Regulars at Strip Clubs?
How many of you are regulars at strip clubs? If your not a regular how many times a week or month do you go? I go twice a week and some of my buddies think thats too many times. I like club hopping! and have some favorite girls too. I try to bring cash because the ATM fees are so high where I visit. I also want to know how much are the ATM fees at the clubs you visit? Thanks!
Traditionally I was "on avg" a 1x/wk SCer but I don't have set days I go, i.e. I don't normally plan my visits and go more when in the mood thus my visits tend to be more all over the place, at times I'll binge & can do 4 or 5 SC visits in one wk (not necessarily on 4 or 5 different days but usually hitting more than one club in a day and maybe do day and nightshift visits), and at times I'll go 2 or 3 weeks w/o going to let my bank out recover some.
Club ATM fees in my area vary b/w $5 & $10, and some clubs get you even more by limiting the withdrawal to $100 or $200 max in order to force you to do multiple withdrawals and thus multiple fees, and some are worse and go by % vs a flat-fee meaning the more you take out fhe bigger fee you end up paying (e.g. if they charge 5% then a $100 withdrawal would be $5 but a $300 withdrawal would be $15).
I can honestly say I've never once used an ATM at a strip club, so I don't know the fees.
It all averages out to usually 1 to 2 nights a month.
I'd go more often if time permitted and I was in the vicinity to better clubs when I am at home.
You sound like you are 18 years old. This might not be for you.
"How many of you are regulars at strip clubs?"
Some PLs travel, and never visit the same SC twice and never visit a SC in the place they live. Others goto the same place every week. Some PLs might be at their SC DAILY after work as an alternative to a nothing-but-old-men bar. Some SCs are nothing but dive bars with moose head on the wall with women in bikinis. I try 1 or 2 times a week.
"I go twice a week and some of my buddies think thats too many times."
If you are 18, you need a good reason to go (incredibly fat/ugly/missing a limb/Aspergers).
"I like club hopping! and have some favorite girls too"
You sound like you are 18.
"I try to bring cash because the ATM fees are so high where I visit. I also want to know how much are the ATM fees at the clubs you visit?"
NEVER use the SC ATM. NEVER start a tab. You are going to get ripped off somehow. Is it so hard to stop at your bank's drive thru ATM on the way to the SC?
Now the valet greets me by name. The managers and bouncers act like old friends. I don't need to order--the waitress just brings me a bucket of beer. The dancers all know I'm only interested in strippers with big tits.
If you come to Detroit and walk into the Penthouse or Flight Club in the afternoon, you will probably see me.
At some $20 will be enough for you to make a good impression on a girl. And most of the girls are receptive when they can see that a guy likes them. Though there were some times when I spent around $150 max. But this was not typical.
But it is still a chump situation, because what I really needed was either a Marriage Counselor or a Divorce Lawyer, because those would be the people who could help me solve my problem. Really I was just trying to stay sane.
But as our clubs are cheap and just for talking, I did learn how to talk with and have lots of fun with extremely pretty girls, showing me almost everything, and they clearly wanting off the clock relationships with me.
Nah, I'm not really a regular. I'm telepathic. So are the bartenders, waitresses and door girl. I just look at them and they do want I want. Unfortunately I have a hard time getting other idiots driving on the road to do what I want. I think their brains are frozen. Maybe I should practice my Vulcan mind meld technique on my next visit. I try not to make too much eye contact because they always want to come over and see what I want. Try it. Look at a dancer or waitress and see if she's psychic.
And I'm a regular at all the clubs I visit in the sense that they all remember me (I do stand out, whether I like it or not).