
Comments by timothyjames55 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Dallas: Is it still all about Baby Dolls?
    Follow up: I’m used to clubbing in Vegas where you can smoke a cigar. Can you smoke in Dallas clubs? I don’t remember from two years ago.
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    6 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Dallas: Is it still all about Baby Dolls?
    Thanks for the comments guys. I’ll probably head to Bany Dolls tonight, maybe the Lodge tomorrow.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Vegas Scene In 2018
    Palomino is the best on every metric, in my opinion.
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you actually "Sleep" with a stripper?
    I think it’s an interesting question because I’ve had occasion to consider, a few times. I have a few favorites that I’ve hung out with; known them for years, gone to lunches and dinners at no cost other than a meal, loaned a SMALL amount of cash (few hundred) and been PAID BACK, had phone conversations about life and all the silly things a silly 24 year old can go through, given advice, met friends, and then of course hung out with back at the hotel room... But as much as these girls can almost start to feel more like “friends” rather than just another stripper, I have never been able to have one stay the night when they requested, truthfully out of fear of being robbed or something. I feel like I know them, but I don’t really know them. The funny part is, had we simply met at a bar and not at a strip club, staying the night wouldn’t have ever felt like such a big deal.
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    6 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Most Permissive States/Areas
    Great list! Papi, I’m unfamiliar with the term ‘UHM’???
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    6 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Looking for a greater L.A. area pro
    Great info! Thanks a bunch. I only club maybe once or twice per quarter, so when I do I look to have a great time, spending $1,000+ is ok as I’m very infrequent and am accustomed to Vegas pricing. I’ll take whatever but have a preference for younger blonde girl next door types. I can take or leave alcohol, ITC is not important. Just dances from young hotties. Thanks again. Just want to add that addendum in case that changes any opinions or narrows it down.
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    6 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    HiLiter Scheduling
    Thank you gents for all the ideas. Not sure which of those times I’ll hit, but that helps to decide. I’ll return with my findings in March... I was there last year in March, May and October, so here’s to hoping it’s not as bad as some are making it seem!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    HiLiter Scheduling
    I know a couple dancers there from previous visits, but wouldn’t say I have a regular. 2-4 sounds good... so does it die down after that? What about Friday nights? Any good after 9:00? I have been to Bourbon... didn’t seem to like it quite so much... kind of like Christie’s in Tempe though. Papi, we usually like to see the Angels and Cubs, but haven’t got tickets yet.
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    6 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Ignore feature
    I never use it... why is there only one comment in this thread?
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    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Using SA hoes to pull Top Shelf Strippers
    I’m not familiar with the “Subraman Method” for wingmen, can someone point me in the right direction? I’ve always found his posts to be insightful, so I’m intrigued.
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    6 years ago
    Pulling a Vegas Stripper
    I’m no stranger to Vegas, in fact it’s the only place I’d say I know well. Roughly 30 trips in the last two years... and I live out of state. $1,000 is by and large the median that I encounter for OTC... and there is no shortage. I have pulled from Palomino, Rhino and Saphire. I’ve never been quoted $2,000, and if I did I’d ask how she managed to gold-plate her pussy. I get quoted $1,500 probably 25% of the time, but after showing complete disinterest but NEVER being rude or condescending, and having probably 15 go-to options in my phone, they usually say, “I could do $1,000 for you because [insert some fake compliment here].” I know one incredible girl that does $700, and one that used to do $400 but she moved away. The other thing, I have my tastes and feel like I truly only seem to have interest in the so-called premier girls it seems at times. The ones that clearly get all the attention, and often times are found on the club’s marketing materials. — If you have different tastes or settle for (less?) the rates might be different.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    Where I've gone wrong, and what I wish I could change is that I simply have cared too much about all this in the past. It's fun to have pretty little 20 somethings texting you sweet nothings and then having a good time in the club with them (and outside as well), but I'm trying to remind myself more than I used to that it is all fake. I've even built what I would consider to be the damn near closest thing you could possibly have to a "friendship" with a few strippers, and even still I constantly remind myself that it is all fake. Yes, they are people, they have real lives, real friends, real relationships. I learn intimate things about their lives that turn out to be true, but still, I take everything with a grain of salt. Unfortunately it did take one very bad experience for me to get my head on straighter, but now I see it all for what it is. I've got a couple different strippers that I sometimes meet up with when I go to Las Vegas. We will go to lunch or dinner. No expectations, no money paid for time (other than buying a meal, like I might do for a number of friends), no OTC. I may or may not see them in the club later that night. That's why I loosely use the term "friendship". I'm not entirely sure if they actually do enjoy my company and it's fun to get out once in a while (only about a 10 year age gap), or if they are just masters of their craft and know how to play the long game, and small investments of time out to dinner can add up to continuing to see them ITC. Lord knows I do spend a pretty penny on them when I go in.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Alternatives to HiLiter in Phoenix
    I go to Christie’s if not HiLiter. No extras, but I always seem to get an OTC offer. Haven’t ever indulged there.
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    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    I can only speak to Las Vegas. January through April are busy months because of the conventions. The summer slows down some, May through August. Slight uptick in September (I'm told, haven't experienced that month), then October, November and December each get worse. I was just there last weekend, and two of my favorites (who I have done lots of dance time with but never knew to be extras girls in two years of knowing them) made an exciting proposition for the three of us. I did not indulge for reasons this time around, but the general desperation on the floor was palpable! Girls I usually see stuck around til 7:00 AM (close), as did I because I didn't even get in until 3 AM (hey, it's Vegas), but then as everyone was leaving I over heard many conversations about walking out with $20 in their purses after a 10 hour night. It was a very different vibe than I've felt there in a while.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Respectable Level Below Whale
    These numbers seem so, so, and mean incredibly low, compared to Las Vegas, where I do my PL’ing. And I know I’m a whale at my club, but I say that way more out of embarrassment than pride. In fact, I’m proud to say that 2017 spending will come in less than 2016. Road to recovery.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are any of you wrapped around your favorite stripper's finger?
    I’m getting closer to being able to share my tale of woe, it’s still just a little soon. I promise, very few will have heard a story of how PL a PL can truly be, like the story I have to share. On the positive, I have no regrets at this point. I learned a lot and it has increased my ITC and OTC experiences dramatically. It cost me a solid $xx,xxx, but is now saving me money through new methods of efficiency. Damn, now that I think about, I’m almost glad it all went down the way it did. If you’ve never had your version of a 10 on the stripper payroll, so to speak, you are missing out on one of life’s greatest joys and greatest hurricanes, all wrapped up in one tiny little blonde, blue-eyed box.
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    7 years ago
    Favorite song in strip club?
    Dirty Diana - Michael Jackson
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In the VIP getting an Oral Exam
    AMP False Advertising
    Question for San Jose Huy, why does the two-call system make it hard for LE to get in?
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    7 years ago
    Heading to Park City, UT next week.....need club recommendations and advice plea
    It's a sad state of affairs in Utah, but here are some basics: Exotic Kitty is probably my favorite. Second best in the state as far as good looking girls. There is NO alcohol in this club, but the most terrible bar I've ever been to is right across the street, so some people pregame there. They DO wear pasties at this club. There are lap dances and a VIP room, but contact is a minimum. Trails is my second favorite. Best looking girls in Utah (usually no more than 10 on a weekend), but I believe they are the best looking because there are NO lap dances. No contact ever, in any way. Stage show only. They wear pasties. There IS alcohol. American Bush: Kind of trashy, smelly. NO alcohol. They wear pasties. There are lap dances and I know at least some degree of action can be had ITC... so probably OTC as well, but I haven't tried.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best In Vegas Midweek
    Palomino. Honestly, I've been to them all. I recommend the Palomino almost no matter the criteria you are looking for. It's really only a smidge cheaper than Saphire and Rhino, but I have always had more fun there.
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    7 years ago
    Emotionally attached to ATF....Now what?
    So true Papi, I will take that approach going forward. Honestly, there were many reasons that at least to me, made me think I wasn't getting played. But I bit hard, and it cost me a large chunk of cash and a funky little "broken-heart" type feeling that I can't quite figure out yet. I say that because there was never a time I would said I was in love or anything crazy; nothing more than a strong care for this person and her well-being. Would NEVER have wanted to date... but I think the weird "broken-heart" feeling came more from just not thinking this person would have taken advantage of me.. closer to how you'd feel if a really good friend severely broke your trust, rather than how you'd feel if a long-time lover cheated on you, if that makes any sense. I truly didn't see it coming.
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    7 years ago
    How much spending is considered whale power?
    I'm not entirely certain on this to be honest. I do almost all my clubbing in Las Vegas, and I feel like I see a lot of money change hands there. At risk of being accused of lying, whatever yada yada, I have never, and I mean literally never, gone clubbing in Las Vegas and spent less than $1,000 in a night. Many times a decent little chunk more than that. I'm definitely not bragging here as quite frankly, I'm embarrassed about it and even of my probably 4 closest male friends that know I club, only one knows the extent of it. But I bring this up for this reason: I usually go to the same club, and I have a rotation of about 6 that I like to see. I've seen some of these girls alone get tied up with someone in VIP for hours at a time, and this is routine. I feel there like I see many, many dudes spending $1,000+. Contrast that with say the times I've gone to HiLiter in Phoenix, and I look around and don't hardly feel like I see wallets being opened.
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    7 years ago
    Emotionally attached to ATF....Now what?
    I recently got taken by an ATF. And I mean demolished, man-handled.. absolutely beat into submission. I don't even have the strength to write about it right now, but I will do so soon, if only so others can learn from my experience. In the end, it's completely self-induced. You can cut it all off at any point. There's no doubt that it was a lesson well learned, and I will recover (at least financially), but it will take some time to get over. Feelings go involved, obviously, as that is the only way to truly get bamboozled by a stripper. There is no doubt that it has jaded me quite a bit, and I doubt I'll treat this whole strip-club thing the same ever again (probably for the better). I'm ok with the fact that I will go into any relationship (I use that term now very loosely) with a stripper, with my guard completely up... I only hope I can keep my wits about me, and make sure I give a fair shake to civvies out there, as I am single.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Fired My CF Last Night
    I'm glad to learn from some of you. I've been doing this for about a year and look back on some my PL moves with total embarrassment. Seriously, the stories I could tell would make the most PL of you, feel like a total Alpha Male. I've wised up a bunch, and am trying to have a "don't give a shit" attitude because the thing I hate the most is either feeling take advantage of, or taken for granted/ not appreciated. It pisses me right off. It's almost amazing though, anytime I can feign not giving a shit, or when I truly don't give a shit, they come crawling back, all the attention in the world and the best service you could imagine. The best thing that has happened is getting to the point where I have about 6 regulars in my regular club. I truly can't spend time with each one of them on each visit, and I think they know that, so they pull out all the stops of late when we do VIP, seemingly so that I will remember how fun it was and choose them to be one of the 2 or 3 out of the 6 that I hang out with next time I'm there. And as if by some sort of stripper powers of perception, if I see one of the same girls for about the third visit in a row, service and attention begins to drop, probably because she thinks she's got me on lockdown. Seriously, this shit could be studied by social scientists and put into a book.