Club Ad!

avatar for JimGassagain
After reading the reviews today looks like there were and abnormal amount of club ads. I wonder if the slow holiday has given more time for managers to stroke their club for patrons?

I wish this was like Yelp and the reviews included comments on the food and something tasty. Desertscrub says "Try the fried bread!"


last comment
Nothing stopping you from switching to YELP for your strip club information.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
avatar for s88
New York
9 years ago
Yelp=strip clubs reviewed by jealous non-sex worker women
Just b/c another TUSCLer views/flags a particular review as a club-ad does not mean it is - IMO more often than not it's not "an ad" and more that it's just not a very good review.
Inexperienced custies often write reviews that seem like ads because they had fun and don't have much to compare it to.
99.9% of the reviews desertscrub says are ads are just shitty reviews that happen to be favorable. Like Papi said, that's probably true much more often than not.

I really wish people would stop propping reviews only to say negative shit. If you actually think its a shill, flag it and leave your comments. "Propping" it implies something positive, and while I'm not sure I think some of the actual shill reviews that I've flagged weren't removed because other members propped them.
Problem w/ flagging is that for w/e reason, unless it's changed; often times the flag comment does not show up or at least show-up right away - anyone else have that issue?
avatar for UKfan
9 years ago
Don't be paranoid. I submitted two reviews today and I am a normal hobbyist that has been going to strip clubs once or twice a month for seven years. Some random guy flagged one of my reviews several months ago and it pissed me off in all honesty.
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
"I really wish people would stop propping reviews only to say negative shit. If you actually think its a shill, flag it and leave your comments. "Propping" it implies something positive, and while I'm not sure I think some of the actual shill reviews that I've flagged weren't removed because other members propped them."

Props are instantaneous, flags are not and legit flags often never show up so i start by saying "this is not a prop" then go on to state my issue with the questionable review.
Take a look at this one:…

It's a shitty review, most likely done by someone who just wanted free access to read other reviews. Its got 3 props.
IMO the propping is just an extension of the review from another person's point of view. Take it for what it's worth to you.
I ran into the same problem of trying to write a review that ended up being terrible. I tried to use minnow's reviews for inspiration and a starting point (since I respect the guy) but I fell short. I figure my next several reviews will get propped/flagged until I get the hang of it too (more critical or balanced voice, less enthusiasm). I didn't take it personally but I can see why others might.
I'm not sure why flagging comments aren't instantaneously posted -- they should be.
I, too, have flagged reviews and my flag has either been terribly delayed or never posted.
Keep in mind, every word on here is one man's opinion -- either positive or negative, either propping or flagging. A grain of salt goes a long way.

Oh yeah, every word is fiction!!
Yelp tells you that the club exists, but beyond that their reviews are of little use. Usually the more offended the Yelper's are, the better the club is.

Yeah, flagging vs. propping, ISTM that when the page format was last updated it made the prop feature tempting to use as a comments section. I still will myself old-style flag suspected shill reviews rather than use the props to do so -- partly because I feel it distorts the statistics, props being presumed positive as mentioned above.

But yeah, sure, there's ads and then there's driveby reviews done only for the sake of getting another month's access. Both useless but for different reasons.
Flags and props have no bearing on the statistics for a club. It takes awhile if ever to get a flag posted because founder has to find time to read the review and decide for himself if it is a shill or not and then to either publish the flag or remove the review.

I agree that the props function is being used as a comments section. I myself use it as such and I don't see a problem with it.
I write in the prop section so others can see the input as credible or non-credible. I'm not quite all out Desertscrub style yet, but someday maybe.
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