
Chip on your shoulder?

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:20 AM
Would u say that if you're carrying a chip on your shoulder, that you're basically looking for trouble? Or does trouble unfortunately find you and your a victims of circumstance? This can apply to more things outside of the club, but pertaining to ITC I part ways with dancers who have issues like victim mentality and anger. They tend to have thug boyfriends and surround themselves with that crowd. Of course when I see guys in the strip club who are posturing like they have a chip on their shoulder, I leave. In my experiences of dealing with poor people who don't have their shit together, it's best to leave those folks alone with such a chip on their shoulder. They're just looking for trouble. Stripper yesterday was yapping about the police shootings. She went there without anyone bringing it up. She's a known drug offender, and even though white she had to tell everyone how she can't go out safely in public with her black boyfriend because of all the current events. This girl loves trouble, because then she can claim no responsibility once she can show the world she's a victim. I thought going to strip clubs meant we could escape the bullshit in life and have our fantasy? Stay away from thugs everybody!


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Wow. You and dallas702 are the type of people that are ruining this country and trying to divide everyone with your "us vs them" narrative. It's people like meat72 that are the reason america is NOT great.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    You represent the "bad apples" and the white people the guy in Dallas wanted to kill. You represent everything wrong with america with regards to race.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Stay on your porch until 2 AM, you midnight porch "man"!
  • aw_snap
    8 years ago
    Glad to know that chessmaster can't sit on his porch on his property whenever he wants to. Are there any other places chessmaster and I shouldn't sit after midnight? Is the living room ok or do we have to lock ourselves in our bedrooms from midnight to 6:30 am. Or maybe 7 am. Wouldn't want us out on the porch too early because it might end up being a crime wave. Aw snap
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Race baiter. Aw snap!
  • aw_snap
    8 years ago
    ^^^ "Race baiter" seems a bit off topic. Are you saying that chessmaster can sit on his own porch at 2 am? Aw snap!
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Sure, but stating how awful it was to have a light shines on him at 2 AM, oh the humanity! How did he ever survive? U guys got it rough, and it's too bad the world doesn't devote itself to making you happy, right?
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Aw snap!
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Aw shit ! Is more like it
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Donald Trupm was in the public eye for 30+ years and never was once called a racist, until he started to run against Democrats. That shows you how the "us versus them" mentality has gotten carried away with trying to find "bad apples" and what is wrong when it comes to race in America. But of course whatever fits your agenda is what you'll anchor to.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Follies. There do u feel better Juice?
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Damn Meat did you just call Chessmaster a "porch monkey" aw snap!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    98% of blacks who are shot are shot by other, non-LEO blacks. White police officers are 55% less likely to be involved in officer involved shootings than black and Hispanic officers. 46% of people shot by cops are white, only 24% are black. Hmm, these facts really fuck with your black lies matter narrative, don't they?
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^sure do.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    Gammanu, while those numbers are not too far off, they are they are inflated. The number of blacks killed by blacks is 90%. The number of whites killed be whites is right up there at 83%. Believe it or not, this number is because people usually kill in their own neck of the woods and since we are a still fairly segregated county, this leads to much more deaths being caused by your own race regardless of what your race is. Additionally, 24% of deaths by cop is disproportionate to the the 13% of the population being black, while the 43% of deaths being white is disproportinate to the 63% of the population being white. As for the ethnicity of cops who kill, the issue isn't black vs white, its that cops in general need better training on the use of non-lethal force and how to interact with different kinds of people in different situations. As blacks are disproportinately impacted by junpy cops, this would be in our benefit. All of this doesn't "fuck with our black lives narrative" for multiple reasons, most important of which is because at the end of the day, the truth is black lives do matter, whih I hope is something you can agree with even if you don't necessarily agree with the full platform, motivations and behaviors of the BLM movement.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    As for meats post, I have a problem with ignorant people in general, regardless of race, situation or chips on their shoulder. I can't stand white people who refuse to accept this countries history of racism, black oppression and the crippling effects the hundreds of years it has had on black culture, and I can't stand the black people who complain about it and do nothing to bring awareness to it or try to make a difference. It cuts both ways. A chip on your shoulder can be a huge motivating factor if you use it for good.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Consistently good writing, A21
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    a21, I do disagree. Vehemently. Completely. And utterly without remorse or reservation. All lives matter, or no lives matter. Maybe these blacks who "the community" want to believe were victims need to learn how to interact with cops. When the cop says don't run, don't run. When the cop asks for ID, give it to him. When you are under arrest, don't resist. If you are a felon on probation or parole, don't carry a gun, sell illicit goods, or do other things which violate the terms of your release. You want to know why blacks have more interaction with "jumpy" cops? Because blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes, are more likely to resist arrest, attack or shoot cops, be uncooperative witnesses or give testimony that is outright false. These are unpleasant truths. The story that cops are killing blacks in droves is an outrageous lie.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    "It cuts both ways. A chip on your shoulder can be a huge motivating factor if you use it for good." Like making a 2 AMer hit list? More black lies, that just don't matter.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    I am a proud ape man. I walk upright as a knuckle dragging Neanderthal throwback possibly can. Some people tend to be intimidated by my confidence and stature. If you perceive this as having a chip on my shoulder, if you piss yourself at the sight of my prowess, that is not due to me having an attitude, that is just a manifestation of your own insecurity of being in the presence of a virile man. I love diversity, I am a product of it. All have my respect unless they give me reason to dismiss it. Racism sucks. Stop the hate. Divisiveness enslaves us all.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    ^^^United we stand, divided we fall.*
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    *White privilege, restitution, micro-aggressions, are all phony paradigms that critical thinkers must never acce
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    never accept. The labels that we put on ourselves also have been manipulated to divide us: Republican, democrat, libertarian, BLM, etc. I would much rather race together with others than against them, but i will not idly acce
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    accept the lies that politicians and the media try to coerce us into believing. why does my phone's virtual keyboard hate the word "accept"?
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    Gammanu, I find your willingness to say no lives matter before you can bear to utter that a black life matters quite telling and sad. I respect that you stick to your opinions, but I'll never respect your opinion. I'll unfortunately agree to forever disagree with you as we have seemed to do a few times on OT threads on this board. Meat, I can never tell if you're trolling or not no matter the topic, so I'll choose to give you the benefit of the doubt as a troll and not take you seriously.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    Gammanu - you actually get close to making a shit ton of sense with your last point, though accepting there is a difference between us and working to actually make us equal is the part I personally believe you are missing. That's not a media made up concept, its the truth. As for "accept" and your phone, I turned off predictive text on my phone a long time ago because of shit like that.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    Black, italian, and latino men take "respect" to the grave. Any argument with them will end in homicide unless someone pulls you 2 apart. Have your piece ready. If your bro every tells you "its not worth it man", cops should execute you because you are a rabid animal. "I am doing 20 to life, but I have my respect", no you are a fool.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @Meat72 Tell her that her BF should learn to wear a shirt with buttons. Look like a gangbanger, get treated like a gangbanger, example [view link] Its not skin color, its how you look and talk.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    The differences between us do not include inequality, at least not the type that can be fixed with hashtags and government programs or university safe spaces. I don't know if s88 meant to or not, but he pointed out that the inequality is inherent in the cultures. Everyone already has the same opportunities, if they have the strength to pursue them. Beating down on successful, white, heterosexual males is never going to elevate the impoverished, minorities or women. (Homosexuality is a mental illness that can be treated with drugs and counseling.) In a sense, that is what Obama has been doing to the country- trying to drag us down to be equal to the rest of the world, instead of being the shining city on the hill and leading the rest of the world to join us.
  • ASharpton
    8 years ago
    R E S P E C T ! We want to get our way! we want reparations and free stuff! No justice No peace!
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    You completely lost me with the homosexuality comment and now I'm convinced you're well intending but also batshit crazy. Have a good life gammanu.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Btw, to Meat's original point, I had always thought the phrase "carry a chip on your shoulder" included the intent of daring someone to knock it off and accept the challenge; therefore making looking for trouble inherent to carrying a chip on your shoulder
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Geniuses are always dismissed as lunatics in their time. In a way, it's actually validating.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ You're a genius ? HAHAHA FUCKIN HA
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    If you see something, say something. If you say something, you're a racist (or batshit crazy).
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    meat72 --> " I thought going to strip clubs meant we could escape the bullshit in life and have our fantasy?" --> end quote meat72 I think that's because there are customers that will engage them. I can see how it is a turn off for most quality customers though. I'm guilty of engaging the "hood rats" in convo about "hood rat shit" from time to time, so that probably doesn't help you any if customers are enabling or reinforcing this dancer behavior. I think the term 'ratchet' is possibly derived from 'rat shit' derived from 'hood rat'. That' my guess since I see girls referred to as 'ratchet' whereas we would have said 'hood rat' 20-25 years ago. Like you say, a chip on the shoulder or thug association is bad. Or a little too much reality (the 'obtainable girl') and not enough fantasy (the 'unobtainable girl'). [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Sometimes in order to save time, I'll just throw the avocados out when I'm at the store. That's funny, right?
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I thought Dallas police chief David Brown had the best quote of the year yesterday. He challenged young black men: "Get out of that protest line and put an application in and we'll put you in your neighborhood and we'll help you resolve some of the problems you're protesting about." Brown is AA, by the way.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ I saw that too thought, it was a reasonable response from a police chiefs POV.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    More than half the people in that protest line wouldn't pass the first phase of the civil service test.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    JimG, omg that was some funny shit right there! I just threw out a couple avocados today because I forgot about them. Lol!
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