Here's the kinds of guys the stripperweb girls say not to approach. You fit any of these?…1. The guy that as soon as you sit down gets a dirty perv look on his face and is like "What will you do back there?"
2. The guy who always comes on Sunday, "because cover is cheaper then than all the other days."
3. The guys who are drinking soda. The ones with $$ who don't want alcohol are almost always drinking expensive bottled water. If they have soda, it's because it costs like $3, and they don't want to spend more
4. Anyone (who looks) under 25-30
5. The guy who says, "I want to see how you dance first"
6. Anyone who sneaks up on me.
7. Anyone who grabs my arm and physically pulls me over.
8. Someone wearing a suit at 3am on a Saturday morning. Again, a quick hustle as they are usually posturing.
9. Guys that are grabby right off the bat.
10. Indian guys. IF I MUST approach them, I do what I call a drive-by meaning I just say "hi my name is Brielle, would you like a dance" and then they do this patting thing on their thigh insisting for me to sit down so they can feel me up and NOT buy a dance. Yea, no. LOL.
11. this might sound weird, but guys who are ridiculously overdressed at odd hours of the day. this might be a different story at oh, penthouse NYC? where you have businessmen in suits stop in after work before they go home, but i work at a mid-tier club nowhere special. i don't think i've EVER danced for a guy in a suit. wealthy people don't always like to let everyone know that they are. if they come in showing off--that's all they're probably there to do.
12. Guys who lay their money out on their table.
13. Anyone with a creepy vibe, women (unless they call me over), and guys who are just sitting around not tipping.
last commentI'm usually told I look like I am in my late 20s. JS69 and Vince can confirm or deny this. Guess I'm screwed there too.
Stupid ass strippers - although some of their "stereo-types" are somewhat accurate.
Anybody want to send her their old copy of "The System"?
I like soda. Yes - there have been times I felt ignored because I wasn't drinking alcohol.
Drinking soda
I remember one time though a stripper told another stripper I was lying. I got double teamed and the more experienced stripper saw right through my fib. Need to avoid smiling when I talk to look convincing to the experienced strippers.
If this means I don't get approached by stripper web girls, I'm good with that.
They probably don't approach the soda drinkers, because they're not as easy to take advantage of as the guys who have had some drinks in them.
They told me business causal was ok though. Could be stripper web girls working at my local club making sure juice didn't get in with basketball shorts. Ldk's not approved by Greenviile city police.
So much over-analysis on both sides. Take a shower. Don't be creepy. Be polite and confident.
Ya, None of those apply to me either. And, like you, it's a deal-breaker if she won't let me touch her, but I don't even bother unless I know I'm going to spend money on her, so technically, #9 doesn't apply to us.
I do think that if this were "things guys do that we hate" rather than "who not to approach", then a whole bunch of things I do would hit their radar... from the fact that I make them drink with me for an hour before we do our first VIP, to the fact that there WILL be lots and lots of club-rules-pushing touching, to the fact that I'll be texting her beforehand to make an appointment and I expect her to be free when I walk in the door... all those things would start a small riot over there. But for the most part, I evidently don't give off many "don't even bother approaching him" vibes
Actually, there was one thing mentioned a few times that I didn't include on the list: guys who walk into an empty club and sit in a dark corner. This, like the "guy who drinks soda instead of alcohol or water", seems fairly retarded to me. LOTS of guys don't want to be front-and-center as far as attention no matter how busy the club is, and especially won't want to end up feeling like the baby caribou surrounded by wolves in an empty club. Hell, I seem to be one of the few guys on tuscl who not only is not uncomfortable in empty clubs, but I absolutely love it and revel in it and specifically seek out super slow times -- and nevertheless, I like sitting in a corner rather than at stage.
Rick is one of the top few favorite male posters on SW, he's beloved over there, so if they knew it was Rick's The System, they might change their mind :) lol
Seriously though, I know strippers who have all kinds of goofy theories about guys in suits. This is one of those cases where, if you asked 5 strippers about guys in suits, you'd get 6 different opinions.
And it's fair for girls to not want to be snuck up on or grabbed.
I could say beer has melatonin in it and too much will make me sleepy and it will likely go over their heads and they'll want to change the subject.
#1 is me too, but only in Detroit.
I'd say Shailynn could pass for early 30s.
Gotta go. The DS is back from the beach.
#1 WTF is a "dirty perv look" and if he has $$$ to spend, who cares?
#2 Maybe Sunday is the only day he can get away from his wife?
#3 WTF? So if I don't drink alcohol but like a Coke, I'm a bad prospect???
#4 I agree that in the long run, the over 40 guys are the best bet.
#5 Oh, so she'd prefer, "You're butt ugly, have saggy tits, are too old and you're not my type" to the much more polite I'd like to see you dance'??
Okay on 6-9
#10 I hear from a LOT of dancers that they don't like Indian guys because they smell like the curry they eat. And that they're rude and demanding. So I'll allow this despite the racist overtone.
#11 If I'm dressed well in a dive club, you should check me out anyway. The other cues will let you know if I'm weird or just visiting.
#12 WTF?? Money on the table is for the WAITRESS, not you, you stupid bitch. Unless it's Benjamins and then how stupid to not even say hello?
#13 Well duh. If the guy is creepy, I don't think a dancer needs SW to tell them to avoid him.
14. The guy that sits waaaay in the back of the club when its damn near empty
Again, this one seems nearly as retarded as the soda one. Few guys will want to be front-and-center in a completely empty club
I'm guessing they are talking about the cultural traits of Indian guys. When I worked with a number of guys from India, there were a couple of "cool" Indian guys who made an effort to fit in culturally in the US. They didn't seem to have the same kind of disadvantages around women as the guys who didn't make the effort.
Oddly absent from the list Subraman posted is "customer shaking, and sweating from what's probably powdery hard drugs -but-wants-to-do-three-hour-VIP" those guys are usually erratic and should be avoided yet missing from the list.
The problem with these lists is -- as anyone is sales can attest -- is one cannot judge a book by the cover. One simply cannot. I guess this is supposed to be a list of "how to profile cheap customers" or "how to tell when a customer won't spend on me." But experienced salesmen or experienced dancer-hustlers know that mannerisms and how one carries oneself or how one treats other employees in the club (or how the club treats the customer back) often tells far more than looks alone.
The customers here on TUSCL fall into the "model customer" category (OK, you can stop laughing now). Let's be honest, the average PL (not TUSCLer), if he's (or she's) a rude grabby asshole, is REALLY rude and grabby and very rough, fingers the dancer on the floor without consent and without spending, is really demeaning, or has dirty clothes, bad hygiene, has no clue on how to touch a women, may not even have a woman, etc.
The average bread-and-butter PL is probably a middle-aged (~45) suburban (white) guy wearing "dad apparel" drinking a soda pop, water, or beer. That PL will spend average to good money and comes in ITC often enough. The other bread and butter PL is the business traveler - ditto for him or her.
I think the PL the dancers are looking for (the antithesis of this list), is the really-well-off guy or gal, who has a large enough entertainment budget to buy hard liquor, is well dressed, etc and giving off the vibe that he or she can really spend tonight ITC -- basically and enjoy him or herself with the ladies and is not cash-strapped. But not every customer can be a whale. .
To be fair, through the thread, different girls popped in to say exactly that
-->"The customers here on TUSCL fall into the "model customer" category (OK, you can stop laughing now)."
No laugh, I agree completely. A lot of the SW girls seem to be super-high-hustle, give-him-a-couple-of-lines-then-close type girls, and for them, a tuscl PL would definitely not be an ideal customer. But for the run-of-the-mill dancer, I'd guess we're mostly what they're looking for -- less disrespectiful and douchey than the college guys and once-a-year-guys-night-out guys, we tip on stage, we don't grab the girls, we tip fairly for their time (even while we are of course looking for a good deal). Of course, that breaks down to the extent a tuscl PL is looking to LDK, seek extras ITC, or go OTC -- the SW girls think these are two of the most despicable acts going. But a non-SW girl (and even most SW girls -- I'm still convinced a huge % of SW girls do these things, and the rest is just posing) is used to these things, and a HUGE PERCENT do at least one of them.
(2) I don't pay cover, either. I always bring in a club coupon for free admission. It's not because I'm cheap, it's not because I can't afford the $7, it's the principle of the thing. The less $$ that goes to the greedy club owner the better. Sometimes to drive the point home, I'll take the $7 that would have been the cover and drop it on stage as I walk in the door. Also agree that there are only certain days/times that some PLs can get away from the wife, myself included.
(3) They're incorrectly assuming liquor drinkers are less cash strapped that other customers. For some it's the principle of the thing: they'd rather spend the $$ on dances.
(5) Most customers should just say either "No thank you" or "I'm not buying dances from you, tonight" and be straight with the dancers without being cruel or harsh. Just like there is no "stripper college" there is no "customer college" that tells PLs how to be politely decline dances. I do see some of the veteran dancers remind the other dancers that PLs that do this ARE TRYING to decline dances while delicately taking the dancer's feelings into consideration. But there is a small percentage of of PLs who say this who mean "I want to see you dance on stage for free instead."
(12) I do the same thing as rockstar as I keep some change on the table for the waitress as it's super convenient in the dark club. I'd rather pay in cash than set up a drink tab with a credit card.
(14) Most real life dancers assume the guys in back are there for dances not the show. They get approached first, IME. .
(15) I've actually seen a guy who did stage tip with two quarters (50 cents) every time. I guess he couldn't spare the whole dollar. Cheap.
I believe pretty much what you wrote and I believe Chili Palmer when he wrote that about 29 of the 30 SW pinks he received dances from: that they exceeded their stated mileage from online and a high percentage were either down for extras or OTC or both, and they both laughed about it.
My clubs aren't really set up for extras, but most dancers if I'm spending will and do exceed their mileage limits and/or the club or city mileage limits as well. Also get nightly pitches for OTC which surprises me as I'm not exactly out there explicitly looking for that sort of thing but still the girls do seem down for it with the right PL. It's almost like they are running The System on me, just in reverse. :P
Not me.
2. The guy who always comes on Sunday, "because cover is cheaper then than all the other days."
3. The guys who are drinking soda. The ones with $$ who don't want alcohol are almost always drinking expensive bottled water. If they have soda, it's because it costs like $3, and they don't want to spend more
4. Anyone (who looks) under 25-30
5. The guy who says, "I want to see how you dance first"
I need to remember that line more often.
6. Anyone who sneaks up on me.
Nothing ventured nothing gained. Some strippers NEVER approach customers and they told me that is intentional. If the customer makes contact first, they know the customer likes them and they aren't wasting time on pitching a dance that will be turned down.
7. Anyone who grabs my arm and physically pulls me over.
I brush their arm with the back of my fingers briefly when cold calling a stripper.
8. Someone wearing a suit at 3am on a Saturday morning. Again, a quick hustle as they are usually posturing.
Me, the system works. All 1st time DFKs were in a suit. Zero success without one.
9. Guys that are grabby right off the bat.
10. Indian guys. IF I MUST approach them, I do what I call a drive-by meaning I just say "hi my name is Brielle, would you like a dance" and then they do this patting thing on their thigh insisting for me to sit down so they can feel me up and NOT buy a dance. Yea, no. LOL.
11. this might sound weird, but guys who are ridiculously overdressed at odd hours of the day. this might be a different story at oh, penthouse NYC? where you have businessmen in suits stop in after work before they go home, but i work at a mid-tier club nowhere special. i don't think i've EVER danced for a guy in a suit. wealthy people don't always like to let everyone know that they are. if they come in showing off--that's all they're probably there to do.
12. Guys who lay their money out on their table.
13. Anyone with a creepy vibe, women (unless they call me over), and guys who are just sitting around not tipping.
WTF is a creepy vibe? "guys who are just sitting around not tipping" because there are only 2-3 strippers that are fuckable in the club and they are all with other customers or DR hiding. Strippers are not interchangable.
Right? You have to realize that in the StripperWeb-iverse, you are there for them. It's the exact opposite of every other business, where you are considered a potential customer who gets to choose whatever he wants, and it's the business's (and specifically salesman's) job to convince you that you should choose them. In the SWiverse, you're practically a nuisance, and you should be tipping the moment you walk in, regardless of where you're sitting or what you like. While both PLs and strippers can agree that if you're at the rail, you should tip, this over-entitled (for some strippers) or needy (from others) sentiment that someone not tipping THEM means "that's a useless customer who isn't tipping" isn't something we'll ever agree on. Of fucking course a customer has the right to not tip (if he's not at the rail) unless/until he finds someone he likes, and OF FUCKING COURSE strippers' attitudes should be that they should go win that guy over, instead of whining that they have to work.
As far as suits and being over dressed, I don't usually do that. But when it happens, girls are always all over me everywhere I go. I don't like that because suits are impractical and because I don't want to pander to that tendency in women.
Now of course in Strip Clubs with mileage, suits are even more impractical. But in AMPs suits are not impractical as they have nice undressing facilities and hang up hooks and all, and suits do make a big difference.
Now as far as The System, that would be best for zero mileage clubs, as you are trying to set up OTC. So as our clubs are like that, suits and The System can be good.
But I don't like to pander to that tendency in women. Also, I think the reason women like guys in suits is because the monkey attire suggests employment.
At one club ( San Jose T's, now closed ) this guy showed up in his orderly uniform for Kaiser Hospital. He had just got off the night shift. I talked with him and pegged him for an idiot. But anyway, this Latina bombshell was really throwing herself at him and wanted to start going out with him.
He told me, "she has a kid". This girl was stunning. I felt like telling him, you get that girl back here and you get down on your knees and apologize to her.
So it doesn't take much to stand out above what strip club dancers usually have to deal with.
As far as stripper web, every shred of evidence I have ever seen says that women who dance in strip clubs are subjected to a very high level of emotional stress. My intent is not to add to this. But as I do like to really engage with them and sometimes do push their buttons some, wire crossings sometimes do occur.
Respighi - Pines of Rome…
I have read that for this the bass players need to use a C extension and then down tune to Bb.
I normally don't pay cover charge either, primarily because I prefer daytime clubbing. When clubbing at night I decline to pay cover and the bouncers usually let me in anyway because I frequent the club enough for them to know I will spend and not act like a jackass.
I don't deny that I'm on the cheap side, but on principle I don't like to pay someone just so I can spend more money on overpriced drinks.
I exaggerate that look just to make sure I scare off any snobby stuck up stripper web cunts.
3. The guys who are drinking soda. The ones with $$ who don't want alcohol are almost always drinking expensive bottled water. If they have soda, it's because it costs like $3, and they don't want to spend more"
I go to a strip club for the strippers. I prefer to concentrate my spending on them. Strippers who don't like this cater to stupid/flashy customers, that you can get money off of even if you do little or nothing for them.
"4. Anyone (who looks) under 25-30"
Smart dancers only use rules of thumb like this when the club is so busy, they don't have time to spend at least a few minutes with each customer they don't know, to scope them out as individuals.
"5. The guy who says, "I want to see how you dance first" "
Not really understanding this. But, in "upscale" clubs where dancers have to wear cocktail dresses on the floor, it's hard to know who really has a nice figure without seeing them on stage.
The other points more or less make sense.
Well he is from the Republic of California
Regarding #5, same. I want to see if she looks interested in what she does on stage. Or get a couple lappers before a VIP.
Some of this sounds like SW braggadocio. Like guys brag about getting the full menu dirt cheap here.
I swear on my bowl of mutton vindaloo that I am not foreign
Do you have to pay extra for LDKing? Why?
Ones who aren't tipping at the stage. Who don't buy drinks. Who turn down a few other dancers. Who have money on the table or in hand and aren't spending it.
Worst types of customers...ones who think they're money entitles them to act demanding like they own a girl. These types deserve robs
1. The guy that as soon as you sit down gets a dirty perv look on his face and is like "What will you do back there?"
I go to strip clubs because I have to hide my "pervy face" everywhere else.
2. The guy who always comes on Sunday, "because cover is cheaper then than all the other days."
Money saved is more money to spend on the dancers.
3. The guys who are drinking soda ... it's because it costs like $3, and they don't want to spend more
I don't even want to spend $3 on an 8 oz glass of soda that doesn't have enough syrup. What am I supposed to drink if I don't drink alcohol? Should I order an iced coffee and call it a Moscow Mule because of what strip club lighting does to the color of coffee?
4. Anyone (who looks) under 25-30
Not me, but these guys probably don't have a lot of disposable income. In my early 20s when I was a young club goer, I was spending $500 a visit on just one girl, 9x $50 dances plus 1 dance as a tip. So this could bite you in the ass.
5. The guy who says, "I want to see how you dance first"
Only to the girls who have their stomach covered.
6. Anyone who sneaks up on me.
7. Anyone who grabs my arm and physically pulls me over.
Never. They come to me if they want my money; chasing girls for an opportunity to spend money will cost a whole lot more.
9. Guys that are grabby right off the bat.
Lots of girls seem to let you grope for free if it encourages a sale. I have to at least know if I'm going to get to touch or not during our dances.
10. Indian guys.
Technically racist but then again I reject Cuban girls so we'll call this a wash.
12. Guys who lay their money out on their table.
Well I make sure that every party involved knows how much I'm spending. I'm not going to allow you to run up a hidden tab and then have to turn you down because you think I'm going to spend like a whale on you.
13. Anyone with a creepy vibe ... and guys who are just sitting around not tipping.
Is this just a rehash of #1? What's a creepy vibe if it's not a pervy face? I don't tip because I spend on lap dances and because I don't sit at the rail.
Stinky people, sweaty people, dirty people (guys who just came from their job doing construction, etc), pajama pants.
I don’t like any stinky person but putting that aside, they do not respect boundaries. This is my personal experience. Even if a girl is going to give you a crazy amazing dance or blast you into outer space in VIP, you have to respect boundaries. They do not respect or ask or make an attempt to respect any boundary. They try everything, within like 10 seconds, like our butts have not even hit the seat of the dance booth and the guy tried to pull my clothes off in some way without permission or tried to grab me or is trying to put HIS WHOLE HAND in my butthole. Dance hasn’t even started yet. Or lick me everywhere, like my face, everywhere. And trying to pack as many attempts for total violation domination as possible into their one song. It is maybe hard to understand for the men, but once you cross a line or do something without me feeling comfortable there is no going back and if you are asked to not do something and then continue to try to do other uncomfortable things, back to back to back, while being asked please don’t do that, every time—and this is a consistent experience with Indian customers, well, that’s why I said #10.
First, numbers 8 and 11 are just crazy town. The stripper who posted that has never met a rick because our classy nature is defined by the stylin’ suits we wear.
Second, number 3 makes total sense. Who the fuck would drink soda in a strip club? Well, maybe drinking soda if you’re having a Jack and Coke, but who want the Coke ruining your Jack. Also, how the fuck do you function when your blood alcohol content falls?
Third, my rick heart goes out to you PSD, but I do have a question about the Indian guy that tried to put his whole hand in your butthole: was there lube on his hand? Now, this rick is not sure whether it is better or worse if his hand was covered in KY, but it is really necessary for the full picture.
Why do you reject Cuban girls? There aren’t any here, so I have no experience with them. What do they do that you dislike?
If you speak Spanish and treat them with respect they're very sincere and down to earth. They have a really cute way of flirting and teasing. It's like a combo of being coy and making fun of you then doing something real sexy. They're a lot of fun.
A lot of them are hoes and a lot of them will try to charge more for but that's just a hustle and a way to guarantee a tip on top of dances. Tell them you know the price and that's it.
Some of the hoes can be very direct like they'll show you a condom. But some are the opposite. Like I remember asking one for a dance and she was like I cant give dances I'm married ask my friend lmfao or one who said she'll fuck me if I give her a ride home.
I think the problem is a lack of cultural understanding for most guys
I guess this bitch thinks it’s fine to be racist about Indian guys. They just work and study and mostly succeed professionally and don’t have time to protest or play the victim all the time. Meanwhile she’s plays the woke BLM supporter with the “Hate has no home here” sign in front of her shitshack house.
That’s exactly how I feel. When I go to a club it’s usually for an extended time. Over the years many dancers have pressured me to drink but I refuse to risk my life, my credit, my career over a stupid DUI.
I’ll drink at home or a hotel bar when traveling. I can have a beer at home. I can’t see young hot women at home.
I was stopped leaving a club at closing. The cops were targeting customers leaving the club. The cop almost couldn’t believe it when I blew 0.0.
I told him I was only drinking water and Diet Coke but I guess he didn’t buy it
Can't a dancer tell if a customer is to pushy just from talking to him for a minute or two?
In my experience, the culture is pretty misogynistic. Women on the streets of Mumbai who show flesh get wolf whistled or even assaulted, and even women say she had it coming. Indian men develop a real Madonna/whore complex about women. A lot want to date and fuck non-Indian women then come back to their pure Desi princess when they've had their fun. So I see how they can get gropey and inappropriate with non-Indian (particularly white American) women.
I've only seen an Indian stripper once, maybe 18 years ago, in Niagara Falls. She didn't have an accent so I'm guessing she was pretty westernized.
Dating Indian girls has always been a trip. Indian dads have a lot of control over their daughters' lives, even after they move out, so a lot of Indian girls date non-Indian guys as a way of getting back at Daddy. That means they're crazy and rebellious. Unfortunately, that means most Indian girls with healthy attitudes towards men don't date non-Indian guys.
Best Latinas in or outside the club have to be Colombianas, though. In the club, they always deliver value with a smile. Outside the club, they're more conservative than most Latinas, but sweet as pie. Viva Colombia!
The girls are Cuban. They don't lie about it
But they do get like that. If there's an Indian girl around they feel entitled to her. But what gets to me is how mean spirited and vindictive they get when they're rejected. Some girls inknow were afraid.
One time I took a girl home and we were making out jn my car. An Indian guy from her building came out and stared at us then called her a shut when she got out of the car. Wrote slut all over her car. I walked her to her door but then she called saying he came and knocked on her door.