Fucking doormen.(not literally).

avatar for bvino
I am putting this here as I don't think you can review a place you did not stay in. I went into my usual ( Criket in Dearborn heights Michigan) and was thrown a major curve. They have a new doorman and he is a total asshole. Dayshift booths are free and have been for, at least, the past two years. He asks if he can show me to a V.I.P booth for a tip and I agreed. When we get to the booth I offer him $3.00 and he says he can't take anything less than $10.00 for the booth. I said I would pass and sit at the bar. I went into the men's room and when I came out he was hustling a newbie who fell for it. I decided to walk out. On my way out I saw a manager who I know. I asked him if they were charging for booths now and he said "No" I told him what happened and he offered me a booth . I was so pissed I left with my $500.00 and went elsewhere. Has anybody else ran into this clown? I will wait awhile before I return here. I'll pay the tariff if there is one but this hustle is demeaning and petty. I hope someone from Criket reads this and acts accordingly . I already have.


last comment
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
What a assclown! Thanks for the heads up.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
bvino: ya, I sympathize, hate when the bouncers pull together their own hustles. This seems to happen far more on nightshift than dayshift...

Anyway, I'm always more cautious on nightshift, becuase I don't go often enough to understand the "unwritten rules", but on dayshift, I ALWAYS refuse any offer to show me to a booth. Then, I walk over to whatever booth I want, and sit there. If I'm one of few people in the place, even if the booth has "reserved" or whatever on it, unless the booth/table is in a special VIP area, I simply take the sign, put it on the chair next to me, and sit there. I'm not sneaky or anything while I do this, I just act like I own the place and know my own value. So far, never been called on it.

I would definitely not dream of doing that on nightshift. And, in clubs where there are special cordoned-off areas for VIPs, those are almost always enforced, and I do avoid those areas. But in many clubs, the bouncers just randomly sprinkle "reserved" signs throughout the main floor tables & booths, just a hustle that they rarely enforce on slow dayshifts
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
larrythefisherman - "What a assclown! Thanks for the heads up."

Really, like your faggot ass is going to be in the Criket anytime soon?

bvino - that sucks, the one thing nice about Criket is I don't think I have ever been charged a cover there, so I would think the typical customer would expect to NOT be charged to sit in a booth. Hell Cricket doesn't even have valet charges as well, so a lot of PLs see it as a pretty good value.
avatar for Timex345
8 years ago
Last Saturday I had a similar experience with poor customer service.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
You are never going to fuck a stripper this way. Don't you know that you have to grease the bouncers to get the girls to spread their legs. Even the newbie got that right.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Where's the link to Rickys thread on how he greases bouncers?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Yeah - strip-clubs can often be filled w/ douches from managers to DJs to even the valet punk; unfortunately it's sorta the nature of the beast but IMO one should stand-up for their rights as a spending custy to not be treated any ole way a particular SC chooses to - in SCs everyone is out for themselves and *their* money from manager to bouncer to dancers to bathroom troll; as a custy one needs to be their best-advocate and look out for themselves and their best interest lest they get fucked and not in a good way - SCs and the people in them are gonna look out for themselves and *their* best interest, custies need to be cognizant of looking out for themselves also and not let themselves be pushed around and ripped-off/taken-advantage-of.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Some of you guys give rickdugan an undeserved hard time about greasing bouncers. I have never met him but we have both experienced the same behavior from the bouncers at the Goldrush in Atlanta. If you don't "Tip" the bouncer $20 you can forget about any privacy/extras in VIP. I don't go there anymore because I get treated good at my favorite club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Tipping the VIP bouncer I think it's pretty-much standard procedure at most SCs, as well as the VIP waitress, it pretty-much isn't optional and is more of a shakedown since
IMO they aren't really providing you w/ a service you want nor asked for
avatar for JohnDough
8 years ago
And the manager was like "BYE FELICIA"
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
In my experience I always tip double what the stripper recommends unless there's a mandatory fee.

If a stripper say $5 I give him $10, it's amazing how far an extra $5 or $10 can go. Sometimes I think "damn strippers says $5, I am going to give this guy $10, I'd give him $30 to guarantee we will be left alone and to come notify me in time if there's a club raid!!!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"... it's amazing how far an extra $5 or $10 can go ..."

What do you mean - he doesn't have to be looking-in in the first-place - it's a shakedown not a favor he's doing.
avatar for clubdude
8 years ago
Lately (if he's the same doorman) I'm told that I can sit in a booth, but he might have to move me if a regular comes in. It struck me strange since the bartender gets my drink without asking.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
"What do you mean - he doesn't have to be looking-in in the first-place - it's a shakedown not a favor he's doing."

Papi - what I meant was this:

I have been to Criket and it clearly sounds like what bvino went through was a shakedown of some sorts by a rogue doorman/bouncer.

What I meant by an extra $5 or $10 is... Many clubs in Detroit it is expected but not required to tip the VIP attendant when going back to do some lapdances. I have never gone back, EVER without tipping some money to these guys. Almost all of them are nice. Anyway when going back I'll ask the stripper I'm with "refresh my memory how much am I supposed to tip this guy?" and if they say "oh just give him $5, I'll give him $10," and I'm always left alone.
avatar for s88
8 years ago

"The one and only time a bouncer asked to be greased for VIP room at my regular SC, I asked him what did he do earn it? he stared at me with pleading eyes, I told him, I only tip strippers, he turned around and left. He disappeared after a month. Good riddance."

I'll add this, if a bouncer comes between a stripper and her $, she will make him scoot. Ask the bouncer if he will let you into VIP area or not, point blank. If he says no, tell the stripper you cant get dances because of the bouncer being difficult and her to talk to him, then walk away back to main floor/stage. He wont get his tipout from the stripper that night, or she quits that SC in a day or 2, or hell, that night.

Remember the SC is a business, the price is the price. If they wont sell you anything without a tip, they clearly dont want your $ in the first place.

SC staff like cook up crazy schemes to make more $ than their wages. Sell drugs ITC, sell alcohol in a dry SC, demand tips from everyone who isn't a regular, lie about drink prices then demand a tip. Me as a customer, be happy you have a job, if you dont like it, QUIT. Live within your means. That goes for me too. I have NEVER gotten any extras or special treatment for months of tips. I dont tip anymore. Tips are meaningless unless "tips" are a euphemism for negotiated extras. If you tip SC staff, they look at you as a mark. They will tell each other you are loaded, and you will have a tip parade of waitresses, male staff, and "hostess" circling and hounding you for tips. Like fucking hobos asking for a $1, and they dont strip. Best solution is, dont tip.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
RickyBoy may have a System for it.
avatar for Htxx
8 years ago
I haven't met the "new guy" yet, so thanks for the heads up.. Always got along with who I thought was the regular door guy, always cool to me. Short hair, older, tat on a forearm...
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i thought this crap only happens in vegas.
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