Relationship advice from PD83

avatar for poledancer83
To a lot of people it would be surprising the amount of married men that have literally paid just to talk about their relationships. As a dancer I feel like im a part time counselor for married guys that have somehow grown to hate the person they are with. In all honesty its simple. For the guys. Please be a GUY. If your wife is doing laundry and cant tell if the jeans are hers or yours something is wrong. Guys seem to not want to be manly anymore. Nothing is sexier to most women than a strong guy. Rough hands who can be sweet but also carries himself like a real man should. Girls even non dancers love to be pampered so do those things for your lady every once in a while. Fix things around the house. And one of my biggest things that no one seems to do anymore. Get dressed up everynow and then. Nice suit and tie is perfect on occasion. Now to the ladies. If a man treats you this good then guess what.... put it on him. It shouldn't be a surprise guys love sex. Sometimes make a sacrifice and throw away the romantic stuff and just get a little dirty. It wont kill you. Also let your man have some space. If you clamp down on him then he is gonna run as fast as he can. If he is a hard worker and treats you right let him go out with the boys sometimes. Cook and keep a clean house. I am not saying it is totally your job but ladies a man loves this. Even if you work as much as he does try to clean up trust me most of the men I have met working had this at almost the top of the complaint list right behind not getting laid enough. And finally rather women are more discreet then men or not we both check out members of the opposite sex. Daily I see a good looking guy and automatically check him out guys do the same to a good looking woman the difference being that you guys stop stare and point. Here is a big secret (not really) to my fellow ladies... Check out an ass or two with your man. Point it out and have a good laugh about it and move on. If your that worried that the hot girl from the mall can steal your man then something is wrong to begin with. Just my two cents for the day. Tired of having sad husbands kill my vibes however my bank account thanks you lol :) have a good day to all my peeps.


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avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
Hey pdr, exceptional post. In year 34 of divorce practice and the simple basics are what kills relationships. Cheating is a symptom, like a sneeze, of a greater illness. If these guys are whining to you, imagine how they whine to their wife. Wouldn't you rather listen though for the money than be groped? Last question: Do any guys ever speak well of their wife, or am I the only one?
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
As a married guy I endorse this whole opening post!

PD83 --> "To a lot of people it would be surprising the amount of married men that have literally paid just to talk about their relationships."-->
^It's only weird to the general public and to many TUSCLs. My wife calls the dancers "My Stripper Dates" or "My Topless Therapists". Any more it's less talk and go get naked but I still do like talking to dancers now and again.

Also Oprah had a saving that "Foreplay starts in the morning when the husband empties the dishwasher." So true.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
@skibum609: Do you mean speak so to strippers? No, you're not the only one. I get mildly incredulous looks sometimes when I say nice things about her, and that I love her and have no problem with her not wanting sex. :)
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
@skibum609: no, you aren't the only one. I speak very well of my wife to the dancers. So you aren't the only one (I know this was addressed to Poledancer).
avatar for poledancer83
9 years ago
Some of them do talk well about there wives. I have even made friends with a few couples over the years that come in to see me either together of one at a time. its nice to hear sometimes for a man to up talk his wife or gf. The biggest thing I see is both men and women need to step up the game esp. as the marriage gets more years behind it to keep everyone happy.
avatar for K
9 years ago
Foreplay starts when I drag my sorry ass out of bed at 4:30 and go to a job I hate so I can pay for my wife's dream house, her car, her vacations and so on.
Complaining to a stripper is safe. You know it will not go further. Idiot friends will likely tell their wives and it will get back home.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
-->"Please be a GUY. If your wife is doing laundry and cant tell if the jeans are hers or yours something is wrong. "

Heh, this is one of my pet peeves -- I think skinny jeans are super feminine. However, on forums where there are people of all ages, I get told I have an old guy's point of view, that skinny jeans make guys look hip, and I'm just out of touch. A lot of women agree with that view. I still think skinny jeans are totally feminine. And get off my lawn!
avatar for poledancer83
9 years ago
I hate them. I guess everyone has a preference but not for me.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Thanks for posting your advice PD83. You said a lot in a few paragraphs - and it's important info for men and women.

Men can be blind to the annoying nature of some of their habits. Women are not immune either. I think with long term relationships - we learn to compromise more - when we really should work to understand the effects of our idiosyncrasies on our partners.

Thanks for posting your advice.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
@subraman honestly I HATE skinny jeans! I don't like them for me or on a guy. I prefer my boot cut, can't stand having the pant leg tight around my ankle area just doesn't feel like jeans any more and more like I put on a pair of leggings or even panty hose! I will stick with my boot cut.

@poledancer83 I couldn't agree with you more on what you said. I had some customers come in just to talk with me. I had one before I left that just vented to me everytime I was there about his ex wife and how he was going through a rough divorce. I felt bad for him, and he didn't really pay me for my time but I listened to him anyway, he did buy me a drink every now and then though so thats a plus. He wouldn't talk to any of the other girls just me so I turned into his sexy private therapist I guess.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Not sure who came up with skinny jeans - but I don't like them at all. I'm 51 - I guess I'm lucky - as I don't need to appear trendy or stylish anymore. They look uncomfortable - they appear to pull down - and being 6'4" tall - I don't need that level of discomfort.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Phoenix: boot cut is the shit, sexiest thing ever IMO. Boot cut jeans were everywhere right before skinny jeans exploded, I was heartbroken, because I don't like skinny jeans on women either (although they don't look ridiculous, like on men).
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I find the regular cut jeans look way better than skinny jeans on me. The regular ones aren't so baggy that they look like Dad Jeans (got a diaper under there, grandpa?) but they fit so she can at least the shape of my butt and thighs. I that to be the best compromise on looks and comfort.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
^should have been "regular fit" not regular cut. Also whether or not you like boot cut at the leg opening, I think most people should wear some type of boots with jeans. I tend to and the wife likes that look.
avatar for RTP
9 years ago
PoleDancer for President!
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
Skinny jeans are popular with the young skateboarding crowd, particularly those that listen to rap and heavy metal type music. I'm not sure but I think it started in California during the "jerking" movement" circa 2007-2008. I don't like the skinny jeans trend neither. I'm a big country boy so I wouldn't want to wear them anyway.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I must try this "talking with strippers" thing. I didn't know they had the gift o'gab. Most of my interactions take about twenty words.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
That's nice PD, now get in my lap.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago

avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Now you tell me. I got divorced 14 years ago. :)
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
A couple things regarding your posts:

"To a lot of people it would be surprising the amount of married men that have literally paid just to talk about their relationships."
You ain't lying about that. What fool really wastes their time and pays strippers who's job it is to dance sexily to talk...about marriage of all things. I find this wacky.

"If your wife is doing laundry and cant tell if the jeans are hers or yours something is wrong. Guys seem to not want to be manly anymore. Nothing is sexier to most women than a strong guy."

You're before your time sweetheart. Even during the late 1800s-mid 1900s many married men were NOT your definition of strong man. Many of them were slim or out of shape. Even NOW many women, from teens to adults mix it up heavily. Many women love the slim jim look with abs while some like the man with JUST enough muscles. From the many articles you can find online, you see women say big muscles are a turn off. This link should show you what I'm talking about:…
And that's just one of many. Look at Justin Beiber, look at many of your actors, athletes and music celebrities (including rap). Not many of them are buff, many can accidently wear your jeans by accident and they wouldn't know unless someone points it out.

"Cook and keep a clean house."

I'm sure you mother was an amazing cook and I'm also sure your probably much older than me, so I can't comment on you and your generation per say. But in my generation, many men and many MORE women CANNOT cook. They're so comfortable getting pampered and going out from getting McSalads to Kale energy smoothies, I wouldn't be surprised if they burned water (WTF, but apparently someone told me this happened). My sister is 38 and apparently she admitted that she can't cook rice and thus why she uses those instant box rices (I know your scratching your head at that one). Like many men, many women of this generation are too used to instant gratification to bother with cooking. At least in my generation anyway. That also goes for cleaning as well.

"Daily I see a good looking guy and automatically check him out guys do the same to a good looking woman the difference being that you guys stop stare and point. Here is a big secret (not really) to my fellow ladies... Check out an ass or two with your man. Point it out and have a good laugh about it and move on."

HAHA, good luck finding a women like that. Unless she's butch, your hard pressed to find a chill women like that. Even other women joke about how catty and jealous they are.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
@Phoenix eww, boot cut reminds me of bellbottoms. So least on a male. Straight leg or for the bigger fellas, loose.
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
"Do any guys ever speak well of their wife, or am I the only one?"

I will confidently say I probably have the sexiest most open and adventurous wife on here and I can't get enough of her on a daily basis. Someone may join us but no one will ever take her place. Y'all can take that how you want.
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago

Wisdom, beyond years.
Can you follow your own excellent advice?
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
I believe that most of us have had very negative marriage experiences. And I think these are worth exploring.

You seaboardrr are one of the few exceptions.

avatar for K
9 years ago
Some of us have had more than one. One bad and one good
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago

Would you care to enlighten us further, like those of us who have known only bad?

avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Lol so where is the g/g advice?
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
The G/G advice is the same.
avatar for K
9 years ago
San Jose guy, that is off topic for this thread, would be at least article length and besides being very personal would probably include way too much potentially identifying information. Next time I am out that way, maybe over some beers
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
@georgebailey - no....the dynamics are different.
avatar for rogertex
9 years ago
RTP wrote "PoleDancer for President!"

... move over hillary you couldn't keep the oval office clean
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
@lopaw- I suspect that you were just clownin', but I doubt that the OP has the first clue about g/g stuff. She doesn't seem to be the most open-minded person in the room.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
Nice to have a woman's perspective. I often wandered about married men and the clubs.
We all need an escape now and then.
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