
Advice in how to tell striper to go away as fast as possible.

I go to cheap strip clubs where females are usually in the changing room, then if a customer shows up, a stripper at a time will come out to ask for a dance. sometimes taking up to 30 mins for the next dancer to approach,. If there are 6 dancers "working", it will take up to 3 hrs to see them all.

What I do:

"Do you want a dance?" - No thank you.. "Why not?" - I just want to wait a little bit more for that... "Are you from here?" ..- I stop looking at her and still replaying in a very short way until she leaves. but sometimes they keep asking stupid questions.

What I really want yo say(but I don't have the balls):
"Do you want a dance?" - No thank you.. "Why not?" - Look honey, you are really pretty but not my type, can you go back to your resting room so a different girl can come up and hopefully she is actually hot? Thank you., and please walk fast.

The "you are not my type" sounds good, but what about if the stripper is african american and she takes it in a wrong way? I really don't want to be rude, not because of the stripper, but what about if she goes to the back and says "the guy is a fucking jerk, rob him or take a dump in his pants". I'm afraid to that. please advice.

Thank you.


  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    My advice is put up with it or find another club.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Tell her to buy you a shot.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Yeah, some strippers can't seem to take a hint. Maybe try farting or digging in your nose?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Tell her, "I have no money". Then spend some money on a girl you like. The first girl will see that and put 2 and 2 together.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^doesn't work. Unless it's true I suppose it might work.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    lol or tell them your secretly tittyfag. ROFL
  • WetWilly
    8 years ago
    Larry is correct. Tell them you have no money. Whenever I encounter fugly, heavily tattooed, or fat women in strip clubs who just won't go away I tell them I have no money.

    I don't use it often, but when I do, it works flawlessly and simply.
  • joomlalms
    8 years ago
    hahaha. I could say any shit, but I don't know if she will "talk" in the back with other girls.
  • joomlalms
    8 years ago
    uhmm, ok, I'll do that. I'll tell them that I don't have money.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    Seriously? You've one club review in Anaheim and on TUSCL under Anaheim Strip Clubs, SIXTY FUCKING THREE are listed! Seriously?
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Lol Clubber. OP I just say I just got here and like to see everyone dance before I decide to do VIP.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    You're doing it wrong - you have to be the one in control of the situation; not just reacting to her SS (stripper shit).

    Strippers are salespeople and they gonna do what many salespeople do which is often to pound you into submission if being nice does not work.

    I usually say I just wanna chill by myself for a while or I just wanna check-out the stage (which may not work in your case if all the dancers are in the back and none on stage).

    So you can just tell her you just wanna chill by yourself; or you don't feel like talking; and if she keeps it up just tell her she's not your type - if she keeps up then I just ignore her and don't answer any more questions.

    Saying you don't have any $$$ may backfire w/ her telling other dancers that you said no b/c you had no $$$ vs you just wanted to chill or she was not your type.

    With respect to her bad-mouthing you to other dancers most dancers are smart enough to know that is SS and they'll still take their turn at trying to get your $$$.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I'm confused, don't the dancers go on stage?

    At those kinds of clubs when the girl is on stage is usually when you signal interest. And you should see a 6 girl rotation in an hour or less.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I think you know that what you need to do is man up and tell her sorry you're not my type and I'm not going to spend any money on you. But if you refuse to do that, just get up and go to the bathroom. When you come back sit at another table as far away from her as possible.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Tell her you'd love to get some dances but unfortunately you are currently getting over a bad herps outbreak
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    You got good advice above. JS's advice above is short and to the point. One thing to help keep you motivated: the girls are treating you this way for a reason -- you're weak, and they can tell right away. So they start the "20 questions" game, where they ask you questions and make you increasingly uncomfortable. Some girls do it because they know sometimes weak guys cave in to their interrogation. A whole lot of girls do it because, well, you've already turned them down, and they like tormenting and humiliating you -- they almost certainly go back and tell their stripper friends how they made you squirm, how you let them sit there for 20 minutes, sputtering and struggling to answer their questions.

    When I bring new guys to the club with me, I tell them rule number 1: don't act like a little bitch. Be respectful but direct and assertive. Once I turn a girl down, I do NOT let her ask me questions and simply submissively answer them. If I turn her down -- always with a "no thank you", never a "maybe later", and she asks me why, I don't ever answer that question, I just repeat that I'm not interested ... maybe I"ll add in that if I change my mind I"ll find her later, then turn my attention to the stage. Sometimes, I enjoy playing with the girls a bit (remember, NEVER answer a question, take control of the conversation and lead it)... Her: "Aren't I your type?" Me: "Do you think you are? Who do you think here is my type". Her: "that girl over there". Me: "Now WHY in the world would you say SHE is my type?" etc. Usually they realize what I'm doing and leave in frustration; sometimes, the banter ends up really fun if she plays along.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    yeah - the more one tries to be polite and appease them the worse and more-emboldened they get w/ their SS - like Subra mentioned you gotta nip it in the bud right away.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    And as Subra mentioned; those girls become experts at smelling weakness (like Sharks smelling blood)
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    It's not a race. No need to do it as fast as possible (unless you're ldk :)

    But as others have said be direct. A simply approach is state "I'm not interested" ANy response she has you can keep repeating or variation of. Not interested, I'm just not, Not ready, etc... Like Subraman sometimes I'll play with them if they don't get the hint, but it's on my times of me having fun and she can either enjoy it or not.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Tell her "no habla ingles"
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    Tell her, "No, but thank you for asking!" with a smile.

    Polite. Short. Firm. Professional. Assertive.

    It is amazingly disarming. Everyone above is spot on about not appearing weak.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    Stage 1:
    "not tonight babe"
    "no thank you"
    "sorry Im not interested"
    "maybe later" (a lie, similar to how a stripper says she will be back and never is, only if a stripper marks you with her property will she be back)
    "I just got here"
    "I want to see who else is working tonight"

    stage 2:
    "your not my type"
    "I am not getting any dances from you"
    "you arent hot"

    stage 3: this ALWAYS works*
    "you can dance for me, but I wont pay you"

    *this once back fired, and a stripper lowered the $20 per song rate to $1 a song for me and I agreed to the new price, and she charged me $1 a song for 2 more visits to my SC until she changed to another SC around me, I only did 1 song each visit, I suspect it was because she was much older than me and thought I was attractive or something, or was just desperate and wanted to give a free-trial

    I've never tried asking for free-FS/free-extras to get rid of strippers, because if I am trying to get rid of her, johnny will be in coma and wont wake up if she says "you can do anything to me but kill me in VIP", and I wont put up with the drama of her making fun of my dick not going up, and me having to tell her she needs lipo, tummy tuck, lip injections, remove her BF's name from her mons pubis, and a boob job cuz her tits cover her belly button.
  • joomlalms
    8 years ago
    Thank you all, I feel more confident now, I'll be posting reviews very soon since I'm planning to visit synn COI and sahara.

    Some great advice giving and now I know exactly what to say and do.

    Thank you again.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Normally, anything said after "No, thank you" is said by the loser. In this case, that is her. You could just use this template:

    Her: wanna dance?
    You: No, thank you.
    Her: Why not? / Where are you from?
    You: I'm not buying any dances from you tonight.

    Then ignore anything else she says. Simple, direct. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that nor do you need to embellish if you don't want to. Ditto if the waitress asks you to buy the dancer a drink and you don't want to. :)
  • K
    8 years ago
    "No thank you. I'll find you if I change my mind. "

    "Maybe later" isn't always a lie.

    "i just got here and I'm not ready for a dance. Maybe later after I've had a chance to relax and see everyone."

  • bang69
    8 years ago
    Just tell her you have no money
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Dominic and I do the same thing -- he basically posted the script version of what I wrote, so it's clearly working for both of us. I DO do it with a smile and a bit more friendly ... for my initial decline, I do something very close to pensionking, warm smile and "no thanks, but thanks so much for asking" (if I'm SCing with my buddies, I then turn my head towards them and start talking -- conversation over)... if she starts asking questions, she gets straight talk, but with a smile.

    I think a number of us have found the same thing: don't passively sit there while a stripper leads the conversation, makes you feel uncomfortable or humiliates you or uses canned sales techniques to get you to the point where you're so uncomfortable you say yes. She's a 22-year-old in a bikini, with little formal sales training, and in many cases little formal schooling, she should not be out-thinking you or intimidating you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I think strippers try to capitalize on our innate or socially inbred nature to be polite and accommodating to strangers; especially in the case of a man towards a woman.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    The best answer in my opinion is maybe later.
    I've used that line over 120 times in under 2 hours at a wanna dance club before. I think I talked to almost every dancer in the club in under 2 hours. How's that for efficiency?
    Now if you want to play games or get rid of dancers just try the stuff above.
    I've had fun playing games telling dancers I just got here, ask me later. I said that for 2 hours or longer in one club until one dancer said, you told me that 2 hours ago. I just told her some bs like I thought it was only an hour ago. She walked away. I think. I haven't had too many problems with persistent dancers I'm not interested in lately.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Don't buy them any drinks and several will leave. Not all though.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @sharkhunter That is only if you are in a SC where dancers get commission for drinks. Of my 3 regular SCs, 2 are no alcohol, 1 has alcohol but no waiters/waitresses. At the alcohol SC, no commission for drinks, so dancers never ask you to buy them a drink, except once, some new girl after we spent 2 hours talking, wanted to do a round of shots. All alcohol comes from the bar with a bus boy walking around collecting empty glasses. Price was ~$22 a shot after tax. More than a LD. So my bill was $44. After the bill shock, and I never EVER do a tab. The bar tender got $44 from me, then he started whining about tips, the stripper told me "why are you stiffing my man?" and more bitching. I gave the bartender $1. After that the stripper and me away from the bar got into an argument over drinking alcohol at all (why are you here if you wont drink?), and I had to tell her she drank the LDs I was going to get from her and Im not buying any LDs from her tonight. Never saw her at the SC again :D
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I don't think dancers get any commission for drinks in my area. They just like either free drinks or dances so if you don't buy them anything, they walk away. Actually they would be stupid to sit and talk too long and not walk away if you aren't buying anything from them and the club is busy.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I have met some dancers who don't drink though. They tend to sit and talk longer even if I never offered to buy them any drink.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Tell her as far as she's concerned you are bar furniture and you don't exist....
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    As a newbie, don't lecture me!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    "You're not my type" is another good one.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Your retarded. If it takes 30 minutes for 1 stripper to come out, first off what the hell are you doing, just looking at a blank wall while music plays (actually not a bad idea when your super high) ? Second, why are you wasting time beating around the bush in that sort of scenario. Be blunt so the next slut can come out faster to suck your nut.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    @che LMAO I'm definitely using step 3
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I have said this at least a thousand times what kind of a grown man is intimidated by a teenage girl in her underwear, if you need a strategy to get rid of girls why not just go to a drugstore and buy a box of Manpons.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Yes, twenty-five's often repeated advice often replays in my head when I read posts like the OP's (from him and others) again and again on here. How do you guys manage to hands wives when you can't even handle dancers?
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