An honest, trustworthy stripper?

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Has anyone ever had a stripper who did something in their relationship that reflected no greed, dishonesty or selfishness? How about doing something that was selfless or surprisingly honest? That's a serious question. Some days it seems like we have nothing but distaste and disdain for everything about our strippers except their bodies.

One example for me. A while back the DS asked me for extra money for a medical issue. I asked for advice and almost everybody here yelled ROB. I was suspicious despite my respect for this girl because of strippers' reputations, but I withheld judgment. I told her I would see what I could do for her. When she never mentions it again I brought it up a couple of weeks later and said that I could help her now. She said thanks but she got her insurance to cover 90% of the cost so she no longer needed any extra money from me.


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avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I am not sure if these are what you are looking for. Also these are small potatoes $$-wise.

+ She claimed she did 5 dances; I thought 6; I paid 6; she gave me $$ back; I wouldn't accept, so we compromised and bought a round of drinks with it.

+ She continues to offer increasing mileage, knowing full well I won't take it (e.g., breast fondling and nipple sucking). Though I think that is more of a hustle technique than selflessness. She's trying to keep a spender in the seat, I'm guessing.

+ She says she feels bad about the $$ I spend only on her and should spend it on some of the other dancers in the club, since business is slow. That could be a hustling technique too to keep me from getting bored with her.

+ Not a stripper, but rather a bartender/waitress from years ago (1999 or 2001?). I told a dancer on dayshift that she can order anything to drink, so being a young blonde, and trying to pitch herself as being high class, she orders champagne. I agree. I'd never ordered it before (dancer and I are both about 21 years old, so we're idiots), so I didn't know it wasn't like wine (can't re-cork the bottle) so you need to buy the whole bottle. Waitress didn't seem to know either (it was a dive, so I doubt it was ordered much). So the waitress comes back and says, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that champagne is only sold by the bottle, since we can't recork it. But the bar says we'll still sell you a glass, but only change you the mixed drink price. The dancer did end up drinking 2 glasses but I was happy to not have to pay the full freight for the bottle ($100+ ??_). That was refreshing.

I still offer the dancers *anything* to drink, but so far, no dancer since that one time, has asked for champagne on me. ;)
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
John, my advice is that you cannot trust a young girl on drugs. Half your money is probably going to a drug dealer. She maybe nicer than nice, but paying her extra to love you and adore you ain't gunna work.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Beauty is a depreciating asset that is best rented or leased. Time to trade in the Audi A7 for a BMW 640i. ;) At least the BMW isn't punching digits into a phone like the Audi was. :D
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Anyway, my example was when I was going back to VIP with sweetie, and I tripped on some loose carpet. I was just a little buzzed, but she was convinced I was too drunk to enjoy lap dances, so she walked me to a seat and got me some water.
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
Yes john it can happen. Last month my CF and I had our monthly OTC planned and her period came about. She really needed the money then and wanted to know if I'd give her the $300 now and she would come by the next Friday and do our thing. I agreed and she kept her end of the bargain. Also I used to have a stripper that did what me and her called "prepaids" she would need money now so she would meet me somewhere and I'd give her 100 and she would give me 5 free dances next time I was in the club.
avatar for Bigtallbonerboy
9 years ago
When I worked as a DJ at a strip club I got to meet the non greedy side of them. Unfortunately the Dj s at strip clubs don't make shit so I quit before I got into a relationship with one. Piece of advice if you want to date strippers with no effort at all, go work at a club for under minimum wage and (hopefully the girls are required to tip you out at the end of each night) just wait and see.
avatar for Bigtallbonerboy
9 years ago
I bet anything no matter what you look like that co workers be banging co workers.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Sometimes, I think some of them aren't used to decent people (let alone decent men) in their lives. So I can see them sometimes dusting themselves off and reciprocating some PLs with respect and decency, too. But be careful. I normally expect them to be ROBs, but sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. Some do have rollercoaster lives and are dealt a shit hand, or by the choices they make, continue to put themselves in shit circumstances where they may feel the need to lie, cheat, and steal. But every so often we find a decent one (they exist) or one of the gutter ones who decides to break the cycle and dust herself off and step out of the gutter (they exist too).
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
At the risk of hurting your feelings, more than they have already been, you need to stop trying to justify the unjustifiable. This thread feels like you trying to rehabilitate the DS from a whore to something else, truthfully if you have real feelings for this girl stop publishing her bad acts and no one will give a shit in the long run. The problem is you set the stage and in return we as your online friends are willing to stick up for you even though you let yourself be a doormat for this whore to wipe her feet on. My suggestion to you is simple instead of attacking her in print here, stand up for yourself over there. Like I said the truth hurts a bit but I think you need to hear it.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Dominic77 - makes a great point. My retired ATF was my only example of a stripper that had a genuine heart. I treated her as I would any girl I would be dating, with respect and kindness. It was amazing how far little gestures I wouldn't even think twice about went. Obviously every guy she had a relationship with was a low life piece of shit, because she would be ready to fuck me just because I held the door open for her.

A nice gesture from her... (For the topic question), she would meet me and fuck me for free but I still paid her plane ticket to meet me. When she started camming and making good money she insisted on paying me back for her last two round trip flights to me. It was around $250 total. I brushed her off and she insisted, I could tell it was a big deal to her and I think by doing that she finally felt equal to me, so I finally accepted. She was trying to prove she was wifey material but little did she know I would never wife her up, that crazy ho had 4 kids by 4 different guys! Lol

Yeah nice gesture from her but for all I knew she was fucking 4 other guys just like me.

Bigtallbonerboy - finally said something of substance and he's right. Talking to strippers over the years it's amazing how much tail these guys working in strip clubs pull, no matter how ugly or broke they are. They are men of convenience. These girls rub their pussies against guys all night and are half drunk by the end of the night, and horny. What's easier? For them to grab some guy from the club that they know and trust or sneaking away with a total stranger? The club workers win an aweful lot of the time. Kinda like Bill Clinton, yeah Monica was beat but it was the closest and willingest pussy nearby, might as well hit it.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
My ATF, who has been at this career for 11 years now has more integrity than any woman than i have ever met other than my wife. As far as I know she has never lied to me. She supports a home that she pays for, her adult daughter and her grandson. She recently had a partial hysterectomy and ended up being out of work for two and a half months because her internal stitches popped and she came close to dying. Clearly, her finances are crap right now. So is she just ignoring/tearing up the bills right now or declaring bankruptcy? Not a bit of it! She has taken a part time home nursing job (Yes! Some dancers actually do have nursing degrees!) and is working three nights a week until her finances are back on track. I feel privileged to know this beautiful, smart, sexy, honest woman.

Another dancer that I knew was 46 and had taken an 8-year hiatus from stripping to run her own landscaping company. She was doing OK until the latest recession torpedoed her business. Bankruptcy? Not a chance. She has since paid off all of the debts she had when the business went under.

I have known several dancers with similar stories. I have also known probably twice that many who were born liars and/or drug addicts. The point is, dancing has a spectrum of dancers with varying degrees of integrity, just like any profession.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
The biggest one was my ATF. She was always feeding me the "I don't do this for anyone else" line. Of course, I considered it stripper shit. Then one day, something happened in the club that forced me to confront the fact that she was likely telling the truth all along.…

Another big one is the MILF I'm seeing now. She won't take my money for seeing me OTC. I gave up trying after she got almost pissed off at me for trying to slip something into her purse. Then I tried giving her bigger tips ITC. She wasn't having any of that either.

The latest was small, but just as significant. I get a call from a girl I'd seen both ITC and OTC several times asking if she could "borrow" $40. I assume it's SS, but she's been good to me, and it's less than a 5 minute drive. So I give it to her. The next time I'm in the club, she comes up to me and says, "ready for me to pay you back?" Then she convinces the bartender to give me the half-hour VIP for half price, "because it's slow," blows me very well in that way she knows will get me off quick, takes a rest, then blows me *again*, and declines my tip.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
My CF seems to be a genuine sweetheart. Without getting into details, one of her biggest problems is sticking up for herself.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
25, how cute. You're trying to talk tough without hurting my feelings. Quite magnanimous of you, but completely unnecessary. I face attacks in my legal practice almost every week that are far more vicious than anything dished out at tuscl. Plus this is the last place I'd come to if I was the type to get my feelings hurt by those who disagree with me.

25, now that you've shared your perspective on my favorite stripper relationship, why don't you follow my example and post questions about issues in your life where you are vulnerable, where you feel disrespected, or where you've either made mistakes or are unsure of yourself. Go ahead. Real men are confident enough about themselves that they aren't afraid to discuss real issues that might reveal their weaknesses.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Thanks to everyone who shared positive stripper experiences. I hope we will have more. I'm not trying to rehabilitate the DS. I just think that sometimes we all (myself included) are unduly negative about the strippers in our lives.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Looks like someone has a toothache, don't blame me for commenting on what you put out there. Don't like my comments fine, feel free to ignore them if you like, touchy, touchy !
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago

Sorry, that word is 'band' from TUSCL, some discussion participants have Down syndrome and do not understand the definition of such a large and complex word.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Got it 25. You're afraid to admit to any of your own personal weaknesses or vulnerabilities. No problem, and I have no intention of ignoring you. Most people here feel the same way I'm sure. I'm different simply because I'm not afraid to learn from others even if it means admissions where I cast myself in a light that is not always positive.

Shailynn, I apologize. Big words are an occupational hazard for me but I'll try to do better. For those who were confused just substitute the word "nice" in place of that big word that starts with an M.

avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
I had a stripper at HiLiter give me change back following a very good lap dance about 3 years ago. And she had to walk across the room to get the change.

John, I am not going to give you any shit here, but I am wondering how your DS has medical insurance that pays 90% on anything? Maybe she is still covered by momma and daddy?
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
My experience with strip club dancers is that most of them are honest and trust worthy. But, they are often more immature in relationships than women who do more mundane jobs.

Some of this may simply be the effect of the high level exposure they get. That is, they wear little or nothing, and they are easy to approach because they work for tips. So it is very easy to move on them and push their buttons. So most of them do not do well when things get going. So they get defensive, and they can bit back. But this doesn't mean that they are inherently dishonest or not trust worthy.

avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
What kind of band is magnanimous?
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^^^^ they are soft rock.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Just to be clear not afraid. Just don't have any interest in the the psychotherapy, not interested in talking about myself. But JS you did miss my point I thought it was clear, you should be talking to the person whos biting your ass, not outing her and doing your poor me imitation, as a form of bragging. If I have a beef with someone I will take it up with them not look to turn the whole world against them, but that's how you roll, maybe its your legal education that taught you this. Maybe I'm off base, so fucking what, don't really care a whole bunch as far as I am concerned this is too much drama for my taste, good luck to ya buddy, we can debate another topic now.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Corvus, I don't know anything about her insurance. I offered to help her find coverage, and I mentioned to her that she might be covered by her parents policy, but she never told me the details of how it worked out.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
How could I be outing a dancer when everything here is anonymous and nobody but me has any clue who she is?

And how the fuck is it bragging when I admit that a stripper who I pay thousands of dollars to treats me disrespectfully? Sure I post shit that people interpret as bragging but this wasn't one of them.

And "I'm not interested" is just cover for "I'm afraid to."

But no hard feelings I hope, and I'll be glad to move on to bigger and better things.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Stripper/custy “relationships” are a sham 99% of the time – no matter how one wants to paint-it pretty-much each party is in it for themselves – we want their bodies – they want our $$$ - they lose their looks and most-likely lose us – we lose our $$$ and they will cut us loose.

The fact one needs to point-out when they do something right; or appear to do something right; speaks for itself IMO.

Yes I am cynical – and not saying I'm 100% correct – but in my perhaps cynical mind a good stripper is at best protecting her investment/client/income-source.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
JS69, I am now certain that you are not going to start making sense until your dollars run out!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Who knows when strippers are telling the truth – strippers learn to be great at lying and manipulating men – it's sorta a big-part of the job-description.

But in my limited experience; “medical emergencies” are one of the more common “emergencies” strippers have – followed by “child emergency” - after-all what kind of guy/custy would not help-out a dancer w/ a medical emergency for herself of her child – when in reality the $$$ might be for an expensive handbag she really wants; etc.

Nowadays AFAIK anyone can be insured and depending on one's income they may not have to pay any premiums.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Papi, I determine whether people are telling the truth, and I expose liars, for a living. One of many ways you can sometimes tell is that if a person makes a statement against their self interest, then they are usually telling the truth at least as they understand it. Why lie if the statement hurts the person speaking?

So when the DS said she didn't need my money, that was against her self interest, and was almost certainly true. Sure some conspiracy theorists will say that she was just buttering me up to convince me of her trustworthiness and draw me deeper into her web. Simikar logic is used by those who insist that men never landed on the moon.

I'm not saying that dancers don't often lie, cheat and steal, just as customers do. I'm just saying it's wrong to assume that a stripper always lies.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Papi, why is a relationship a sham just because each party is in the relationship for their own self interest. That describes many marriages as well as many other supposedly romantic relationships. A stripper/customer relationships is more honest in that both parties know (or should know) that the relationship is purely for selfish motives on both sides.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
JS: I have lots of stories of strippers being wonderful people. But as far as big broad trends, I just expect more dishonesty, untrustworthiness, poor judgement, and lack of personal responsibility from a stripper than ... well, a woman in any other profession, pretty much. And this isn't some prejudicial "they are all Ho-ahs" type view, I treat them with respect in person and (almost) always write about them with respect on the forums ... but the reality of a couple of decades of strip clubbing and fraternizing with strippers has taught me the lesson crystal clear. Which doesn't mean there's no such thing as an honest trustworthy stripper, I just think it's she's not easy to find. Furthermore, I believe that a man who is crazy in lust with a stripper, and using phrases like, "made my dreams come true" to describe her, is often not in a place mentally to have remotely sound judgement on whether that stripper is honest or not. And I'm speaking from a place of having been there, so def not singling you out.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Yeah – when it comes to lying I think strippers are only outdone by politicians

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Subra I agree with everything you said except if the statement "made my dreams come true" is just a sexual reference to a stripper experience, then I think that's quite normal, rational, and reasonable.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
FWIW John, I tend to agree with Subraman, but completely understand your position. I've met far more strippers from the "not trustworthy" category than the trustworthy one. But the one relatively shining example of the latter is enough to believe you on this score.

That said, don't let it blind you to the lying, cheating group. :)
avatar for s88
9 years ago
"The dancer I picked was honest and waited till the next song in the booth before pulling the curtain and beginning her thing. "3 songs" was exactly 14 minutes."

from my review

Never had that happen before or since.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
I'm not sure if this counts but I have a numerous times if I felt a song was too short or the timer at my current club seemed to go way too fast I would always ask if they want to stay a little longer no charge cause I want my customers to get there money worth out of the lap dance.
avatar for yndy
9 years ago

My late two cents:

I had a horrible experience eight years ago tonite: discovered at the end of the night that lost my car keys in the club. My then-fave offered to drive me to my house (despite having a husband and kids to go home to)

A few years later, when I was short on cash, another long-term fav told me I could pay her on my next visit. On another visit some time later she said that she had earned enough that night and I didn’t need to tip her.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago

That is a class act. Old school strippers in the '90s used to do that (not count short or not count partial songs). I miss that. :'-)
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Late again, but my story. I fronted some money to an old fave which would be repaid in favors over three otc sessions. We had two of them but when I tried to set up the last otc date, she never answered her phone.
I wrote her off and didn't expect to see her again. Lo and behold two years later we managed to reconnect and she remembered she still owed me a an otc session. How many dancers remember that? We had a few more sessions after that over the next few months then she stopped answering my texts again. It was good while it lasted.
avatar for azdd
9 years ago
I have several faves I consider to be very trustworthy, and all are older than average dancers. There is a long time Phoenix dancer named Mustang who exemplifies this. She gushes with joy when she sees me, which is likely SS, but when we get into VIP she tells me the first coup,e of songs are "on her", because she's so happy to see me. She goes out of her way to connect you with other dancers you might be interested in, leading them to you. She knows what I like so mostly this is OK, but it makes her very popular with other dancers and management. Once I was finishing a lengthy session with her in VIP at the HiLiter and she ran out to get on stage before I paid her, said she would catch up with me later. It may all be contrived to make me feel like I'm special to her, but she's so damn effective at it, I don't care. I see her now mostly at Sugar 44, where she's pretty much the queen bee on their day shift.
avatar for s88
9 years ago

Older dancers realize they aren't hot stuff anymore, and stripping is a career, not "getting paid to party". Young dancers think there will always be fresh disgusting perverted PLs coming in the door, and its the SC's job to bring fresh perverted PLs if the previous PLs didnt come back. Older dancers realize they need to make a PL's head itch for that PL to come back to them specifically.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I spent all my cash at the Flight Club and a dancer loaned me the money to redeem my car from the valet. I paid her back three days later and I could tell she thought she would never see me again.
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