New trend? Dancers introducing themselves by their "real" names and then telling

avatar for dtek
This has happened to me at least five times in the past month. Before that it had never happened. Dancers are coming up and introducing themselves by saying "Hi, I'm <real sounding first name>, but I dance as <dancer name>." It's got to be some sort of trend in Portland. I've had it happen at multiple clubs with multiple girls over the past month. I suspect they're trying to create a sense of intimacy by revealing their "real" name immediately. Is this happening elsewhere? Maybe it's a new hustle tip over at SW?


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Ha, funny. Haven't run into this. I suspect it's hustle, many of the SW girls claim to have a fake real name, to go along with their stage name.
This happens once in a while. I think it is probably just an individual thing. Or it could be a hustle knowing strippers..LOL
avatar for dtek
9 years ago
Hmmm. Just learned that you can't use angle brackets in discussion threads. Apparently the TUSCL engine thinks anything between angle brackets is HTML or XML. I'll try again. The intro goes "Hi, I'm *real sounding first name*, but I dance as *dancer name*." Incidentally, the DJ always calls them up as *dancer name*.

Yeah, some of them are probably fake "real" names, but I know a lot of dancers figure there's not much a customer can do with no more information than her first name. I know the real names of lots of dancers that I've known for some period of time. What's new is having strippers I've never met before introduce themselves with both a "real" and a dancer name.
Yeah I've heard it before. And I can totally see how some dumbass hos think it's a good idea to have a fake "real" name. Me personally I don't give a fuck what you're real name is(maybe if we are gonna fuck). And what's the point of having a stage name if you'll just give your "real" name to a guy you just met? I suspect at least half of them are lying because they want to "create a sense of intimacy" or w/e but I just think its also a bad hustle tactic. Kinda dumb honestly.
I've heard it quite a bit, but I don't really care what their real name is or believe that they are giving me their real name
Is has happened to me many times. I just introduce myself in response. "Hi, I'm ----- but my customer name is John."
avatar for vajmon
Love Canal
9 years ago
I live in the northeast (Boston area) and have encountered this for years. It's nothing new. Usually it's done as old trick to gain your confidence and set you up for the hustle by making you believe you're something special to them. Some strippers have even gone as far as telling me their last names or showing me their driver's license! That being said there's a few that think the whole fake stripper name thing is stupid and just prefer to use their own name.
It's not new and I know of lots of dancers that claim to be using their real name as their stage name too. It's almost impossible to stalk a person by only knowing a first name.
avatar for dtek
9 years ago
Huh. Apparently some dancer flew in from the east coast and infected Portland with this practice around the beginning of the year. ;)
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I've run into the same for years but not every dancer does it. I think some girls aren't afraid of me finding out their real name. It could be a scam or a dancer trying to feel more intimate. If she told me where she lived too, I could look her up on Facebook. My most common thought when I hear two names are, oh great, now she can be even more upset at me when I don't remember any of her names. Some people don't like it when you don't remember their name. I remember one of my favorites was in this category for a few months. I thought, she might be upset at me if she found out I don't remember her name after dancing for me that long so I found out her name from one of her friends.
avatar for s88
New York
9 years ago
Had that happen to me with an old dancer who spent time with me because nobody would get dances from her, and she wanted advice from a tuscler (me) on other clubs to apply to, I told her what I knew from the couple SCs I visited there. I warned her that her current club is less upscale, and for her to think very carefully over house fees and tipouts before upgrading to more upscale SC, and she can earn less at the end of the night at the more prestigious SCs there than this one. She is still at the same club half a year later. Due to her old age, she undercharges for LDs below official prices at that club, never seen another dancer do it there.

She said she worked in the late 90s as a dancer, then had a kid, and is now back. She told me she tells everyone her real name since she doesn't respond to her stage name because she had so many ones over her career at a dozen SCs (Angel is her current stage name). She said her name of Stephanie is always taken by another dancer as a stage name, or management wont allow it.
avatar for dtek
9 years ago
@shadowcat Yeah, knowing her first name is nothing. Far easier to stalk a with phone number, which most dancers around here give up quicker than any other real information.

I think it's a mix of fake rapport building and some just not caring. I know one whose dancer name is just a nickname for her real name. I also know a few whose social media makes it trivial to figure out their real name.
I've come across that lately in some of the Detroit clubs (8 Mile ones), I go to. I don't care as long as I get off!
I've seen that happen for years. I remember my old favorite Olivia. I saw her once outside her normal club, only she had a different stage name, because apparently at this other club, you couldn't use your real name. It's possible some of this is in the event you go to another club and see someone who looks familiar, but has a different name than you're used to.
Great, so you've given me two "fake" names. I have enough trouble remembering one name, now I gotta remember two.
sounds like SS to me. They do that here sometimes too. Maybe it's their real "real" name or maybe not. It's still SS in my book.

Lol at having to remember 2 fake names.
I used to think it was a big deal to find out a dancer's real name, but these days I don't care. Unless I'm checking out her background because I'm interested in more than just ITC fun, I'd just assume NOT know her real name in case I slip up and get her in trouble.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
They have names?! WTF! since when?
Use your head! Real names. Right.

They're just trying to get friendly with you.

I personally only care about the realness of her breasts and not her name

avatar for Aaron_hip
9 years ago
Waitresses give out their first names all the time. Do customers care? If anything, having a unique dancer name makes you more memorable.
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