
Comments by s88 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    how to start a sausage factory-bad membership program
    NVM, I can't read, the TUSCL club is same building number but next street over (1 digit difference in address). This SC is unlisted.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    how to start a sausage factory-bad membership program
    Actually, it is listed, with another name completely different from the one that I know. I've gotta figure out if there are 2 SCs in this building on different floors, or the club closed and remodeled, or there are 2 different operators on different days (hence 3 days a week).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    how to start a sausage factory-bad membership program
    It isnt listed on TUSCL, I submitted a profile for it a couple weeks ago, it hasn't appeared yet.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Regulars at Strip Clubs?
    " • How many of you are regulars at strip clubs? If your not a regular how many times a week or month do you go? I go twice a week and some of my buddies think thats too many times. I like club hopping! and have some favorite girls too. I try to bring cash because the ATM fees are so high where I visit. I also want to know how much are the ATM fees at the clubs you visit? Thanks!" You sound like you are 18 years old. This might not be for you. "How many of you are regulars at strip clubs?" Some PLs travel, and never visit the same SC twice and never visit a SC in the place they live. Others goto the same place every week. Some PLs might be at their SC DAILY after work as an alternative to a nothing-but-old-men bar. Some SCs are nothing but dive bars with moose head on the wall with women in bikinis. I try 1 or 2 times a week. "I go twice a week and some of my buddies think thats too many times." If you are 18, you need a good reason to go (incredibly fat/ugly/missing a limb/Aspergers). "I like club hopping! and have some favorite girls too" You sound like you are 18. "I try to bring cash because the ATM fees are so high where I visit. I also want to know how much are the ATM fees at the clubs you visit?" NEVER use the SC ATM. NEVER start a tab. You are going to get ripped off somehow. Is it so hard to stop at your bank's drive thru ATM on the way to the SC?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    did i get scammed?
    Never let a stripper go UP in price over time without more services HJ->BJ->FS->BBFS->submissive BDSM.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Street Ho Hustle
    @ThereAndBackAgain NYC is like a SC, anyone who says hi to you wants your $$$$. Anyone who asks you for $$$$, has a hustle, and standing on the street asking for $$$$ is their only job. Never give cash. You can give away a farecard swipe from off your unlimited card in the metro, but dont give cash. All they gonna do is buy newports or dope with it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    Strip club VIP memberships. Not just vip rooms
    I got a free pass from one of the managers, he just walked up and gave it to me one day, and I'm a low spender. My free pass is valid for happy hour ($10 cover) and regular hours ($20 cover), so that is anytime before 3 am. 6 months later my SC introduced a membership program. I dont remember the prices though and Im not at the SC to read their booklet. Basic one was $100 a month for no cover, including late night (after 3 am) period ($40 cover). No other benefits I think. Premium one was $400 a month. It includes -unlimited hookah (meh, I only smoke with friends and have none to take to SC) -free vip rooms (I wonder how this works financially for the stripper, forced work for free?, its $80 for 15 mins, stripper gets $50, so is the SC taking a bet a customer wont do > 2 hrs of private room time a month?) -vip/reserved seating area (worthless, 1 ft higher than main floor, on a sat night, busiest of week, 25%-50% seats are empty, there is also the closed off wing in the SC that customers have never been seated in before due to lack of customers, although on day 1 of the SC, when my SC had "daytime hours", all customers sat in the wing, and main floor was closed, at some point, maybe when daytime hours ended, they went to only having the main floor open, even if 1 customer is sitting there, instead of alternating between main floor being open and the wing being open)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Advice in how to tell striper to go away as fast as possible.
    @sharkhunter That is only if you are in a SC where dancers get commission for drinks. Of my 3 regular SCs, 2 are no alcohol, 1 has alcohol but no waiters/waitresses. At the alcohol SC, no commission for drinks, so dancers never ask you to buy them a drink, except once, some new girl after we spent 2 hours talking, wanted to do a round of shots. All alcohol comes from the bar with a bus boy walking around collecting empty glasses. Price was ~$22 a shot after tax. More than a LD. So my bill was $44. After the bill shock, and I never EVER do a tab. The bar tender got $44 from me, then he started whining about tips, the stripper told me "why are you stiffing my man?" and more bitching. I gave the bartender $1. After that the stripper and me away from the bar got into an argument over drinking alcohol at all (why are you here if you wont drink?), and I had to tell her she drank the LDs I was going to get from her and Im not buying any LDs from her tonight. Never saw her at the SC again :D
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Sitting on your lap
    Very rarely happens to me. Usually only first day at my SC strippers do it. They see nobody else really does it (except strippers and their selected dopemen) and dont do it anymore.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Street Ho Hustle
    I just start asking the bum for a $1 back, I say I have no job, I need weed and strippers, and "I know you got a dollar, help a man out", and I start walking after him begging him for $. The bums think im a junkie and literally run from me down the block.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Advice in how to tell striper to go away as fast as possible.
    Stage 1: "not tonight babe" "no thank you" "sorry Im not interested" "maybe later" (a lie, similar to how a stripper says she will be back and never is, only if a stripper marks you with her property will she be back) "I just got here" "I want to see who else is working tonight" stage 2: "your not my type" "I am not getting any dances from you" "you arent hot" stage 3: this ALWAYS works* "you can dance for me, but I wont pay you" *this once back fired, and a stripper lowered the $20 per song rate to $1 a song for me and I agreed to the new price, and she charged me $1 a song for 2 more visits to my SC until she changed to another SC around me, I only did 1 song each visit, I suspect it was because she was much older than me and thought I was attractive or something, or was just desperate and wanted to give a free-trial I've never tried asking for free-FS/free-extras to get rid of strippers, because if I am trying to get rid of her, johnny will be in coma and wont wake up if she says "you can do anything to me but kill me in VIP", and I wont put up with the drama of her making fun of my dick not going up, and me having to tell her she needs lipo, tummy tuck, lip injections, remove her BF's name from her mons pubis, and a boob job cuz her tits cover her belly button.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Stripper Lies (From PLs)
    "- When a stripper is in my car, I disable the Bluetooth. That's all I need is a call from a family member when I'm driving a stripper around." I once got a call from a SO ITC infront of my fav, just said told my SO I was in a regular nightclub (she knew I went "clubbing"). It was a weekday, and no DJ, so it was just music, no stage name rotation announcements or plugs for the SC. "- Very rarely bring my phone into the club. Not only am I paranoid I'll lose it but do not want to butt dial anyone." Will die of boredom without my phone. Also I dont wear a watch, so I need to know the time. "- I have never messed around with a stripper within a 75 mile radius of my home. That rule may be different if I wasn't able to travel so much (for work and personal)." The traffic is so bad around me it takes 40-50 mins to get to SC central in my city, yet its only 11 miles away. Nobody lives around me except immigrants and seniors. No kids, no teenagers, no young adults (strippers). I wish I lived closer to SC central. "A few years ago I stopped telling my stripper stories to my friends and never talk about it anymore. That's all I need is for one of my buddies to share a story with his wife one night he's drunk and it gets back to mine." I only share with ppl that worked as sex workers, or bought from sex workers. I am very limited about revealing my real name. I wont tell her unless I want OTC, and only after a ITC VIP trip that confirms the OTC experience will be what I want it to be.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    This was not a great idea my club had...imo
    My reports say "would repeat" or "not reapat" on individual dancers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    how to tell a stripper no more ITC, only OTC
    pensionking thanks
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    how to tell a stripper no more ITC, only OTC
    Forgot to say, when she gave me her email, "my email is xyz123*unintelligible*" "[what kind of email is that] repeat that?" "actually, use other one [email protected]" *show my phone*, "thats right". Diamond [not her real stage name] is her stage name. I found it a lilttle bit suspicious how her email was her stage name, and how uncreative it was. It is a valid account, as gmail sends bounce emails for invalid emails, it didnt for her email address, but it is so simple, I wonder if it is just a bot that snapped up that email 20 years ago and nobody reads it and she made it up on the spot.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Have you ever been in a club where the dancer's Mom is around
    If she looks 12, shes probably 16. Underage strippers happen, my ex-fav was one of them. If her MOM worked there for years, they'd never even ask the daughter for ID. My ex-fav said her ex-driver/ex-agent got her into the club with no docs, but since she fired him, she is stuck at this club till she turns 18 and is legal.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    daddy issues?
    poledancer83 are you sure that was her biological daddy or her sugar daddy or adoptive daddy (really her too old to be a BF, BF)?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    real talk: so, why don't chicks have more SCs where dudes dance for 'em?
    A male SC pretty quickly will turn into a gay male SC or it goes out of business. Only men pay for sex/lust, whether the object is male or female.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Are any strippers nice people ?
    Depends on the club, depends on the girl. Sometimes, if you go off script, and talk to a stripper, as if she is a fellow PL/shop talk, and that you ARE aware it is fantasy, the stripper will go off script and become friends with you. Some strippers dont plan to be strippers for the rest of their life. They use stripping as something to reach a better place in life. Those you can be friends with. The girls who use stripping for drugs or their kids ("single mom with no education"), those are very tough to be friends with, because you are on a different level than them $ wise and social position wise.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking doormen.(not literally).
    https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=37064#comment522453 "The one and only time a bouncer asked to be greased for VIP room at my regular SC, I asked him what did he do earn it? he stared at me with pleading eyes, I told him, I only tip strippers, he turned around and left. He disappeared after a month. Good riddance." I'll add this, if a bouncer comes between a stripper and her $, she will make him scoot. Ask the bouncer if he will let you into VIP area or not, point blank. If he says no, tell the stripper you cant get dances because of the bouncer being difficult and her to talk to him, then walk away back to main floor/stage. He wont get his tipout from the stripper that night, or she quits that SC in a day or 2, or hell, that night. Remember the SC is a business, the price is the price. If they wont sell you anything without a tip, they clearly dont want your $ in the first place. SC staff like cook up crazy schemes to make more $ than their wages. Sell drugs ITC, sell alcohol in a dry SC, demand tips from everyone who isn't a regular, lie about drink prices then demand a tip. Me as a customer, be happy you have a job, if you dont like it, QUIT. Live within your means. That goes for me too. I have NEVER gotten any extras or special treatment for months of tips. I dont tip anymore. Tips are meaningless unless "tips" are a euphemism for negotiated extras. If you tip SC staff, they look at you as a mark. They will tell each other you are loaded, and you will have a tip parade of waitresses, male staff, and "hostess" circling and hounding you for tips. Like fucking hobos asking for a $1, and they dont strip. Best solution is, dont tip.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is she for real?
    Its called a corset. It moves all your organs into your rib cage leaving you with a hentai waist.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is OTC Usually GFE?
    "Curious. I hear GFE is getting more popular these days. What percentage of your OTC meetings could be classified as GFE?" Assume zero unless you ask beforehand, or make out ITC first. Most sex workers DO NOT make out. They save that for their boyfriends. Yes, most strippers will fuck you with a rubber before they will DFK. No fluids exchanged with a condom, but there is no such thing as a DFK condom. I dont bother ask about OTC until there is an ITC make out session. "I hope for ITC the percentage would be zero - the thought of that happening with other customers before me would gross me out." Buying sex workers isnt for you if you think of it that way.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    any thoughts on millennials dancing today? do they compare to yesteryear?
    Rock is dying with its listeners, its not coming back. The biker strip club thing is fading into the past. Todays SCs are "vegas style" bottle service crap, not dives. Over the last 20 years, SCs became associated with urban culture thanks to MTV/Fuse/Revolt/BET. Rappers, hip hop, dopemen, ice, show off $ to your bros. The days of go solo to a regular sausage bar and drink with fellow single men, or goto the SC and drink with semi-hot women in bikinis are over. The show off $ to your bros culture programmed strippers, that all they have to do is walk over, not say a word, shake their ass, and get $. Millennial strippers who think stripping is liberating, get very picky over their customers. Once their house fee is paid for the night, they sit on their phones until they see a guy who is "attractive" to them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    real talk: so, why don't chicks have more SCs where dudes dance for 'em?
    Any woman under 40, no matter how fat or ugly or butch lesbian (aslong as there are tittys), can walk into a dance nightclub, and have guys following her and smiling at her for her pussy. Some men will fuck anything they think has a pussy and is a homo sapien. That makes paying for dick pointless because you can get it for free.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $100 Qick Fucc
    yes What is it with all these bikini drive thru espresso places in Washington?