Do you ever notice, every once in awhile, someone will comment on a post that you've never seen on here before? You know they've been reading for months because they get the 'inside joke' or catch the reference from something that happened a year ago?
There are probably about 15-20 retards that post here on an almost daily basis (myself included) but there are many more that are avidly reading.
I think that's pretty cool, and I come here as a source of entertainment nowadays more than gaining strip club information. I think after this site has thoroughly corrupted my strip clubbing I am not sure I could learn anything else when it comes to strip clubbing, unless someone posts how to get strippers to fuck you for free ITC.
I know the system for getting strippers OTC and how to dress when going to the club, I know to give strippers chackin fangers when they're hungry, I know to dip my nuts in Listermint when I fuck some suspect pussy and I know where to invest all my money so I can pay for all these strip club outings - all from this site. I can't think of any other site that I have learned more from, not even Wikipedia. Can you think of any that you have learned more from?
Yup, lurkers are a fairly common message board phenomenon. There are tons of people who write reviews here but never post on the discussions, and there certainly are people who read but never register an account.
I read it mostly for the local reviews. The local scene seems somewhat different from what I read here about other areas of the country.
I also find some of the discussions entertaining and occasionally learn something useful.
Lately I've been one of the idiots that posts about my exploits nearly every day. If any of the strippers I know read this site, they can probably figure out who I am.
^^^^^^ Like a Yogi Bear of the strip clubs, I'm pervier than the average perv. I know for a fact that I've done things at my favorite club that no one else has done and that stand out in the staff's memory. I'm not talking about your average sex ITC or OTC. I'm talking about stuff that would stand out to any stripper from that club who's heard the stories. Example: I once hog tied a girl in the VIP before having my way with her. When the DJ called her to stand by, I picked her up, stuck her head out the door and she yelled to the DJ that she was busy. Years later I still occasionally get asked about that by someone at the club who's heard the story.
I'm not saying it would be easy for the staff that I know to figure it out. Nor do I think anyone at a strip club would make the effort to figure it out. But there's enough information in my postings that, taken together, could be used to figure out who I am.
Reading for months? Try years. I've been on this site since 2002 and I think this is the 5th time I've posted something to this board. I've learned that someone dubbed the term LDK and some like to do it and some don't. I guess if I really wanted to know about a specific club, I could just ask all of you as the info might be more do date and precise. I'm curios if there are more folks PMing each other with info than posting. I had one "friend" who had a lot of info on my close by clubs but he seems to be gone.
I think a lot of people are lurking because they dont want to miss the start of SJG's strip club motor home tour. That sure would make an awesome reality tv show.
I only post a comment once in a blue moon but read regularly because you guys are so entertaining! Reading the TUSCL discussions and reviews over breakfast each morning is like watching a morning talk show, except featuring a bunch of pervs sitting in a man cave shooting the shit and bragging about sexual exploits. And like a talk show, there are personalities, regular correspondents, politics, relationship discussions, haters, lovers, and fighters!
That said, I want to send a "shout out", "Prop", "thank you", and a "fuckin' A" to the regular board posters for providing some lizard brain, testosterone laden light entertainment each day before I have to go do serious work and maintain a high level of social civility.
I've recently become one of those retards. I lurked for a couple months before starting to add my two cents. I'm sure there are many who wish I remained a lurker.
Hassen, you should join the pervs. After lurking for a while you have an obligation to contribute. Otherwise you may invoke the wrath of the strip club gods.
-->"Hassen, you should join the pervs. After lurking for a while you have an obligation to contribute. Otherwise you may invoke the wrath of the strip club gods."
Or get hit with the TUSCL curse!
"May your ATF leave a period stain on your new khaki Dockers"
I joined - after lurking and enjoying the partial reviews. Then I posted a few of my own reviews. The discussions are useful and interesting - and fun!
Yes, we have lurkers. How could we not with so many brilliant PL's posting here.
It is neat when one of the lurkers does for the first time decide to post. But then, you cannot always tell when it is really a lurker, versus a sock puppet.
I had no interest in joining nor lurking; but back in early 2012 I was going on a one-week trip back to Dallas where I had previously lived for 10 years and wanted to drive down to Houston from Dallas to check-out the Houston SC scene since I’d never done it b/f.
I was fairly familiar w/ the Dallas SC scene but didn’t know anything about the Houston SC scene; I started Googling and TUSCL kept coming-up so I finally decided to pay attention to it and look for info on TUSCL.
Soon after I joined I posted a thread asking for H-town info and took a liking to the discussion board and have never left.
"May your ATF leave a period stain on your new khaki Dockers"
Too late! That curse has already hit Me!
OK, I'm exaggerating... I'm pretty sure it was every day pussy juice 'cause I was wearing thin black dress slacks and couldn't see the color ... but still... It left a stain and it smelled.
I have posted numerous reviews of the clubs I frequent. I have also posted some discussion topics. I am proud to say I stumbled across the hobby of going to SCs on my own. This website only reinforced what I had learned on my own. I am amazed at how vicious reviewers can be if they do not like your review. I got crucified for admitting I had developed a crush on an entertainer. So, I learned the hard way to keep your reviews short and to the point. I learned to leave your emotional baggage at the door.
last commentI've learned more from reddit than here :)
I also find some of the discussions entertaining and occasionally learn something useful.
Lately I've been one of the idiots that posts about my exploits nearly every day. If any of the strippers I know read this site, they can probably figure out who I am.
I'm not saying it would be easy for the staff that I know to figure it out. Nor do I think anyone at a strip club would make the effort to figure it out. But there's enough information in my postings that, taken together, could be used to figure out who I am.
Some people waaaaay over think things.
Some people have way too much time on their hands.
Brilliant! Being pervier than the average perv is an ace thing to be!
That said, I want to send a "shout out", "Prop", "thank you", and a "fuckin' A" to the regular board posters for providing some lizard brain, testosterone laden light entertainment each day before I have to go do serious work and maintain a high level of social civility.
You do realize that at least 10 to 12 of them are Juice, right?
I joined and started posting immediately (for better or worse). Inside or outside the strip club, being shy is rarely advantageous.
Or get hit with the TUSCL curse!
"May your ATF leave a period stain on your new khaki Dockers"
"May your ATF's vagine smell like a rotting fish stuffed up a zombie's ass"
"May your next OTC go as well as culvercityboy's last two"
"May you be #1 in the phonecall rotation next time your ATF needs to be bailed out"
Plus shadowcat and JS69 give hope to all the older guys out there wanting to hook up with single 20 something year old strippers.
Sorry to disappoint but I have limited time. No double post this time. :)
It is neat when one of the lurkers does for the first time decide to post. But then, you cannot always tell when it is really a lurker, versus a sock puppet.
Small Travel Trailer, Bare Foot…
Notice, door is on wrong side.
Anyway, for a strip club parking lot you really need a small motorhome. Unless you can just get your trailer in there and keep it there. :)
Antonio Vivaldi Organ Concertos,Musica ad Rhenum…
I was fairly familiar w/ the Dallas SC scene but didn’t know anything about the Houston SC scene; I started Googling and TUSCL kept coming-up so I finally decided to pay attention to it and look for info on TUSCL.
Soon after I joined I posted a thread asking for H-town info and took a liking to the discussion board and have never left.
Too late! That curse has already hit Me!
OK, I'm exaggerating... I'm pretty sure it was every day pussy juice 'cause I was wearing thin black dress slacks and couldn't see the color ... but still... It left a stain and it smelled.
I have also posted some discussion topics.
I am proud to say I stumbled across the hobby of going to SCs on my own. This website only reinforced what I had learned on my own.
I am amazed at how vicious reviewers can be if they do not like your review. I got crucified for admitting I had developed a crush on an entertainer. So, I learned the hard way to keep your reviews short and to the point. I learned to leave your emotional baggage at the door.
Groooosssss! lol you have my sympathies, my friend