
Soap Opera

layin low but staying high

Have you ever watched soap operas? In college, a bunch of guys in my fraternity used to watch the Guiding Light. It was absurd but we couldn't stop watching.

So my life with strippers is a soap opera that plays most evenings right here after the weed kicks in.

When we left John, the DS was refusing to respond to his text messages. He was in agony but didn't want to admit it. Finally though, with the helpful advice of his friends and brothers, he became strong. He planned his life around DS III, video girl, ginger, free girl, and the rest. He was looking forward to the savings of a DS break.

Five minutes later the DS responds. As if she got the messages five minutes ago instead of four days ago.

So naturally I forgive her. She loves me. Technically it's my money she loves but that's semantics.

Join us for tomorrow's episode when the DS tries to double her prices.


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Women can sense when you're about to drop them.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    You know what I'd do when she starts pulling that crap? Play the game. Next time she doesn't respond to you in a reasonable amount of time just do the same. Leave her hanging just like she leaves you hanging. I may be hard not texting her but just find something else to do. If you occupy your time you won't sit staring at your phone wondering if you should text her. Then a day or so later finally respond and don't even mention it being a day or so later.
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    I am addicted to Vanderpump Rules on Bravo. Women have played games with me since I was 11.
    I sort of expect it.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I always thought the male version of a soap opera was pro wrestling. Instead of fake sex and fighting with pro wrestling you get sex and fake fighting. I digress.

    I find when I read more fiction, I find myself avoiding drama in my read life. For a little while, too, I caught myself looking for drama with strippers, mainly with the CF and on stripperweb. There's got to be a balance. Enough was enough, and I'm better now. anymore and it's like "shut up and get naked." ;D
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Via timex345 "I am addicted to Vanderpump Rules on Bravo. Women have played games with me since I was 11.
    I sort of expect it."

    Are you kidding?

    That show is trash as are most of the people on it. I watch it though. It's one of my guilty-pleasure shows.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    Glad to hear you gave her some space and she eventually came around.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Soap operas can become addictive - as I watched them in college too. It was interesting how I could stop watching - then pick up several months later with very similar story lines.

    I don't have the attention span anymore. I need to watch the low level stuff now - cops and ridiculousness are my current faves. I'm part of the mental decline of the country.

    As long as I never make it onto either of those two shows - I feel as though I'm doing pretty well!
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I'm coming to the conclusion that the more mundane and routine my life becomes, the more drama I need in my alternate life. As an attorney you must spend hours parsing heretofores and reading others' Writs of Ducas Penis or whatever. Only litigation attorneys have any semblence of excitement in their work.
    I listened to my ATF describe how she and her roommate at the sober house went to "The Mall", met a "real hot" young man who pumps iron and works out of his mother's basement as a tattoo artist. The three of them ended up back at "his" house drinking. Well so much for staying sober. They got drunk, her friend ( who is a dancer at a Providence club) gave the guy a blowjob and then she passed out. So my ATF says, "I fucked him at least 5 times and this guy knows what he's doing. He's a fucking sex machine."
    So, since they got thrown out of the sober house, she moves in with this guy who she's known for less than 24 hours. Then she goes into great detail describing how he's ultra protective and beats the shit out of any and all males who have the temerity to look at her with lust in their eyes. "So far, he's beat the shit out of 4 guys. You know me, I tend to flirt a lot." So she wants to move to a rooming house where she can learn to love herself, but the fucking rooming house wants to do a credit check and I owe money to everyone so I need a place to live and will you take a few boxes of my belongings? Just keep them till I get settled.
    Now that hour of her weekly story puts Guiding Light, General Hospital, and any other soap opera to shame. After my hearing that, she proclaimed that she knew I'd been seeing another dancer from her club and was going to make me forget her.
    Now how can anyone resist bringing excitement, sex, and drama into your life?
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Yikes that sounds like a train wreck.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Days of our Lives, stay tuned for John's latest storyline.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "works out of his mother's basement as a tattoo artist"

    That sounds like many a strippers dream boyfriend. Let's go over the checklist...

    1. Lives with mom - check
    2. Tattoo artist (think: now I get free tattoos) - check
    3. Lives in basement (so when I sleep all day I don't have to be bothered by daylight) - check

    If this guy plays videos games too, then I imagine he had strippers lined up around the block begging to move in with him! lol

  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I'm thinking DS is a lurker and is reading the recipe for driving JS insane.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Flag, that theory has been suggested before. It would be very funny but very unlikely. That's not her style.
  • gammanu95
    9 years ago
    I know she's your #1, but you should have left her hanging for a couple of days.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    gawker-->" I'm coming to the conclusion that the more mundane and routine my life becomes, the more drama I need in my alternate life."

    Sometimes there's a concept floating around in my head for years, that I just can't put words to, and someone just tosses it out there and nails it!
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JS69-->"So naturally I forgive her. She loves me. Technically it's my money she loves but that's semantics.
    Join us for tomorrow's episode when the DS tries to double her prices."

    LOL! Funny JS! I know where you're at in a way, I had an ATF years ago where I had 80% the experience you're having with DS. She was gorgeous, I loved her, and the sex was un-fucking-believable (and we entered any number of new sexual territories together). So, although she treated me with exactly the same kind of disrespect that you're getting from DS, I was always super-butthurt during the silent periods and swearing all types of revenge in the form of OTCing with other girls, but the moment I got that text from her -- man, all was forgiven! I look back on those days and regret the way I let myself be treated... I understand how I"d have tolerated more in those heady days in the beginning, but if I could rewind, would have stopped tolerating her shit after a time. You seem to be more clear-eyed than I was, IF you really believe and have internalized the statements you made above, and are not just writing them as crowd-pleasing story enders. I have a feeling there's more of the latter than the former, than you believe.

    Anyway, coming out of that experience, I have a drug metaphor for my strippers. I consider the girl I reference above to be like heroin -- the highs were un-fucking-believable, but there were lows and low-lows of disrespect, entitlement, and even contempt between them. Like heroin, both the highs and lows were unhealthy -- and I now believe I was emotionally unhealthy myself during that time, which I why I savored the experience. These days, all my strippers are more like marijuana ... The experience is awesome but not unhealthily or addictively so, and there's no real lows, other than a pang of guilt here and there for polishing off an entire bag of Takis by myself. And I'm healthy enough that I don't develop feelings for anyone who treats me with any level of disrespect, no matter how compelling the sex is. 'course, the experience I wrote about above was coming right off my separation with my ex-wife -- no coincidence! I advise sticking with the maryjane girls from here on out :)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    And I"ll add one more thing (as if the novella above isn't enough), which may put me in Crazytown.

    I think we're all presuming that she's disappearing for 4 days, and while she is in your thoughts, you are not at all in hers, and she feels so little responsibility towards you, that she'll just get back to you whenever it's convenient and she remembers to check her texts.

    I think that's true, but that's not the whole story. After all this time, she abso-fucking-lutely knows that this hurts JS and he's pining for her and has that feeling in the pit of his stomach because of her. My experience with strippers is, many get a little kick out of this. It's a cute little ego boost to not answer the text and forget about it, knowing he's going to be suffering, and then make the decision whenever she feels like to re-establish contact, and gratefully jump after days of suffering. For someone with low self-esteem, it's an amusing if cruel little ego boost she gets around it. She's forgetting about him completely in the days in between, but at the moment she decides not to check or respond to his text, and the moment when she decides they will start talking again -- she enjoys the thought.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    The more I think about what's going on between JS & his youth club harem the more convinced I become that these girls are children making a bunch of money and they just want to have fun not hang out with guys old enough to be their grandfather. She's not mean but he isn't realizing that he's just not that important to her.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    I don't like watching soap operas and I refuse to live in one.

    When I start seeing a dancer regularly, I explain up front that I go to strip clubs to... errr... interact with hot women while maintaining a distinct lack of drama. If she can't provide that, then I'll move on to the next dancer.

    I have cut off contact with dancers because they could not stick to the "no drama" rule.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I used to watch the real series, Days of our Lives, back in the 70's, yeah, I know, I'm a dork, but it passed the time while I waited to go to my bartending jobs in the evening. Hope, the lead babe is hot, she's still hot, I have watched a few minutes over the years and she still is the lead.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Damn, I guess maybe I should cancel the wedding plans. Subra, your heroin analogy is a good one, but she's not the psycho bitch who gets a kick out of stringing me along. She's just a very young, immature girl, dealing with more crap than most people will ever face, doing her best and living life day by day.

    I think where we are going is an on again off again relationship. We will date and fuck for a few months, then she'll move into a new phase of life and be done with me. Then she'll need money and we'll play again for a while.

    I'd rather be her soul mate for life but the on again off again approach is fine with me. I'm always ready for her to disappear, and then I'm always ready for her to reappear. I've got plenty of others to play with when she doesn't want me but she will always be the best. At least until she reaches her mid 20s and gets too old.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nina, that last sentence was a joke. I promise.
  • RandomMember
    9 years ago
    Don't you old farts feel embarrassed about pining away for a 19-yr-old prostitute? How pathetic.

    ...definitely a few screws loose.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    gawker's sentence resonates with me. I actually don't mind a little drama, it keeps life interesting. But, you know how at work there's "good stress" and "bad stress"? I think JS's 4-day wait was heroin-like bad drama, and I am glad I don't have that going on, though completely understand how easy it is to get sucked in, especially for a guy who stumbled onto it shortly into his SCing. But a little "good drama"? I dunno, keeps things interesting!
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My insight regarding drama in my life wasn't just thrown out there, Subraman. I've been seeing a psychotherapist for years to get that self knowledge. I'll never forget my first visit - I told him about my ATF and he said, " you're shitting me!"
    My kind of shrink.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    JS69 - your last post (prior to your clarification to Nina) was excellent. It's good to know that she may drift in and out - and it's good that when she comes back - you will be happy to have her back.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Soap Opera's are too much. If I watch one for just a few minutes, I start to feel like my period must be coming.

    If you let women run your affairs, they your life will be like a soap opera.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Post the Cuban Mariel boat-lift in 1980; when 125,000 Cubans arrived in Miami in a matter of a few months; the area and thus schools became overcrowded.

    I went to a small Jr-High-School that was built in the 50s; with the subsequent local population surge the schools were overwhelmed – my Jr-High went to a double shift (6th and 7th grades in the afternoon from 12:15 to 5:15 pm and 8th and 9th grades in the morning from 7:00 am to 12 pm) – when I was in 8th and 9th grades I thus was out of school by noon and home by 12:30 pm or so – “Days of Our Lives” would be on from 1 to 2 pm and I got hooked on it for a few years in the mid-80s.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Strippers are like sports-cars – they are fun to drive/ride but they are often unreliable – perhaps the best one can do is enjoy the drive/ride while they are “operational” and just accept that often times they will not be available.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Strippers are like sports-cars

    Yes, I remember when you first introduced that idea a number of months ago. Very true, and in many ways.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'd love to tell a shrink all about the DS. If it was a man, he'd probably want to write a book about it. If it was a woman, she'd likely have me committed.
  • dtek
    9 years ago
    You forgot:
    4 - deals drugs (think: free drugs!)
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I watched Days of Our Lives in college. It was on during lunch and provided an hour to relax and not think about studies.

    I don't think I missed much. Bo & Hope were on. And Victor Kiriakis. And I think they still might be on 30 years later. LOL.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah - Bo and Hope - and Stefano Dimera as the bad-guy.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    ^ I remember that couple. Hope was quite a beauty. As sands through the hourglass - so are the days of our lives... - that intro always seemed depressing.
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