
Street Ho Hustle

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 11:58 AM
Got chatted up while pumping gas. She had a good line and her hustle was really convincing, hell it might have even been true. Her pitch came from every angle and addressed all kinds of humanity. She sang, she prayed, she pleaded and begged. I usually don't do handouts, but she was really working it, so I gave her 20- and wished her luck, then she got into her Mercedes and drove off.


  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    You must be in a low rent neighborhood. Last time I got hustled pumping gas, she drove off in a Ferrari.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    :) SJG
  • joomlalms
    8 years ago
    really? damn... I remember when I was new in this country, I use to give money to the homeless until I saw one with a cellphone, and I thought, damn I can't even afford a cellphone right now and this mofucker has one. Since that day I stopped helping people.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    One time I gave a guy a five. His sign, "No lie, I just want some beer."
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Down by the airport in Miami before a trip back to Detroit I stopped at Micky D's to eat. On the way back outside to my rental car, this gorgeous Latina waylaid me with the pitch " I need a ride ". I really wanted to help her, but I thought, she just might be the lure to a street holdup at her dropoff. I turned her down, regrettably and continued to Miami International airport. :(
  • s88
    8 years ago
    I just start asking the bum for a $1 back, I say I have no job, I need weed and strippers, and "I know you got a dollar, help a man out", and I start walking after him begging him for $. The bums think im a junkie and literally run from me down the block.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    In West Palm on Military Trail there is a guy standing at the light every afternoon that probably weighs over 350 pounds and he holds up a sign that says "I'm hungry please help me".
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    Well ...we all try our best. Speaking of bad experiences, one evening a guy stopped me at a subway asking for 2 bucks for the train...I refused. After 1 hour I see the same guy a few blocks away asking another person for 2 bucks .."It's for the train..." I took pity on the fact that nobody had given him 2 bucks for the past 1 hour And I fished out 5 bucks lightening fast and gave him saying "how long have you been asking man, go home..." I then turn around and walk a few steps , he walks into Walgreens and looks at me with no expression. I was crestfallen, but I realize nobody asks you for something if they don't want it. Just count them 20s .....when she comes asking :)
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    When you give a bum money, you don't become GOD and make a moral judgement on how he spends it. I'm assume, of course, that you knew he was a panhandler...?
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @ThereAndBackAgain NYC is like a SC, anyone who says hi to you wants your $$$$. Anyone who asks you for $$$$, has a hustle, and standing on the street asking for $$$$ is their only job. Never give cash. You can give away a farecard swipe from off your unlimited card in the metro, but dont give cash. All they gonna do is buy newports or dope with it.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    vm, I had a similar one about a year ago. It was after 10 PM and I was in a bank parking lot waiting for security. I had seen this looker, at least from a distance, ask other passing through the drive up ATM line. After a few times, I also noticed (I observe well) that when the bank customer counted their money, she would only approach those that had spent a bit more time counting. After I had been there about 1/2 an hour, she approached my vehicle. I always keep it running while waiting. Anyway, after what I had seen, I didn't trust the situation, but she looked real nice up close, so I decided to indulge her. Her story was that her car was broken down in the parking garage and she needed a ride "home", a couple of miles. Then I thought, why would she approach me? I had driven through the drive up, but didn't use the ATM. I also know that bad guys can be smart and they would need a very attractive woman to pull off this scheme. It HAS happened before. Of course I declined and told her I was waiting for security. Somehow, she decide to leave and walk home, I guess. There are so many schemes out there!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    To Clubber I saw a similar thing one afternoon in a gas station I was filling up gas cans for use on a project we were involved with and noticed this very attractive woman only approaching guys who went in the C store to pay none that were paying at the pump figuring that the ones paying inside were cash customers anyway after a few she walked across the street and got back in a car with 3 young dudes guess she wasn't getting any takers so they left for greener pastures.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I can top all of you guys. One day I was walking down the street in NYC....
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Here's my story: I was at the Sunoco gas station near my local Microcenter. My wife was in the car I was out pumping gas. Out of the corner of my eye I see a young woman come around the gas pump on the other side of the barricade/pylon. She was young, pale white, average height, slim, dirty blonde hair that was wavy and damaged from perms. She had her hands pulled back into her sleeves. She wore short, rough denim shorts. She tried to speak but at first I didn't understand her since I wasn't really paying attention to her. She spoke softly and trembled a lot. She spoke softly again. I responded, "what?" By now she was trembling ever more and walked erratically towards me. "I r-r-ran out of gas. I don't have any money. C-c-can you h-h-help me?" Now she was stepping towards me, then way, back and forth. Something inside me said 'something is wrong here.' "No one will even talk to me and I don't understand why?" Internally I figure this is 80% scam and maybe 20% chance it's legit. She looks over at a burgundy red, old, sun faded '90s chevy S-10 Blazer SUV parked at a gas pump on the other side of the gas station. Inside is a young man about the same age as her (late teens, early twenties). Dude is looking at me but looks away. Immediately I know what's up. They went out, didn't check the gas gauge and ran out of gas, have no money, and can't get home. The *this sackless, spineless piece of ..* man instead of sacking up and beg himself, no, this coward sends out his girlfriend or wife probably figuring that strangers would be more likely help out (1) a lone, stranded woman than help out (2) a couple or (3) a dude who should have planed ahead. Standards for this are different for able-bodied men than women, sorry. Clearly the woman is scared out of her mind. I'm livid that the guy did this to his girl. Back to her last question: "No one will even talk to me and I don't understand why?" I decide to give her an education, so I answer her, truthfully and ruthlessly. "Honey, they're probably trying to figure out if you're a hooker or a drug addict." She's learned her lesson. I take her inside with the attendant. We stand in line behind 2 customers while she endures the most uncomfortable 2 minutes of her life. I prepay 2 gallons of gas for her. She says, "T-t-that's it??!?" I make eye contact, lean towards her, then crack a wry, half smile, "that's all you get sweetheart. Head straight home." I get back into the car and tell the wife what happened. She can't stop ROTFLing. I deliberately drive by the young couple and she points and they both glare angrily at me. Lol! Education: see, the better it is . . . the more it costs. And today she paid, dearly. ;)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^^ when I write "she points" -- near the end -- I mean the young woman and not my wife. At least the dude was out pumping ... my $6 in gas .. into their SUV. So at least he wasn't completely useless and didn't make her do that.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Moral: I bet she never, ever runs out of gas again. ;)
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