
From SW: Stripper mistakes

Car key and wallet dating your sister

Our friends on SW having a discussion about "hustle mistakes" strippers make. Any you particularly agree or disagree with? What would you add? Some of the mistakes being cited are things we complain about on tuscl, too, so this won't be my usual "mock SW" thread.

wellidontknowwho-->"there's this one dancer I knew that used to always tell her life story to gain sympathy thinking she would make more money that way. BIG MISTAKE. no guy in a club wants to hear your drama he wants someone to listen to his. "

I'm a little surprised at this one. My sense in that it's not true that "no guy" wants to hear your drama, but that the older white knight types eat this kind of stuff up. My guess is that the stripper in question may be putting herself into a small niche, but it's probably a lucrative one when she hooks a white knight.

charlie61-->"This might sound silly, but lots of the dancers at work spend their time on the floor sitting down in chairs next to customers, and often slouching. I try to always have my full body on display so that I'm hustling the person I'm talking to AND anyone else who might be watching me. I'll lean forward onto the table and sometimes lean onto a chair"

Damn straight. The strippers may not realize it, but we're watching and clocking them at all times. I don't know how many times a stripper first grabbed my attention while she was bending over a table -- straight legs, arched back, and all -- asking another PL for a dance.

Tourdefranzia-->"I think the biggest hustle mistake most dancers make is hustling the wrong customer. If you can't gain rapport within a song or two, give it up and move on. I see dancers sitting at customer's tables and they are both staring off into space. Ladies, we need to connect with our customers, even on the most superficial levels. If you've got nothing to talk about after "So, what's your name?" you need to move on so that the customer can find a girl that suits his needs. "

I agree with almost everything Tourdefranzia says, so no surprise, I agree with this. I don't get the "just sit here and not say anything" girls

NicoRico-->"I watched approach customers with the cringe worthy "want a dance?" And "would you like some company?" I NEVER say those things. I talk to each guy like we are very best friends and he is in on some glorious secret with me."

Just reading this, I'm about to paypal NicoRico $20

NicoRico-->"Later in the same shift I'm sitting with a customer and she comes over and starts arguing with him because he gave her 2 $20 funny money bills and she's really angry and saying "MY dances are $25" he paid her, but seriously, I work hard to make guys come back to the club. When you up charge guys and then yell at them they will never want to come back. I have regulars and I cultivate them and girls like this scare them away! "

Did I say $20? I"m ready to paypal NicoRico $100 :)

charlie61-->"I got a half hour with someone the other night after they said "you know, I always get dances with X, but she hasn't even come up to say hello to me tonight." I literally made a new, lucrative regular just because this other girl either didn't recognize her customer or couldn't be bothered to say hello to him while he waited for her. That's a serious mistake. Even if I'm busy with another customer, I always acknowledge my regulars. It's so easy to excuse yourself for a moment, pretend to go tell the DJ something or make a trip to the DR, and on your way back, stop to say hi to your regular plus a little line like "I just have a little business to take care of before I can focus on our pleasure...I'll be with you in just a few minutes! Is that okay?" Or whatever. "

charlie61 killing it here. OF FUCKING COURSE. I can't understand girls who just ignore their regulars instead of at least acknowledging them. We've been complaining about this very behavior on tuscl recently


  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    These strippers seem like they know how we want to be treated.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    They seem like it in the parts of the thread I pulled out. If you read more of charlie61's posts on SW, for example, you'd pretty much hate her. On the other hand, tourdefranzia seems like a genuinely cool chick. This is the first time I've seen "NicoRico", but definitely picking up what she's laying down
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I just wrote about an experience under the "waiting game" thread by chessmaster.


    I wish the girl I had been waiting on had seen this advice from charlie61.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I like charlie61, but I haven't read SW regularly in months...that NicoRico girl seems worth checking into, though.

    Pretty much all stripper mistakes come down to not being considerate/respectful of customers. Nice to see some of them actually know that.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    There's the obvious ones: bad breath or reeking of cigarettes.

    I agree the life story pity hustle should be saved for White Knights. I'm happy to talk to strippers about their situations, but it makes me friend zone them a bit. Minimally it doesn't arouse me to hear about a dancer's kid.

    Not touching me. Doesn't have to be straddling and grinding, but a hand on my hand, arm, shoulder or leg sets the mood.

    Because it's such a common excuse, most girls don't check back later when I say "I just got here, maybe later".

    Not even bothering to "wanna dance" me. If there's 10 customers and a girl is sitting by herself, she should at least bother to approach all the guys.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think the downside of a girl acting user into a customer right away is the trap where we have a couple songs of good conversation. She finally brings up dances and I tell her no (because she's not my type).

    A lot of dancers don't know how to flirt. The best ones get me hard on the floor, and it doesn't have to be from grabbing my junk.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ I'm sure some nights there are so many guys that they can't please them all. I have the same issue in my line of work, I can't always appease everyone so I do a priority list and go after the biggest fish or the customers I know will repeat the most.

    Still, like it's been said, some girls need to at least awknowledge the PL as that often doesn't take much effort.

    I like how the one contributor said "guys want to tell strippers about their problems not listen to yours." Lol. I don't want to hear about any problems - yours or mine. Just say something to make me forget about my mundane day is all I'm looking for at times.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I actually like the “would you like some company” line – me thinks it’s a simple effective way for dancers and custies that do wanna spend time w/ each other – a simple “yes/sure” or “I’m good right now” is enough to not waste either party’s time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A lot of dancers are young and inexperienced and not the sharpest tool in the shed – so IMO one should not be taken by surprise at how many of them act/carry-themselves (not too mention many have had very unstable backgrounds or may currently be in very unstable circumstances).

    Additionally – I doubt many clubs do any type of training – may sound dumb, but taking 2-hours to train a dancer on how they should act and treat custies seems like a small-investment that can pay dividends – a lot of young dancers don’t seem to genuinely have a clue.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    ^^^ what a novel idea. A strip club orientation. So long as they get the right person to indoctrinate them it would be win-win for the stripper and the club. Hell, I'd offer my services as a moonlighting possibility
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I was reading the SW thread up to post #10 then I felt a headache coming on. Like I was losing brain cells or something. Next time, I'll just stick to the cliffnotes the OP actually posts
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    this was on the first page of the thread the OP linked to (I only go through half of the first page before I decided to quit reading further)

    wellidontknowwho said: "another one. this girl was obviously around 40 y/o but not in a good way. she walked like a dude hunched over, talked like a dude, reeked of smoke, and tried to sell a BJ for 10$ to anyone she walked up to. another big mistake she made as I constantly over heard her convos with a customer, she would start out talking about prices in the club for dances and rooms. bad idea."

    I personally feel otherwise. If she talks like a dude that's viewpoint. But if she looks like a chick and has a decent body, I would not mind taking her up on $10 BJs ALL NIGHT. Hell. She'll make $100 off of me in an hour. And the fact that she immedietely lets you know the prices. Like I said, if she looks like a woman and is at least a 6, I'm her #1 customer for a while.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Estafador: Yes, I'm providing a service, here :)

    Here's another one:

    ScarlettKitten-->"Taking too long to get to the guy who tipped me onstage. He actually made it rain on me. I got off stage, put all the money in my locker, and went back to the floor. I wanted to get to the guy who made it rain, but this other guy wanted dances from me immediately. So I figured the made-it-rain guy was going to be there a while (BAD mistake!) and went to give dances to the other customer. By the time I got back to the guy who made it rain (must have been 30 minutes later), he and his crew were leaving! FUCK! And he wanted to take me to VIP. I wanted to kick myself. "

    I've seen several threads on tuscl from guys complaining about this, so again, good point here. This whole thing doesn't resonate with me ... I don't "make it rain", and if I want the girl on stage, instead of just tipping her, I'll ask her to come see me when she comes off, so there's no guessing on the stripper's part... and because I'm at the tip rail, I can interact with her *before* the guy who is waiting to grab her offstage. Still, a number of tuscl guys seem to take the more passive "I'll tip her, and that should be enough for her to know I'm interested", so good idea for the girls to pursue big stage tippers
  • s88
    9 years ago
    @JamesSD "Because it's such a common excuse, most girls don't check back later when I say "I just got here, maybe later"."

    That is my standard excuse. Just once ever a dancer came back and said "youve been saying that to all the girls tonight, we are about to close, so are we going to do a dance?". Saying "no" alone seems rude to a stripper for "wanna dance?". I dont have any better lines than "not now, maybe later".

    >I think the downside of a girl acting user into a customer right away is the trap where we have a couple songs of good conversation. She finally brings up dances and I tell her no (because she's not my type).

    Ive had this situation come up. Awesome talker, absolutely not for dances. I'll compensate her a lil for her talk time, but a dance is worthless from her. How do I not seem like an asshole for wasting her time talking and not getting a dance, or just slip her a $5 and tell her to go have fun the rest of her night at the end of the convo? This is at SCs with no alcohol and no dancer drink hustle. The dancer must keep her own flask in her bag.

    wellidontknowwho said: "another one. this girl was obviously around 40 y/o but not in a good way. she walked like a dude hunched over, talked like a dude, reeked of smoke, and tried to sell a BJ for 10$ to anyone she walked up to. another big mistake she made as I constantly over heard her convos with a customer, she would start out talking about prices in the club for dances and rooms. bad idea."

    I've never had the door staff/cover cashier voluntarily ask me "have you been here before?" or explain the prices at the SC. On TUSCL, I've read negative reviews where customers didn't the prices or policies of the SC, and got into debt, and bouncers were called and drama and asked to leave. In some SC sitting on your lap at the cocktail table, grinding at the bar or sitting and grinding at your table is dancer freebies in expectation/investment of heavy spending on other things (round of shots for table, dancer drinks, VIP room, LD room, etc). If you goto a SC that CHARGES for sitting on, or grinding at the cocktail table, IE "table lapdance", and you dont know you were racking up charges, then there is drama when the stripper wants payment.

    The stripper who asks "have you ever been here before?" and explains the prices is saving the ass of the SC management. It also lets me know what I can buy within what budget, when a dancer I want comes by, and I know that dancer can't overcharge me because 1st dancer gave me the prices. You can also ask "here are prices" dancer is touching allowed in VIP or not, bottoms on or off, and what the minimum expectations are of the club. If its a tits touching always allowed VIP room, and the dancer knocks off you hands each time, you can stop the dance and confront her. If shes a newbie "customers are disgusting, only my husband can touch me" dancer you can confront her behavior (and I bet she will be gone in 3 weeks, like I've seen new fresh meat no touching dancers disappear after a couple shifts), instead of needing to go through 5 different dancers and the VIP room to get an average.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    That last paragraph assumes the first stripper tells the truth.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Miss_Red--->"This guy and his friend had been sitting at a table, not tipping at the rack, for maybe an hour at that point. The guy's friend ended up getting a half an hour with the girl he liked, and the gentleman asking about XXX said he would have gotten one too if she'd stayed, but he wasn't interested in any of the other girls so he left. Money walking out of the club, and all because she:

    -Left early
    -Didn't talk to the guys not sitting at the rack.

    This is an awesome lesson to me, because I've done both these things a lot. Especially the second one. I assume that guys who don't come to the rack during my set don't care for me, but that's dumb and I've got to stop that negative thinking. Who knows how much money I'm walking away from doing that. "------>

    I assume "the rack" is the tip rail, wherever Miss_Red is. I think Miss Red is obviously right. But I am actually AMAZED there are strippers who don't understand that some customers dislike going to the tip rail; hell, at the clubs I go to, a lot of the guys with money almost never approach the tip rail. Maybe different club cultures...
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    If I'm at the rail, I'm often not interested in buying dance right away.
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