
I Fired My CF Last Night

avatar for rockstar666

Yup, the tall skinny blonde is history. It was a series of things that happened. First she broke a Sat. night OTC date with a SS excuse. Okay...it happens. Then after begging me to see her ITC, she dances with all her other regulars first, leaving me to stew. Then she did the same thing last night! But there was a difference; and old CF was now dancing again. She saw me at the bar and it was like old times. While I was waiting for the TSB I took her to VIP.

The TSB FINALLY let me take her to VIP, and asked if I'd want more later when we were done. I said sure, so I go back to the bar and hang for a while. Well, the TSB is gone an hour, so I take the old CF to VIP again, have a blast, and then leave the club while TSB is on stage. She saw me come out of VIP too.

So, I assume she's pissed at me and that's fine. I can be ignored by my wife for free. I never "fired" a dancer before though. It feels good to stand up for myself when it comes to dancers; I'm too old to take a lot of SS, unlike my younger days. I'm not sure if the old CF will be my new CF as she has a close b/f and won't do OTC with me, but I suppose you never know.


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avatar for 4got2wipe
7 yrs ago

Did you make a big production and say "you're fired!" like on the Celebrity Apprentice?

That would have been brilliant! And kind of d-baggy! ;)

avatar for skibum609
7 yrs ago

Just the fact you took back power from her makes the whole thing worthwhile.

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

No; she was on stage and I thought 'Fuck this, I'm going home' so I did. 2/3 of the money I would have spent on her went to someone else; that says it all!

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

suckstar37: "I Fired My CF Last Night"

B/c you finally admitted to yourself that you are gay. So now you'll spend your time dating HughGRection?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

You shouldn't be upset, that's what strippers do (expect SS then be pleasantly surprised when you don't get it) .

It seems you are only one of her revenue streams and in her eyes not a big enough part to warrant special-attention - she may have put out a call to all her custies b/c she wanted to make a lot of $$$ that night (could be having $$$ issues or she wants $$$ for a summer vacation?).

We PLs are just a means to their ends, we should not expect any loyalty and that's pretty-much the nature of the game - all you can do IMO is not give a f*** and either move on or just enjoy your time w/ her when its good and don't bother w/ her when she's being flaky.

At the end of the day you are there to relax and have a good time but striping is her job and she's there ti make as much $$$ as she can and if one is not a whale then IMO one should not expect special treatment especially if she's having a tough time financially or just neede/wanted to make $$$ that day (or she was just being a selfish cunt).

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

Thanks for your thoughts Papi. I'm not really upset; more amused actually. She was fun both ITC and OTC but she's keeping too many balls in the air. She's not even that pretty; if she wasn't doing extras I'd not have been interested in her. I'm excited to go shopping again!

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

suckstar37 is gay!


avatar for RossVa
7 yrs ago

OP: "The TSB FINALLY let me take her to VIP". Does she know you "fired" her?

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Thais what I have been saying all along, if we make a date that I am going to meet her whether in the club or out if I get dissed I will dump her ass so fast her head will spin. Let me tell you a story about one in particular happened about 4-5 years ago. I was meeting a dancer to hang out in theguys that she was drinking with club with at a set time now keep in mind that I usually spend directly on her about $250-350 per visit, anyway I got to the club and she was drinking with a couple of other PLs, she said hi that she would be right over. Long story short she did come over in about 5 minutes, but what she said pissed me off, she said that I should hang out for a half hour while she did a VIP with one of the guys she had been drinking. I told her no fucking way she said he had already paid for it, I told her I don't give a flying fuck that if she went to do the VIP with him, me and my money were history. Well she did the VIP with the other guy, I left went down the block to another club, when she got finished she realized that I had left and started blowing up my phone but I didn't care just blocked her number and got dances at the other club had a good time never saw her again.

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

25: Yes, it's better to be harsh as a PL as opposed to putting up with SS on a constant basis. When TSB broke the Sat OTC date with a SS excuse, I saw the writing on the wall. I did think she "liked" me because we got along so well, but as usual with dancers, she like my wallet more and must have had a better offer.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

Nice! I think the evolution here is from "fucking bitch fucked me over! She's fired!" to "that stripper doesn't give me the experience I'm looking for; no-harm/no-foul, I'll find someone who will". That is, from being butthurt over it, to just looking at it matter-of-factly as you find the experience you demand for yourself, and accept the fact that not every stripper's business model is going to match what you're looking for. Easier said than done, of course! I get better and better about it, but still sometimes surprised to find myself in minor butthurt mode (though the "fuck that fucking bitch!" days are years behind me).

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

If this happened with my ex-ATF I'd have been hurt because even today I still like her. With this dancer I was just in it for the sex, and so she will be easily replaced.

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

It sounded more to me that she chose her other regulars over you and was willing to lose you if you didn't like it.

That or she was taking you for granted and would have kept doing so if you allowed it.

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

flagooner I think your second guess is right. She would work hard to get me to see her. Lots of texts and pics. But then she broke the date and has all these other guys that take priority. I know I'm not a cash cow; with my ATF we'd even joke I was her only "poor" customer but then we really were friends. I thought TSB was a friend too, but obviously not THAT much of a friend.

avatar for ppwh
7 yrs ago

I have had this question a few times. When a regular comes over and asks if it's OK if she gets dances with another guy first after "she would be right back", I say no. Most of them have given me preference.

If they do something else, at least you know where you stand and to find something that works better.

One thing I have noticed in particular is that when they invite me to see them on their next shift (whether in person or by text), and it's less than a week from last time we were in the club, they tend to put me in the 'taken for granted' box if I show up. That has always soured it for me, too.

avatar for houjack
7 yrs ago

You're a stronger man than me. This is crazy timing as I had a girl flake on a meetup yesterday. I was pissed initially, ready to tell her I'm done, but after a bit I calmed down.

I've yet to meet a hot girl that is never late or never flakes. I've decided to chalk it up to the cost of "the life." She's got a bf, school, and who knows what other stuff she's deemed more important than me and my money.

As long as I enjoy the time we spend together and I feel I'm getting my money's worth I'll continue to see her.

I think another reason is that it has taken me a while to find replacements. It took me over a month to find the current one after my last one quit. I'm not gonna spend another month (or more??) searching for another because of my pride. I am a PL after all.

I'm still keeping an eye out for the next one though.

avatar for JohnSmith69
7 yrs ago

The more I do this the more I realize that most strippers are easily replaceable. The strip club door is a revolving one with new beautiful young women coming through all the time. I've only once ever met a dancer who I don't think that I could ever replace.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

John, too bad you never met a couple of redheaded dancers I knew. I never wanted to replace them, they just disappeared. (:

avatar for timothyjames55
7 yrs ago

I'm glad to learn from some of you. I've been doing this for about a year and look back on some my PL moves with total embarrassment. Seriously, the stories I could tell would make the most PL of you, feel like a total Alpha Male.

I've wised up a bunch, and am trying to have a "don't give a shit" attitude because the thing I hate the most is either feeling take advantage of, or taken for granted/ not appreciated. It pisses me right off.

It's almost amazing though, anytime I can feign not giving a shit, or when I truly don't give a shit, they come crawling back, all the attention in the world and the best service you could imagine.

The best thing that has happened is getting to the point where I have about 6 regulars in my regular club. I truly can't spend time with each one of them on each visit, and I think they know that, so they pull out all the stops of late when we do VIP, seemingly so that I will remember how fun it was and choose them to be one of the 2 or 3 out of the 6 that I hang out with next time I'm there. And as if by some sort of stripper powers of perception, if I see one of the same girls for about the third visit in a row, service and attention begins to drop, probably because she thinks she's got me on lockdown. Seriously, this shit could be studied by social scientists and put into a book.

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

So did you fire the CF as in she's no longer your CF, or fire her as in you'll no longer see her. Big difference.

avatar for stripfighter
7 yrs ago

"The best thing that has happened is getting to the point where I have about 6 regulars in my regular club. I truly can't spend time with each one of them on each visit, and I think they know that, so they pull out all the stops of late"--tj55

Pro tip. Not just on strippers. This also works extremely well on civvie chicks to ;)

avatar for wallanon
7 yrs ago

"Seriously, this shit could be studied by social scientists and put into a book."

It has been.

avatar for sharkhunter
7 yrs ago

Life must suck for her now that she has been fired and unable to work for you.

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

Stripfighter: She's fired as my CF. That means I won't be buying dances from her. I was exclusive to her when she was working; that's the benefit of being a CF with me. I spent all my dance money on her; now that money will be going to others. Plus no OTC...that may be more difficult to replace but I have other non-dancer options so I'll live.

avatar for georgmicrodong
7 yrs ago

@rockstar666: Good for you.

I can deal with not being a priority, I'm not a big spender in the club, but when she essentially ignores me, it's time to move on.

The exception to this for me is girls I regularly see OTC. She's in the club to make money, and I'm not even going to try to match some of the PL whales I see in clubs here.

As has been said, the "butthurt" days are long past on this point. Disappointed sometimes certainly, but it's business for her.

avatar for Ray1989
7 yrs ago

Now the question you have to ask yourself is when you go back to that club and see her will you hold your ground and ignore her, or fold and give in. Cause she will approach you and ask for some dances as if nothing has changed. They tend to do that...

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

That's easy Ray. I'm always polite; if she says hi to me I'll say hi. But I won't buy any dances...I'll politely decline. It's ironic that it took her a year of 'wanna dance' before I took her up on it and I certainly rate her very highly. But she's an OTC type and when she breaks OTC dates with SS it's a real red flag. I know ITC she has to make money; I'm cool with that. But too much "I'll be right back" and an hour later she's gone with several other people...and this has happened my last few visits...enough is enough.

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

Good for you, rockstar! If we don't demand respect from them, they're certainly not going to show it on their own. Now report back to us when you return to the club and turn her down for a VIP :)

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

MrDeuce: I'm well known there and when the girls see I'm not with TSB, they will come flocking. BTDT when my last CF left the club. It's a fun few weeks...but as is my nature there WILL be a new CF. That's how I like it.

avatar for georgmicrodong
7 yrs ago

Ah, missed the "see you later, never come back" part the first time.

Yeah, time to move on. She might get the message, if you're a significant enough share of her income, but if she doesn't, no biggie.

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