No, I'm not talking about the abortion pill, though I'm sure more than a few of us have had to tack another $40 onto the end of an encounter to pay for an "accident." I am talking about having a reliable plan B in place when plan A doesn't pan out.
I have what for me is a unique situation in a local club, where I have a very reliable plan B for OTC if whatever I am targeting for the night falls through. She always gets to the club very late. If I have managed to make another connection before she arrives, I can play dumb with something like "Shit, if I knew you were working tonight I wouldn't have made other plans" with a chagrined look. If nothing else has opened up by the time that she arrives, then I know that this pretty girl will take care of me for a very reasonable price and leave with me whenever I am ready. Part of what has mad this work for so long is that her phone situation never seems to be stable. If she ever gets a permanent number and starts texting me, or expecting me to let her know when I am coming, playing this game could could get a lot harder.
Does anyone else have a reliable Plan B in the rotation?
I wouldn't mind having a Plan B, but like RM I tend to do one fave at a time also, which is at least partially (at least in my mind) the reason why the low-volume too-hot-for-what-I'm-paying-her stripper is agreeing to do OTC with me, at my price, in the first place. In addition, the OTC-immediately-off-her-shift is definitely not my favorite OTC model... I tend to like to do my OTCs on a day she isn't working, and make it a multi-hour event that includes eating, drinking, possibly strip clubbing before we get to the sex. Which, again, does not lend itself to Plan B type action.
Not as such. Most of my trips to clubs anymore are more scouting mission than mission execution now though. "Plan B" is likely to be another club visit when "Plan A" flakes. :(
My goal is 2 favs at the same time. It takes atleast a month to find a fav, sometimes 3 months, so always be looking, cuz your current fav will expire for some reason or another.
I have 2 variations of a Plan B. First one involves going to a different club if the first one isn't working out. The second one involves checking the dancer lineup at clubs, and prioritizing the dancers in advance. ( Phone recording some L.A. clubs, online roster some SoCal clubs, actual stage/dressing room cam at 2 Tampa clubs, with reliable dancer roster listed at one of them.)
last commentSeriously, I only have one fav at a time and don't like to play games like that.
You stupid hairless apes need to listen to rickdugan. He's a genius and you're just a bunch of damn dirty apes. Squawk!