking about an entire weekend he probably spent 5K or so. Oh how I miss that man.
If you count drinks & food, $400. If you don't, $300. That $300 is spread over 5-6 hours ... 3 VIP dances, with all the other time spent hanging out eating and drinking at the table.
I'm actually surprised that some of the maximums are so *low.* I figured with $100-200 to the girl for a 15-30 minute room with $200 tip for FS, that a standard visit would be $300-400 for most of you. So I was expecting maximums of 50% to 100% on top of that: $450-800 for most people's answer. And for mongers who don't do rooms, I was expecting to see some marathon LD sessions like 38 LDs in a row (read on SCJ forums), that sort of thing. I was also expecting more answers like Nina's $3K answer to come up.
No, I worked in a champagne room with cameras and he was married. We spent most of our time with him talking about his failing marriage and how I reminded him of his high school crush who he wished he married instead of his wife. Fwiw, the amount he spent that weekend was a lot for him. He traveled all over the country for work and had just gotten back from a casino in another state where he hit big... He usually didn't spend quite that much.
The rooms started at $320/hr and got as expensive as 3k something per hour (different room, different bottle). The last hour I sold was for $800 I think.
He only spent the several thousand per occasion for a month or two... Then his wife found out and we started seeing each other at a different club where there were no champagne rooms and he could pay me whatever. He always gave me at least $700, but usually more. I miss him.
Can I call bullshit. .. I get it he had money to throw, but at almost $1k a visit in D-city with sooooooooooo many other nut busting opportunities, and you really never ever once played with his junk? I truly just can't comprehend. .. he's drinking champagne, his libido is getting revved, and nothing?
I just don't feel like we're getting the whole story
I was asked and I told you straight up. His dick never came out of his pants. He was more so getting therapy sessions from me, as I said, he was having extreme marital problems. I'd like to think I had a hand in saving his marriage. I'm sure his wife stepped her game up when she found out about me (because of the check he wrote me). Each time he saw me he would have another story of his crazy wife's antics. You can believe it or you can not believe it, but I respect marriages and would not sleep with a married man.
GACA: In a way, I feel like customers are MORE likely to fall hopelessly in love with, and make bad decisions around, no-extras girls. The high level of lust, no way to address it, and the fact that there's no bubble-breaking reality-check around the fact that she's fucking 7 other guys a day for money, can certainly lead to this. It does not get me shaking my head that someone with more dollars than sense would spend so much on a non-extras girl, I can believe it. The only thing that makes it harder to believe is that it happened in Detroit where it's so easy for him to comparison shop and realize what his $ can really buy; I totally believe it in, say, Vegas.
It’s believable – unconscionable to experienced SCers like most TUSCLers; but definitely believable – lots of lonely dudes out there and there is always the minority w/ more $$$ than sense – not every dude is into the SC scene and there are some out there just looking for some company (shoulder to whine-on) – many an inexperienced SCer overpays; some can afford to and some can’t – and many inexperienced SCers don’t know what’s actually available in many SCs – but sooner than later they realize their lack of ROI and end-it.
You guys can believe me or not, the man did in fact spend all that money without me sleeping with him, sucking his dick, or even seeing his dick. I don't sleep with married men. I had another unhappily married regular offer me 10K for sex and I never took him up on the offer. My legs are closed to married men and I don't do extras anyway. I've also been in one of the Detroit Tigers' penthouse condos, he was willing to give me tons of money without sex. I could've fucked him (he was single) but I didn't. There was a miulti millionaire who was my regular for a few months out in Kalamazoo, he was famous for making the hottest stripped over 21 he could find, making her his girlfriend and fucking her, and giving her lavish cars and condos. He courted me and I got what money I could until he finally realized I wasn't gonna suck or fuck and we both moved on. I've had plenty of chances to fuck guys for money. If I ever do it'll be a multimillionaire and I'll proudly admit it.
Larryfisherman like I said, I reminded the guy of his high school crush who he still wished he had married almost 30 years later... I could also carry on conversations and speak articulately and try to give him advice with his wife. Perhaps I exploited his weakness, idk. To him I'm probably a 10, to someone else I could be a 5 lol. In my years of dancing I've been lucky enough to land some great regulars who treated me well and paid me generously. Some were eventually hoping for sex, some were just looking for comfort and companionship. It is possible to have a good time without getting a nut off.
She must be a 10 then. Fuck, unfortunately I moved away from Detroit a few months ago. None of you other Detroit TUSCLers have ever checked Nina out? Jackslash? Motorhead? Warhawks? Vincemichaels? Other?
I understand you can have a good time without busting a nut, and I also understand some guys will drop some cash without the expectations of sex the first few times, but like wow, that guy kept dropping that amount.
But I guess naked therapist cost way because they're more effective ; )
@ Larry I've seen pics... two dimentionally she's a solid 8. That obviously doesn't account for real live look, they way she carries her self, voice sounds, smell, and yes conversation skills, that shit all could bump her to an 11 ;)
I believe Nina. Fwiw - when my marriage was failing - it would have been worth the money to have an non-judgemental person to pour everything out to.
I had to suffer through marriage counseling with a shrew - who hated me. I think she hated my wife too -
Sadly my therapist is now a man - and he's a nice guy - but I'm sure he doesn't look like Nina. His services are much cheaper. I guess you pay more for a beautiful woman - and it may very well be worth it.
Last time I looked (around me), therapy cost $90 cash or $120 bill to insurance for 1 hr session (really 45-50 minutes). I'd rather pay $$ to a dancer than some shrink, too. I consider her a "topless therapist." Plus you can get dances when you're done talking. Try that with a shrink. It works for some people.
My ATF had a goal every shift she worked to make at least $500. This is a non extras club with $10 full contact dances. Many times I would get a text from her with about 2 hours left in her shift and her only being half way to her goal. One time I remember getting there near beginning of her shift and we would talk some then do some dances then she would have to go on stage. Then talk more and more dances and then on stage. We did this for like 4 or 5 hours and ended up doing close to 50 dances so that was $500 plus some stage tips too
I can believe a married guy might spend a whole lot more than a single guy with no sex involved. I know of one married guy that is now in the poor house thanks to his wife spending money as if he was a millionaire. After she blew away many tens of thousands over the years, 3k would be nothing compared to what the wife wasted. If you're going to be married and broke, you might want to spend some of it yourself.
A few years ago at Hustler club. She's also been at a few other clubs that I've seen her at.
I believe her. She's very attractive. But I've never had a VIP with her. A few of my friends have. And the reports they gave me were that she was "dance" only. So I'd say she's being honest about the no extras claim.
Probably about $450 on 1 girl ITC... About half was VIP and the rest lap dances, some tips, and a drink. She was very hot (about a 9) and very friendly and I spent hours with her ITC but I never got any extras from her so won't do that again with her. Usually I try to curb spending that much though as plenty of fun can be had for less than that. However I would consider spending that much again on the right girl if she was very attractive and if I think that it might lead to OTC.
About $1,500... four different times. I've only been to a club five times. All the sudden I'm not proud... you guys are making me feel like a sucker. Maybe I need to tone it down and try some variety. I just usually find one that I really like.
timothyjames, It's your money, spend it how you want. With that said, if you are looking for strategies and tactics to alter your approach to strip clubbing, reading TUSCL is the place to do it. There's no reason to feel bad and there's no wrong way. We are all here to compare and discuss. Welcome aboard.
$200 SOLELY on lap dances. And that is the public lap dance, not the VIP session. I felt incredibly stupid afterwards...but that's the last time I drink and be horny at the same time *snrk*
Thanks for the tips guys, I'll take them to heart. To answer Papi Chulo, I guess it probably goes down like $100 at the stage (one of my favorite parts I've decided), then 3 or so sets of 3 songs at around $100 each, then usually 15 minutes VIP with two different ladies, then 30 minutes with a favorite of the night, then back to the stage for a bit, then 30 minutes with my favorite again to finish the night. That's my usual sequence... I guess as "usual" as you can be for having been to a club about 5 times total.
timothyjames55 - don't feel like a sucker! I've had many guys spend money like that and it was much appreciated. As long as you don't mind spending the money and the girls are grateful, it's a win/win, right?
ATACdawg - thank you for the compliment :) I probably shouldn't talk about my plans for DD's... Lol. I love my boobs as they are, I really do, but I also like big ones.
Fuckin A you guys are rollers. I cant spend that kind of cake on a girl even here in the big titty. If any ho gets 100 off me she better work good for it. Guess I gotta keep findin my girls were I do cause strip club hos here are way too steep.
I had a friend who spent 6K on a girl in one night. He was tipping her 100 dollar bills on stage, and he got multiple hours of VIP with her. I think it's safe to say that made her night.
Most I ever spent one night in a club was $1800 in Atlanta over an 7 hour period. This consisted of three $250 dollar champagne room dances spread out between two dancers, along with another $500 in regular lap dances from those two and their friend. The remaining amount was divided between lap dances from other club dancers, stage tipping and drinking.
Outside of that night the most I spent one night on a single trip was $600.
$180..9 straight lap dances at $20 per. Ended up fucking later OTC for no extra $$, just room and toys she asked me to go buy. Ahhh the good ole days of PP.
I dont like VIPs or Champagne Room, but I will normally shell out 60-100 in lap dance situations with only a few of my favorite stripper/dancers. I can't imagine any of my girls taking me for the kind of money Nina mentions here without at least making sure there is a OTC in the offering. Even then however, the price I pay is a mere fraction of the thousands category mentioned here, but I do live in a poorer smaller town where the dancers are happy that even poor guys like me come in to support them on a regular basis, and believe me when I say they are happy with my smallish contribution because they know I remain a gentleman throughout our encounters and I will continue to come back as often as possible and pursue ITC & OTC activity unless I feel I am being played by some greedy chick who sees me only as a dollar sign and not as someone who understands that I need them also. They appear to understand that I can afford only so much to satisfy this insatiable need to be close to beautiful pussy. Usually (not always) I find that a little respect and appreciation for any beauty who has chosen to work in the sex trade gets me better results than trying to pretend I love throwing money around just to impress them and to make me look important. Unfortunately, I also have found that I sometimes fall all to easily head over heels in love with someone that I should NOT go nuts over in strip clubs, and then the real problems begin. I love strippers, I hate strippers but for some stupid reason, I mostly love them and those wonderful feelings they bring out in me. Guess I'm just a real pussy lover...but unfortunately one who has very little money! Such is life!
in my early las vegas strip club days (when i had money) 1500-2000 on one girl. now its 300 maxium. in hong kong tj i've spent 200 (over a 2 hour period) with one girl.... butt it is sooooo excellent!!!! "I have found through experience that you do not always get more when you spend more. The key is to spend wisely." thanks tiredtraveler.
$2,000. An absolute mistake in my early days (early last year). I got caught up. It's also the only time I ever felt like I fell in "stripper love".
I still like to spend $1,000+ when I go, but I spread it around a smidge more, and I won't go in 2017 as much as I did last year. The novelty has worn off a bit, but I do still enjoy it quite a bit.
$170. I'm not as cool as you folks, but this was VIP in a Manhattan club. And she really made sure I kissed her all over (I refused the ass and pussy). So I feel i did pretty well
last commentThe most I've spent was around $800, and that was just mainly making it rain.
The key is to spend wisely.
The time I spent at one time I and only got a handy but was in private VIP for an hour with all drinks included.
OTC $20,000
Probably $550-$600 and that was in the late 90's. Girl was a 9+. Included a 90 minute VIP game with multiple "innings". (In a baseball frame of mind today).
If you really want know, send me a PM. I'll tell you the club and the name of the dancer. I'm not sure if you know her, but you may know "of her".
You're probably the only one here that would believe me since you know how much some ultimate PL's like me are willing to spend.
I'd routinely spend $500 on my ATF ($100 to $200 for drinks too, so somewhere in the $650 to $700 range). And I'd spend 4 or 5 hours with her, or the majority of her shift.
I was a pathetic loser. But, damn, she was fine. lol.
I did spend $150 on my first lap dance in 1995 when I was 18 yo. The woman put me in a trace. She asked me how much money I had in my wallet. It was completely out of character for me to not only answer her question, but answer her truthfully. She led me in back, I handed her the money, and she went to work. Was a tip included? I dunno. Was half of it the tip? I dunno. Still to this day I have no idea how many minutes I bought or how many songs I bought. Didn't care. I still don't. She was THAT girl.
Honestly I had more fun with that $150 dance from so many years ago, whatever that is in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation. I've tried to re-create it, with little success. Now I know why. It's because I refuse to give the dancer that much control.
It was a good investment because I received free sex from her for the following two years.
$1000 on an escort, PSE MSOG that had me begging for mercy. I'll never forget that either
Normally my ITC limit is $300.
Remember this is asking ITC, not OTC. Otc can last overnights, afternoons, weekends, etc... So the money spent is not comparable. The time my guy spent 3k was his second night in a row seeing me, so if we're talking about an entire weekend he probably spent 5K or so. Oh how I miss that man.
So I'm kind of surprised and let down guys.
He only spent the several thousand per occasion for a month or two... Then his wife found out and we started seeing each other at a different club where there were no champagne rooms and he could pay me whatever. He always gave me at least $700, but usually more. I miss him.
I just don't feel like we're getting the whole story
She must be a 10 then. Fuck, unfortunately I moved away from Detroit a few months ago. None of you other Detroit TUSCLers have ever checked Nina out? Jackslash? Motorhead? Warhawks? Vincemichaels? Other?
But I guess naked therapist cost way because they're more effective ; )
I had to suffer through marriage counseling with a shrew - who hated me. I think she hated my wife too -
Sadly my therapist is now a man - and he's a nice guy - but I'm sure he doesn't look like Nina. His services are much cheaper. I guess you pay more for a beautiful woman - and it may very well be worth it.
I think I speak for most of us in that you should lose the bra in the pic – that way we can a more-accurate assessment
I've met Nina.
A few years ago at Hustler club. She's also been at a few other clubs that I've seen her at.
I believe her. She's very attractive. But I've never had a VIP with her. A few of my friends have. And the reports they gave me were that she was "dance" only. So I'd say she's being honest about the no extras claim.
ATACdawg - thank you for the compliment :) I probably shouldn't talk about my plans for DD's... Lol. I love my boobs as they are, I really do, but I also like big ones.
Outside of that night the most I spent one night on a single trip was $600.
If she doesn't, then offering her more money does not correct the core problem.
"I have found through experience that you do not always get more when you spend more. The key is to spend wisely." thanks tiredtraveler.
I still like to spend $1,000+ when I go, but I spread it around a smidge more, and I won't go in 2017 as much as I did last year. The novelty has worn off a bit, but I do still enjoy it quite a bit.