
Dumb Real World Questions Strippers Ask

avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver

I had a girl ask me if she could write off her apartment on her taxes. I eagerly asked if she took customers there. She said she didn't, but she had to live somewhere so she could sleep and store her outfits in order to work there. So, that makes my apartment a business expense, right?

To make matters worse, she said she was in college taking business courses.

She also told me she didn't do extras, just normal VIP stuff like BJ and FS? I missed the chance to find out what she did think was an "extra". Did get some normal stuff from her in VIP, though!


last comment
avatar for whodey
8 yrs ago

If a BJ & FS are "normal VIP stuff" does that mean she didn't expect an "extra" tip?

avatar for goldmongerATL
8 yrs ago

Maybe I should have bartered the tax advice LOL! At my regular club (Follies) complete extras are often included in the "base" VIP fee. Tipping is optional. That may be a highly unusual club norm. This girl was at a club while i was traveling several years ago and I do not know the norm there.

avatar for whodey
8 yrs ago

I've really got to get to Follies at some point. Although the switch from one extreme (Cincinnati) to the other (Follies) may cause my head to explode.

avatar for goldmongerATL
8 yrs ago

They may charge extra depending on where your head is when it explodes :-)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

I was talking to a dancer at a Miami club & told her I was planning to perhaps go to the Bahamas - she said "that's so cool, are you driving there?"

avatar for ButterMan
8 yrs ago

I wore a rayon " Hawaiian" style shirt to the club last week that I think I bought at kohls. A stripper asked me if I bought the shirt in Hawaii.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Whodey - Detroit is closer for you!!!

This isn't a question but the most laughable was my retired ATF. last time I talked to her (this year and it's been several years since our relationship ended) she was still talking about finishing her undergrad. She's now 41 and she enrolled in college when she was 18. I always wanted to say (but didn't have the heart) "maybe it's time to set a new goal or lower your current one."

avatar for mrrock
8 yrs ago

Lol that's classic! "I don't do extras just normal VIP stuff like BJ & FS!"

avatar for crazyjoe
8 yrs ago

Funny story

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

I had a girl, a smart girl, asking me all about taxes. Then when I got some info for her she asked if I would do her taxes. Mostly I think she just wanted me to start going out with her.

But seriously, anyone try to make their P4P women tax deductible, that is pay them with pre-tax money via a payroll or corporate budget that you control?




avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 yrs ago

You should have told her to get eh business version of turbo tax and plug it in to see what happens.

She likely could write off the costume costs since they have to be worn and can't be used for another purpose.

The real shock is that she actually files a tax return.

avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

Have you cum yet?

avatar for georgmicrodong
8 yrs ago

"Do you want a blow job?"

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

A stripper commented during lap dances on how soft my hands were. I said "I haven't dug many ditches recently" and she asked "Oh, is that what you do for a living?" Sure, this aging overweight bespectacled academic-looking dude is a ditch digger LOL

avatar for 4got2wipe
8 yrs ago

"I don't do extras just normal VIP stuff like BJ & FS!"


Unfortunately she probably considers rimjobs to be an extra. :(

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

Black girl from Market St. Cinema was at our underground table dancing shows in SJ Mexican Bars. And yes, the girls really get pawed all over. She was always real friendly and playful with me.

She told me that my hands were really soft. I was surprised, I said, "Do you mean compared to yours? I don't think so." And I compared.

Then I realized and said, "Oh, you mean compared to the Mexican men. Oh well just let me spend one day digging up a broken water pipe or something like that, and my hands will get real rough. But yes, usually I'm just doing things on computers and on paper."


Is there any better of a paradise to live in?


avatar for skibum609
8 yrs ago

In Massachusetts Apartment rent is deductible on State income tax returns, so not a dumb question.

avatar for s88
8 yrs ago


I've answered that by saying I always wear gloves when I do construction or auto repair, then make a comment how nasty the hands of mechanics are and that they dont take care of themselves. My old man and grandpa both have dirty nails all the time. I make sure they are perfectly clean since I'll be FIVing a stripper. I also cut then back and file them for that reason. I use blue nitrile gloves for everything. Sometimes 2 gloves at a time if I suspect the outside one might get pinholed or torn.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago



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