
Stripper Lies (From PLs)

They never tell you what you need to know.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:40 AM
Some of you are married some are not. Some openly admit you're married to strippers some do not. What are some things in your personal life that you hide from strippers, and things that you do in your personal life to hide your stripper obsession? - When a stripper is in my car, I disable the Bluetooth. That's all I need is a call from a family member when I'm driving a stripper around. - Very rarely bring my phone into the club. Not only am I paranoid I'll lose it but do not want to butt dial anyone. - I have never messed around with a stripper within a 75 mile radius of my home. That rule may be different if I wasn't able to travel so much (for work and personal). - A few years ago I stopped telling my stripper stories to my friends and never talk about it anymore. That's all I need is for one of my buddies to share a story with his wife one night he's drunk and it gets back to mine.


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    - I generally don't talk about politics at all, since I'm unlikely to have a lot in common politically with most strippers. If I do talk about politics, it'll be about a topic they bring up and that I"m sure we're aligned on. - I don't discuss my wackier, nerdier hobbies Hmmm, I can't think of others but I'm sure there's more. Shailynn, definitely understand about accidentally butt-dialing or accidentally answer a call coming in. But at this point, I consider the phone too convenient and vital a safety device to do without. I simply have it on me all the time, in whatever jacket I brought with me (which comes with me everywhere, including the bathroom, and lapdances, so I can't misplace it). I'd put it on airplane mode or even turn it off if I had to, but I wouldn't be without it.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I give them my real first name, I am not Vince. I don't give them my last name, I don't need the drama. I generally don't give too many details about my life or where I live. These days with the contentious race for the President, I'll ask who they support and if they don't like my preference, too bad. It's conversation.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I don't talk about clubbing with many people One friend that I've known for many years, we do talk, but I've learned not to discuss clubbing with him at a sports-related club we belong to, too many times he starts discussing details in front of some of the women members of our club.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Oh I almost forgot - last name, yeah that's pretty significant. I once did OTC with a stripper for 3 years and she never knew or ever asked for my last name. Kinda weird.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Ah! That reminds me, I have a stripper name, I don't give them my real first name ... I never ask them what their real name is, but if we get close enough that they volunteer it, I'll give them my real name, too. The stripper name thing is a holdover from decades ago, when I used to SC while I was married. One day I was talking with a stripper, and it turns out my wife (then-girlfriend) and I were partying at a dance club, and left maybe half an hour before this stripper (accompanied by a few other strippers from this SC) arrived. Then, as I spoke more, I realized lots of strippers partied in that same area, that same group of clubs where my wife and I partied a lot, which meant I could conceivably run into them. Paranoia took over, and sound thinking or not, I decided that if a drunk stripper spotted me and shouted out my name, if they called out the wrong name, at least I could play that off somehow and make an exit. I also subtly moved our social life to a different area :) Anyway, no reason not to use my real name anymore, and frankly my whole theory above is shakey and the result of panicked thinking... but partially out of habit, and partially because the fact that neither of us know each others' real name appeals to my sense of fairness, I still use a stripper name
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I'm single thus don't have to take too many precautions - as others I've found it futile talking to non-hobbyists about my SCing so I don't talk about-it. The only precautions I take are being careful about where I place my $$$ so it won't be stolen by a stripper
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Actual full name undisclosed. I have a stripper name myself.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    it's nice being divorced.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    As far as the strippers go, most I give my burner app phone #. Also, I'll say I stay in a city which is between our two cities (I have to travel 90 minutes to the strip club). And I try to not disclose that I like gambling alot. Other than that I keep it real. With friends, family, and colleagues it remains a mystery. I'll say Im doing something else in that city and because I'm separated I don't have to worry about a spouse concern. There is a close friend I tell all to. He knows when I go and when I fall into some OTC, but he doesn't run his mouth about it to anyone.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    I have a consistent fake name. If you find yourself talking about too many real details you are giving up a lot of information to women who are in a hustle industry. Hustle a hustler, don't be hustled.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I imagine jackslash would say "I never give up my recipies."
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Other than telling strippers that I am waiting for some one, I really have no reason to lie to them and actually that is not a lie. I'm waiting for some one other than her. :) My kids know about my clubbing and like to tease me about it. I don't discuss it with any one else.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    No outright lies, other than like shadow, waiting on someone. Otherwise maybe lies of omissions and lies obvious in jest.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    Nothing to hide....so I give my real name and act the way I would anywhere else I guess the one exception is that my fav once asked me what do I think of the club she works in. Then she asked me do I ever write a review and I lied about that But besides that....I'm 100% genuine
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    1] Cash Only 2] I do not use my real name 3] Do not discuss myself other than in vague terms(I don't lie but I don't give any personal information) 4] Do not use my cell phone, give out my number, address, or even my home town 5] Tip those who need to be tipped to make your visit exceptional. 6] Do not club close to home(easy since there are no clubs close and the closest are not worth the cover) 7] Let her talk about her, usually her favorite subject 8] Did I say Cash Only 9] Never argue or make trouble, always be polite (if she is trying to rip you off politely get away from her) 10] Stay sober 11] Get prices up front 12] Cash Only
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I have strippers as family law clients so most know my name, profession and office address. I always bring in my phone. Everyone I meet knows I am happily married within 10 minutes of meeting me. I always talk politics with lefties and the young because I like people who weren't there telling me how thongs were back in the day. That is in addition to the fact that the more "diverse" and m]\"multicultural" one claims to be t he fact is that they are more narrow minded and bigoted in actuality. As far as keeping my activities from my wife? After getting annihilated at dinner with friends friday night they all went home and we drove 40 miles to fondle naked ladies and get massages from Leah. Wife only asked her to marry her twice though.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    "- When a stripper is in my car, I disable the Bluetooth. That's all I need is a call from a family member when I'm driving a stripper around." I once got a call from a SO ITC infront of my fav, just said told my SO I was in a regular nightclub (she knew I went "clubbing"). It was a weekday, and no DJ, so it was just music, no stage name rotation announcements or plugs for the SC. "- Very rarely bring my phone into the club. Not only am I paranoid I'll lose it but do not want to butt dial anyone." Will die of boredom without my phone. Also I dont wear a watch, so I need to know the time. "- I have never messed around with a stripper within a 75 mile radius of my home. That rule may be different if I wasn't able to travel so much (for work and personal)." The traffic is so bad around me it takes 40-50 mins to get to SC central in my city, yet its only 11 miles away. Nobody lives around me except immigrants and seniors. No kids, no teenagers, no young adults (strippers). I wish I lived closer to SC central. "A few years ago I stopped telling my stripper stories to my friends and never talk about it anymore. That's all I need is for one of my buddies to share a story with his wife one night he's drunk and it gets back to mine." I only share with ppl that worked as sex workers, or bought from sex workers. I am very limited about revealing my real name. I wont tell her unless I want OTC, and only after a ITC VIP trip that confirms the OTC experience will be what I want it to be.
  • Htxx
    8 years ago
    I don't give a fuck. I usually give the ones I like my business card and tell them to call me for OTC
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Cool story bro
  • K
    8 years ago
    I don't lie much. I just don't volunteer information and I don't answer questions. if you lie, you need to remember the lie. Information I hold back? My full name until I know them well. My address. My company name.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "Of course I won't cum in your mouth"
  • azdd
    8 years ago
    My SC life is very compartmentalized from my real life, with few exceptions. I use my real first name. I don't hide my last name from trusted favorites, but it really never comes up. I've known my ATF for 17 years, and I do t know whether she knows my full name or not, it's just not an issue. I don't share a lot about my job or family unless I'm talking to a trusted favorite. Most of my convos are about sports, music, movies, club drama, and other dancers. I seldom club in my own town. I don't mind telling dancers where I'm from, and even use it as an icebreaker to signal her of my interest in extras or OTC. I just tell them that I have to fly under the radar at home, and that all of my "playtime" is when I travel.
  • gothamyte
    8 years ago
    good thread i don't tell dancers my actual first name. that feels way too weird for me. i don't get how i'm supposed to reveal my actual name to a person who's using a stage name. and it feels even weirder when somehow a dancer gets my real first name and uses it on me. (because i do give out my real phone number to a select few and every once in awhile, for some damned reason my actual name pops up on certain cell phones / cell phone plans. so a dancer will see that and realize my real name.) and i especially hate it when a dancer finds out my real name and then corrects other dancers who still call me by my fake name--in front of me!! i'll see two dancers who've known me for a while, both approach me at the same time, one'll be like, "hi gothamyte" the other will be like "hi luke skywalker" and then they'll both look at each other. i usually take my cell phone with me to jot down strip club songs that i like that's playing. surprised other folks aren't into that. man, sometimes they be playing great music at the strippies. i'll write down the lyrics as i can get em or the chorus and google it later. i don't tell a dancer what i do for a living. if so, i try to make up some low-paying job so they don't expect a big tip. tell em you work on computers or work at a law firm or dress like you work somewhere important, they could hit you up for more monies or they'll ask you to help em with computers, or help them sue a neighbor etc for free. i'll tell em i'm working on a mix tape. that'll get me left alone.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i'm quite truthful to the girls. maybe too truthful.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I understand you guys who don't talk about it amongst your friends, etc. I am lucky in that I have a decent-sized clique of friends who SC with me, I often SC with a group of us, and we all know to keep our traps shut about it. In a way it makes the experience more fun, and is practically cathartic, to have someone to talk to about this part of my life... which, I imagine, is why people post on forums. I do not talk about SCing with any of the larger group of friends who don't SC. I'm not married and so I'm not worried about getting caught or anything, but there's just no good that can come of it. Many guys will mention it to their wives, and now the wife doesn't trust me and doesn't want my buddy hanging out with me as much, or whatever. So, you're either in the circle of trust, or out
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"i usually take my cell phone with me to jot down strip club songs that i like that's playing. surprised other folks aren't into that. man, sometimes they be playing great music at the strippies." I'm almost ashamed to admit it -- I'm always soundhound'ing songs at the strip club, and my phone is full of songs I heard there first. I like the music at most of the clubs I go to
  • caskel
    8 years ago
    Occasionally I'll go clubbing with a black friend of mine from college. He never had a steady favorite dancer. When the dancers invariably ask his name, he almost always answered, "Lewis Hamilton." (Multi - time F1 Racing champion with about $40 million annual salary.) Most dancers don't know who that is. I warned him, as soon as some dancer knows that name, you may have a problem. Sure enough, some dancer called him on his shit and became his steady. At least they have one common interest outside the club.
  • azdd
    8 years ago
    For those that use their phones to track music in clubs, you need the app Shazam. It listens to music and identifies it for you. Very useful tool for older PLs that are not otherwise connected to current music. I get songs I like and use them for my OTC soundtracks. I also use my phone to track spending and dancer names. I really don't get the concern about giving them your first name. I have enough secrets to keep straight without knowing which name I answer to!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Shazam = same type of thing as Soundhound... I'd be lost without it :)
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    I tell them that I work for a private group doing deliveries and/or collections on an as needed basis. If pressed, I tell them, "You don't want to know the guys I work for -- it would make you uncomfortable. Believe me, you don't wanna know more about me. Tell me about you." That pretty much ends the probing questions.
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